def run(self): port = None if self.use_unix_socket: socket_family = socket.AF_UNIX if self.lirc_file is not None: port = self.lirc_file else: socket_family = socket.AF_INET port = (socket.gethostname(), app.lirc_port) s = socket.socket(socket_family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) log("[LircServer] Using port " + str(port)) if self.use_unix_socket: if os.access(port, os.F_OK): try: os.remove(port) except OSError: self.mainapp.die("[LircServer] Can't delete file: " + app.lirc_file) return"[LircServer] LIRC Server Listening on " + str(port)) try: s.bind(port) if self.use_unix_socket: os.chmod(port, 0666) except Exception, e: self.mainapp.die("[LircServer] Can't bind socket: " + str(e[1])) return
def addCommand(self, cmd): mutex.acquire() log("[CommandQueue] Adding command: "+cmd) self.commands.append(cmd) mutex.release()
def split(self, addr, endAddr=-1): """ Splits the basic block into two. This function shall only be used in the case of the latter discovery of a jump into the midst of an already defined basic block. Creates two new basic blocks that are saved to self.hiBb and self.loBb. @param addr: The address where to split the block. The address of the first instruction of the new basic block. """ if not (addr >= self.startAddr and addr <= self.endAddr): raise AddressOutOfRange("The supplied address lies not within the basicblock") if self.isSplit: log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[!] Going to split a basic block that was already split (address: %x)." % addr) # dispatch to lower level bbs if addr < self.loBb.startAddr: return self.hiBb.split(addr, endAddr) else: return self.loBb.split(addr, endAddr) if (endAddr == -1): newEndAddr = addr -1 # TODO: rather hackish, unfortunately we do not know the size of the previous instruction else: newEndAddr = endAddr self.loBb = BasicBlock(addr, self.endAddr, nExits=self.nExits) self.loBb.knownExits = self.knownExits self.hiBb = BasicBlock(self.startAddr, newEndAddr, nExits=1) self.hiBb.addExit(self.loBb) # now distribute flags hiType = (self.type & self.TYPE.ADJACENT_TO_VIRTUAL) | (self.type & self.TYPE.START_BLOCK) | self.TYPE.SINGLE_EXIT self.hiBb.addType(hiType) loType = (self.type & self.TYPE.END_BLOCK) | (self.type & self.TYPE.SINGLE_EXIT) self.loBb.addType(loType) self.isSplit = True return (self.hiBb, self.loBb)
def handleClient(self, socket): mutex.acquire() log("[LircServer] Adding client") self.clients.append(LircClient(socket)) mutex.release()
def _setupCheckpoints(self, checkpoints, maxHits): t0 = time.time() self.checkpoints = {} for addr in checkpoints: self.checkpoints[addr] = Checkpoint(addr, maxHits) self.replug() log(DEBUG_LEVEL.SOME, "[i] Setting %d trace breakpoints took %f seconds." % (len(checkpoints),time.time() - t0))
def _virtCondBranchHandler(self, pygdb, event): log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "Vbb hit at %x" % event.addr) vbb = self.virtBasicBlocks[event.addr] self._processVirtCondBranch(pygdb, vbb, event.tid) # add adjacent bb if len(vbb.knownExits) != 1: raise InvalidTracerState("A virtual basic-block was encountered that has not exactly one exit. This should never be the case.") nextBb = vbb.knownExits.values()[0].bb self._processBb(pygdb, nextBb, event.tid) return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN_KEEP_BREAKPOINT
def _defaultBpHandler(self, pygdb, event): pid = if event.tid not in self.traces: self.traces[event.tid] = Trace(event.tid) addr = self.undoRebasing and pygdb.environment.unrebaseCodeAddr(pygdb, event.addr, or event.addr self.traces[event.tid].addWaypoint(addr) log(DEBUG_LEVEL.IMPORTANT, "[e] Waypoint hit at address %08x. Continuing ..." % addr) # remove breakpoint if it was hit too often if not self.checkpoints[addr].hit(pid): pygdb.removeBreakpoint(addr, pid) log(DEBUG_LEVEL.IMPORTANT, "[i] Removed breakpoint %x after too many hits." % (addr)) return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN
def run(self): log("[BluetoothServer] Initializing Bluetooth Server") stype = bluetooth.RFCOMM port = bluetooth.PORT_ANY server_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(stype) server_sock.bind(("", port)) server_sock.listen(5) try: bluetooth.advertise_service(server_sock, "Bluemote Service", globals.UUID) except bluetooth.BluetoothError, be: self.mainapp.die("[BluemoteServer] Can't advertise service. Are the drivers running? Is there a bluetooth device?: " + str(be)) return
def _dynamicBranchHandler(self, pygdb, event): log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "Dcb hit at %x" % event.addr) pygdb.stepInto(event.tid, True) nextAddr = pygdb.getPC(event.tid) db = self.dynamicBranches[event.addr] if db.characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.CALL != 0: db.basicBlock.addCall(event.addr, nextAddr) else: db.basicBlock.addExit(nextAddr) if db.characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.FAR_BRANCH == 0: newBb = BasicBlock(pygdb.getPC(event.tid)) self._addBasicBlock(newBb) return self._bbEntryHandler(pygdb, newBb, event.tid) return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN_KEEP_BREAKPOINT
def _virtCondBranchInDelaySlotHandler(self, pygdb, event): """ TODO: Currently not in use! Think about how to best represent cond. instruction in delay slots on graph-level. The best solution is probably to treat delay slots as distinct basic blocks. This way the real order of instructions would not be messed up. """ willExecute = True characteristics = pygdb.cpu.getInstrCharacteristics(pygdb, event.tid, event.addr) if characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.DELAY_SLOT_LIKELY != 0: willExecute = pygdb.cpu.evaluateCondInstr(pygdb, event.tid, event.addr) if willExecute: addrDelaySlot = pygdb.cpu.getAddressDelaySlot(event.addr) log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "Vbb hit in delay-slot at %x" % addrDelaySlot) vbbDS = self.virtBasicBlocks[addrDelaySlot] self._processVirtCondBranch(pygdb, vbbDS, event.tid) return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN_KEEP_BREAKPOINT
