def check_merges(config): merge_conflicts = [] base_config = config for path, config in base_config.span_configs(): git = get_git(path) with OriginalBranch(git): git.checkout(config.trunk) for branch in config.branches: git.checkout(branch) print " [{cwd}] {trunk} => {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(path), trunk=config.trunk, branch=branch, ), if not git_check_merge(config.trunk, branch, git=git): merge_conflicts.append((path, config.trunk, branch)) print "FAIL" else: print "ok" if merge_conflicts: print "You must fix the following merge conflicts before rebuilding:" for cwd, trunk, branch in merge_conflicts: print " [{cwd}] {trunk} => {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch, trunk=trunk, ) git = get_git(cwd) print_merge_details(branch, trunk, git) exit(1) else: print "No merge conflicts"
def rebuild_staging(config): all_configs = list(config.span_configs()) context_manager = contextlib.nested( *[OriginalBranch(get_git(path)) for path, _ in all_configs]) with context_manager: for path, config in all_configs: git = get_git(path) git.checkout('-B',, origin(config.trunk), '--no-track') for branch in config.branches: if not has_local(git, branch): branch = origin(branch) print " [{cwd}] Merging {branch} into {name}".format( cwd=path, branch=branch, git.merge(branch, '--no-edit') if config.submodules: for submodule in config.submodules: git.add(submodule) git.commit('-m', "update submodule refs", '--no-edit', '--allow-empty') # stupid safety check assert != 'master' print " [{cwd}] Force pushing to origin {name}".format( cwd=path,, ) force_push(git,
def rebuild_staging(config): all_configs = list(config.span_configs()) context_manager = contextlib.nested(*[OriginalBranch(get_git(path)) for path, _ in all_configs]) with context_manager: for path, config in all_configs: git = get_git(path) git.checkout('-B',, origin(config.trunk), '--no-track') for branch in config.branches: if not has_local(git, branch): branch = origin(branch) print " [{cwd}] Merging {branch} into {name}".format( cwd=path, branch=branch, ) git.merge(branch, '--no-edit') if config.submodules: for submodule in config.submodules: git.add(submodule) git.commit('-m', "update submodule refs", '--no-edit', '--allow-empty') # stupid safety check assert != 'master' print " [{cwd}] Force pushing to origin {name}".format( cwd=path,, ) force_push(git,
def check_merges(config, print_details=True): merge_conflicts = [] not_found = [] base_config = config for path, config in base_config.span_configs(): git = get_git(path) with OriginalBranch(git): trunk = origin(config.trunk) git.checkout('-B',, trunk, '--no-track') for branch in config.branches: if not has_local(git, branch): branch = origin(branch) print " [{cwd}] {trunk} => {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(path), trunk=trunk, branch=branch, ), try: git.checkout(branch) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1 as e: assert ("error: pathspec '%s' did not " "match any file(s) known to git." % branch) in e.stderr, e.stderr not_found.append((path, branch)) print "NOT FOUND" continue if not git_check_merge(, branch, git=git): merge_conflicts.append( (path, origin(config.trunk), branch)) print "FAIL" else: print "ok" if not_found: print "You must remove the following branches before rebuilding:" for cwd, branch in not_found: print " [{cwd}] {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch, ) if merge_conflicts: print "You must fix the following merge conflicts before rebuilding:" for cwd, trunk, branch in merge_conflicts: print " [{cwd}] {trunk} => {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch, trunk=trunk, ) git = get_git(cwd) if print_details: print_merge_details(branch, trunk, git) if merge_conflicts or not_found: exit(1) else: print "No merge conflicts"
def check_merges(config, print_details=True): merge_conflicts = [] not_found = [] base_config = config for path, config in base_config.span_configs(): git = get_git(path) with OriginalBranch(git): trunk = origin(config.trunk) git.checkout('-B',, trunk, '--no-track') for branch in config.branches: if not has_local(git, branch): branch = origin(branch) print " [{cwd}] {trunk} => {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(path), trunk=trunk, branch=branch, ), try: git.checkout(branch) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1 as e: assert ( "error: pathspec '%s' did not " "match any file(s) known to git." % branch) in e.stderr, e.stderr not_found.append((path, branch)) print "NOT FOUND" continue if not git_check_merge(, branch, git=git): merge_conflicts.append((path, origin(config.trunk), branch)) print "FAIL" else: print "ok" if not_found: print "You must remove the following branches before rebuilding:" for cwd, branch in not_found: print " [{cwd}] {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch, ) if merge_conflicts: print "You must fix the following merge conflicts before rebuilding:" for cwd, trunk, branch in merge_conflicts: print " [{cwd}] {trunk} => {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch, trunk=trunk, ) git = get_git(cwd) if print_details: print_merge_details(branch, trunk, git) if merge_conflicts or not_found: exit(1) else: print "No merge conflicts"
def fetch_remote(base_config, name="origin"): jobs = [] seen = set() fetched = set() for path, config in base_config.span_configs(): if path in seen: continue seen.add(path) git = get_git(path) print(" [{cwd}] fetching {name}".format(cwd=path, name=name)) jobs.append(gevent.spawn(git.fetch, name)) for branch in (b for b in config.branches if ":" in b): remote, branch = branch.split(":", 1) if remote not in git.remote().split(): url = remote_url(git, remote) print(" [{path}] adding remote: {remote} -> {url}" .format(**locals())) git.remote("add", remote, url) print(" [{path}] fetching {remote} {branch}".format(**locals())) jobs.append(gevent.spawn(git.fetch, remote, branch)) fetched.add(remote) for pr in config.pull_requests: print(" [{path}] fetching pull request {pr}".format(**locals())) pr = 'pull/{pr}/head:enterprise-{pr}'.format(pr=pr) jobs.append(gevent.spawn(git.fetch, 'origin', pr)) gevent.joinall(jobs) print("fetched {}".format(", ".join(['origin'] + sorted(fetched))))
def fetch_remote(base_config, name="origin"): jobs = [] seen = set() fetched = set() for path, config in base_config.span_configs(): if path in seen: continue seen.add(path) git = get_git(path) print(" [{cwd}] fetching {name}".format(cwd=path, name=name)) jobs.append(gevent.spawn(git.fetch, name)) for branch in (b for b in config.branches if ":" in b): remote, branch = branch.split(":", 1) if remote not in git.remote().split(): url = remote_url(git, remote) print(" [{path}] adding remote: {remote} -> {url}".format( **locals())) git.remote("add", remote, url) print(" [{path}] fetching {remote} {branch}".format(**locals())) jobs.append(gevent.spawn(git.fetch, remote, branch)) fetched.add(remote) for pr in config.pull_requests: print(" [{path}] fetching pull request {pr}".format(**locals())) pr = 'pull/{pr}/head:enterprise-{pr}'.format(pr=pr) jobs.append(gevent.spawn(git.fetch, 'origin', pr)) gevent.joinall(jobs) print("fetched {}".format(", ".join(['origin'] + sorted(fetched))))
def fetch_remote(base_config): jobs = [] for path in set(path for path, _ in base_config.span_configs()): git = get_git(path) print " [{cwd}] fetching all".format(cwd=path) jobs.append(gevent.spawn(git.fetch, '--all')) gevent.joinall(jobs) print "All branches fetched"
def get_remote_branches(origin, git=None): git = git or get_git() branches = [ line.strip().replace('origin/HEAD -> ', '')[len(origin) + 1:] for line in sh.grep(git.branch('--remote'), r'^ {}'.format( origin)).strip().split('\n') ] return branches
def get_remote_branches(origin, git=None): git = git or get_git() branches = [ line.strip().replace('origin/HEAD -> ', '')[len(origin) + 1:] for line in sh.grep( git.branch('--remote'), r'^ {}'.format(origin) ).strip().split('\n') ] return branches
def get_unmerged_remote_branches(git=None): git = git or get_git() try: lines = sh.grep( git.branch('--remote', '--no-merged', 'origin/master'), '^ origin', ).strip().split('\n') except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: lines = [] branches = [line.strip()[len('origin/'):] for line in lines] return branches
def _make_full_config(path): path_prefix = '{}/'.format(path) if path else '' git = get_git(path) with OriginalBranch(git): branches = get_unmerged_remote_branches(git) config = BranchConfig( branches=branches, submodules={ submodule: _make_full_config(path_prefix + submodule) for submodule in git_submodules(git) }) return config
def _make_full_config(path): path_prefix = '{}/'.format(path) if path else '' git = get_git(path) with OriginalBranch(git): branches = get_unmerged_remote_branches(git) config = BranchConfig( branches=branches, submodules={ submodule: _make_full_config( path_prefix + submodule ) for submodule in git_submodules(git) } ) return config
def sync_local_copies(config, push=True): base_config = config unpushed_branches = [] def _count_commits(compare_spec): return int(sh.wc(git.log(compare_spec, '--oneline', _piped=True), '-l')) for path, config in base_config.span_configs(): git = get_git(path) with OriginalBranch(git): for branch in [config.trunk] + config.branches: if ":" in branch or not has_local(git, branch): continue git.checkout(branch) unpushed = _count_commits('origin/{0}..{0}'.format(branch)) unpulled = _count_commits('{0}..origin/{0}'.format(branch)) if unpulled or unpushed: print( " [{cwd}] {branch}: {unpushed} ahead " "and {unpulled} behind origin").format( cwd=path, branch=branch, unpushed=unpushed, unpulled=unpulled, ) else: print " [{cwd}] {branch}: Everything up-to-date.".format( cwd=path, branch=branch, ) if unpushed: unpushed_branches.append((path, branch)) elif unpulled: print " Fastforwarding your branch to origin" git.merge('--ff-only', origin(branch)) if unpushed_branches and push: print "The following branches have commits that need to be pushed:" for path, branch in unpushed_branches: print " [{cwd}] {branch}".format(cwd=path, branch=branch) exit(1) else: print "All branches up-to-date."
def sync_local_copies(config, push=True): base_config = config unpushed_branches = [] def _count_commits(compare_spec): return int(sh.wc(git.log(compare_spec, '--oneline', _piped=True), '-l')) for path, config in base_config.span_configs(): git = get_git(path) with OriginalBranch(git): for branch in [config.trunk] + config.branches: if ":" in branch or not has_local(git, branch): continue git.checkout(branch) unpushed = _count_commits('origin/{0}..{0}'.format(branch)) unpulled = _count_commits('{0}..origin/{0}'.format(branch)) if unpulled or unpushed: print((" [{cwd}] {branch}: {unpushed} ahead " "and {unpulled} behind origin").format( cwd=path, branch=branch, unpushed=unpushed, unpulled=unpulled, )) else: print(" [{cwd}] {branch}: Everything up-to-date.".format( cwd=path, branch=branch, )) if unpushed: unpushed_branches.append((path, branch)) elif unpulled: print(" Fastforwarding your branch to origin") git.merge('--ff-only', origin(branch)) if unpushed_branches and push: print("The following branches have commits that need to be pushed:") for path, branch in unpushed_branches: print(" [{cwd}] {branch}".format(cwd=path, branch=branch)) exit(1) else: print("All branches up-to-date.")
def rebuild_staging(config, print_details=True, push=True): merge_conflicts = [] not_found = [] all_configs = list(config.span_configs()) with ExitStack() as stack: for path, _ in all_configs: stack.enter_context(OriginalBranch(get_git(path))) for path, config in all_configs: git = get_git(path) try: git.checkout('-B',, origin(config.trunk), '--no-track') except Exception: git.checkout('-B',, config.trunk, '--no-track') for branch in config.branches: remote = ":" in branch if remote or not has_local(git, branch): if remote: remote_branch = branch.replace(":", "/", 1) else: remote_branch = origin(branch) if not has_remote(git, remote_branch): not_found.append((path, branch)) print(" [{cwd}] {branch} NOT FOUND".format( cwd=format_cwd(path), branch=branch, )) continue branch = remote_branch print(" [{cwd}] Merging {branch} into {name}".format( cwd=path, branch=branch,, end=' ') try: git.merge(branch, '--no-edit') except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: merge_conflicts.append((path, branch, config)) try: git.merge("--abort") except sh.ErrorReturnCode_128: pass print("FAIL") else: print("ok") for pr in config.pull_requests: branch = "enterprise-{pr}".format(pr=pr) print(" [{cwd}] Merging {pr} into {name}".format( cwd=path, pr=pr,, end=' ') try: git.merge(branch, '--no-edit') except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: merge_conflicts.append((path, branch, config)) try: git.merge("--abort") except sh.ErrorReturnCode_128: pass print("FAIL") else: print("ok") if config.submodules: for submodule in config.submodules: git.add(submodule) git.commit('-m', "update submodule refs", '--no-edit', '--allow-empty') if push and not (merge_conflicts or not_found): for path, config in all_configs: # stupid safety check assert != 'master', path print(" [{cwd}] Force pushing to origin {name}".format( cwd=path,, )) force_push(get_git(path), if not_found: print("You must remove the following branches before rebuilding:") for cwd, branch in not_found: print(" [{cwd}] {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch, )) if merge_conflicts: print("You must fix the following merge conflicts before rebuilding:") for cwd, branch, config in merge_conflicts: print("\n[{cwd}] {branch} => {name}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch,, )) git = get_git(cwd) if print_details: print_conflicts(branch, config, git) if merge_conflicts or not_found: exit(1)
def rebuild_staging(config, print_details=True, push=True): merge_conflicts = [] not_found = [] all_configs = list(config.span_configs()) context_manager = contextlib.nested(*[OriginalBranch(get_git(path)) for path, _ in all_configs]) with context_manager: for path, config in all_configs: git = get_git(path) try: git.checkout('-B',, origin(config.trunk), '--no-track') except Exception: git.checkout('-B',, config.trunk, '--no-track') for branch in config.branches: remote = ":" in branch if remote or not has_local(git, branch): if remote: remote_branch = branch.replace(":", "/", 1) else: remote_branch = origin(branch) if not has_remote(git, remote_branch): not_found.append((path, branch)) print(" [{cwd}] {branch} NOT FOUND".format( cwd=format_cwd(path), branch=branch, )) continue branch = remote_branch print(" [{cwd}] Merging {branch} into {name}".format( cwd=path, branch=branch, ), end=' ') try: git.merge(branch, '--no-edit') except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: merge_conflicts.append((path, branch, config)) try: git.merge("--abort") except sh.ErrorReturnCode_128: pass print("FAIL") else: print("ok") for pr in config.pull_requests: branch = "enterprise-{pr}".format(pr=pr) print(" [{cwd}] Merging {pr} into {name}".format( cwd=path, pr=pr, ), end=' ') try: git.merge(branch, '--no-edit') except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: merge_conflicts.append((path, branch, config)) try: git.merge("--abort") except sh.ErrorReturnCode_128: pass print("FAIL") else: print("ok") if config.submodules: for submodule in config.submodules: git.add(submodule) git.commit('-m', "update submodule refs", '--no-edit', '--allow-empty') if push and not (merge_conflicts or not_found): for path, config in all_configs: # stupid safety check assert != 'master', path print(" [{cwd}] Force pushing to origin {name}".format( cwd=path,, )) force_push(get_git(path), if not_found: print("You must remove the following branches before rebuilding:") for cwd, branch in not_found: print(" [{cwd}] {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch, )) if merge_conflicts: print("You must fix the following merge conflicts before rebuilding:") for cwd, branch, config in merge_conflicts: print("\n[{cwd}] {branch} => {name}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch,, )) git = get_git(cwd) if print_details: print_conflicts(branch, config, git) if merge_conflicts or not_found: exit(1)
def main(): import argparse import yaml parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Rebuild the deploy branch for an environment') parser.add_argument("env", help="Name of the environment") parser.add_argument("actions", nargs="*") parser.add_argument("--commcare-hq-root", help="Path to cloned commcare-hq repository", default=os.environ.get("COMMCARE_HQ_ROOT")) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose") parser.add_argument( "--no-push", action="store_true", help="Do not push the changes to remote git repository.") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.commcare_hq_root: print( red("Path to commcare-hq repository must be provided.\n" "Use '--commcare-hq-root=[path]' or set the 'COMMCARE_HQ_ROOT' environment variable." )) exit(1) config_path = os.path.join("environments", args.env, "deploy_branches.yml") git = get_git() print("Fetching master") git.fetch("origin", "master") if not args.no_push: print("Checking branch config for modifications") if git.diff("origin/master", "--", config_path): print( red("'{}' on this branch different from the one on master". format(config_path))) exit(1) with open(config_path) as config_yaml: config = yaml.safe_load(config_yaml) if "trunk" in config: config = BranchConfig.wrap(config) config.normalize() repositories = {"dimagi/commcare-hq": config} elif "dimagi/commcare-hq" in config: repositories = { repo: BranchConfig.wrap(repo_config) for repo, repo_config in config.items() } for repo, repo_config in repositories.items(): repo_config.normalize() if repo == "dimagi/commcare-hq": repo_config.root = os.path.abspath(args.commcare_hq_root) else: env_var = "{}_ROOT".format(re.sub("[/-]", "_", repo).upper()) code_root = os.environ.get(env_var) if not code_root: code_root = raw_input( "Please supply the location of the '{}' repo: ".format( repo)) if not code_root or not os.path.exists(code_root): print( red("Repo path must be supplied. " "Consider setting the '{}' environment variable". format(env_var))) exit(1) repo_config.root = os.path.abspath(code_root) else: print(red("Unexpected format for config file.")) exit(1) for config in repositories.values(): if not config.check_trunk_is_recent(config.root): print("The trunk is not based on a very recent commit") print("Consider using one of the following:") print(git_recent_tags(config.root)) exit(1) if not args.actions: args.actions = 'fetch sync rebuild'.split() push = not args.no_push with DisableGitHooks(), ShVerbose(args.verbose): for repo, config in repositories.items(): print("\nRebuilding '{}' branch in '{}' repo.".format(, repo)) if 'fetch' in args.actions: fetch_remote(config) if 'sync' in args.actions: sync_local_copies(config, push=push) if 'rebuild' in args.actions: rebuild_staging(config, push=push)
def rebuild_staging(config, print_details=True, push=True): merge_conflicts = [] not_found = [] all_configs = list(config.span_configs()) context_manager = contextlib.nested( *[OriginalBranch(get_git(path)) for path, _ in all_configs]) with context_manager: for path, config in all_configs: git = get_git(path) git.checkout('-B',, origin(config.trunk), '--no-track') for branch in config.branches: remote = ":" in branch if remote or not has_local(git, branch): if remote: remote_branch = branch.replace(":", "/", 1) else: remote_branch = origin(branch) if not has_remote(git, remote_branch): not_found.append((path, branch)) print " [{cwd}] {branch} NOT FOUND".format( cwd=format_cwd(path), branch=branch, ) continue branch = remote_branch print " [{cwd}] Merging {branch} into {name}".format( cwd=path, branch=branch,, try: git.merge(branch, '--no-edit') except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: merge_conflicts.append((path, branch, try: git.merge("--abort") except sh.ErrorReturnCode_128: pass print "FAIL" else: print "ok" if config.submodules: for submodule in config.submodules: git.add(submodule) git.commit('-m', "update submodule refs", '--no-edit', '--allow-empty') # stupid safety check assert != 'master' if push: print " [{cwd}] Force pushing to origin {name}".format( cwd=path,, ) force_push(git, if not_found: print "You must remove the following branches before rebuilding:" for cwd, branch in not_found: print " [{cwd}] {branch}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch, ) if merge_conflicts: print "You must fix the following merge conflicts before rebuilding:" for cwd, branch, name in merge_conflicts: print " [{cwd}] {branch} => {name}".format( cwd=format_cwd(cwd), branch=branch, name=name, ) git = get_git(cwd) if print_details: print_merge_details(branch, name, git) if merge_conflicts or not_found: exit(1)