Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _inspect_system_branch(self, repo, imagebranch):
        commit_rev = repo.resolve_rev(imagebranch, False)[1]
        commit = repo.load_commit(commit_rev)[1]

        branch_id = imagebranch.replace(OSTREE_OCIIMAGE_PREFIX, "")
        tag = ":".join(branch_id.rsplit('-', 1))
        timestamp = OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)
        labels = {}

        manifest = self._image_manifest(repo, commit_rev)
        if len(branch_id) == 64:
            image_id = branch_id
            tag = "<none>"
            image_id = commit_rev

        if manifest:
            manifest = json.loads(manifest)
            if 'Labels' in manifest:
                labels = manifest['Labels']

            if 'Digest' in manifest:
                image_id = manifest['Digest'].replace("sha256:", "")

        if self.user:
            image_type = "user"
            image_type = "system"

        return {'Id' : image_id, 'ImageId' : image_id, 'RepoTags' : [tag], 'Names' : [], 'Created': timestamp,
                'ImageType' : image_type, 'Labels' : labels, 'OSTree-rev' : commit_rev}
    def create_disks(self):
        [res,rev] = self.repo.resolve_rev(self.ref, False)
        [res,commit] = self.repo.load_variant(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, rev)

        commitdate = GLib.DateTime.new_from_unix_utc(OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)).format("%c")
        print commitdate
        # XXX - Define this somewhere?
        imageoutputdir=os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'images')

        imagedir = os.path.join(imageoutputdir, rev[:8])
        if not os.path.exists(imagedir):

        imagestmpdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'images')
        if not os.path.exists(imagestmpdir):

        generated = []

        imgtargetcloud=os.path.join(imagestmpdir, self._name, '%s.qcow2' % self.os_name)
        self.create_cloud_image(self.workdir, imgtargetcloud, self._kickstart)

        for f in generated:
            destpath = os.path.join(imagedir, os.path.basename(f))
            print "Created: " + destpath
            shutil.move(f, destpath)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def get_system_image(rev):
            commit_rev = repo.resolve_rev(rev, False)[1]
            commit = repo.load_commit(commit_rev)[1]

            tag = ":".join(rev.replace("ociimage/", "").rsplit('-', 1))
            timestamp = OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)
            return {'Id' : commit_rev, 'RepoTags' : [tag], 'Names' : [], 'Created': timestamp }
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def create_disks(self):
        [res, rev] = self.repo.resolve_rev(self.ref, False)
        [res, commit] = self.repo.load_variant(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, rev)

        commitdate = GLib.DateTime.new_from_unix_utc(
        print commitdate
        # XXX - Define this somewhere?
        imageoutputdir = os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'images')

        imagedir = os.path.join(imageoutputdir, rev[:8])
        if not os.path.exists(imagedir):

        imagestmpdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'images')

        generated = []

        imgtargetinstaller = os.path.join(imagestmpdir, 'install',
                                          '%s-installer.iso' % self.os_name)
        self.create_installer_image(self.workdir, imgtargetinstaller)

        for f in generated:
            destpath = os.path.join(imagedir, os.path.basename(f))
            print "Created: " + destpath
            shutil.move(f, destpath)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def create(self, outputdir, post=None):
        [res,rev] = self.repo.resolve_rev(self.ref, False)
        [res,commit] = self.repo.load_variant(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, rev)

        commitdate = GLib.DateTime.new_from_unix_utc(OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)).format("%c")
        print commitdate

        lorax_opts = []
        if self.local_overrides:
            lorax_opts.extend([ '-s', self.local_overrides ])
        if self.lorax_additional_repos:
            for repourl in self.lorax_additional_repos.split(','):
                lorax_opts.extend(['-s', repourl.strip()])
        http_proxy = os.environ.get('http_proxy')
        if http_proxy:
            lorax_opts.extend([ '--proxy', http_proxy ])

