Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _get_untracked_files(self, **kwargs):
     # make sure we get all files, no only untracked directores
     proc = self.git.status(porcelain=True,
     # Untracked files preffix in porcelain mode
     prefix = "?? "
     untracked_files = list()
     for line in proc.stdout:
         line = line.decode(defenc)
         if not line.startswith(prefix):
         filename = line[len(prefix):].rstrip('\n')
         # Special characters are escaped
         if filename[0] == filename[-1] == '"':
             filename = filename[1:-1]
             if PY3:
                 # WHATEVER ... it's a mess, but works for me
                 filename = filename.encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape').encode('latin1').decode(defenc)
                 filename = filename.decode('string_escape').decode(defenc)
     return untracked_files
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _iter_from_process_or_stream(cls, repo, proc_or_stream):
        """Parse out commit information into a list of Commit objects
        We expect one-line per commit, and parse the actual commit information directly
        from our lighting fast object database

        :param proc: git-rev-list process instance - one sha per line
        :return: iterator returning Commit objects"""
        stream = proc_or_stream
        if not hasattr(stream, 'readline'):
            stream = proc_or_stream.stdout

        readline = stream.readline
        while True:
            line = readline()
            if not line:
            hexsha = line.strip()
            if len(hexsha) > 40:
                # split additional information, as returned by bisect for instance
                hexsha, rest = line.split(None, 1)
            # END handle extra info

            assert len(hexsha) == 40, "Invalid line: %s" % hexsha
            yield Commit(repo, hex_to_bin(hexsha))
        # END for each line in stream
        # TODO: Review this - it seems process handling got a bit out of control
        # due to many developers trying to fix the open file handles issue
        if hasattr(proc_or_stream, 'wait'):
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _clone(cls, git, url, path, odb_default_type, progress, **kwargs):
        # special handling for windows for path at which the clone should be
        # created.
        # tilde '~' will be expanded to the HOME no matter where the ~ occours. Hence
        # we at least give a proper error instead of letting git fail
        prev_cwd = None
        prev_path = None
        odbt = kwargs.pop('odbt', odb_default_type)
        if os.name == 'nt':
            if '~' in path:
                raise OSError("Git cannot handle the ~ character in path %r correctly" % path)

            # on windows, git will think paths like c: are relative and prepend the
            # current working dir ( before it fails ). We temporarily adjust the working
            # dir to make this actually work
            match = re.match("(\w:[/\\\])(.*)", path)
            if match:
                prev_cwd = os.getcwd()
                prev_path = path
                drive, rest_of_path = match.groups()
                path = rest_of_path
                kwargs['with_keep_cwd'] = True
            # END cwd preparation
        # END windows handling

            proc = git.clone(url, path, with_extended_output=True, as_process=True,
                             v=True, **add_progress(kwargs, git, progress))
            if progress:
                handle_process_output(proc, None, progress.new_message_handler(), finalize_process)
                (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
                finalize_process(proc, stderr=stderr)
            # end handle progress
            if prev_cwd is not None:
                path = prev_path
            # END reset previous working dir
        # END bad windows handling

        # our git command could have a different working dir than our actual
        # environment, hence we prepend its working dir if required
        if not os.path.isabs(path) and git.working_dir:
            path = join(git._working_dir, path)

        # adjust remotes - there may be operating systems which use backslashes,
        # These might be given as initial paths, but when handling the config file
        # that contains the remote from which we were clones, git stops liking it
        # as it will escape the backslashes. Hence we undo the escaping just to be
        # sure
        repo = cls(os.path.abspath(path), odbt=odbt)
        if repo.remotes:
            writer = repo.remotes[0].config_writer
            writer.set_value('url', repo.remotes[0].url.replace("\\\\", "\\").replace("\\", "/"))
            # PY3: be sure cleanup is performed and lock is released
        # END handle remote repo
        return repo
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def untracked_files(self):

            Files currently untracked as they have not been staged yet. Paths
            are relative to the current working directory of the git command.

            ignored files will not appear here, i.e. files mentioned in .gitignore"""
        # make sure we get all files, no only untracked directores
        proc = self.git.status(porcelain=True,
        # Untracked files preffix in porcelain mode
        prefix = "?? "
        untracked_files = list()
        for line in proc.stdout:
            line = line.decode(defenc)
            if not line.startswith(prefix):
            filename = line[len(prefix):].rstrip('\n')
            # Special characters are escaped
            if filename[0] == filename[-1] == '"':
                filename = filename[1:-1].decode('string_escape')
        return untracked_files
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _get_fetch_info_from_stderr(self, proc, progress):
        progress = to_progress_instance(progress)

