Ejemplo n.º 1
def _setup_pipes(task_inputs, inputs, task_outputs, outputs, tempdir):
    Returns a 2 tuple of input and output pipe mappings. The first element is
    a dict mapping input file descriptors to the corresponding stream adapters,
    the second is a dict mapping output file descriptors to the corresponding
    stream adapters. This also handles the special cases of STDIN, STDOUT, and
    STDERR mappings, and in the case of non-streaming standard IO pipes, will
    create default bindings for those as well.
    ipipes = {}
    opipes = {}

    def make_pipe(id, spec, bindings):
        Helper to make a pipe conditionally for valid streaming IO specs. If the
        given spec is not a streaming spec, returns False. If it is, returns the
        path to the pipe file that was created.
        if (spec.get('stream') and id in bindings and
                spec.get('target') == 'filepath'):
            path = spec.get('path', id)
            if path.startswith('/'):
                raise Exception('Streaming filepaths must be relative.')
            path = os.path.join(tempdir, path)
            return path
        return False

    # handle stream inputs
    for id, spec in task_inputs.iteritems():
        pipe = make_pipe(id, spec, inputs)
        if pipe:
            # Don't open from this side, must be opened for reading first!
            ipipes[pipe] = make_stream_fetch_adapter(inputs[id])

    # handle stream outputs
    for id, spec in task_outputs.iteritems():
        pipe = make_pipe(id, spec, outputs)
        if pipe:
            opipes[os.open(pipe, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)] = \

    # special handling for stdin, stdout, and stderr pipes
    if '_stdin' in task_inputs and '_stdin' in inputs:
        if task_inputs['_stdin'].get('stream'):
            ipipes['_stdin'] = make_stream_fetch_adapter(inputs['_stdin'])
            ipipes['_stdin'] = utils.MemoryFetchAdapter(
                inputs[id], inputs[id]['data'])

    for id in ('_stdout', '_stderr'):
        if id in task_outputs and id in outputs:
            if task_outputs[id].get('stream'):
                opipes[id] = make_stream_push_adapter(outputs[id])
                opipes[id] = utils.AccumulateDictAdapter(
                    outputs[id], 'script_data')

    return ipipes, opipes
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def push_adapter(id):
        adapter = None
        if id in task_outputs and id in outputs:
            if task_outputs[id].get('stream'):
                adapter = make_stream_push_adapter(outputs[id])
                adapter = utils.AccumulateDictAdapter(outputs[id],

        return adapter
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _setup_streams(task_inputs, inputs, task_outputs, outputs, tempdir,
                   job_mgr, progress_pipe):
    Returns a 2 tuple of input and output pipe mappings. The first element is
    a dict mapping input file descriptors to the corresponding stream adapters,
    the second is a dict mapping output file descriptors to the corresponding
    stream adapters. This also handles the special cases of STDIN, STDOUT, and
    STDERR mappings, and in the case of non-streaming standard IO pipes, will
    create default bindings for those as well.
    stream_connectors = []

    def stream_pipe_path(id, spec, bindings):
        Helper to check for a  valid streaming IO specs. If the
        given spec is not a streaming spec, returns None. If it is, returns the
        if spec.get('stream') and id in bindings and spec.get(
                'target') == 'filepath':
            path = spec.get('path', id)
            if path.startswith('/'):
                raise Exception('Streaming filepaths must be relative.')
            path = os.path.join(tempdir, path)
            return path

        return None

    # handle stream inputs
    for id, spec in task_inputs.iteritems():

        path = stream_pipe_path(id, spec, inputs)
        # We have a streaming input
        if path is not None:
            writer = NamedPipeWriter(NamedPipe(path))
            connector = FDWriteStreamConnector(
                make_stream_fetch_adapter(inputs[id]), writer)
            # Don't open from this side, must be opened for reading first!

    # handle stream outputs
    for id, spec in task_outputs.iteritems():
        path = stream_pipe_path(id, spec, outputs)
        if path is not None:
            reader = NamedPipeReader(NamedPipe(path))
            connector = FDReadStreamConnector(
                reader, make_stream_push_adapter(outputs[id]))

    # handle special stream output for job progress
    if progress_pipe and job_mgr:
        progress_pipe = ProgressPipe(os.path.join(tempdir, '.girder_progress'))

    return stream_connectors
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testOutputStreams(self):
        output_spec = {"mode": "http", "method": "PUT", "url": "http://localhost:%d" % _socket_port}

        fd = os.open(_pipepath, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
        adapters = {fd: make_stream_push_adapter(output_spec)}
        cmd = [sys.executable, _oscript, _pipepath]

            with captureOutput() as stdpipes:
                run_process(cmd, adapters)
        except Exception:
            print("Stdout/stderr from exception: ")
        self.assertEqual(stdpipes, ["start\ndone\n", ""])
        self.assertEqual(len(_req_chunks), 1)
        self.assertEqual(_req_chunks[0], (9, "a message"))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def testOutputStreams(self):
        output_spec = {
            'mode': 'http',
            'method': 'PUT',
            'url': 'http://localhost:%d' % _socket_port

        fd = os.open(_pipepath, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
        adapters = {fd: make_stream_push_adapter(output_spec)}
        cmd = [sys.executable, _oscript, _pipepath]

            with captureOutput() as stdpipes:
                run_process(cmd, adapters)
        except Exception:
            print('Stdout/stderr from exception: ')
        self.assertEqual(stdpipes, ['start\ndone\n', ''])
        self.assertEqual(len(_req_chunks), 1)
        self.assertEqual(_req_chunks[0], (9, 'a message'))