        template_src = self.pkgdatadir + '/lorax-embed-repo.tmpl'
        template_dest = self.workdir + '/lorax-embed-repo.tmpl'
        shutil.copy(template_src, template_dest)

        if post is not None:
            # Yeah, this is pretty awful.
            post_str = '%r' % ('%post --erroronfail\n' + open(post).read() + '\n%end\n', )
            with open(template_dest, 'a') as f:
                f.write('\nappend usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks %s\n' % (post_str, ))

        lorax_workdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'lorax')
        run_sync(['lorax', '--nomacboot',
                  '--add-template=%s' % template_dest,
                  '--add-template-var=ostree_osname=%s' % self.os_name,
                  '--add-template-var=ostree_repo=%s' % self.ostree_repo,
                  '--add-template-var=ostree_ref=%s' % self.ref,
                  '-p', self.os_pretty_name, '-v', self.release,
                  '-r', self.release, '-s', self.yum_baseurl,
                  '-e', 'systemd-container',
                  ] + lorax_opts + ['output'],
        # We injected data into boot.iso, so it's now installer.iso
        lorax_output = lorax_workdir + '/output'
        lorax_images = lorax_output + '/images'
        os.rename(lorax_images + '/boot.iso', lorax_images + '/installer.iso')

        treeinfo = lorax_output + '/.treeinfo'
        treeinfo_tmp = treeinfo + '.tmp'
        with open(treeinfo) as treein:
            with open(treeinfo_tmp, 'w') as treeout:
                for line in treein:
                    if line.startswith('boot.iso'):
                        treeout.write(line.replace('boot.iso', 'installer.iso'))
        os.rename(treeinfo_tmp, treeinfo)

        for p in os.listdir(lorax_output):
            print "Generated: " + p
            shutil.move(os.path.join(lorax_output, p),
                        os.path.join(outputdir, p))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def create_disks(self, outputdir):
        [res,rev] = self.repo.resolve_rev(self.ref, False)
        [res,commit] = self.repo.load_variant(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, rev)

        commitdate = GLib.DateTime.new_from_unix_utc(OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)).format("%c")
        print commitdate

        imagestmpdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'images')

        generated = []

        imgtargetinstaller=os.path.join(imagestmpdir, 'install', '%s-installer.iso' % self.os_name)
        self.create_installer_image(self.workdir, imgtargetinstaller)

        for f in generated:
            destpath = os.path.join(outputdir, os.path.basename(f))
            print "Created: " + destpath
            shutil.move(f, destpath)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _inspect_system_branch(self, repo, imagebranch):
        commit_rev = repo.resolve_rev(imagebranch, False)[1]
        commit = repo.load_commit(commit_rev)[1]

        branch_id = SystemContainers._decode_from_ostree_ref(imagebranch.replace(OSTREE_OCIIMAGE_PREFIX, ""))
        tag = ":".join(branch_id.rsplit(":", 1))
        timestamp = OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)
        labels = {}

        manifest = self._image_manifest(repo, commit_rev)
        if len(branch_id) == 64:
            image_id = branch_id
            tag = "<none>"
            image_id = commit_rev

        if manifest:
            manifest = json.loads(manifest)
            if "Labels" in manifest:
                labels = manifest["Labels"]

            if "Digest" in manifest:
                image_id = manifest["Digest"].replace("sha256:", "")

        if self.user:
            image_type = "user"
            image_type = "system"

        return {
            "Id": image_id,
            "ImageId": image_id,
            "RepoTags": [tag],
            "Names": [],
            "Created": timestamp,
            "ImageType": image_type,
            "Labels": labels,
            "OSTree-rev": commit_rev,
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _inspect_system_branch(self, repo, imagebranch):
        commit_rev = repo.resolve_rev(imagebranch, False)[1]
        commit = repo.load_commit(commit_rev)[1]

        branch_id = imagebranch.replace(OSTREE_OCIIMAGE_PREFIX, "")
        tag = ":".join(branch_id.rsplit('-', 1))
        timestamp = OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)
        labels = {}

