Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_project_point(input, crs):
    x1, y1, proj_str_1, proj_str_2 = input
    if crs:
        proj_str_1 = get_authority_crs(proj_str_1)
        proj_str_2 = get_authority_crs(proj_str_2)
    point_1 = (x1, y1)

    # tuple
    point_2 = project(point_1, proj_str_1, proj_str_2)
    point_3 = project(point_2, proj_str_2, proj_str_1)
    assert isinstance(point_2, tuple)
    assert np.allclose(point_1, point_3)

    # list of tuples
    points_5070_list = [point_1] * 3
    point_2 = project(points_5070_list, proj_str_1, proj_str_2)
    x, y = point_2
    x2, y2 = project((x, y), proj_str_2, proj_str_1)
    assert len(x) == len(x2)
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array(points_5070_list).transpose(), np.array([x2, y2]))

    # shapely Point
    point_2 = project(Point(point_1), proj_str_1, proj_str_2)
    point_3 = project(Point(point_2), proj_str_2, proj_str_1)
    assert isinstance(point_2, Point)
    assert np.allclose(point_1, point_3)

    # list of Points
    point_2 = project([Point(point_1), Point(point_1)], proj_str_1, proj_str_2)
    point_3 = project(point_2, proj_str_2, proj_str_1)
    assert isinstance(point_2, list)
    for p in point_3:
        assert np.allclose(list(p.coords)[0], point_1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_write_raster_crs(crs, test_output_path):
    filename = os.path.join(test_output_path, 'test_raster.tif')

    array = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
    height, width = array.shape
    dx = 5.
    xll, yll = 0., 0.
    if crs is not None:
        with rasterio.open(filename) as src:
            written_crs = get_authority_crs(src.crs)
            assert written_crs == get_authority_crs(crs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_raster_crs(raster):
    """Get the coordinate reference system for a shapefile.

    raster : str (filepath)
        Path to a raster

    crs : pyproj.CRS instance

    if not rasterio:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            'This function requires rasterio. Please conda install rasterio.')
    with rasterio.open(raster) as src:
        if src.crs is not None:
            crs = get_authority_crs(src.crs)
            return crs
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_shp2df_df2shp_crs(dest_crs, test_output_path, eel_river_polygon,
                           eel_river_polygon_shapefile, request):

    # read in to dest_crs
    df_dest_crs = shp2df(eel_river_polygon_shapefile, dest_crs=dest_crs)

    # reproject back to 5070
    if dest_crs is not None:
        geoms = project(df_dest_crs['geometry'], dest_crs, 5070)
        geoms = df_dest_crs['geometry']
    # verify that polygon is the same as original in 5070
    assert geoms[0].almost_equals(eel_river_polygon)

    # check that when writing the polygon back to a shapefile
    # a valid projection file is produced
    output_shapefile = os.path.join(test_output_path, 'results.shp')
    df2shp(df_dest_crs, output_shapefile, crs=dest_crs)
    written_crs = get_shapefile_crs(output_shapefile)
    if dest_crs is not None:
        assert written_crs == get_authority_crs(dest_crs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_get_raster_crs(geotiff_3070):
    crs = get_raster_crs(geotiff_3070)
    expected = get_authority_crs(3070)
    assert crs == expected
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_values_at_points(rasterfile,
    """Get raster values single point or list of points. Points in
    a different coordinate reference system (CRS) specified with a points_crs will be
    reprojected to the raster CRS prior to sampling.