def _bpDispatcher(self, pygdb, event): # TODO: Dirty workaround for gdbserver screw up # pygdb.enableDieOnProcessExit(True) ############################################### log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[e] Tracer got notified of event at %x in thread %x." % (event.addr, event.tid)) if event.tid not in self.traces: self.traces[event.tid] = BasicBlockTrace(event.tid) # check if this is a first time hit if self.breakOnEntireFunction: pass else: # check for this being the entry event of the to be traced function if not event.addr == self.function: raise InvalidTracerState("_bpDispatcher should only be entered through its entry-point (in case breakOnEntireFunction is False).") if self.requiredCallStack is not None and self.functionTracer is not None: currentCallStack = self.functionTracer.getCurrentCallStack(event.tid) # check if the required callstack fits to the current callstack if not self.requiredCallStack.fitsInto(currentCallStack): # this is not the callstack we wanted # clear own breakpoints and hand the event to the function tracer self._teardownKnownPointsOfInterest( return FunctionTracer._callHandler(self.functionTracer, pygdb, event) # this is the callstack we wanted, temporarily set own breakpoints and unplug the function tracer and start tracing on basic block level self._unplugFunctionTracer() self._setActiveThread(event) if not self._isKnownAddr(event.addr): # TODO: little hack to prevent occasional deadlocks while tracing funcs in OpenSSH pygdb.disableFollowFork() # newBb = self._createBasicBlock(event.addr, BasicBlock.TYPE.START_BLOCK) continueMode = self._bbEntryHandler(pygdb, newBb, event.tid) self._aboutToContinue(event.tid) return continueMode else: # dispatch the event return BasicBlockTracer._eventDispatcher(self, pygdb, event)
def sendCommand(self, cmd): mutex.acquire() if len(self.clients) > 0: log("[LircServer] Received command " + cmd + " a " + str(len(self.clients)) + " clients") liveclients = [] for c in self.clients: if c.sendCommand(cmd + "\n"): liveclients.append(c) self.clients = liveclients else: log("[LircServer] No clients connected, dropping command!") mutex.release()
def _retHandler(self, pygdb, event): pid = if event.tid not in self.traces: return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN log(DEBUG_LEVEL.SOME, "[e] Function returned to %08x. Continuing ..." % event.addr) retAddr = event.addr retValues = pygdb.cpu.getFunctionReturnValues(pygdb, event.tid) # check if return breakpoint really belongs to this thread closedCalls = self.traces[event.tid].ret(retAddr, retValues) self.retBps[pid][retAddr].sub(event.tid, closedCalls) # check if there are still any references to the return breakpoint if not self.retBps[pid][retAddr].hasRefs(): # remove breakpoint self.retBps[pid].pop(retAddr) pygdb.removeBreakpoint(retAddr, pid) return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN
def _condBranchHandler(self, pygdb, event): """ TODO: Dirty dirty hack, revert to release 'PROFTPD FULL AUTH' in order to clean this method up. """ log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[e] Cb hit at %x" % event.addr) # evaluate condition cb = self.condBranches[event.addr] assert cb.characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.FAR_BRANCH == 0 condition = pygdb.cpu.evaluateCondInstr(pygdb, event.tid, event.addr) log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Condition of CB at %x is %s." % (cb.addr, str(condition))) if cb.getCondAddr(condition) is None: log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Cb is now fully evaluated, removing bp.") pygdb.removeBreakpoint(event.addr, GDB.THREADS.ALL) pygdb.stepInto(event.tid, False) nextAddr = pygdb.getPC(event.tid) newBb = self._createBasicBlock(nextAddr) return self._bbEntryHandler(pygdb, newBb, event.tid) else: # get next addr for the opposite condition nextAddr = pygdb.cpu.getNextPC(pygdb, event.tid, not condition) if nextAddr is None: # fallback log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Cb is not fully evaluated yet. Could not determine other address.") return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN_KEEP_BREAKPOINT log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Cb is not fully evaluated yet. Other adress is %x." % nextAddr) pygdb.removeBreakpoint(event.addr, GDB.THREADS.ALL) newBb = self._createBasicBlock(nextAddr) self._addBasicBlock(newBb) lastBb = self.traces[event.tid].getLastWaypoint() lastBb.addExit(newBb) return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN_KEEP_BREAKPOINT
def init(self): self.initlog();"[MainAppServer] Welcome to btlirc Server 0.1") lircServer = LircServer(self); queue = CommandQueue(self, lircServer) queue.start() lircServer.start() # start bluetooth server btServer = BluetoothServer(self, queue) btServer.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda *args: self.exit()) while True: if self._exit: break try: sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "[MainAppServer] ** Got KeyboardInterrupt **" break log("[MainAppServer] Shutting down btlirc server.") #lircServer.join() self.killthread(btServer, "Bluetooth Server") self.killthread(queue, "Command Queue") self.killthread(lircServer, "LIRC Server") if self._errors:"[MainAppServer] ** Exit with error: " + self._errmsg)"[MainAppServer] Bye bye.")
