Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_field(store, field_dict, language):
    Transaction that perform db_create_field
    field = db_create_field(store, field_dict, language)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_field(store, field, language):
    Transaction that perform db_create_field
    f = db_create_field(store, field, language)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, f, language)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def db_create_field(store, request, language):
    Add a new field to the store, then return the new serialized object.
    :param: store: the store reference
    :param: request: the field definition dict
    :param: language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: a serialization of the object
    is_template, step_id, fieldgroup_id = field_integrity_check(request)

    # XXX you probably want to split this if else statement into two functions
    # that are called create_field_from_template and create_field
    if not 'template_id' in request:
        fill_localized_keys(request, models.Field.localized_strings, language)
        field = models.Field.new(store, request)
        db_update_options(store, field.id, request['options'], language)
        template = store.find(models.Field, models.Field.id == request['template_id']).one()
        if not template:
            raise errors.InvalidInputFormat("The specified template id %s does not exist" %
        field = template.copy(store, is_template)

    associate_field(store, field, step_id, fieldgroup_id)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def update_field(store, field_id, request, language):
    Update the specified field with the details.
    raises :class:`globaleaks.errors.FieldIdNotFound` if the field does
    not exist.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param: field_id: the field_id of the field to update
    :param: request: the field definition dict
    :param: language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: a serialization of the object
    errmsg = 'Invalid or not existent field ids in request.'

    is_template, step_id, fieldgroup_id = field_integrity_check(request)

    field = models.Field.get(store, field_id)
        if not field:
            raise errors.InvalidInputFormat(errmsg)

        fill_localized_keys(request, models.Field.localized_strings, language)


        # children handling:
        #  - old children are cleared
        #  - new provided childrens are evaluated and added
        children = request['children']
        if children and field.type != 'fieldgroup':
            raise errors.InvalidInputFormat(
                "children can be associated only to fields of type fieldgroup")

        ancestors = set(fieldtree_ancestors(store, field.id))

        for c in children:
            child = models.Field.get(store, c['id'])
            # check child do exists and graph is not recursive
            if not child or child.id == field.id or child.id in ancestors:
                raise errors.InvalidInputFormat(errmsg)

            # remove current step/field fieldgroup/field association
            disassociate_field(store, child.id)


        db_update_options(store, field.id, request['options'], language)

        # remove current step/field fieldgroup/field association
        disassociate_field(store, field_id)

        associate_field(store, field, step_id, fieldgroup_id)

    except Exception as dberror:
        log.err('Unable to update field: {e}'.format(e=dberror))
        raise errors.InvalidInputFormat(dberror)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def update_field(store, field_id, request, language):
    Update the specified field with the details.
    raises :class:`globaleaks.errors.FieldIdNotFound` if the field does
    not exist.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param: field_id: the field_id of the field to update
    :param: request: the field definition dict
    :param: language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: a serialization of the object
    errmsg = 'Invalid or not existent field ids in request.'

    is_template, step_id, fieldgroup_id = field_integrity_check(request)

    field = models.Field.get(store, field_id)
        if not field:
            raise errors.InvalidInputFormat(errmsg)

        fill_localized_keys(request, models.Field.localized_strings, language)


        # children handling:
        #  - old children are cleared
        #  - new provided childrens are evaluated and added
        children = request['children']
        if children and field.type != 'fieldgroup':
            raise errors.InvalidInputFormat("children can be associated only to fields of type fieldgroup")

        ancestors = set(fieldtree_ancestors(store, field.id))

        for c in children:
            child = models.Field.get(store, c['id'])
            # check child do exists and graph is not recursive
            if not child or child.id == field.id or child.id in ancestors:
                raise errors.InvalidInputFormat(errmsg)

            # remove current step/field fieldgroup/field association
            disassociate_field(store, child.id)


        db_update_options(store, field.id, request['options'], language)

        # remove current step/field fieldgroup/field association
        disassociate_field(store, field_id)

        associate_field(store, field, step_id, fieldgroup_id)

    except Exception as dberror:
        log.err('Unable to update field: {e}'.format(e=dberror))
        raise errors.InvalidInputFormat(dberror)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def db_get_fields_recursively(store, field, language):
    ret = []
    for children in field.children:
        s = anon_serialize_field(store, children, language)
        ret += db_get_fields_recursively(store, children, language)

    a = [ field['label'] for field in ret]
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_field(store, field_id, is_template, language):
    Serialize a speficied field, localizing its content depending on the language.

    :param field_id: the id corresponding to the field.
    :param language: the language in which to localize data
    :return: the currently configured field.
    :rtype: dict
    field = store.find(models.Field, And(models.Field.id == field_id, models.Field.is_template == is_template)).one()
    if not field:
        log.err('Invalid field requested')
        raise errors.FieldIdNotFound
    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def update_field(store, field_id, field, language):
    Update the specified field with the details.
    raises :class:`globaleaks.errors.FieldIdNotFound` if the field does
    not exist.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param field_id: the field_id of the field to update
    :param field: the field definition dict
    :param language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: a serialization of the object
    field = db_update_field(store, field_id, field, language)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_field(store, field_id, field, language):
    Update the specified field with the details.
    raises :class:`globaleaks.errors.FieldIdNotFound` if the field does
    not exist.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param field_id: the field_id of the field to update
    :param field: the field definition dict
    :param language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: a serialization of the object
    field = db_update_field(store, field_id, field, language)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_field(store, field_id, language):
    Serialize a specified field

