def cylinderSDF(p, h, r):
    inOutRadius = glm.length(p.xy) - r
    inOutHeight = glm.abs(p.z) - h / 2.0
    insideDistance = glm.min(glm.max(inOutRadius, inOutHeight), 0.0)
    outsideDistance = glm.length(
        glm.max(glm.vec2(inOutRadius, inOutHeight), 0.0))
    return insideDistance + outsideDistance
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def align(self, worldOriginRotation,
              worldDestinationRotation):  # rotations
        angle = worldDestinationRotation - worldOriginRotation
        angle = (angle + 180.0) % 360.0 - 180.0
        absAngle = glm.abs(angle)
        if absAngle <= self.minAlignDistance:
            return 0.0

        direction = angle / absAngle
        angularAcceleration = direction * self.maxAngularVelocity
        return angularAcceleration
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def move(self, dir):
        self.position = self.sposition + dir
        #if self.chunk.block(int(newpos.x), int(newpos.y), int(newpos.z)).space_type == 0:
        #    self.position = newpos
        #newpos = self.position + glm.vec3(0,0,-.1)
        #if self.chunk.block(int(newpos.x), int(newpos.y), int(newpos.z)).space_type == 0:
        #    self.position = newpos
        #self.position.z -= self.velocity.z

        adir = glm.abs(dir)
        if adir.z > adir.x and adir.z > adir.y:

        if adir.x > adir.y:
            self.direction = self.renderer.RIGHT if dir.x > 0 else self.renderer.LEFT
            self.direction = self.renderer.UP if dir.y > 0 else self.renderer.DOWN
def boxSDF(p, size):
    d = glm.abs(p) - (size / 2.0)
    insideDistance = glm.min(glm.max(d.x, glm.max(d.y, d.z)), 0.0)
    outsideDistance = glm.length(glm.max(d, 0.0))
    return insideDistance + outsideDistance
Ejemplo n.º 5
def norminf(x):
    ''' norm L infinite  ie.  `max(abs(x), abs(y), abs(z))` '''
    return max(glm.abs(x))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def move_closer(self):
     distance = self.cam_distance - self.wheel_speed
     if glm.abs(distance) >= self._min_distance:
         self.cam_distance = distance
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def intersect(self, ray_origin, ray_direction):

        size = glm.ivec3(*self.size)
        abs_d = glm.abs(ray_direction)
        max_d = max(abs_d.x, max(abs_d.y, abs_d.z))
        dir = ray_direction / max_d / glm.vec3(size)
        origin = ray_origin * glm.vec3(size)

        map = glm.ivec3(origin + 1) - 1
        side = 0
        stepAmount = glm.ivec3(0)
        tDelta = abs(1.0 / dir)
        tMax = glm.vec3(0)
        voxel = 0

        if dir.x < 0:
            stepAmount.x = -1
            tMax.x = (origin.x - map.x) * tDelta.x
        elif dir.x > 0:
            stepAmount.x = 1
            tMax.x = (map.x + 1 - origin.x) * tDelta.x
            stepAmount.x = 0
            tMax.x = 0

        if dir.y < 0:
            stepAmount.y = -1
            tMax.y = (origin.y - map.y) * tDelta.y
        elif dir.y > 0:
            stepAmount.y = 1
            tMax.y = (map.y + 1 - origin.y) * tDelta.y
            stepAmount.y = 0
            tMax.y = 0

        if dir.z < 0:
            stepAmount.z = -1
            tMax.z = (origin.z - map.z) * tDelta.z
        elif dir.z > 0:
            stepAmount.z = 1
            tMax.z = (map.z + 1.0 - origin.z) * tDelta.z
            stepAmount.z = 0
            tMax.z = 0

        while True:
            if tMax.x < tMax.y:
                if tMax.x < tMax.z:
                    map.x += stepAmount.x
                    if (stepAmount.x > 0
                            and map.x >= size.x) or (stepAmount.x < 0
                                                     and map.x < 0):
                        return (False, map, side)
                    tMax.x += tDelta.x
                    side = 0
                    map.z += stepAmount.z
                    if (stepAmount.z > 0
                            and map.z >= size.z) or (stepAmount.z < 0
                                                     and map.z < 0):
                        return (False, map, side)
                    tMax.z += tDelta.z
                    side = 2
                if tMax.y < tMax.z:
                    map.y += stepAmount.y
                    if (stepAmount.y > 0
                            and map.y >= size.y) or (stepAmount.y < 0
                                                     and map.y < 0):
                        return (False, map, side)
                    tMax.y += tDelta.y
                    side = 1
                    map.z += stepAmount.z
                    if (stepAmount.z > 0
                            and map.z >= size.z) or (stepAmount.z < 0
                                                     and map.z < 0):
                        return (False, map, side)
                    tMax.z += tDelta.z
                    side = 2
            voxel = self.lookup(map)
            if voxel != 0:
        return (True, map, side)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def max_abs(v):

    if abs(v.x) > abs(v.y):
        return v.x
        return v.y