def _bbHandler(self, pygdb, event): bb = self.basicBlocks[event.addr] log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[e] Hit known bb %x in %x" % (bb.startAddr, event.tid)) if bb.isFullyTraced(): log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Bb was already fully traced. Continuing...") self._processBb(pygdb, bb, event.tid) return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN_KEEP_BREAKPOINT else: log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Bb was not fully traced yet. Doing so now...") continueMode = self._bbEntryHandler(pygdb, bb, event.tid) return continueMode
def run (self): log("[BluetoothClientHandle] Taking connection") while True: if not break log("[BluetoothClientHandle] waiting data...") try: buff = self.socket.recv(globals.MAX_MSG_SIZE) if not buff: break except bluetooth.BluetoothError, e: print "Error receiving: %s (%s)" % (e, self.socket) break log("[BluetoothClientHandle] got: " + buff) self.queue.addCommand(buff);
help_ = show_text_file(location, lang) if html_output: return render_template('index.html', body=help_) return help_ orig_location = location location, override_location_name, full_address, country, query_source_location = \ location_processing() us_ip = query_source_location[1] == 'US' and 'slack' not in user_agent query = parse_query.metric_or_imperial(query, lang, us_ip=us_ip) log(" ".join( map( str([ ip_addr, user_agent, orig_location, location, query.get('use_imperial', False), lang ])))) if country and location != NOT_FOUND_LOCATION: location = "%s, %s" % (location, country) # We are ready to return the answer try: if png_filename: options = {'lang': None, 'location': "%s,%s" % (location, country)} options.update(query) cached_png_file = wttrin_png.make_wttr_in_png(png_filename, options=options) response = make_response(
def _callHandler(self, pygdb, event): pid = if pid not in self.retBps: self.retBps[pid] = {} funcAddr = event.addr retAddr = pygdb.cpu.getFunctionReturnAddress(pygdb, event.tid) outerFuncAddr = pygdb.environment.getNearestFunction(pygdb, retAddr, pid) # is this the first event for the thread? if event.tid not in self.traces: # if so, create the corresponding FunctionTrace self.traces[event.tid] = FunctionTrace(event.tid, outerFuncAddr) else: trace = self.traces[event.tid] lastCall = self.traces[event.tid].getTopmostOpenCall() assert lastCall is not None # check if the return address on the stack is plausible if outerFuncAddr is None: # if not, use the return address of the logical caller log(DEBUG_LEVEL.SOME, "[i] Function %x has no sane return address (ret: %x, logical parent: %x). Trying to merge return address with parent function..." % (funcAddr, retAddr, lastCall.addr )) if lastCall.retAddr == FunctionTrace.VIRTUAL_STARTING_NODE: log(DEBUG_LEVEL.SOME, "[i] Apparently function %x is a callback called from outside the target image. We just keep the return address." % funcAddr) else: retAddr = lastCall.retAddr # check if the function returns to the expected function elif not outerFuncAddr == lastCall.addr: if retAddr == lastCall.retAddr: # do nothing :-) # lastCall is probably just a proxy func pass elif len(trace.openCallsStack) > 1: # do nothing # probably just some weird proxying pass else: # things are a bit more complicated... # Apparently our virtual outer function has returned without us noticing. # So we are going to close the virtual outer function, making it non virtual... log(DEBUG_LEVEL.SOME, "[i] The return address (%x) of function %x suggests, that the outermost function returned. Going to create a new outer most function (%x)." % (retAddr, funcAddr, outerFuncAddr)) # at this point, there should only one open call left dummyRetValues = [] ## FunctionTrace.VIRTUAL_STARTING_NODE is always the return address of the starting node. So we call a ret for this one. closedCalls = trace.ret(FunctionTrace.VIRTUAL_STARTING_NODE, dummyRetValues) assert closedCalls == 1 # ...and install a new outer function. trace.insertStartingNode(outerFuncAddr) self.traces[event.tid].call(funcAddr, retAddr) # check if this is a new return breakpoint if retAddr not in self.retBps[pid]: self.retBps[pid][retAddr] = _RetBp() pygdb.setBreakpoint(retAddr, self._retHandler, self, pid) # add reference to return breakpoint self.retBps[pid][retAddr].add(event.tid) log(DEBUG_LEVEL.SOME, "[e] Function at address %08x called. Continuing ..." % funcAddr) # remove breakpoint if it was hit too often if not self.checkpoints[funcAddr].hit(pid): pygdb.removeBreakpoint(funcAddr, pid) self.traces[event.tid].removedBreakpoints.append(funcAddr) log(DEBUG_LEVEL.SOME, "[i] Removed function breakpoint %x from process %d after too many hits." % (funcAddr, pid)) return PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN
def write_system_shutdown_handler(pin, value): if (int(value[0]) == 1): globals.log('debug', 'Blynk - System Shutdown') os.system('sudo poweroff')
def _gen_term(buf, graphemes, options=None): """Renders rendered pyte buffer `buf` and list of workaround `graphemes` to a PNG file, and return its content """ if not options: options = {} current_grapheme = 0 buf = _strip_buf(buf) cols = max(len(x) for x in buf) rows = len(buf) image ='RGB', (cols * CHAR_WIDTH, rows * CHAR_HEIGHT)) buf = buf[-ROWS:] draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) font = {} for cat in FONT_CAT: font[cat] = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_CAT[cat], FONT_SIZE) emojilib = _load_emojilib() x_pos = 0 y_pos = 0 for line in buf: x_pos = 0 for char in line: current_color = _color_mapping(char.fg) if != 'default': draw.rectangle(((x_pos, y_pos), (x_pos + CHAR_WIDTH, y_pos + CHAR_HEIGHT)), fill=_color_mapping( if == "!": try: data = graphemes[current_grapheme] except IndexError: pass current_grapheme += 1 else: data = if data: cat = _script_category(data[0]) if cat not in font: globals.log("Unknown font category: %s" % cat) if cat == 'Emoji' and emojilib.get(data): image.paste(emojilib.get(data), (x_pos, y_pos)) else: draw.text((x_pos, y_pos), data, font=font.get(cat, font.get('default')), fill=current_color) x_pos += CHAR_WIDTH * constants.WEATHER_SYMBOL_WIDTH_VTE.get( data, 1) y_pos += CHAR_HEIGHT if 'transparency' in options: transparency = options.get('transparency', '255') try: transparency = int(transparency) except ValueError: transparency = 255 if transparency < 0: transparency = 0 if transparency > 255: transparency = 255 image = image.convert("RGBA") datas = image.getdata() new_data = [] for item in datas: new_item = tuple(list(item[:3]) + [transparency]) new_data.append(new_item) image.putdata(new_data) img_bytes = io.BytesIO(), format="png") return img_bytes.getvalue()
return render_template('index.html', body=help_) return help_ orig_location = location location, override_location_name, full_address, country, query_source_location = \ location_processing(location, ip_addr) us_ip = query_source_location[1] == 'US' and 'slack' not in user_agent query = parse_query.metric_or_imperial(query, lang, us_ip=us_ip) # logging query orig_location_utf8 = (orig_location or "").encode('utf-8') location_utf8 = location.encode('utf-8') use_imperial = query.get('use_imperial', False) log(" ".join(map(str, [ip_addr, user_agent, orig_location_utf8, location_utf8, use_imperial, lang]))) if country and location != NOT_FOUND_LOCATION: location = "%s,%s" % (location, country) # We are ready to return the answer try: if png_filename: options = { 'lang': None, 'location': location} options.update(query) cached_png_file = wttrin_png.make_wttr_in_png(png_filename, options=options) response = make_response(send_file(cached_png_file, attachment_filename=png_filename,
while (globals.stop_threads == False): if (init_loop == True): #on the first loop, set baseline variables blynk.virtual_write(status_text_vpin, 'Warming up') blynk.virtual_write(cook_time_remaining_vpin, '-') blynk.virtual_write(mode_selector_vpin, '1') blynk.virtual_write(manual_timer_hours_vpin, '0') blynk.virtual_write(manual_timer_minutes_vpin, '0') blynk.virtual_write(target_barrel_temp_vpin, globals.target_barrel_temp) blynk.virtual_write(target_meat_temp_vpin, globals.target_meat_temp) blynk.virtual_write(manual_pid_kp_vpin, globals.manual_pid_kp) blynk.virtual_write(manual_pid_ki_vpin, globals.manual_pid_ki) blynk.virtual_write(manual_pid_kd_vpin, globals.manual_pid_kd) blynk.virtual_write(pid_profile_override_vpin, 0) blynk.virtual_write(recipe_selector_vpin, 1) blynk.virtual_write(recipe_description_vpin, 'clr') init_loop = False globals.log('info', 'Blynk Interface Stopped') if __name__ == "__main__": globals.log('error', 'Start the Blynk Interface with ./')
def _bbEntryHandler(self, pygdb, startBb, tid): """ Traces until it reaches an ret-instruction or enters an already catalogued basic-block. TODO: Consider likely-delay slots! """ continueMode = PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN bb = startBb while (bb is not None) and not bb.isFullyTraced(): log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Entering bb %x" % bb.startAddr) nextBb = None nextAddr = bb.startAddr while True: addr = nextAddr # Is this the first instruction of the basic block? characteristics = pygdb.cpu.getInstrCharacteristics(pygdb, tid, addr) conditional = characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.CONDITIONAL != 0 jmp = characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.JMP != 0 dynamicBranch = characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.DYNAMIC_BRANCH != 0 and BasicBlockTracer.EXAMINE_DYNAMIC_BRANCHES call = characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.CALL != 0 ret = characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.RET != 0 functionEnds = pygdb.cpu.isEndOfFunction(pygdb, tid, characteristics) if conditional: condition = pygdb.cpu.evaluateCondInstr(pygdb, tid, addr) # first check if we hit a ret instruction # TODO: What happens in the case of a conditional return? def functionEnd(bb): bb.addType(BasicBlock.TYPE.END_BLOCK) # no exits to other basic blocks in case of a ret bb.setNExits(0) if ret or functionEnds: functionEnd(bb) break # get (if exists) the next addresses of the true and false conditional branche (to store in the possibleExits list of the BB) # added by andre true_addr = pygdb.cpu.getNextPC(pygdb, tid, cond=True) false_addr = pygdb.cpu.getNextPC(pygdb, tid, cond=False) # Now already step to the next instruction. if call: stepSuccess, nextAddr, stepIntoAddr = pygdb.stepOver(tid, stayInImage=False) else: stepSuccess, nextAddr, stepIntoAddr = pygdb.stepOver(tid, stayInImage=True) log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Stepped to instruction %x in bb %x" % (nextAddr,bb.startAddr)) if not stepSuccess: # this condition can happen if the debugger is killed just when we're trying to step # we just end for now... log(DEBUG_LEVEL.IMPORTANT, "[!] Failed to step instruction. We therefore just assume the function ends at %x." % addr) functionEnd(bb) break # check if we jumped into another function. This is equivalent to a ret. if jmp and nextAddr in pygdb.environment.getFunctionsRebased(pygdb): functionEnd(bb) break # check if we jumped out of our image. This is as well equivalent to a ret. if not pygdb.environment.addrBelongsToImage(pygdb, nextAddr): functionEnd(bb) break # so we manipulated the pc, we need to change the continue type continueMode = PyGdb.CONTINUE.RUN_NO_CLEANUP # now evaluate the instruction we just stepped over if characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.HAS_DELAY_SLOT != 0: # we have a delay slot, this a special case # if the delay slot does not contain a conditional instruction everything is fine # else we need to create a new virtual basic block addrDelaySlot = pygdb.cpu.getAddressDelaySlot(addr) characteristicsDelaySlot = pygdb.cpu.getInstrCharacteristics(pygdb, tid, addrDelaySlot) if characteristicsDelaySlot & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.IMPLICIT_BRANCH != 0: # in case of an implicit conditional branch to a virtual basic block, the current basic block only has one real exit bb.setNExits(2) condictionDelaySlot = pygdb.cpu.evaluateCondInstr(pygdb, tid, addrDelaySlot) # create the next concrete basic block nextBb = self._createBasicBlock(nextAddr) # now add the virtual basic block if addr not in self.virtBasicBlocks: vbbDS = BasicBlock(startAddr=addrDelaySlot, endAddr=addrDelaySlot, knownExits=[nextBb], nExits=1, t=(BasicBlock.TYPE.VIRTUAL | BasicBlock.TYPE.IN_DELAY_SLOT)) self._addVirtualBasicBlock(vbbDS, addr) if condictionDelaySlot: self.addWaypoint(vbbDS, tid) break if call: bb.addCall(addr, stepIntoAddr) if dynamicBranch: db = DynamicBranch(addr, characteristics, bb) self._addDynamicBranch(db) if jmp: bb.setNExits(BasicBlock.DYNAMIC_EXIT) nextBb = self._createBasicBlock(nextAddr) break elif conditional: # in case of a conditional instruction, this is the last instruction of the basicblock bb.setNExits(2) # check if this an implicit conditional instruction if characteristics & instruction.CHARACTERISTIC.IMPLICIT_BRANCH != 0: # create new basic block directly after the conditional instruction nextBb = BasicBlock(nextAddr, t=BasicBlock.TYPE.ADJACENT_TO_VIRTUAL) # now add the virtual basic block if addr not in self.virtBasicBlocks: vbb = BasicBlock(startAddr=addr, endAddr=addr, knownPredecessors = [bb], knownExits=[nextBb], nExits=1, t=BasicBlock.TYPE.VIRTUAL) self._addVirtualBasicBlock(vbb) else: vbb = self.virtBasicBlocks[addr] bb.addExit(vbb) bb.setEndAddr(addr) if condition: # smuggle the vbb in ## add current bb self._addBasicBlock(bb) self._addWaypoint(bb, tid) ## set current bb to vbb, such that it is added in the next step bb = vbb elif jmp: # add true and false conditional branch to possibleExits list of BB # added by andre bb.possibleExits.append(false_addr) bb.possibleExits.append(true_addr) cb = CondBranch(addr, characteristics) self._addCondBranch(cb) self.condBranches[addr].condTaken(condition, nextAddr) nextBb = self._createBasicBlock(nextAddr) else: raise InvalidTracerState("This state should never be reached. Address: %x" % addr) break elif jmp: # unconditional jump bb.setNExits(1) # before creating a new bb, check if we branched into an already existing basic block nextBb = self._createBasicBlock(nextAddr) break # finally check if we stepped on an already known bb elif nextAddr in self.basicBlocks: bb.setNExits(1) nextBb = self.basicBlocks[nextAddr] break log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Completely traced bb %x" % bb.startAddr) bb.addExit(nextBb) bb.setEndAddr(addr) bb.setFullyTraced() self._addBasicBlock(bb) self._addWaypoint(bb, tid) bb = nextBb return continueMode
def write_target_meat_temp_handler(pin, value): global meat_ready_notification_sent globals.log('debug', 'Blynk - Target Meat Temperature Set to: {}'.format(value[0])) meat_ready_notification_sent = False globals.target_meat_temp = int(value[0])
def write_target_barrel_temp_handler(pin, value): globals.log('debug', 'Blynk - Target Smoker Temperature Set to: {}'.format(value[0])) globals.target_barrel_temp = int(value[0])
def write_manual_timer_minutes_handler(pin, value): global manual_timer_minutes manual_timer_minutes = int(value[0]) globals.log('debug', 'Blynk - Manual Timer Minutes Set to: {}'.format(value[0]))
def write_manual_pid_KD_val_handler(pin, value): globals.log('debug', 'Blynk - Manual PID Kd Set to: {}'.format(value[0])) globals.manual_pid_kd = float(value[0])