        # skip first line as it is some remote info we are not interested in
        output = IterableList('name')

        # lines which are no progress are fetch info lines
        # this also waits for the command to finish
        # Skip some progress lines that don't provide relevant information
        fetch_info_lines = list()
        # Basically we want all fetch info lines which appear to be in regular form, and thus have a
        # command character. Everything else we ignore,
        cmds = set(PushInfo._flag_map.keys()) & set(FetchInfo._flag_map.keys())

        progress_handler = progress.new_message_handler()

        stderr_text = None

        for line in proc.stderr:
            line = force_text(line)
            for pline in progress_handler(line):
                # END handle special messages
                for cmd in cmds:
                    if len(line) > 1 and line[0] == ' ' and line[1] == cmd:
                    # end find command code
                # end for each comand code we know
            # end for each line progress didn't handle
        # end
        if progress.error_lines():
            stderr_text = '\n'.join(progress.error_lines())
        finalize_process(proc, stderr=stderr_text)

        # read head information
        fp = open(join(self.repo.git_dir, 'FETCH_HEAD'), 'rb')
        fetch_head_info = [l.decode(defenc) for l in fp.readlines()]

        l_fil = len(fetch_info_lines)
        l_fhi = len(fetch_head_info)
        if l_fil != l_fhi:
            msg = "Fetch head lines do not match lines provided via progress information\n"
            msg += "length of progress lines %i should be equal to lines in FETCH_HEAD file %i\n"
            msg += "Will ignore extra progress lines or fetch head lines."
            msg %= (l_fil, l_fhi)
            if l_fil < l_fhi:
                fetch_head_info = fetch_head_info[:l_fil]
                fetch_info_lines = fetch_info_lines[:l_fhi]
            # end truncate correct list
        # end sanity check + sanitization
        output.extend(FetchInfo._from_line(self.repo, err_line, fetch_line)
                      for err_line, fetch_line in zip(fetch_info_lines, fetch_head_info))
        return output
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _get_fetch_info_from_stderr(self, proc, progress):
        # skip first line as it is some remote info we are not interested in
        # TODO: Use poll() to process stdout and stderr at same time
        output = IterableList('name')

        # lines which are no progress are fetch info lines
        # this also waits for the command to finish
        # Skip some progress lines that don't provide relevant information
        fetch_info_lines = list()
        # Basically we want all fetch info lines which appear to be in regular form, and thus have a
        # command character. Everything else we ignore,
        cmds = set(PushInfo._flag_map.keys()) & set(FetchInfo._flag_map.keys())

        progress_handler = progress.new_message_handler()

        for line in proc.stderr:
            line = line.decode(defenc)
            line = line.rstrip()
            for pline in progress_handler(line):
                if line.startswith('fatal:') or line.startswith('error:'):
                    raise GitCommandError(("Error when fetching: %s" % line,), 2)
                # END handle special messages
                for cmd in cmds:
                    if len(line) > 1 and line[0] == ' ' and line[1] == cmd:
                    # end find command code
                # end for each comand code we know
            # end for each line progress didn't handle
        # end

        # We are only interested in stderr here ...
        except Exception:
            if len(fetch_info_lines) == 0:
        # end exception handler

        # read head information
        fp = open(join(self.repo.git_dir, 'FETCH_HEAD'), 'rb')
        fetch_head_info = [l.decode(defenc) for l in fp.readlines()]

        # NOTE: We assume to fetch at least enough progress lines to allow matching each fetch head line with it.
        assert len(fetch_info_lines) >= len(fetch_head_info), "len(%s) <= len(%s)" % (fetch_head_info,

        output.extend(FetchInfo._from_line(self.repo, err_line, fetch_line)
                      for err_line, fetch_line in zip(fetch_info_lines, fetch_head_info))
        return output
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _clone(cls, git, url, path, odb_default_type, progress, **kwargs):
        if progress is not None:
            progress = to_progress_instance(progress)

        odbt = kwargs.pop('odbt', odb_default_type)

        # when pathlib.Path or other classbased path is passed
        if not isinstance(path, str):
            path = str(path)

        ## A bug win cygwin's Git, when `--bare` or `--separate-git-dir`
        #  it prepends the cwd or(?) the `url` into the `path, so::
        #        git clone --bare  /cygwin/d/foo.git  C:\\Work
        #  becomes::
        #        git clone --bare  /cygwin/d/foo.git  /cygwin/d/C:\\Work
        clone_path = (Git.polish_url(path)
                      if Git.is_cygwin() and 'bare' in kwargs
                      else path)
        sep_dir = kwargs.get('separate_git_dir')
        if sep_dir:
            kwargs['separate_git_dir'] = Git.polish_url(sep_dir)
        proc = git.clone(Git.polish_url(url), clone_path, with_extended_output=True, as_process=True,
                         v=True, universal_newlines=True, **add_progress(kwargs, git, progress))
        if progress:
            handle_process_output(proc, None, progress.new_message_handler(), finalize_process, decode_streams=False)
            (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
            log.debug("Cmd(%s)'s unused stdout: %s", getattr(proc, 'args', ''), stdout)
            finalize_process(proc, stderr=stderr)

