Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
        [('/', IndexHandler), ('/go_to_foursquare', AuthHandler),
         ('/authenticated', AuthHandler), ('/tile/.*', TileHandler),
         ('/map/.*', StaticMapHandler), ('/public/.*', PublicPageHandler),
         ('/information', InformationWriter),
         ('/static_map_html', StaticMapHtmlWriter),
         ('/user_is_ready/.*', UserReadyEndpoint),
         ('/map_is_done/', MapDoneEndpoint)],
    constants.provider = provider.DBProvider()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, user, lat_north, lng_west, range_lat, range_lng):
   userinfo = UserInfo.all().filter('user ='******'t do any more math if we don't have any venues
     cur_canvas = self.color_scheme.canvas
     self.tile_img = PNGCanvas(SIZE, SIZE, bgcolor=cur_canvas[len(cur_canvas) - 1][0]) #NOTE the last index should be safe here, but for users with negative level_max's, self.cache_levels was an empty list and thus this was erroring
Ejemplo n.º 3
import os
from os import environ
import constants
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.api import users
from models import UserInfo, UserVenue, MapImage
from gheatae import provider

if __name__ == '__main__':
    raw = environ['PATH_INFO']
    assert raw.count('/') == 2, "%d /'s" % raw.count('/')
    foo, bar, rest, = raw.split('/')

    if not constants.provider:
        constants.provider = provider.DBProvider()

    # if rest == 'all': # This is dangerous, so I'm commenting it out :)
    #   while(MapImage.all().count() > 0):
    #     mapimages = MapImage.all().fetch(500)
    #     db.delete(mapimages)
    #   while(UserVenue.all().count() > 0):
    #     uservenues = UserVenue.all().fetch(500)
    #     db.delete(uservenues)
    #   while(AuthToken.all().count() > 0):
    #     authtokens = AuthToken.all().fetch(500)
    #     db.delete(authtokens)
    #   while(UserInfo.all().count() > 0):
    #     userinfos = UserInfo.all().fetch(500)
    #     db.delete(userinfos)

    elif rest == 'user':
Ejemplo n.º 4
from gheatae import color_scheme, dot, tile, cache, provider
from gheatae.tile import Tile
from gheatae import consts
from os import environ
import logging
import time
import handler

log = logging.getLogger('tile')

tile.cache = cache.Cache()
tile.provider = provider.DBProvider()

class GetTile(handler.Handler):
    def get(self):
        log.info("Running GetTile:GET...")
        st = time.clock()
        path = environ['PATH_INFO']

        log.debug("Path:" + path)
        if path.endswith('.png'):
            raw = path[:-4]  # strip extension
                assert raw.count('/') == 6, "%d /'s" % raw.count('/')
                foo, bar, layer, zoom, xy, category, metro = raw.split('/')
                assert xy.count(',') == 1, "%d /'s" % xy.count(',')
                x, y = xy.split(',')
                assert zoom.isdigit() and x.isdigit() and y.isdigit(
                ) and category.isdigit() and metro.isdigit(), "not digits"
                zoom = int(zoom)