def commitFile(config, path="../"): git = Repo(path).git git.add(".") defaultMsg = "{} {}".format(config['name'], timeStamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) commitMsg = get("Commit message", default=defaultMsg) git.commit("-m", commitMsg) return git.log("--pretty=format:%H", "-1")
class MonitorHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MonitorHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.git = Repo(os.getcwd()).git def on_created(self, event): print("created") def on_deleted(self, event): print("deleted") def on_modified(self, event): print("Adding files to git") self.git.add('./') print("Commiting files to git") self.git.commit('-m', 'Added new image') print("Pushing files to remote repository") self.git.push()
def solved_and_commit(index): collection = get_collection() problem = collection.find_one({'index': index}) if not problem: raise Exception('problem %s not found' % index) solution_file = regular_file(index, problem['title']) code_file = index.lower() + '.cpp' # move files to_move = {} path_map = {'cpp': 'cpp', 'md': 'solutions'} for f in [solution_file, code_file]: if not os.path.exists(f): warnings.warn('solutions file <%s> not exists' % f) continue suffix = f.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] if suffix in path_map: path = os.path.join(path_map[suffix], f) to_move[f] = path else: warnings.warn('<%s> stay here' % f) print('Plan to Move:\n') for src, dst in to_move.items(): print('\t %s ---> %s' % (src, dst)) input('\nReady to Move?') for src, dst in to_move.items(): shutil.move(src, dst) # update solved tag and update index table? collection.update_one({'index': index}, {'$set': {'solved': True}}) update_index_table() # git commit and push git = Repo('../').git print(git.add('.')) print(git.status()) default_summary = '%s %s, Solved' % (index, problem['title']) commit = input('\nCheck git status, and Input Summary: [%s]\n' % default_summary) commit = commit or default_summary print(git.commit('-m', commit)) input('Ready to Push?') print(git.push())
class Repository: def __init__(self, submissions_directory): self.submissions_directory = submissions_directory self.submission_json_path = \ os.path.join(self.submissions_directory, "submissions.json") self.readme_path = os.path.join(self.submissions_directory, "") = config.get_author() if not os.path.exists(self.submissions_directory): self.init() self.git = Repo(self.submissions_directory).git self.submissions = config.load_submissions_data( self.submission_json_path) def init(self): if not os.path.exists(self.submissions_directory): git = Repo.init(self.submissions_directory).git git.config("", config.get_author_email()) git.config("", config.get_author_name()) shutil.copy2(str(config.RESOURCES_DIR.joinpath("readme.template")), self.readme_path) git.add("") date ='%b/%d/%Y %H:%M') git.commit(message="Initial commit with", date="{}".format(date), def add(self, file_path): self.git.add(os.path.abspath(file_path)) self.git.add(os.path.abspath(self.readme_path)) self.git.add(os.path.abspath(self.submission_json_path)) def commit(self, commit_message, timestamp): self.git.commit(message=commit_message, date=timestamp, def push(self, force_push=False): remote_url = config.get_remote_url() if not remote_url: print( "\U00002757", "The remote git repository url is not defined, skipping push") else: try: self.git.remote("add", "origin", remote_url) except GitCommandError: pass args = ["origin", "master"] if force_push: args.insert(0, "-f") self.git.push(*args) print( "\U0001F44C", "The updates were automatically pushed to the remote repository" )
def solved_and_commit(index): leetcode = get_db() problem = leetcode.find_one({'index': index}) if not problem: raise Exception('problem %s not found' % index) title = '%s. %s' % (index, problem['title']) files = [title + '.md', title + '.py'] # move files to_move = {} path_map = {'py': 'python', 'md': 'solutions'} for f in files: if not os.path.exists(f): warnings.warn('solution file <%s> not exists' % f) continue suffix = f.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] if suffix in path_map: path = os.path.join(path_map[suffix], f) to_move[f] = path else: warnings.warn('<%s> stay here' % f) print('Plan to Move:\n') for src, dst in to_move.items(): print('\t %s ---> %s' % (src, dst)) input('\nReady to Move?') for src, dst in to_move.items(): shutil.move(src, dst) # udpate readme and tables generate_readme() generate_tables_by_tag() # git commit and push git = Repo('.').git print(git.add('.')) print(git.status()) default_summary = '%s, Solved' % title commit = input('\nCheck git status, and Input Summary: [%s]\n' % default_summary) commit = commit or default_summary print(git.commit('-m', commit)) input('Ready to Push?') print(git.push())
import JDTools import os from git import Repo # Commit Changes JDTools.commit() # GITHUB Repo repo_path = os.path.join(os.environ['GITHUB_WORKSPACE']) repo = Repo(repo_path).git changes = repo.status('--porcelain').strip() if (len(changes) > 0): repo.add('-A') repo.commit(m="构建码表") repo.push()