        # our git command could have a different working dir than our actual
        # environment, hence we prepend its working dir if required
        if not osp.isabs(path) and git.working_dir:
            path = osp.join(git._working_dir, path)

        repo = cls(path, odbt=odbt)

        # retain env values that were passed to _clone()

        # adjust remotes - there may be operating systems which use backslashes,
        # These might be given as initial paths, but when handling the config file
        # that contains the remote from which we were clones, git stops liking it
        # as it will escape the backslashes. Hence we undo the escaping just to be
        # sure
        if repo.remotes:
            with repo.remotes[0].config_writer as writer:
                writer.set_value('url', Git.polish_url(repo.remotes[0].url))
        # END handle remote repo
        return repo
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _iter_from_process_or_stream(cls, repo: 'Repo', proc_or_stream: Union[Popen, IO]) -> Iterator['Commit']:
        """Parse out commit information into a list of Commit objects
        We expect one-line per commit, and parse the actual commit information directly
        from our lighting fast object database

        :param proc: git-rev-list process instance - one sha per line
        :return: iterator returning Commit objects"""

        # def is_proc(inp) -> TypeGuard[Popen]:
        #     return hasattr(proc_or_stream, 'wait') and not hasattr(proc_or_stream, 'readline')

        # def is_stream(inp) -> TypeGuard[IO]:
        #     return hasattr(proc_or_stream, 'readline')

        if hasattr(proc_or_stream, 'wait'):
            proc_or_stream = cast(Popen, proc_or_stream)
            if proc_or_stream.stdout is not None:
                stream = proc_or_stream.stdout
        elif hasattr(proc_or_stream, 'readline'):
            proc_or_stream = cast(IO, proc_or_stream)
            stream = proc_or_stream

        readline = stream.readline
        while True:
            line = readline()
            if not line:
            hexsha = line.strip()
            if len(hexsha) > 40:
                # split additional information, as returned by bisect for instance
                hexsha, _ = line.split(None, 1)
            # END handle extra info

            assert len(hexsha) == 40, "Invalid line: %s" % hexsha
            yield cls(repo, hex_to_bin(hexsha))
        # END for each line in stream
        # TODO: Review this - it seems process handling got a bit out of control
        # due to many developers trying to fix the open file handles issue
        if hasattr(proc_or_stream, 'wait'):
            proc_or_stream = cast(Popen, proc_or_stream)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _get_untracked_files(self, *args, **kwargs):
     # make sure we get all files, not only untracked directories
     proc = self.git.status(*args,
     # Untracked files preffix in porcelain mode
     prefix = "?? "
     untracked_files = []
     for line in proc.stdout:
         line = line.decode(defenc)
         if not line.startswith(prefix):
         filename = line[len(prefix):].rstrip('\n')
         # Special characters are escaped
         if filename[0] == filename[-1] == '"':
             filename = filename[1:-1]
             # WHATEVER ... it's a mess, but works for me
             filename = filename.encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape').encode('latin1').decode(defenc)
     return untracked_files
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _get_fetch_info_from_stderr(self, proc, progress):
        # skip first line as it is some remote info we are not interested in
        output = IterableList('name')

        # lines which are no progress are fetch info lines
        # this also waits for the command to finish
        # Skip some progress lines that don't provide relevant information
        fetch_info_lines = list()
        for line in digest_process_messages(proc.stderr, progress):
            if line.startswith('From') or line.startswith('remote: Total') or line.startswith('POST') \
                    or line.startswith(' ='):
            elif line.startswith('warning:'):
                print >> sys.stderr, line
            elif line.startswith('fatal:'):
                raise GitCommandError(("Error when fetching: %s" % line, ), 2)
            # END handle special messages
        # END for each line

        # read head information
        fp = open(join(self.repo.git_dir, 'FETCH_HEAD'), 'r')
        fetch_head_info = fp.readlines()

        # NOTE: HACK Just disabling this line will make github repositories work much better.
        # I simply couldn't stand it anymore, so here is the quick and dirty fix ... .
        # This project needs a lot of work !
        # assert len(fetch_info_lines) == len(fetch_head_info), "len(%s) != len(%s)" % (fetch_head_info, fetch_info_lines)

            FetchInfo._from_line(self.repo, err_line, fetch_line)
            for err_line, fetch_line in zip(fetch_info_lines, fetch_head_info))

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _clone(cls, git, url, path, odb_default_type, progress, **kwargs):
        if progress is not None:
            progress = to_progress_instance(progress)

        odbt = kwargs.pop('odbt', odb_default_type)
        proc = git.clone(url,
                         **add_progress(kwargs, git, progress))
        if progress:
            handle_process_output(proc, None, progress.new_message_handler(),
            (stdout, stderr
             ) = proc.communicate()  # FIXME: Will block of outputs are big!
            log.debug("Cmd(%s)'s unused stdout: %s", getattr(proc, 'args', ''),
            finalize_process(proc, stderr=stderr)

