Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _getFirstFileByHash(self, algo, hash, user=None):
        Return the first file that the user has access to given its hash and its
        associated hashsum algorithm name.

        :param algo: Algorithm the given hash is encoded with.
        :param hash: Hash of the file to find.
        :param user: User to test access against.
         Default (none) is the current user.
        :return: A file document.

        query = {algo: hash}
        fileModel = FileModel()
        cursor = fileModel.find(query)

        if not user:
            user = self.getCurrentUser()

        for file in cursor:
            if fileModel.hasAccess(file, user, AccessType.READ):
                return file

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _checkUploadSize(self, upload):
        Check if an upload will fit within a quota restriction.

        :param upload: an upload document.
        :returns: None if the upload is allowed, otherwise a dictionary of
                  information about the quota restriction.
        origSize = 0
        if 'fileId' in upload:
            file = File().load(id=upload['fileId'], force=True)
            origSize = int(file.get('size', 0))
            model, resource = self._getBaseResource('file', file)
            model, resource = self._getBaseResource(upload['parentType'],
        if resource is None:
            return None
        fileSizeQuota = self._getFileSizeQuota(model, resource)
        if not fileSizeQuota:
            return None
        newSize = resource['size'] + upload['size'] - origSize
        # always allow replacement with a smaller object
        if newSize <= fileSizeQuota or upload['size'] < origSize:
            return None
        left = fileSizeQuota - resource['size']
        if left < 0:
            left = 0
        return {
            'fileSizeQuota': fileSizeQuota,
            'sizeNeeded': upload['size'] - origSize,
            'quotaLeft': left,
            'quotaUsed': resource['size']
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _computeHash(file, progress=noProgress):
    Computes all supported checksums on a given file. Downloads the
    file data and stream-computes all required hashes on it, saving
    the results in the file document.

    In the case of assetstore impls that already compute the sha512,
    and when sha512 is the only supported algorithm, we will not download
    the file to the server.
    toCompute = SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS - set(file)
    toCompute = {alg: getattr(hashlib, alg)() for alg in toCompute}

    if not toCompute:

    fileModel = FileModel()
    with fileModel.open(file) as fh:
        while True:
            chunk = fh.read(_CHUNK_LEN)
            if not chunk:
            for digest in six.viewvalues(toCompute):

    digests = {
        alg: digest.hexdigest()
        for alg, digest in six.viewitems(toCompute)
    fileModel.update({'_id': file['_id']},
                     update={'$set': digests},

    return digests
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def importFile(self, item, path, user, name=None, mimeType=None, **kwargs):
        Import a single file from the filesystem into the assetstore.

        :param item: The parent item for the file.
        :type item: dict
        :param path: The path on the local filesystem.
        :type path: str
        :param user: The user to list as the creator of the file.
        :type user: dict
        :param name: Name for the file. Defaults to the basename of ``path``.
        :type name: str
        :param mimeType: MIME type of the file if known.
        :type mimeType: str
        :returns: The file document that was created.
        logger.debug('Importing file %s to item %s on filesystem assetstore %s',
                     path, item['_id'], self.assetstore['_id'])
        stat = os.stat(path)
        name = name or os.path.basename(path)

        file = File().createFile(
            name=name, creator=user, item=item, reuseExisting=True, assetstore=self.assetstore,
            mimeType=mimeType, size=stat.st_size, saveFile=False)
        file['path'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
        file['mtime'] = stat.st_mtime
        file['imported'] = True
        file = File().save(file)
        logger.debug('Imported file %s to item %s on filesystem assetstore %s',
                     path, item['_id'], self.assetstore['_id'])
        return file
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def remove(self, item, **kwargs):
        Delete an item, and all references to it in the database.

        :param item: The item document to delete.
        :type item: dict
        from girderformindlogger.models.file import File
        from girderformindlogger.models.upload import Upload

        # Delete all files in this item
        fileModel = File()
        files = fileModel.find({'itemId': item['_id']})
        for file in files:
            fileKwargs = kwargs.copy()
            fileKwargs.pop('updateItemSize', None)
            fileModel.remove(file, updateItemSize=False, **fileKwargs)

        # Delete pending uploads into this item
        uploadModel = Upload()
        uploads = uploadModel.find({
            'parentId': item['_id'],
            'parentType': 'item'
        for upload in uploads:
            uploadModel.remove(upload, **kwargs)

        # Delete the item itself
        Model.remove(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _onDownloadFileRequest(event):
    if event.info['startByte'] == 0:
        File().increment(query={'_id': event.info['file']['_id']},
    File().increment(query={'_id': event.info['file']['_id']},
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def moveFileToAssetstore(self,
        Move a file from whatever assetstore it is located in to a different
        assetstore.  This is done by downloading and re-uploading the file.