        manifest = self._image_manifest(repo, commit_rev)
        if len(branch_id) == 64:
            image_id = branch_id
            tag = "<none>"
            image_id = commit_rev

        if manifest:
            manifest = json.loads(manifest)
            if 'Labels' in manifest:
                labels = manifest['Labels']

            if 'Digest' in manifest:
                image_id = manifest['Digest'].replace("sha256:", "")

        if self.user:
            image_type = "User"
            image_type = "System"

        return {
            'Id': image_id,
            'RepoTags': [tag],
            'Names': [],
            'Created': timestamp,
            'ImageType': image_type,
            'Labels': labels,
            'OSTree-rev': commit_rev
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _inspect_system_branch(self, repo, imagebranch):
        if imagebranch.startswith(OSTREE_OCIIMAGE_PREFIX):
            commit_rev = repo.resolve_rev(imagebranch, False)[1]
            _, commit_rev = self._resolve_image(repo, imagebranch)
            if commit_rev is None:
                raise ValueError("Image %s not found" % imagebranch)
        commit = repo.load_commit(commit_rev)[1]

        branch_id = SystemContainers._decode_from_ostree_ref(imagebranch.replace(OSTREE_OCIIMAGE_PREFIX, ""))
        tag = ":".join(branch_id.rsplit(':', 1))
        timestamp = OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)
        labels = {}

        manifest = self._image_manifest(repo, commit_rev)
        if len(branch_id) == 64:
            image_id = branch_id
            tag = "<none>"
            image_id = commit_rev

        if manifest:
            manifest = json.loads(manifest)
            if 'Labels' in manifest:
                labels = manifest['Labels']

            if 'Digest' in manifest:
                image_id = manifest['Digest'].replace("sha256:", "")

        if self.user:
            image_type = "user"
            image_type = "system"

        return {'Id' : image_id, 'Version' : tag, 'ImageId' : image_id, 'RepoTags' : [tag], 'Names' : [],
                'Created': timestamp, 'ImageType' : image_type, 'Labels' : labels, 'OSTree-rev' : commit_rev}
    def create(self, outputdir, name, ksfile, tdl, imageouttypes):
        self._name = name
        self._tdl = tdl
        self._kickstart = ksfile
        imgfunc = ImageFunctions()

        [res, rev] = self.repo.resolve_rev(self.ref, False)
        [res, commit] = self.repo.load_variant(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, rev)

        commitdate = GLib.DateTime.new_from_unix_utc(OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)).format("%c")
        print commitdate

        port_file_path = self.workdir + '/repo-port'

        # Start trivial-httpd

        trivhttp = TrivialHTTP()
        httpd_port = str(trivhttp.http_port)
        print "trivial httpd port=%s, pid=%s" % (httpd_port, trivhttp.http_pid)

        ks_basename = os.path.basename(ksfile)
        flattened_ks = os.path.join(self.workdir, ks_basename)

        # FIXME - eventually stop hardcoding this via some mapping
        if ks_basename.find('fedora') >= 0:
            kickstart_version = 'F21'
            kickstart_version = 'RHEL7'
        run_sync(['ksflatten', '--version', kickstart_version,
                  '-c', ksfile, '-o', flattened_ks])

        # TODO: Pull kickstart from separate git repo
        ksdata = open(flattened_ks).read()
        substitutions = { 'OSTREE_PORT': httpd_port,
                          'OSTREE_REF':  self.ref,
                          'OSTREE_OSNAME':  self.os_name}
        if '@OSTREE_HOST_IP@' in ksdata:
            host_ip = getDefaultIP(hostnet=self.virtnetwork)
            substitutions['OSTREE_HOST_IP'] = host_ip

        for subname, subval in substitutions.iteritems():
            print subname, subval
            ksdata = ksdata.replace('@%s@' % (subname, ), subval)

        parameters =  { "install_script": ksdata,
                        "generate_icicle": False,
                        "oz_overrides": json.dumps(imgfunc.ozoverrides)
        print "Starting build"
        image = self.builder.build(template=open(self._tdl).read(), parameters=parameters)