import time from simple_pid import PID import globals import MAX6675 import Adafruit_GPIO as GPIO import Adafruit_GPIO.PWM as PWMLib try: platform = GPIO.Platform.platform_detect() assert(platform == 1) simulated_mode = False except: simulated_mode = True globals.log('warning', "Temperature Controller - Platform is not a Raspberry Pi, running in simulated mode") config = globals.config #pins CLK_pin = config['pin_outs']['thermocouple_clk'] DO_pin = config['pin_outs']['thermocouple_do'] TC1_CS_pin = config['pin_outs']['thermocouple_1_cs'] TC2_CS_pin = config['pin_outs']['thermocouple_2_cs'] TC3_CS_pin = config['pin_outs']['thermocouple_3_cs'] TC4_CS_pin = config['pin_outs']['thermocouple_4_cs'] TC5_CS_pin = config['pin_outs']['thermocouple_5_cs'] #Fan variables fan1_frequency = 25000 fan1_pin = config['pin_outs']['fan_1'] fan2_frequency = 25000 fan2_pin = config['pin_outs']['fan_2']
def was_seen(sizes_with_links: list) -> dict: local_session = session_factory() # Checking whether a link is already in DB pic_already_in_db = list( map(lambda x: PictureSize.get_by_link(x.get('url'), local_session), sizes_with_links)) if any(pic_already_in_db): # Already in DB log(label, "Same link") return { 'result': True, 'simpic': list(filter(lambda x: x, pic_already_in_db))[0] } sizes = sort_sizes(list(map(lambda x: x.get('type'), sizes_with_links))) optimal_sizes_futures = [ pool.get().apply_async(get_optimal_pair, args=( sizes, pic_id, )) for pic_id in Picture.get_all_ids(local_session) ] optimal_sizes = [] for pair in [i.get() for i in optimal_sizes_futures]: if pair is not None: optimal_sizes.append(pair) local_session.close() if not len(optimal_sizes): log(label, f"No common sizes") return {'result': False, 'simpic': None} optimal_sizes_set = set([x[1] for x in optimal_sizes]) sizes_raw_cache = dict([ x.get() for x in [ pool.get().apply_async(load_pic, args=(pic_size, next( iter([ x.get('url') for x in sizes_with_links if x.get('type') == pic_size ]), ))) for pic_size in optimal_sizes_set ] ]) # Starting async_pool to compare all of pictures with same size with current log(label, f"Checking {len(optimal_sizes)} pictures") results = [ pool.get().apply_async(rms_compare, args=( pic, sizes_raw_cache.get(max_common_size), )) for pic, max_common_size in optimal_sizes ] for res, pic in [i.get() for i in results]: if res < 10: # Pictures are similar enough log(label, f"Already seen, has similar picture, id={}") return {'result': True, 'simpic': pic} log(label, "No similar pic, returning...") return {'result': False, 'simpic': None}
def killthread(self, t, name): log("[MainAppServer] Waiting for " + name + " to shutdown...") t.setactive(False) log("[MainAppServer] ..." + name + " shutdown complete.")
def _addCondBranch(self, cb): assert self.activeProcess is not None if not cb.addr in self.condBranches: log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Creating a new CB at %x." % cb.addr) self.condBranches[cb.addr] = cb self.pygdb.setBreakpoint(cb.addr, self._eventDispatcher, self, self.activeProcess)
if location in PLAIN_TEXT_PAGES: help_ = show_text_file(location, lang) if html_output: return render_template('index.html', body=help_) return help_ orig_location = location location, override_location_name, full_address, country, query_source_location = \ location_processing(location, ip_addr) us_ip = query_source_location[1] == 'US' and 'slack' not in user_agent query = parse_query.metric_or_imperial(query, lang, us_ip=us_ip) log(" ".join(map(str, [ ip_addr, user_agent, orig_location.encode('utf-8'), location, query.get('use_imperial', False), lang ]))) if country and location != NOT_FOUND_LOCATION: location = "%s, %s" % (location, country) # We are ready to return the answer try: if png_filename: options = { 'lang': None, 'location': "%s,%s" % (location, country)} options.update(query) cached_png_file = wttrin_png.make_wttr_in_png(png_filename, options=options) response = make_response(send_file(cached_png_file,
def process_pic(msg) -> None: # Getting all the attachments even in forwarded messages attachments = msg.get('attachments') + get_attachments( msg.get('fwd_messages')) # Leaving only the photos photos = list( map(lambda x: x.get('photo'), list(filter(lambda x: x.get('type') == 'photo', attachments)))) # New thread - new session outer_session = session_factory() sender_id = msg.get('from_id') # Getting the user from DB or creating a new one user: User = outer_session.query(User).filter( == sender_id).first() if not User: user = User(sender_id) outer_session.add(user) outer_session.commit() user.all_pics += len(photos) # Message that will be sent to chat if picture has been already seen seen_message = Phrase.get_random().split(':')[1].strip() + '\n' seen: int = 0 start_time = time.time() # Count of seen pictures for pic in photos: sizes = pic.get('sizes') # All sizes for this picture pic_id = pic.get('id') # Checking if a max size of this picture has been already seen result = was_seen(sizes) if result.get('result'): # Already seen seen += 1 picture_size: PictureSize = result.get('simpic') local_session = session_factory() picture: Picture = Picture.get( picture_size.pic_id) if picture_size else None user.bads += picture.bads orig_user: User = User.get(picture.user_id, local_session) if picture else None if orig_user: seen_message += f'Отправил {orig_user.first_name}' \ f' {orig_user.last_name} в' \ f' {format_time(picture_size.add_time)}\n' local_session.close() else: # New picture # Adding it to the DB picture = Picture(pic_id, sender_id, pic.get('owner_id'), pic.get('access_key')) outer_session.add(picture) outer_session.commit() for size in sizes: outer_session.add( PictureSize(pic_id, size.get('type'), size.get('url'))) outer_session.add(PicMessage(sender_id, pic_id, msg.get('text'))) outer_session.commit() end_time = time.time() log(label, f"Checked in {end_time - start_time}") # Adding negative carma for each seen picture # Sending a message if any picture was not new if seen > 0: log(label, f"{user.first_name} {user.last_name} downs +1 = {user.downs}") user.downs += 1 peer_id = msg.get('peer_id') api.messages.send(peer_id=peer_id, message=seen_message, random_id=get_rand()) outer_session.add(user) outer_session.commit() outer_session.close()
def _aboutToContinue(self, tid): lastBb = self._getLastBb(tid) if lastBb.type & BasicBlock.TYPE.END_BLOCK != 0: self._unsetActiveThread() log(DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE_EVENTS, "[i] Basic-block %x was the last one in the function. Continuing..." % lastBb.startAddr)
def wttr(location, request): """ Main rendering function, it processes incoming weather queries. Depending on user agent it returns output in HTML or ANSI format. Incoming data: request.args request.headers request.remote_addr request.referrer request.query_string """ def _wrap_response(response_text, html_output): response = make_response(response_text) response.mimetype = 'text/html' if html_output else 'text/plain' return response if is_location_blocked(location): return "" ip_addr = client_ip_address(request) try: LIMITS.check_ip(ip_addr) except RuntimeError as exception: return str(exception) png_filename = None if location is not None and location.lower().endswith(".png"): png_filename = location location = location[:-4] lang = get_answer_language(request) query = parse_query.parse_query(request.args) html_output = get_output_format(request, query) user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent', '').lower() if location in PLAIN_TEXT_PAGES: help_ = show_text_file(location, lang) if html_output: return _wrap_response(render_template('index.html', body=help_), html_output) return _wrap_response(help_, html_output) if location and ':' in location: location = cyclic_location_selection(location, query.get('period', 1)) orig_location = location if not png_filename: location, override_location_name, full_address, country, query_source_location = \ location_processing(location, ip_addr) us_ip = query_source_location[ 1] == 'United States' and 'slack' not in user_agent query = parse_query.metric_or_imperial(query, lang, us_ip=us_ip) # logging query orig_location_utf8 = (orig_location or "").encode('utf-8') location_utf8 = location.encode('utf-8') use_imperial = query.get('use_imperial', False) log(" ".join( map(str, [ ip_addr, user_agent, orig_location_utf8, location_utf8, use_imperial, lang ]))) if country and location != NOT_FOUND_LOCATION: location = "%s,%s" % (location, country) # We are ready to return the answer try: if 'format' in query: return _wrap_response( wttr_line(location, override_location_name, query, lang), html_output) if png_filename: options = {'ip_addr': ip_addr, 'lang': lang, 'location': location} options.update(query) cached_png_file = wttrin_png.make_wttr_in_png(png_filename, options=options) response = make_response( send_file(cached_png_file, attachment_filename=png_filename, mimetype='image/png')) for key, value in { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Expires': '0', }.items(): response.headers[key] = value # Trying to disable github caching return response if location.lower() == 'moon' or location.lower().startswith('moon@'): output = get_moon(location, html=html_output, lang=lang, query=query) else: output = get_wetter( location, ip_addr, html=html_output, lang=lang, query=query, location_name=override_location_name, full_address=full_address, url=request.url, ) if query.get('days', '3') != '0' and not query.get('no-follow-line'): if html_output: output = add_buttons(output) else: #output += '\n' + get_message('NEW_FEATURE', lang).encode('utf-8') output += '\n' + get_message('FOLLOW_ME', lang).encode('utf-8') + '\n' return _wrap_response(output, html_output) except RuntimeError as exception: if 'Malformed response' in str(exception) \ or 'API key has reached calls per day allowed limit' in str(exception): if html_output: return _wrap_response(MALFORMED_RESPONSE_HTML_PAGE, html_output) return _wrap_response( get_message('CAPACITY_LIMIT_REACHED', lang).encode('utf-8'), html_output) logging.error("Exception has occured", exc_info=1) return "ERROR"