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param field_id: the id corresponding to the field.
    :param language: the language in which to localize data
    :return: the currently configured field.
    :rtype: dict
    field = store.find(models.Field, models.Field.id == field_id).one()
    if not field:
        raise errors.FieldIdNotFound

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_field(store, field_id, language):
    Serialize a specified field

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param field_id: the id corresponding to the field.
    :param language: the language in which to localize data
    :return: the currently configured field.
    :rtype: dict
    field = store.find(models.Field, models.Field.id == field_id).one()
    if not field:
        raise errors.FieldIdNotFound

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_field(store, field_id, is_template, language):
    Serialize a specified field

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param field_id: the id corresponding to the field.
    :param is_template: a boolean specifying if the requested field needs to be a template
    :param language: the language in which to localize data
    :return: the currently configured field.
    :rtype: dict
    field = store.find(models.Field, And(models.Field.id == field_id, models.Field.is_template == is_template)).one()
    if not field:
        log.err('Invalid field requested')
        raise errors.FieldIdNotFound
    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_field_list(store, is_template, language):
    Serialize all the root fields (templates or not templates)
    localizing their content depending on the language.

    :return: the current field list serialized.
    :param language: the language of the field definition dict
    :rtype: list of dict
    ret = []

    for f in store.find(models.Field, models.Field.is_template == is_template):
        if not store.find(models.FieldField, models.FieldField.child_id == f.id).one():
            ret.append(anon_serialize_field(store, f, language))

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_fieldtemplates_list(store, language):
    Serialize all the field templates localizing their content depending on the language.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: the current field list serialized.
    :rtype: list of dict
    ret = []

    for f in store.find(models.Field, models.Field.instance == u'template'):
        if not store.find(models.FieldField, models.FieldField.child_id == f.id).one():
            ret.append(anon_serialize_field(store, f, language))

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_fieldtemplates_list(store, language):
    Serialize all the field templates localizing their content depending on the language.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: the current field list serialized.
    :rtype: list of dict
    ret = []

    for f in store.find(models.Field, models.Field.instance == u'template'):
        if not store.find(models.FieldField, models.FieldField.child_id
                          == f.id).one():
            ret.append(anon_serialize_field(store, f, language))

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 16
def db_create_field(store, request, language):
    Create and add a new field to the store, then return the new serialized object.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param: request: the field definition dict
    :param: language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: a serialization of the object
    _, step_id, fieldgroup_id = field_integrity_check(request)

    fill_localized_keys(request, models.Field.localized_strings, language)
    field = models.Field.new(store, request)
    db_update_options(store, field.id, request['options'], language)

    associate_field(store, field, step_id, fieldgroup_id)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def db_create_field(store, request, language):
    Create and add a new field to the store, then return the new serialized object.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param: request: the field definition dict
    :param: language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: a serialization of the object
    _, step_id, fieldgroup_id = field_integrity_check(request)

    fill_localized_keys(request, models.Field.localized_strings, language)
    field = models.Field.new(store, request)
    db_update_options(store, field.id, request['options'], language)

    associate_field(store, field, step_id, fieldgroup_id)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_field(store, field_id, is_template, language):
    Serialize a specified field

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param field_id: the id corresponding to the field.
    :param is_template: a boolean specifying if the requested field needs to be a template
    :param language: the language in which to localize data
    :return: the currently configured field.
    :rtype: dict
    field = store.find(
        And(models.Field.id == field_id,
            models.Field.is_template == is_template)).one()
    if not field:
        log.err('Invalid field requested')
        raise errors.FieldIdNotFound
    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def db_create_field_from_template(store, request, language):
    Create and add a new field to the store starting from a template,
    then return the new serialized object.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param: request: the field definition dict
    :param: language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: a serialization of the object
    _, step_id, fieldgroup_id = field_integrity_check(request)

    template = store.find(models.Field, models.Field.id == request['template_id']).one()
    if not template:
        raise errors.InvalidInputFormat("The specified template id %s does not exist" %
    field = template.copy(store, False)

    associate_field(store, field, step_id, fieldgroup_id)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def db_get_context_fields(store, context_id, language=GLSetting.memory_copy.default_language):
        (dict) the fields associated with the context with the specified id.

    context = store.find(models.Context, models.Context.id == context_id).one()

    if not context:
        log.err("Requested invalid context")
        raise errors.ContextIdNotFound

    steps_list = context.steps

    fields = []

    for ss in steps_list:
        for children in ss.children:
            f = anon_serialize_field(store, children, 'en')

    return fields
Ejemplo n.º 21
def db_create_field_from_template(store, request, language):
    Create and add a new field to the store starting from a template,
    then return the new serialized object.

    :param store: the store on which perform queries.
    :param: request: the field definition dict
    :param: language: the language of the field definition dict
    :return: a serialization of the object
    _, step_id, fieldgroup_id = field_integrity_check(request)

    template = store.find(models.Field,
                          models.Field.id == request['template_id']).one()
    if not template:
        raise errors.InvalidInputFormat(
            "The specified template id %s does not exist" %
    field = template.copy(store, False)

    associate_field(store, field, step_id, fieldgroup_id)

    return anon_serialize_field(store, field, language)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _get_field(self, store, field_id):
     field = models.Field.get(store, field_id)
     return anon_serialize_field(store, field, 'en')
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def _get_field(self, store, field_id):
     field = models.Field.get(store, field_id)
     return anon_serialize_field(store, field, 'en')