        :param file: the file to move.
        :param user: the user that is authorizing the move.
        :param assetstore: the destination assetstore.
        :param progress: optional progress context.
        :returns: the original file if it is not moved, or the newly 'uploaded'
            file if it is.
        from girderformindlogger.models.file import File

        if file['assetstoreId'] == assetstore['_id']:
            return file
        # Allow an event to cancel the move.  This could be done, for instance,
        # on files that could change dynamically.
        event = events.trigger('model.upload.movefile', {
            'file': file,
            'assetstore': assetstore
        if event.defaultPrevented:
            raise GirderException(
                'The file %s could not be moved to assetstore %s' %
                (file['_id'], assetstore['_id']))
        # Create a new upload record into the existing file
        upload = self.createUploadToFile(file=file,
        if file['size'] == 0:
            return File().filter(self.finalizeUpload(upload), user)
        # Uploads need to be chunked for some assetstores
        chunkSize = self._getChunkSize()
        chunk = None
        for data in File().download(file, headers=False)():
            if chunk is not None:
                chunk += data
                chunk = data
            if len(chunk) >= chunkSize:
                upload = self.handleChunk(
                    upload, RequestBodyStream(six.BytesIO(chunk), len(chunk)))
                chunk = None

        if chunk is not None:
            upload = self.handleChunk(
                upload, RequestBodyStream(six.BytesIO(chunk), len(chunk)))

        return upload
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def getByHash(self, algo, hash):

        model = FileModel()
        user = self.getCurrentUser()
        cursor = model.find({algo: hash})
        return [
            file for file in cursor
            if model.hasAccess(file, user, AccessType.READ)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def copyItem(self,
        Copy an item, including duplicating files and metadata.

        :param srcItem: the item to copy.
        :type srcItem: dict
        :param creator: the user who will own the copied item.
        :param name: The name of the new item.  None to copy the original name.
        :type name: str
        :param folder: The parent folder of the new item.  None to store in the
                same folder as the original item.
        :param description: Description for the new item.  None to copy the
                original description.
        :type description: str
        :returns: the new item.
        from girderformindlogger.models.file import File
        from girderformindlogger.models.folder import Folder

        if name is None:
            name = srcItem['name']
        if folder is None:
            folder = Folder().load(srcItem['folderId'], force=True)
        if description is None:
            description = srcItem['description']
        newItem = self.createItem(folder=folder,
        # copy metadata and other extension values
        newItem['meta'] = copy.deepcopy(srcItem['meta'])
        filteredItem = self.filter(newItem, creator)
        for key in srcItem:
            if key not in filteredItem and key not in newItem:
                newItem[key] = copy.deepcopy(srcItem[key])
        # add a reference to the original item
        newItem['copyOfItem'] = srcItem['_id']
        newItem = self.save(newItem, triggerEvents=False)

        # Give listeners a chance to change things
        events.trigger('model.item.copy.prepare', (srcItem, newItem))
        # copy files
        fileModel = File()
        for file in self.childFiles(item=srcItem):
            fileModel.copyFile(file, creator=creator, item=newItem)

        # Reload to get updated size value
        newItem = self.load(newItem['_id'], force=True)
        events.trigger('model.item.copy.after', newItem)
        return newItem
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, file):
        Create a file-like object representing a file blob stored in girderformindlogger.

        :param file: The file object being opened.
        :type file: dict
        super(_FileHandle, self).__init__()

        self.file = file
        self._handle = File().open(file)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def removeThumbnails(event):
    When a resource containing thumbnails is about to be deleted, we delete
    all of the thumbnails that are attached to it.
    thumbs = event.info.get('_thumbnails', ())
    fileModel = File()

    for fileId in thumbs:
        file = fileModel.load(fileId, force=True)
        if file:
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def remove(self, assetstore, **kwargs):
        Delete an assetstore. If there are any files within this assetstore,
        a validation exception is raised.