def release_kuber(context, app, version): # check whether the app belongs to the context if app not in config.app_dict.get(context, []): log.error('Provided app does not belong to the context') return git = Repo('{}/..'.format(os.getcwd())).git git.checkout('master') git.pull() try: # # check whether a container with app name and provided version number exists # container_tags = subprocess.check_output(['gsutil', 'ls', '{}/{}'.format(config.gs_path_to_app, app)]) # container_exist = False # # for tag in container_tags.split('\n'): # # tag sample: # # gs:// # version_list = re.findall('\d+\.\d+\.\d+', tag.split('/')[-1]) # if version_list and version_list[0] == version: # container_exist = True # break # # if not container_exist: # log.error('The container with provided app and version number does not exist') # return # modify app.yml file with new version yaml_file = '{}.yml'.format(app) with open(yaml_file) as f: yaml_dict = yaml.load(f) _update_yaml_file(yaml_dict, version) with open(yaml_file, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(yaml_dict, f, default_flow_style=False) # get replication controller name, sample output of this command: # CONTROLLER CONTAINER (S) IMAGES SELECTOR REPLICAS # backend-controller applier applier_2.3.11 applier 3 rc_name = subprocess.check_output(['kubectl', '--context={}'.format(context), 'get', 'rc', '--selector=run={}'.format(app)]).split('\n')[1].split()[0] print 'controller name:', rc_name # run rolling update exit_code =['kubectl', '--context=vagrant', 'rolling-update', '{}'.format(rc_name), '-f', yaml_file]) # if rolling update succeeds, commit changes in Git repo and push back to master if exit_code == 0:'Rolling update {} to {} successfully'.format(app, version)) git.add(yaml_file) git.commit(m='bump {} to {}'.format(app, version)) git.push() else: log.error('Errors in rolling update command, exit code:{}'.format(exit_code)) git.checkout('.') except Exception as e: git.checkout('.') log.exception('Exception:{}'.format(e))
def push(update, context): if update.effective_user.username not in ALLOWED_USER: return -1 if 'requested_code' not in context.user_data: REPLY(update, '正在构建,请稍候\.\.\.') TYPING(update) try: JDTools.commit() repo = Repo('.').git changes = repo.status('--porcelain').strip() if (len(changes) > 0): repo.add('-A') repo.commit(m="更新码表\n%s" % "\n".join(LOG_STATUS)) repo.push() REPLY(update, '构建完毕,Push成功') else: REPLY(update, '构建完毕,码表无改动') LOG_STATUS.clear() except Exception as e: REPLY(update, '构建失败') raise e return -1 TYPING(update) try: # try load session auth_provider.load_session() auth_provider.refresh_token() except: # get new session auth_url = client.auth_provider.get_auth_url(redirect_uri) REPLY(update, "请登录OneDrive:\n %s\n并输入CODE" % auth_url, ParseMode.HTML) context.user_data['requested_code'] = True return 12 else: context.user_data.clear() code = update.message.text try: client.auth_provider.authenticate(code, redirect_uri, client_secret) auth_provider.save_session() except: REPLY(update, "OneDrive登录失败") return -1 try: TYPING(update) client.item(drive='me', path=os.environ['ONEDRIVE_PATH']).children[ 'xkjd27c.cizu.dict.yaml'].upload('./rime/xkjd27c.cizu.dict.yaml') client.item(drive='me', path=os.environ['ONEDRIVE_PATH']).children[ 'xkjd27c.danzi.dict.yaml'].upload('./rime/xkjd27c.danzi.dict.yaml') client.item(drive='me', path=os.environ['ONEDRIVE_PATH'] ).children['xkjd27c.chaojizici.dict.yaml'].upload( './rime/xkjd27c.chaojizici.dict.yaml') REPLY(update, "OneDrive上传成功") except Exception as e: REPLY(update, "OneDrive上传失败: \n%s" % e, ParseMode.HTML) return -1
def release_kuber(context, app, version): # check whether the app belongs to the context if app not in config.app_dict.get(context, []): log.error('Provided app does not belong to the context') return to_kuber = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'hellonode') git = Repo(os.path.abspath('{}/..'.format(to_kuber))).git git = Repo('{}'.format(os.getcwd())).git git.checkout('master') git.pull() try: try: # check whether a container with app name and provided version number exists print version version = version if version.startswith('v') else 'v'+version print version container_tags = subprocess.check_output(['gsutil', 'ls', '{}/{}/tag_{}'.format( config.gs_path_to_app, app, version)])'App and version check successful') except: log.error('The container with provided app and version number does not exist') return # modify app.yml file with new version yaml_file = '{}.yml'.format(app) print os.getcwd() with open(yaml_file) as f: yaml_dict = yaml.load(f) _update_yaml_file(yaml_dict, version) with open(yaml_file, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(yaml_dict, f, default_flow_style=False) # get replication controller name, sample output of this command: # CONTROLLER CONTAINER (S) IMAGES SELECTOR REPLICAS # backend-controller applier applier_2.3.11 applier 3 rc_name = subprocess.check_output(['kubectl','get', 'deployment', '{}'.format(app)]).split('\n')[1].split()[0]'Applying New Configuration') # run rolling update exit_code =['kubectl', 'apply', '-f', yaml_file]) # if rolling update succeeds, commit changes in Git repo and push back to master if exit_code == 0:'Updated {} to {} successfully'.format(app, version)) git.add(yaml_file) commit_message = ' bump {} to {}'.format(app, version) git.commit(m=commit_message) git.push() else: log.error('Errors in updating deployment, exit code:{}'.format(exit_code)) git.checkout('.') except Exception as e: git.checkout('.') log.exception('Exception:{}'.format(e))
if run_res.returncode != 0: err_exit(f"Error synchronize {configs_uri} with local repo") working_branch_name = f"{repo_conf_path.replace('/', '-')}-{int(time.time())}" os.chdir(git_repo) git = Repo('.').git # синхронизируем изменения с origin print("Update changes from origin repo...") git.checkout(master_branch) git.pull("origin") # Очищаем ссылки на удалённые в origin ветки git.remote('prune', 'origin') # создаём новую рабочую ветку и добавляем все изменения забранные с удалённого сервера git.checkout('-b', working_branch_name) git.add(repo_conf_path.split('/')[0]) git_status = '' if git.diff('--cached'): git_status = git.status() print("Changes in configs:\n", git_status) else: print("No any configs changes detected, nothing to commit") git.checkout(master_branch) git.branch('-d', working_branch_name) exit(2) git.commit('-m', commit_msg) # get GitHub repo name (git remote show -n origin / Fetch URL:) github_repo = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REPO")