        # For debug, you can comment out the above and enable the code below
        # to skip the initial image creation.  Just point myuuid at the proper
        # image uuid

        # self.builder.download()
        # myuuid = "fd301dce-fba3-421d-a2e8-182cf2cefaf8"
        # pim = PersistentImageManager.default_manager()
        # image = pim.image_with_id(myuuid)

        imageoutputdir = os.path.join(outputdir, "images")
        if not os.path.exists(imageoutputdir):

        # Copy the qcow2 file to the outputdir
        outputname = os.path.join(imageoutputdir, '%s.qcow2' % (self.os_nr))
        shutil.copyfile(image.data, outputname)
        print "Created: {0}".format(outputname)

        if 'raw' in imageouttypes:
            print "Processing image from qcow2 to raw"
            print image.data
            outputname = os.path.join(imageoutputdir, '%s.raw' % (self.os_nr))
            print outputname

            qemucmd = ['qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'qcow2', '-O', 'raw', image.data, outputname]
            print "Created: {0}".format(outputname)

        for imagetype in imageouttypes:
            if imagetype in ['vsphere', 'rhevm']:

                # Imgfac will ensure proper qemu type is used
                print "Creating {0} image".format(imagetype)
                target_image = self.builder.buildimagetype(imagetype, image.identifier)
                infile = target_image.data
                outfile = os.path.join(imageoutputdir, '%s-%s.ova' % (self._name, imagetype))
                shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile)
                print "Created: {0}".format(outfile)

Ejemplo n.º 11
def copy_commit(repo, src_rev, dest_ref):
    """Copy commit src_rev to dest_ref

    This makes the new commit at dest_ref have the proper collection
    binding for this repo. The caller is expected to manage the
    ostree transaction.

    This is like "flatpak build-commit-from", but we need more
    control over the transaction.
    logging.info('Copying commit %s to %s', src_rev, dest_ref)

    _, src_root, _ = repo.read_commit(src_rev)
    _, src_variant, src_state = repo.load_commit(src_rev)

    # Only copy normal commits
    if src_state != 0:
        raise Exception('Cannot copy irregular commit {}'.format(src_rev))

    # If the dest ref exists, use the current commit as the new
    # commit's parent
    _, dest_parent = repo.resolve_rev_ext(
    if dest_parent is not None:
        logging.info('Using %s as new commit parent', dest_parent)

    # Make a copy of the commit metadata to update. Like flatpak
    # build-commit-from, the detached metadata is not copied since
    # the only known usage is for GPG signatures, which would become
    # invalid.
    commit_metadata = GLib.VariantDict.new(src_variant.get_child_value(0))

    # Set the collection binding if the repo has a collection ID,
    # otherwise remove it
    collection_id = get_collection_id(repo)
    if collection_id is not None:
                                     GLib.Variant('s', collection_id))

    # Include the destination ref in the ref bindings
    ref_bindings = commit_metadata.lookup_value(
        OSTree.COMMIT_META_KEY_REF_BINDING, GLib.VariantType('as'))
    if ref_bindings is None:
        ref_bindings = []
    ref_bindings = set(ref_bindings)
                                 GLib.Variant('as', sorted(ref_bindings)))

    # Add flatpak specific metadata. xa.ref is deprecated, but some
    # flatpak clients might expect it. xa.from_commit will be used
    # by the app verifier to make sure the commit it sent actually
    # got there
    commit_metadata.insert_value('xa.ref', GLib.Variant('s', dest_ref))
    commit_metadata.insert_value('xa.from_commit', GLib.Variant('s', src_rev))