    rasterfile : str
        Filename of raster or NetCDF file. NetCDF files are assumed to
        have x and y coordinates in the same CRS as the points.
    x : 1D array
        X coordinate locations
    y : 1D array
        Y coordinate locations
    points : list of tuples or 2D numpy array (npoints, (row, col))
        Points at which to sample raster.
    points_crs : obj, optional
        Coordinate reference system for points or x, y. Only needed if
        different than the CRS for the raster, in which case the points will be
        reprojected to the raster CRS prior to getting the values.
        A Python int, dict, str, or pyproj.crs.CRS instance
        passed to the pyproj.crs.from_user_input
        See http://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/api/crs/crs.html#pyproj.crs.CRS.from_user_input.
        Can be any of:
          - PROJ string
          - Dictionary of PROJ parameters
          - PROJ keyword arguments for parameters
          - JSON string with PROJ parameters
          - CRS WKT string
          - An authority string [i.e. 'epsg:4326']
          - An EPSG integer code [i.e. 4326]
          - A tuple of ("auth_name": "auth_code") [i.e ('epsg', '4326')]
          - An object with a `to_wkt` method.
          - A :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS` class
    xarray_variable : str
        If rasterfile is a NetCDF file, xarray_variable is the name
        of the variable in raster file to sample. Only required
        if rasterfile is a NetCDF file.
        by default, None.
    out_of_bounds_errors : {‘raise’, ‘coerce’}, default 'raise'
        * If 'raise', then x, y locations outside of the raster will raise an exception.
        * If 'coerce', then x, y locations outside of the raster will be set to NaN.
    method : str 'nearest' or 'linear'
        If 'nearest', the rasterio.DatasetReader.index() method is used to
        return the raster values at the nearest cell centers. If 'linear',
        scipy.interpolate.interpn is used for bilinear interpolation of values
        between raster cell centers.
    size_thresh : float
        Prior to reading any data, the raster size (height * width) is evaluated. If
        the size is larger than size_thresh, point values are read using
        :meth:`rasterio.io.DatasetReader.sample` (regardless of the specified method),
        which gets nearest pixel values without reading the whole dataset into memory.
        A 32-bit raster of size=1e9 would require approximately 4 GB of memory
        (at 4 bytes per pixel).
        By default, 1e9.

    list of floats

    requires rasterio
    if not rasterio:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            'This function requires rasterio. Please conda install rasterio.')

    # read in sample points
    array_shape = None
    if x is not None and isinstance(x[0], tuple):
        x, y = np.array(x).transpose()
            "new argument input for get_values_at_points is x, y, or points")
    elif x is not None:
        if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = np.array(x)
        if not isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
            y = np.array(y)
        if len(x.shape) > 1:
            array_shape = x.shape
            x = x.ravel()
        if len(y.shape) > 1:
            array_shape = y.shape
            y = y.ravel()
    elif points is not None:
        if not isinstance(points, np.ndarray):
            x, y = np.array(points)
            x, y = points[:, 0], points[:, 1]
        print('Must supply x, y or list/array of points.')

    assert os.path.exists(rasterfile), "raster {} not found".format(rasterfile)
    t0 = time.time()

    print("reading data from {}...".format(rasterfile))
    data = None

    # getting points from a netcdf file
    if str(rasterfile).endswith('.nc'):
        if xarray_variable is None:
            raise ValueError('Input of NetCDF file for the raster '
                             'requires specification of an xarray_variable.')
        ds = xr.open_dataset(rasterfile)

        x = xr.DataArray(x, dims="z")
        y = xr.DataArray(y, dims="z")
        results = ds[xarray_variable].interp(x=x, y=y, method=method)
        results = results.values

    # getting points from any raster openable by rasterio

        with rasterio.open(rasterfile) as src:
            meta = src.meta
            nodata = meta['nodata']
            size = src.shape[0] * src.shape[1]
            if size < size_thresh:
                data = src.read(band)

            # reproject coordinates if needed
            if points_crs is not None:
                points_crs = get_authority_crs(points_crs)
                raster_crs = get_authority_crs(src.crs)
                if raster_crs is None:
                        f'Input raster {rasterfile} does not have a projection (CRS) assigned!'
                    if points_crs is not None and points_crs != raster_crs:
                        x, y = project((x, y), points_crs, raster_crs)

            if data is None:
                results = src.sample(list(zip(x, y)))
                results = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(list(results)))
                results = results.astype(float)

        if data is None:
        elif method == 'nearest':
            i, j = src.index(x, y)
            i = np.atleast_1d(np.array(i, dtype=int))
            j = np.atleast_1d(np.array(j, dtype=int))
            nrow, ncol = data.shape