        # our git command could have a different working dir than our actual
        # environment, hence we prepend its working dir if required
        if not os.path.isabs(path) and git.working_dir:
            path = join(git._working_dir, path)

        # adjust remotes - there may be operating systems which use backslashes,
        # These might be given as initial paths, but when handling the config file
        # that contains the remote from which we were clones, git stops liking it
        # as it will escape the backslashes. Hence we undo the escaping just to be
        # sure
        repo = cls(path, odbt=odbt)
        if repo.remotes:
            with repo.remotes[0].config_writer as writer:
                writer.set_value('url', Git.polish_url(repo.remotes[0].url))
        # END handle remote repo
        return repo
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _clone(cls, git, url, path, odb_default_type, progress, **kwargs):
        # special handling for windows for path at which the clone should be
        # created.
        # tilde '~' will be expanded to the HOME no matter where the ~ occours. Hence
        # we at least give a proper error instead of letting git fail
        prev_cwd = None
        prev_path = None
        odbt = kwargs.pop('odbt', odb_default_type)
        if os.name == 'nt':
            if '~' in path:
                raise OSError(
                    "Git cannot handle the ~ character in path %r correctly" %

            # on windows, git will think paths like c: are relative and prepend the
            # current working dir ( before it fails ). We temporarily adjust the working
            # dir to make this actually work
            match = re.match("(\w:[/\\\])(.*)", path)
            if match:
                prev_cwd = os.getcwd()
                prev_path = path
                drive, rest_of_path = match.groups()
                path = rest_of_path
                kwargs['with_keep_cwd'] = True
            # END cwd preparation
        # END windows handling

            proc = git.clone(url,
                             **add_progress(kwargs, git, progress))
            if progress:
                handle_process_output(proc, None,
            # end handle progress
            if prev_cwd is not None:
                path = prev_path
            # END reset previous working dir
        # END bad windows handling

        # our git command could have a different working dir than our actual
        # environment, hence we prepend its working dir if required
        if not os.path.isabs(path) and git.working_dir:
            path = join(git._working_dir, path)

        # adjust remotes - there may be operating systems which use backslashes,
        # These might be given as initial paths, but when handling the config file
        # that contains the remote from which we were clones, git stops liking it
        # as it will escape the backslashes. Hence we undo the escaping just to be
        # sure
        repo = cls(os.path.abspath(path), odbt=odbt)
        if repo.remotes:
            writer = repo.remotes[0].config_writer
                'url', repo.remotes[0].url.replace("\\\\",
                                                   "\\").replace("\\", "/"))
            # PY3: be sure cleanup is performed and lock is released
        # END handle remote repo
        return repo
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _clone(cls,
        if progress is not None:
            progress = to_progress_instance(progress)

        odbt = kwargs.pop('odbt', odb_default_type)

        # when pathlib.Path or other classbased path is passed
        if not isinstance(path, str):
            path = str(path)

        ## A bug win cygwin's Git, when `--bare` or `--separate-git-dir`
        #  it prepends the cwd or(?) the `url` into the `path, so::
        #        git clone --bare  /cygwin/d/foo.git  C:\\Work
        #  becomes::
        #        git clone --bare  /cygwin/d/foo.git  /cygwin/d/C:\\Work
        clone_path = (Git.polish_url(path)
                      if Git.is_cygwin() and 'bare' in kwargs else path)
        sep_dir = kwargs.get('separate_git_dir')
        if sep_dir:
            kwargs['separate_git_dir'] = Git.polish_url(sep_dir)
        multi = None
        if multi_options:
            multi = ' '.join(multi_options).split(' ')
        proc = git.clone(multi,
                         **add_progress(kwargs, git, progress))
        if progress:
            (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
            log.debug("Cmd(%s)'s unused stdout: %s", getattr(proc, 'args', ''),
            finalize_process(proc, stderr=stderr)

        # our git command could have a different working dir than our actual
        # environment, hence we prepend its working dir if required
        if not osp.isabs(path) and git.working_dir:
            path = osp.join(git._working_dir, path)

        repo = cls(path, odbt=odbt)

        # retain env values that were passed to _clone()

        # adjust remotes - there may be operating systems which use backslashes,
        # These might be given as initial paths, but when handling the config file
        # that contains the remote from which we were clones, git stops liking it
        # as it will escape the backslashes. Hence we undo the escaping just to be
        # sure
        if repo.remotes:
            with repo.remotes[0].config_writer as writer:
                writer.set_value('url', Git.polish_url(repo.remotes[0].url))
        # END handle remote repo
        return repo