        :param assetstore: The assetstore document to delete.
        :type assetstore: dict
        from girderformindlogger.models.file import File

        files = File().findOne({'assetstoreId': assetstore['_id']})
        if files is not None:
            raise ValidationException(
                'You may not delete an assetstore that contains files.')
        # delete partial uploads before we delete the store.
        adapter = assetstore_utilities.getAssetstoreAdapter(assetstore)
            adapter.untrackedUploads([], delete=True)
        except ValidationException:
            # this assetstore is currently unreachable, so skip this step
        # now remove the assetstore
        Model.remove(self, assetstore)
        # If after removal there is no current assetstore, then pick a
        # different assetstore to be the current one.
        current = self.findOne({'current': True})
        if current is None:
            first = self.findOne(sort=[('created', SortDir.DESCENDING)])
            if first is not None:
                first['current'] = True
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def open(self, path, flags):
        Open a path and return a descriptor.

        :param path: path within the fuse.
        :param flags: a combination of O_* flags.  This will fail if it is not
            read only.
        :returns: a file descriptor.
        resource = self._getPath(path)
        if resource['model'] != 'file':
            return super(ServerFuse, self).open(path, flags)
        if flags & (os.O_APPEND | os.O_ASYNC | os.O_CREAT | os.O_DIRECTORY
                    | os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY):
            raise fuse.FuseOSError(errno.EROFS)
        info = {
            'path': path,
            'handle': File().open(resource['document']),
            'lock': threading.Lock(),
        with self.openFilesLock:
            fh = self.nextFH
            self.nextFH += 1
            self.openFiles[fh] = info
        return fh
    def testManualComputeHashes(self):
        Setting().set(hashsum_download.PluginSettings.AUTO_COMPUTE, False)
        old = hashsum_download.SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS
        hashsum_download.SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS = {'sha512', 'sha256'}

        self.assertNotIn('sha256', self.privateFile)

        expected = hashlib.sha256()

        # Running the compute endpoint should only compute the missing ones
        resp = self.request(
            '/file/%s/hashsum' % self.privateFile['_id'], method='POST', user=self.user)
        self.assertEqual(resp.json, {
            'sha256': expected.hexdigest()

        # Running again should be a no-op
        resp = self.request(
            '/file/%s/hashsum' % self.privateFile['_id'], method='POST', user=self.user)
        self.assertEqual(resp.json, None)

        file = File().load(self.privateFile['_id'], force=True)
        self.assertEqual(file['sha256'], expected.hexdigest())

        hashsum_download.SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS = old
    def testAutoComputeHashes(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationException):
            Setting().set(hashsum_download.PluginSettings.AUTO_COMPUTE, 'bad')

        old = hashsum_download.SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS
        hashsum_download.SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS = {'sha512', 'sha256'}
        Setting().set(hashsum_download.PluginSettings.AUTO_COMPUTE, True)

        file = Upload().uploadFromFile(
            obj=six.BytesIO(self.userData), size=len(self.userData), name='Another file',
            parentType='folder', parent=self.privateFolder, user=self.user)

        start = time.time()
        while time.time() < start + 15:
            file = File().load(file['_id'], force=True)
            if 'sha256' in file:

        expected = hashlib.sha256()
        self.assertIn('sha256', file)
        self.assertEqual(file['sha256'], expected.hexdigest())

        expected = hashlib.sha512()
        self.assertIn('sha512', file)
        self.assertEqual(file['sha512'], expected.hexdigest())

        hashsum_download.SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS = old
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def load(self, info):
        # Bind REST events
        events.bind('model.file.download.request', 'download_statistics',
        events.bind('model.file.download.complete', 'download_statistics',

        # Add download count fields to file model
        File().exposeFields(level=AccessType.READ, fields='downloadStatistics')
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def findInvalidFiles(self, progress=progress.noProgress, filters=None,
                         checkSize=True, **kwargs):
        Goes through every file in this assetstore and finds those whose
        underlying data is missing or invalid. This is a generator function --
        for each invalid file found, a dictionary is yielded to the caller that
        contains the file, its absolute path on disk, and a reason for invalid,
        e.g. "missing" or "size".

        :param progress: Pass a progress context to record progress.
        :type progress: :py:class:`girderformindlogger.utility.progress.ProgressContext`
        :param filters: Additional query dictionary to restrict the search for
            files. There is no need to set the ``assetstoreId`` in the filters,
            since that is done automatically.
        :type filters: dict or None
        :param checkSize: Whether to make sure the size of the underlying
            data matches the size of the file.
        :type checkSize: bool
        filters = filters or {}
        q = dict({
            'assetstoreId': self.assetstore['_id']
        }, **filters)

        cursor = File().find(q)
        progress.update(total=cursor.count(), current=0)

        for file in cursor:
            progress.update(increment=1, message=file['name'])
            path = self.fullPath(file)