    # Convert from GVariantDict to GVariant vardict
    commit_metadata = commit_metadata.end()

    # Copy other commit data from source commit
    commit_subject = src_variant[COMMIT_SUBJECT_INDEX]
    commit_body = src_variant[COMMIT_BODY_INDEX]
    commit_time = OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(src_variant)

    # Make the new commit assuming the caller started a transaction
    mtree = OSTree.MutableTree.new()
    repo.write_directory_to_mtree(src_root, mtree, None)
    _, dest_root = repo.write_mtree(mtree)
    _, dest_checksum = repo.write_commit_with_time(dest_parent, commit_subject,
                                                   commit_metadata, dest_root,
    logging.info('Created new commit %s', dest_checksum)

    return dest_checksum
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def create(self, outputdir, name, ksfile, tdl, imageouttypes):
        self._name = name
        self._tdl = tdl
        self._kickstart = ksfile 

        [res, rev] = self.repo.resolve_rev(self.ref, False)
        [res, commit] = self.repo.load_variant(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, rev)

        commitdate = GLib.DateTime.new_from_unix_utc(OSTree.commit_get_timestamp(commit)).format("%c")
        print commitdate

        target = os.path.join(outputdir, '%s.raw' % (self._name))

        port_file_path = self.workdir + '/repo-port'
                               'trivial-httpd', '--autoexit', '--daemonize',
                               '--port-file', port_file_path],

        httpd_port = open(port_file_path).read().strip()
        print "trivial httpd port=%s" % (httpd_port, )

        ks_basename = os.path.basename(ksfile)
        flattened_ks = os.path.join(self.workdir, ks_basename)

        # FIXME - eventually stop hardcoding this via some mapping
        if ks_basename.find('fedora') >= 0:
            kickstart_version = 'F21'
            kickstart_version = 'RHEL7'
        run_sync(['ksflatten', '--version', kickstart_version,
                  '-c', ksfile, '-o', flattened_ks])

        # TODO: Pull kickstart from separate git repo
        ksdata = open(flattened_ks).read()
        substitutions = { 'OSTREE_PORT': httpd_port,
                          'OSTREE_REF':  self.ref,
                          'OSTREE_OSNAME':  self.os_name }
        for subname, subval in substitutions.iteritems():
            ksdata = ksdata.replace('@%s@' % (subname, ), subval)

        parameters =  { "install_script": ksdata,
                        "generate_icicle": False,
        defaultimagetype = checkoz()
        print "Starting build"
        image = self.builder.build(template=open(self._tdl).read(), parameters=parameters)

        # For debug, you can comment out the above and enable the code below
        # to skip the initial image creation.  Just point myuuid at the proper
        # image uuid

        # self.builder.download()
        # myuuid = "32a2d0b8-da84-415c-aec6-90bb5a7f8e8b"
        # pim = PersistentImageManager.default_manager()
        # image = pim.image_with_id(myuuid)

        # This should probably be broken out to a sep. function

        if defaultimagetype == "raw": 

            # Always create a qcow2

            print "Processing image from raw to qcow2"
            print image.data
            outputname = os.path.join(outputdir, '%s.qcow2' % (self._name))
            print outputname

            qemucmd = ['qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'raw', '-O', 'qcow2', image.data, outputname]

        if 'kvm' in imageouttypes:
            print "Processing image from qcow2 to raw"
            print image.data
            outputname = os.path.join(outputdir, '%s.raw' % (self._name))
            print outputname 

            # We use compat=0.10 to ensure we run on RHEL6 era QEMU
            qemucmd = ['qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'raw', '-O', 'qcow2', '-o', 'compat=0.10', image.data, outputname]

        shutil.copyfile(image.data, target)
        print "Created: " + target

        for imagetype in imageouttypes:
            print "Creating {0} image".format(imagetype)
            target_image = self.builder.buildimagetype(imagetype, image.identifier)
            infile = target_image.data
            outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, '%s-%s.ova' % (self._name, imagetype))
            shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile)