def experiments_to_h5(experiments, data_dset, target_dset, get_class=lambda x: x['metadata']['class'], append=0, progress=False, class_dtype=np.uint16): """ get_class is a function""" key_map = {} for k in experiments[0]['units'].keys(): u = Unit.lookup[k] (row, column) = unit_num = u.unit_num key_map[k] = (row, column, unit_num) duration = experiments[0]['lifespan'] + append for l in experiments: try: assert duration == l['lifespan'] + append except:"duration: {duration} != {l['lifespan']}, for {l}") raise classes = np.array(f_map(get_class)(experiments), dtype=class_dtype) print(f"assigning experiments to hdf5 file") for i, e in enumerate(tqdm(experiments)): spike_train_to_h5(e, key_map, data_dset, index=i) target_dset[:] = classes return (data_dset, target_dset)
def experiments_to_ndarrays(experiments, get_class=lambda x: x['metadata']['class'], append=0, progress=False, class_dtype=np.uint16): """ get_class is a function""" nE = len(experiments)"number of experiments to convert to ndarray: {nE}") print("converting to ndarray") key_map = {} for k in experiments[0]['units'].keys(): u = Unit.lookup[k] (row, column) = unit_num = u.unit_num key_map[k] = (row, column, unit_num) duration = experiments[0]['lifespan'] + append for l in experiments: try: assert duration == l['lifespan'] + append except:"duration: {duration} != {l['lifespan']}, for {l}") raise d = int(np.ceil(duration * 1000)) # 1ms bins shape = (nE, d, Unit.nrow, Unit.ncol, Unit.nunit) # max 1 spike per ms in theory # 256 per bin should be plenty data = np.full(shape, 0, dtype=np.uint8) classes = np.array(f_map(get_class)(experiments), dtype=class_dtype) assert classes.shape == (nE, ) to_sparse = partial(spike_train_to_sparse, shape=shape[1:], key_map=key_map) # arrays = f_map(to_sparse)(experiments) arrays = pmap(to_sparse, experiments, progress=True) # data[indices] = 1 for i, array in enumerate(arrays): data[i] = array return (data, classes)
def plot_units(unit_plot_function, c_unit_fig, *units_data, nplots=1, ncols=1, nrows=None, ax_xsize=2, ax_ysize=2, figure_title=None, transpose=False, subplot_kw=None): """Create a giant figure with one or more plots per unit. c_unit_fig determines what happens to fig when produced transpose==True will yield axes by column Must supply an even number of arguments that alternate function, units. If one pair is provided, ncols will determine the number of columns. Otherwise, each unit will get one row.""""plotting units") number_of_units = len(units_data[0].keys()) processes = config.processes all_data = zip_dictionaries(*units_data) def data_generator(): for unit_id, data in all_data: yield (unit_id, data) # ax_xsize, ax_ysize, figure_title, subplot_kw, semaphore) pool = Pool(processes)"passing tasks to pool") plot_worker = partial(_plot_worker, unit_plot_function, c_unit_fig, nplots, ncols, nrows, ax_xsize, ax_ysize, figure_title, transpose, subplot_kw) list( pool.imap_unordered(plot_worker, tqdm(data_generator(), total=number_of_units))) pool.close() pool.join()
def init_logging(name, processes, verbose, debug): #### LOGGING CONFIGURATION fh = logging.FileHandler(name + '.log') fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() if verbose: ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) # tracemalloc.start() elif debug: ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: ch.setLevel(logging.WARNING) if processes != None: config.processes = processes formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s', '%H:%M:%S') fh.setFormatter(formatter) ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch)"Verbose logging on") logger.debug("Debug logging on")
def analyze(ctx, filename, trigger, threshold, eyecandy, ignore_extra=False, fix_missing=False, output=None, notebook=None, configuration=None, verbose=False, debug=False, processes=None, by_channel=False, integrity_filter=0.0, analog_idx=1, default_channel_map=False, dev=False): """Analyze data recorded with eyecandy. This command/function preprocesses the data & aligns stimuli to ephys recording. """ print("version 0.5.1") init_logging(filename, processes, verbose, debug) #### FILEPATHS logger.debug(str(filename) + " " + str(os.path.curdir)) if not os.path.isfile(filename): try: filename = glia.match_filename(filename, "txt") except: filename = glia.match_filename(filename, "bxr") data_directory, data_name = os.path.split(filename) name, extension = os.path.splitext(data_name) analog_file = os.path.join(data_directory, name + '.analog') if not os.path.isfile(analog_file): # use 3brain analog file analog_file = os.path.join(data_directory, name + '.analog.brw') stimulus_file = os.path.join(data_directory, name + ".stim") ctx.obj = {"filename": os.path.join(data_directory, name)} print(f"Analyzing {name}") if configuration != None: with open(configuration, 'r') as f: user_config = yaml.safe_load(f) config.user_config = user_config if "analog_calibration" in user_config: config.analog_calibration = user_config["analog_calibration"] if "notebook" in user_config: notebook = user_config["notebook"] if "eyecandy" in user_config: eyecandy = user_config["eyecandy"] if "processes" in user_config: processes = user_config["processes"] if "integrity_filter" in user_config: integrity_filter = user_config["integrity_filter"] if "by_channel" in user_config: by_channel = user_config["by_channel"] if not notebook: notebook = glia.find_notebook(data_directory) lab_notebook = glia.open_lab_notebook(notebook) experiment_protocol = glia.get_experiment_protocol(lab_notebook, name) flicker_version = experiment_protocol["flickerVersion"] #### LOAD STIMULUS try: metadata, stimulus_list, method = glia.read_stimulus(stimulus_file) ctx.obj["stimulus_list"] = stimulus_list ctx.obj["metadata"] = metadata # assert method=='analog-flicker' except: print( "No .stim file found. Creating from .analog file.".format(trigger)) if flicker_version == 0.3: metadata, stimulus_list = glia.create_stimuli( analog_file, stimulus_file, notebook, name, eyecandy, analog_idx, ignore_extra, config.analog_calibration, threshold) ctx.obj["stimulus_list"] = stimulus_list ctx.obj["metadata"] = metadata print('finished creating .stim file') elif trigger == "ttl": raise ValueError('not implemented') else: raise ValueError("invalid trigger: {}".format(trigger)) # look for .frames file try: lab_notebook_notype = glia.open_lab_notebook(notebook, convert_types=False) protocol_notype = glia.get_experiment_protocol(lab_notebook_notype, name) date_prefix = os.path.join(data_directory, protocol_notype['date'].replace(':', '_')) frames_file = date_prefix + "_eyecandy_frames.log" video_file = date_prefix + "_eyecandy.mkv" frame_log = pd.read_csv(frames_file) frame_log = frame_log[:-1] # last frame is not encoded for some reason ctx.obj["frame_log"] = frame_log ctx.obj["video_file"] = video_file except Exception as e: extype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() print(e) ctx.obj["frame_log"] = None ctx.obj["video_file"] = None print("Attempting to continue without frame log...") #### LOAD SPIKES spyking_regex = re.compile('.*\.result.hdf5$') eye = experiment_protocol['eye'] experiment_n = experiment_protocol['experimentNumber'] date = experiment_protocol['date'].date().strftime("%y%m%d") retina_id = date + '_R' + eye + '_E' + experiment_n if extension == ".txt": ctx.obj["units"] = glia.read_plexon_txt_file(filename, retina_id, channel_map) elif extension == ".bxr": if default_channel_map: channel_map_3brain = config.channel_map_3brain else: channel_map_3brain = None ctx.obj["units"] = glia.read_3brain_spikes(filename, retina_id, channel_map_3brain, truncate=dev) elif re.match(spyking_regex, filename): ctx.obj["units"] = glia.read_spyking_results(filename) else: raise ValueError( 'could not read {}. Is it a plexon or spyking circus file?') #### DATA MUNGING OPTIONS if integrity_filter > 0.0: good_units = solid.filter_units_by_accuracy(ctx.obj["units"], ctx.obj['stimulus_list'], integrity_filter) filter_good_units = glia.f_filter(lambda u, v: u in good_units) ctx.obj["units"] = filter_good_units(ctx.obj["units"]) if by_channel: ctx.obj["units"] = glia.combine_units_by_channel(ctx.obj["units"]) # prepare_output plot_directory = os.path.join(data_directory, name + "-plots") config.plot_directory = plot_directory os.makedirs(plot_directory, exist_ok=True) os.chmod(plot_directory, 0o777) if output == "pdf": logger.debug("Outputting pdf") ctx.obj["retina_pdf"] = PdfPages( glia.plot_pdf_path(plot_directory, "retina")) ctx.obj["unit_pdfs"] = glia.open_pdfs(plot_directory, list(ctx.obj["units"].keys()), Unit.name_lookup()) # c connotes 'continuation' for continuation passing style ctx.obj["c_unit_fig"] = partial(glia.add_to_unit_pdfs, unit_pdfs=ctx.obj["unit_pdfs"]) ctx.obj["c_retina_fig"] = lambda x: ctx.obj["retina_pdf"].savefig(x) elif output == "png": logger.debug("Outputting png") ctx.obj["c_unit_fig"] = glia.save_unit_fig ctx.obj["c_retina_fig"] = glia.save_retina_fig os.makedirs(os.path.join(plot_directory, "00-all"), exist_ok=True) for unit_id in ctx.obj["units"].keys(): name = unit_id os.makedirs(os.path.join(plot_directory, name), exist_ok=True)