            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                yield {
                    'reason': 'missing',
                    'file': file,
                    'path': path
            elif checkSize and os.path.getsize(path) != file['size']:
                yield {
                    'reason': 'size',
                    'file': file,
                    'path': path
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _pruneOrphans(self, progress):
     count = 0
     models = [File(), Folder(), Item()]
     steps = sum(model.find().count() for model in models)
     progress.update(total=steps, current=0)
     for model in models:
         for doc in model.find():
             if model.isOrphan(doc):
                 count += 1
     return count
Ejemplo n.º 19
class _FileHandle(paramiko.SFTPHandle):
    def __init__(self, file):
        Create a file-like object representing a file blob stored in girderformindlogger.

        :param file: The file object being opened.
        :type file: dict
        super(_FileHandle, self).__init__()

        self.file = file
        self._handle = File().open(file)

    def read(self, offset, length):
        if length > MAX_BUF_LEN:
            raise IOError(
                'Requested chunk length (%d) is larger than the maximum allowed.' % length)

        if offset != self._handle.tell() and offset < self.file['size']:

        return self._handle.read(length)

    def stat(self):
        return _stat(self.file, 'file')

    def close(self):
        return paramiko.SFTP_OK
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def updateSize(self, doc):
        Recomputes the size of this item and its underlying
        files and fixes the sizes as needed.

        :param doc: The item.
        :type doc: dict
        from girderformindlogger.models.file import File
        # get correct size from child files
        size = 0
        fixes = 0
        fileModel = File()
        for file in self.childFiles(doc):
            s, f = fileModel.updateSize(file)
            size += s
            fixes += f
        # fix value if incorrect
        if size != doc.get('size'):
            self.update({'_id': doc['_id']}, update={'$set': {'size': size}})
            fixes += 1
        return size, fixes
 def deleteFile(self, file):
     Delete all of the chunks in the collection that correspond to the
     given file.
     q = {
         'chunkUuid': file['chunkUuid'],
         'assetstoreId': self.assetstore['_id']
     matching = File().find(q, limit=2, projection=[])
     if matching.count(True) == 1:
         # If we can't reach the database, we return anyway.  A system check
         # will be necessary to remove the abandoned file.  Since we already
         # can handle that case, tell Mongo to use a 0 write concern -- we
         # don't need to know that the chunks have been deleted, and this
         # can be faster.
                     {'uuid': file['chunkUuid']})
         except pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect:
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def childFiles(self, item, limit=0, offset=0, sort=None, **kwargs):
        Returns child files of the item.  Passes any kwargs to the find

        :param item: The parent item.
        :param limit: Result limit.
        :param offset: Result offset.
        :param sort: The sort structure to pass to pymongo.
        from girderformindlogger.models.file import File
        q = {'itemId': item['_id']}

        return File().find(q, limit=limit, offset=offset, sort=sort, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def _validateLogo(doc):
        logoFile = File().load(doc['value'],
    except ValidationException as e:
        # Invalid ObjectId, or non-existent document
        raise ValidationException(str(e), 'value')
    except AccessException:
        raise ValidationException('Logo must be publicly readable', 'value')

    # Store this field natively as an ObjectId
    doc['value'] = logoFile['_id']
Ejemplo n.º 24
def _parseFile(f):
        # download file and try to parse dicom
        with File().open(f) as fp:
            dataset = pydicom.dcmread(
                # don't read huge fields, esp. if this isn't even really dicom
                # don't read image data, just metadata
            return _coerceMetadata(dataset)
    except pydicom.errors.InvalidDicomError:
        # if this error occurs, probably not a dicom file
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def deleteFile(self, file):
        Deletes the file from disk if it is the only File in this assetstore
        with the given sha512. Imported files are not actually deleted.
        from girderformindlogger.models.file import File

        if file.get('imported') or 'path' not in file:

        q = {
            'sha512': file['sha512'],
            'assetstoreId': self.assetstore['_id']
        path = os.path.join(self.assetstore['root'], file['path'])
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            with filelock.FileLock(path + '.deleteLock'):
                matching = File().find(q, limit=2, fields=[])
                matchingUpload = Upload().findOne(q)
                if matching.count(True) == 1 and matchingUpload is None:
                    except Exception:
                        logger.exception('Failed to delete file %s' % path)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def download(self, item, offset, format, contentDisposition,
     user = self.getCurrentUser()
     files = list(self._model.childFiles(item=item, limit=2))
     if format not in (None, '', 'zip'):
         raise RestException('Unsupported format: %s.' % format)
     if len(files) == 1 and format != 'zip':
         if contentDisposition not in {None, 'inline', 'attachment'}:
             raise RestException('Unallowed contentDisposition type "%s".' %
         return File().download(files[0],
         return self._downloadMultifileItem(item, user)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self):
        super(File, self).__init__()
        self._model = FileModel()

        self.resourceName = 'file'
        self.route('DELETE', (':id', ), self.deleteFile)
        self.route('DELETE', ('upload', ':id'), self.cancelUpload)
        self.route('GET', ('offset', ), self.requestOffset)
        self.route('GET', (':id', ), self.getFile)
        self.route('GET', (':id', 'download'), self.download)
        self.route('GET', (':id', 'download', ':name'), self.downloadWithName)
        self.route('POST', (), self.initUpload)
        self.route('POST', ('chunk', ), self.readChunk)
        self.route('POST', ('completion', ), self.finalizeUpload)
        self.route('POST', (':id', 'copy'), self.copy)
        self.route('PUT', (':id', ), self.updateFile)
        self.route('PUT', (':id', 'contents'), self.updateFileContents)
        self.route('PUT', (':id', 'move'), self.moveFileToAssetstore)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def addComputedInfo(self, assetstore):
        Add all runtime-computed properties about an assetstore to its document.

        :param assetstore: The assetstore object.
        :type assetstore: dict
        from girderformindlogger.models.file import File

            adapter = assetstore_utilities.getAssetstoreAdapter(assetstore)
        except NoAssetstoreAdapter:
            # If the adapter doesn't exist, use the abstract adapter, since
            # this will just give the default capacity information
            adapter = AbstractAssetstoreAdapter(assetstore)
        assetstore['capacity'] = adapter.capacityInfo()
        assetstore['hasFiles'] = File().findOne(
            {'assetstoreId': assetstore['_id']}) is not None
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def handleChunk(self, upload, chunk, filter=False, user=None):
        When a chunk is uploaded, this should be called to process the chunk.
        If this is the final chunk of the upload, this method will finalize
        the upload automatically.

        This method will return EITHER an upload or a file document. If this
        is the final chunk of the upload, the upload is finalized and the created
        file document is returned. Otherwise, it returns the upload document
        with the relevant fields modified.

        :param upload: The upload document to update.
        :type upload: dict
        :param chunk: The file object representing the chunk that was uploaded.
        :type chunk: file
        :param filter: Whether the model should be filtered. Only affects
            behavior when returning a file model, not the upload model.
        :type filter: bool
        :param user: The current user. Only affects behavior if filter=True.
        :type user: dict or None
        from girderformindlogger.models.assetstore import Assetstore
        from girderformindlogger.models.file import File
        from girderformindlogger.utility import assetstore_utilities

        assetstore = Assetstore().load(upload['assetstoreId'])
        adapter = assetstore_utilities.getAssetstoreAdapter(assetstore)

        upload = adapter.uploadChunk(upload, chunk)
        if '_id' in upload or upload['received'] != upload['size']:
            upload = self.save(upload)

        # If upload is finished, we finalize it
        if upload['received'] == upload['size']:
            file = self.finalizeUpload(upload, assetstore)
            if filter:
                return File().filter(file, user=user)
                return file
            return upload
Ejemplo n.º 30
def attachThumbnail(file, thumbnail, attachToType, attachToId, width, height):
    Add the required information to the thumbnail file and the resource it
    is being attached to, and save the documents.

    :param file: The file from which the thumbnail was derived.
    :type file: dict
    :param thumbnail: The newly generated thumbnail file document.
    :type thumbnail: dict
    :param attachToType: The type to which the thumbnail is being attached.
    :type attachToType: str
    :param attachToId: The ID of the document to attach the thumbnail to.
    :type attachToId: str or ObjectId
    :param width: Thumbnail width.
    :type width: int
    :param height: Thumbnail height.
    :type height: int
    :returns: The updated thumbnail file document.
    parentModel = ModelImporter.model(attachToType)
    parent = parentModel.load(attachToId, force=True)
    parent['_thumbnails'] = parent.get('_thumbnails', [])

    thumbnail['attachedToType'] = attachToType
    thumbnail['attachedToId'] = parent['_id']
    thumbnail['isThumbnail'] = True
    thumbnail['derivedFrom'] = {
        'type': 'file',
        'id': file['_id'],
        'process': 'thumbnail',
        'width': width,
        'height': height

    return File().save(thumbnail)