            # mask row, col locations outside the raster
            within = (i >= 0) & (i < nrow) & (j >= 0) & (j < ncol)

            # get values at valid point locations
            results = np.ones(len(i), dtype=float) * np.nan
            results[within] = data[i[within], j[within]]
            if out_of_bounds_errors == 'raise' and np.any(np.isnan(results)):
                n_invalid = np.sum(np.isnan(results))
                raise ValueError("{} points outside of {} extent.".format(
                    n_invalid, rasterfile))
            # map the points to interpolate to onto the raster coordinate system
            # (in case the raster is rotated)
            x_rx, y_ry = ~src.transform * (x, y)
            # coordinates of raster pixel centers in raster coordinate system
            # (e.g. i,j = 0, 0 = 0.5, 0.5)
            pad = 0.5  # extra padding, in pixels, so that points within the outer pixels are still counted
            padding = np.arange(0.5 - pad, 0.5)
            rx = padding.tolist() + list(np.arange(src.width) +
                                         0.5) + list(src.width - padding)
            ry = padding.tolist() + list(np.arange(src.height) +
                                         0.5) + list(src.height - padding)
            # pad the coordinates and the data
            pad_width = int(np.ceil(pad))
            padded = np.pad(data.astype(float),

            # exclude nodata points prior to interpolating
            padded[padded == nodata] = np.nan
            bounds_error = False
            if out_of_bounds_errors == 'raise':
                bounds_error = True
            results = interpolate.interpn((ry, rx),
                                          padded, (y_ry, x_rx),
        # convert nodata values to np.nans
        results[results == nodata] = np.nan

    # reshape to input shape
    if array_shape is not None:
        results = np.reshape(results, array_shape)
    print("finished in {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - t0))
    return results
Ejemplo n.º 7
def clip_raster(inraster,
    """Clip raster to feature extent(s), write the output
    to a new raster file. If the feature extent(s) are in
    a different coordinate reference system, the raster will first
    be reprojected to that CRS and then clipped. The output raster
    will be in the CRS of the clip features.

    inraster : str
        Path to a raster file readable by rasterio.open
    clip_features : str or list-like
        Shapefile or sequence of features. Features can be in
        any format accepted by gisutils.raster.get_feature_geojson()
    outraster : str
        Filename for output raster.
    clip_features_crs : obj
        A Python int, dict, str, or pyproj.crs.CRS instance
        passed to the pyproj.crs.from_user_input
        See http://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/api/crs/crs.html#pyproj.crs.CRS.from_user_input.
        Can be any of:
          - PROJ string
          - Dictionary of PROJ parameters
          - PROJ keyword arguments for parameters
          - JSON string with PROJ parameters
          - CRS WKT string
          - An authority string [i.e. 'epsg:4326']
          - An EPSG integer code [i.e. 4326]
          - A tuple of ("auth_name": "auth_code") [i.e ('epsg', '4326')]
          - An object with a `to_wkt` method.
          - A :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS` class
    clip_kwargs: dict
        Keyword arguments to rasterio.mask
    project_kwargs : dict
        Key word arguments to gisutils.projection.project_raster()
        These are only used if the clip features are
        in a different coordinate system, in which case
        the raster will be reprojected into that coordinate
    kwargs : keyword arguments
        Keyword arguments to rasterio.open for writing the output raster.
    if not rasterio:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            'This function requires rasterio. Please conda install rasterio.')
    if clip_kwargs is None:
        clip_kwargs = {}
    if project_kwargs is None:
        project_kwargs = {}

    with rasterio.open(inraster) as src:
        raster_crs = get_authority_crs(src.crs)

    # start with assumption of same coordinates
    if clip_features_crs is None:
        clip_features_crs = raster_crs
    # get the clip feature crs from shapefile
    if isinstance(clip_features, str) or isinstance(clip_features, Path):
        if Path(clip_features).exists():
            clip_features_crs = get_shapefile_crs(clip_features)
    # otherwise if clip feature crs was specified
        clip_features_crs = get_authority_crs(clip_features_crs)

    # convert the clip_features to geojson
    geoms = get_feature_geojson(clip_features)
    print('input raster crs:\n{}\n\n'.format(raster_crs),
          'clip feature crs:\n{}\n'.format(clip_features_crs))
    # if the coordinate systems are not the same
    # reproject the raster first before clipping
    # this could be greatly sped up by first clipping the input raster prior to reprojecting
    if raster_crs != clip_features_crs or len(project_kwargs) > 0:
        tmpraster = 'tmp.tif'
        tmpraster2 = 'tmp2.tif'
            'Input raster and clip feature(s) are in different coordinate systems.\n'
            'Reprojecting input raster from\n{}\nto\n{}\n'.format(
                raster_crs, clip_features_crs))
        # make prelim clip of raster to speed up reprojection
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = get_geojson_collection_bounds(geoms)
        longest_side = np.max([xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin])
        bounds = box(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).buffer(longest_side * 0.1)
        bounds = project(bounds, clip_features_crs, raster_crs)
        _clip_raster(inraster, [bounds], tmpraster, clip_kwargs=clip_kwargs)
        project_raster(tmpraster, tmpraster2, clip_features_crs,
                       **project_kwargs, **kwargs)
        inraster = tmpraster2

    _clip_raster(inraster, geoms, outraster, clip_kwargs=clip_kwargs, **kwargs)

    if raster_crs != clip_features_crs:
        for tmp in [tmpraster, tmpraster2]:
            if os.path.exists(tmp):
                print('removing {}...'.format(tmp))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def shp2df(shplist,
    """Read shapefile/DBF, list of shapefiles/DBFs, or File geodatabase (GDB)
     into pandas DataFrame.

    shplist : string or list
        of shapefile/DBF name(s) or FileGDB
    index : string
        Column to use as index for dataframe
    index_dtype : dtype
        Enforces a datatype for the index column (for example, if the index field is supposed to be integer
        but pandas reads it as strings, converts to integer)
    clipto : list
        limit what is brought in to items in index of clipto (requires index)
    filter : tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        bounding box to filter which records are read from the shapefile.
    true_values : list
        same as argument for pandas read_csv
    false_values : list
        same as argument for pandas read_csv
    layer : str
        Layer name to read (if opening FileGDB)
    dest_crs : obj
        A Python int, dict, str, or pyproj.crs.CRS instance
        passed to the pyproj.crs.from_user_input
        See http://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/api/crs/crs.html#pyproj.crs.CRS.from_user_input.
        Can be any of:
          - PROJ string
          - Dictionary of PROJ parameters
          - PROJ keyword arguments for parameters
          - JSON string with PROJ parameters
          - CRS WKT string
          - An authority string [i.e. 'epsg:4326']
          - An EPSG integer code [i.e. 4326]
          - A tuple of ("auth_name": "auth_code") [i.e ('epsg', '4326')]
          - An object with a `to_wkt` method.
          - A :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS` class
    skip_empty_geom : True/False, default True
        Drops shapefile entries with null geometries.
        DBF files (which specify null geometries in their schema) will still be read.

    df : DataFrame
        with attribute fields as columns; feature geometries are stored as
    shapely geometry objects in the 'geometry' column.
    if isinstance(shplist, str) or isinstance(shplist, Path):
        shplist = [shplist]
    if not isinstance(true_values, list) and true_values is not None:
        true_values = [true_values]
    if not isinstance(false_values, list) and false_values is not None:
        false_values = [false_values]
    if len(clipto) > 0 and index:
        clip = True
        clip = False

    # destination crs for geometries read from shapefile(s)
    if dest_crs is not None:
        dest_crs = get_authority_crs(dest_crs)

    df = pd.DataFrame()
    for shp in shplist:
        print("\nreading {}...".format(shp))
        if not os.path.exists(shp):
            raise IOError("{} doesn't exist".format(shp))

        # crs of current shapefile
        shp_crs = get_shapefile_crs(shp)
        # set the destination CRS if none was specified
        # so that heterogenious shapefiles will be output to
        # the same CRS
        if dest_crs is None and shp_crs is not None:
            dest_crs = shp_crs

        with fiona.open(shp, 'r', layer=layer) as shp_obj:

            if index is not None:
                # handle capitolization issues with index field name
                fields = list(shp_obj.schema['properties'].keys())
                index = [f for f in fields if index.lower() == f.lower()][0]

            attributes = []
            # for reading in shapefiles
            meta = shp_obj.meta
            if meta['schema']['geometry'] != 'None':
                if filter is not None:
                    print('filtering on bounding box {}, {}, {}, {}...'.format(
                if clip:  # limit what is brought in to items in index of clipto
                    for line in shp_obj.filter(bbox=filter):
                        props = line['properties']
                        if not props[index] in clipto:
                        props['geometry'] = line.get('geometry', None)
                    for line in shp_obj.filter(bbox=filter):
                        props = line['properties']
                        props['geometry'] = line.get('geometry', None)
                    '--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)'
                shp_df = pd.DataFrame(attributes)
                # reorder fields in the DataFrame to match the input shapefile
                if len(attributes) > 0:
                    shp_df = shp_df[list(attributes[0].keys())]

                # handle null geometries
                if len(shp_df) == 0:
                    print('Empty dataframe! No clip_features were read.')
                    if filter is not None:
                        print('Check filter {} for consistency \
    with shapefile coordinate system'.format(filter))
                # shp_df will only have a geometry column if it isn't empty
                    geoms = shp_df.geometry.tolist()
                    if geoms.count(None) == 0:
                        shp_df['geometry'] = [shape(g) for g in geoms]
                    elif skip_empty_geom:
                        null_geoms = [
                            i for i, g in enumerate(geoms) if g is None
                        shp_df.drop(null_geoms, axis=0, inplace=True)
                        shp_df['geometry'] = [
                            shape(g) for g in shp_df.geometry.tolist()
                        shp_df['geometry'] = [
                            shape(g) if g is not None else None for g in geoms

            # for reading in DBF files (just like shps, but without geometry)
                if clip:  # limit what is brought in to items in index of clipto
                    for line in shp_obj:
                        props = line['properties']
                        if not props[index] in clipto:
                    for line in shp_obj:
                    '--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)'
                shp_df = pd.DataFrame(attributes)
                # reorder fields in the DataFrame to match the input shapefile
                if len(attributes) > 0:
                    shp_df = shp_df[list(attributes[0].keys())]

        if len(shp_df) == 0:
        # set the dataframe index from the index column
        if index is not None:
            if index_dtype is not None:
                shp_df[index] = shp_df[index].astype(index_dtype)
            shp_df.index = shp_df[index].values

        # reproject geometries to dest_crs if needed
        if shp_crs is not None and dest_crs is not None and shp_crs != dest_crs:
            shp_df['geometry'] = project(shp_df['geometry'], shp_crs, dest_crs)

        df = df.append(shp_df)

        # convert any t/f columns to numpy boolean data
        if true_values is not None or false_values is not None:
            replace_boolean = {}
            for t in true_values:
                replace_boolean[t] = True
            for f in false_values:
                replace_boolean[f] = False

            # only remap columns that have values to be replaced
            cols = [c for c in df.columns if c != 'geometry']
            for c in cols:
                if len(set(replace_boolean.keys()).intersection(set(
                        df[c]))) > 0:
                    df[c] = df[c].map(replace_boolean)

    return df
Ejemplo n.º 9
def df2shp(dataframe,
    """Write a DataFrame with a column of shapely geometries to a shapefile.

    dataframe : pandas.DataFrame
    shpname : str, filepath
        Output shapefile
    geo_column : str
        Name of column in dataframe with feature geometries (default 'geometry')
    index : bool
        If True, include the DataFrame index in the written shapefile
    retain_order : bool
        Retain column order in dataframe, using an OrderedDict. Shapefile will
        take about twice as long to write, since OrderedDict output is not
        supported by the pandas DataFrame object.
    prj : str
        Path to ESRI projection file describing the coordinate reference system of the feature geometries
        in the 'geometry' column. (specify one of prj, epsg, proj_str)
    epsg : int
        EPSG code describing the coordinate reference system of the feature geometries
        in the 'geometry' column.
    proj_str : str
        PROJ string describing the coordinate reference system of the feature geometries
        in the 'geometry' column.
    crs : obj
        A Python int, dict, str, or pyproj.crs.CRS instance
        passed to the pyproj.crs.from_user_input
        See http://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/api/crs/crs.html#pyproj.crs.CRS.from_user_input.
        Can be any of:
          - PROJ string
          - Dictionary of PROJ parameters
          - PROJ keyword arguments for parameters
          - JSON string with PROJ parameters
          - CRS WKT string
          - An authority string [i.e. 'epsg:4326']
          - An EPSG integer code [i.e. 4326]
          - A tuple of ("auth_name": "auth_code") [i.e ('epsg', '4326')]
          - An object with a `to_wkt` method.
          - A :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS` class

    writes a shapefile to shpname

    # first check if output path exists
    output_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(shpname)[0])
    if os.path.split(shpname)[0] != '' and not os.path.isdir(output_folder):
        raise IOError("Output folder doesn't exist:\n{}".format(output_folder))

    # check for empty dataframe
    if len(dataframe) == 0:
        raise IndexError("DataFrame is empty!")

    df = dataframe.copy()  # make a copy so the supplied dataframe isn't edited

    # reassign geometry column if geo_column is special (e.g. something other than "geometry")
    if geo_column != 'geometry':
        df['geometry'] = df[geo_column]
        df.drop(geo_column, axis=1, inplace=True)

    # assign none for geometry, to write a dbf file from dataframe
    Type = None
    if 'geometry' not in df.columns:
        df['geometry'] = None
        Type = 'None'
        mapped = [None] * len(df)

    # reset the index to integer index to enforce ordering
    # retain index as attribute field if index=True
    df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=not index)

    # enforce 10 character limit
    df.columns = rename_fields_to_10_characters(df.columns)

    properties = shp_properties(df)
    del properties['geometry']

    # set projection (or use a prj file, which must be copied after shp is written)
    # alternatively, provide a crs in dictionary form as read using fiona
    # from a shapefile like fiona.open(inshpfile).crs
    crs_wkt = None
    if epsg is not None:
            'gisutils.df2shp: the epsg argument is deprecated; use crs instead',
        from fiona.crs import from_epsg
        crs = from_epsg(int(epsg))
    elif proj_str is not None:
            'gisutils.df2shp: the proj_str argument is deprecated; use crs instead',
        from fiona.crs import from_string
        crs = from_string(proj_str)
    elif crs is not None:
        proj_crs = get_authority_crs(crs)
        # https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/crs_compatibility.html#converting-from-pyproj-crs-crs-for-fiona
        if LooseVersion(fiona.__gdal_version__) < LooseVersion("3.0.0"):
            crs_wkt = proj_crs.to_wkt(WktVersion.WKT1_GDAL)
            # GDAL 3+ can use WKT2
            crs_wkt = proj_crs.to_wkt()
        crs = None

    if Type != 'None':
        for g in df.geometry:
                Type = g.type
        mapped = [mapping(g) for g in df.geometry]

    schema = {'geometry': Type, 'properties': properties}
    length = len(df)

    if not retain_order:
        props = df.drop('geometry',
        props = [
            for i, r in df.drop('geometry', axis=1).astype(object).iterrows()
    print('writing {}...'.format(shpname), end='')
    #with fiona.collection(shpname, "w", driver="ESRI Shapefile", crs=crs, crs_wkt=crs_wkt, schema=schema) as output:
    with fiona.open(shpname,
                    driver="ESRI Shapefile",
                    schema=schema) as output:
        for i in range(length):
            output.write({'properties': props[i], 'geometry': mapped[i]})
    if prj is not None:
            print('copying {} --> {}...'.format(prj,
            shutil.copyfile(prj, "{}.prj".format(shpname[:-4]))
        except IOError:
                'Warning: could not find specified prj file. shp will not be projected.'
    print(' Done')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_get_authority_crs(input, expected_srs):
    if expected_srs is None:
        expected_srs = input
    crs = get_authority_crs(input)
    assert crs.srs == expected_srs