def run_temperature_controller(): globals.log('info', 'Temperature Controller Started') #Initialize Pid pid = PID(Kp=aggressive_kp, Ki=aggressive_ki, Kd=aggressive_kd, setpoint=globals.target_barrel_temp, output_limits=(0, 100), auto_mode=True, proportional_on_measurement=False) if (simulated_mode == False): #Initialize Fan pwm = PWMLib.get_platform_pwm() pwm.start(fan1_pin, globals.fan_speed, fan1_frequency) #if a second fan is defined, initialize that as well if(fan2_pin) : pwm.start(fan2_pin, globals.fan_speed, fan2_frequency) #initialize thermocouples TC1 = MAX6675.MAX6675(CLK_pin, TC1_CS_pin, DO_pin) TC2 = MAX6675.MAX6675(CLK_pin, TC2_CS_pin, DO_pin) TC3 = MAX6675.MAX6675(CLK_pin, TC3_CS_pin, DO_pin) TC4 = MAX6675.MAX6675(CLK_pin, TC4_CS_pin, DO_pin) TC5 = MAX6675.MAX6675(CLK_pin, TC5_CS_pin, DO_pin) #Initialize Temperatures #read sensors TC1_temp = TC1.readTempC() time.sleep(0.1) TC2_temp = TC2.readTempC() time.sleep(0.1) TC3_temp = TC3.readTempC() time.sleep(0.1) TC4_temp = TC4.readTempC() time.sleep(0.1) TC5_temp = TC5.readTempC() else: #if in simulated mode, set to 20 degrees baseline TC1_temp = 20 TC2_temp = 20 TC3_temp = 20 TC4_temp = 20 TC5_temp = 20 #and create empty pwm object pwm = None #set variables used in the loop TC5_temp_last = TC5_temp temp_weighted_avg_last = ((TC1_temp + TC2_temp + TC3_temp + TC4_temp) / 4) #keep looping until instructed otherwise while(globals.stop_threads == False): #update setpoint if it differs if (pid.setpoint != globals.target_barrel_temp): globals.log('debug', 'Temperature Controller - PID Setpoint changed to: {}'.format(globals.target_barrel_temp)) pid.setpoint = globals.target_barrel_temp #read sensors and if in simulated mode, calculate based on fan speed if (simulated_mode == False): TC1_temp = TC1.readTempC() time.sleep(0.1) TC2_temp = TC2.readTempC() time.sleep(0.1) TC3_temp = TC3.readTempC() time.sleep(0.1) TC4_temp = TC4.readTempC() time.sleep(0.1) TC5_temp = TC5.readTempC() else: simulated_temp = simulate_temperature(TC1_temp) TC1_temp = TC2_temp = TC3_temp = TC4_temp = simulated_temp TC5_temp += 0.01 #Calculations temp_weighted_avg = ((TC1_temp + TC2_temp + TC3_temp + TC4_temp) / 4) # + 45 From SmokeyTheBarrel: temperature compensation between outside and center of the barrel temp_weighted_avg_last=(2 * temp_weighted_avg_last + temp_weighted_avg) / 3 globals.current_barrel_temp = temp_weighted_avg_last temperature_gap = globals.target_barrel_temp - temp_weighted_avg_last globals.current_temp_gap = temperature_gap TC5_temp_last=(2 * TC5_temp_last + TC5_temp)/3; globals.current_meat_temp = TC5_temp_last #use conservative pid profile for small temperature differences if (temperature_gap >= -10 and temperature_gap <= 10): set_pid_profile(pid, 'conservative') #otherwise use the aggresive profile else: set_pid_profile(pid, 'aggressive') #calculate new fan speed and set the fan speed pid_output = pid(temp_weighted_avg_last) set_fan_speed(pwm, pid_output) #sleep for a second time.sleep(1) if (simulated_mode == False): pwm.stop(fan1_pin) if (fan2_pin): pwm.stop(fan2_pin) globals.log('info', 'Temperature Controller Stopped')
def resign_ipa(self, ipa_path, entitlements_path, mobileprovision_path, identity, sign_file=None): """ important: type(sign_file) should be [] 1.unzip ipa file 2.remove old sign dictionary 3.copy mobileprovision 4.sign and inject all sign_file if sign_file is not None 5.sign app 6.verify sign as ipa 8.return new signed ipa_path """ ipa_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(ipa_path)) entitlements_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(entitlements_path)) mobileprovision_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(mobileprovision_path)) #check ipa_path, entitlements_path, mobileprovision_path exists and is file if not self.local_file_exists(ipa_path): G.log(G.INFO, 'File \'%s\' not exists or not a file.' % ipa_path) return None elif not self.local_file_exists(entitlements_path): G.log(G.INFO, 'File \'%s\' not exists or not a file.' % entitlements_path) return None elif not self.local_file_exists(mobileprovision_path): G.log( G.INFO, 'File \'%s\' not exists or not a file.' % mobileprovision_path) return None #mk temp dir basename = os.path.basename(ipa_path) cmd = '/usr/bin/mktemp -d %s' % os.path.join( '/tmp', '_SecAutid_IPA_%s_%s' % (basename, uuid.uuid1())) r = self.exec_shell(cmd) tmp = r[:-1] #1.unzip ipa file G.log(G.INFO, 'unzip ipa file') cmd = 'cd %s && /usr/bin/unzip -q \'%s\'' % (tmp, ipa_path) r = self.exec_shell(cmd) #get *.app path app_tmp_path = None for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(tmp, 'Payload')): if f.endswith('.app'): app_tmp_path = os.path.join(tmp, os.path.join('Payload', f)) if app_tmp_path is None: G.log(G.INFO, 'unzip error') return None #2.remove old sign dictionary G.log(G.INFO, 'remove old sign dictionary') old_sign_dir = os.path.join(app_tmp_path, '_CodeSignature') if os.path.exists(old_sign_dir): cmd = 'rm -rf %s' % (old_sign_dir) r = self.exec_shell(cmd) #3.copy mobileprovision G.log(G.INFO, 'copy mobileprovision') cmd = 'cp %s %s' % (mobileprovision_path, os.path.join(app_tmp_path, 'embedded.mobileprovision')) r = self.exec_shell(cmd) #4.sign and inject all sign_file if sign_file is not None if sign_file is not None: if type(sign_file) is list: G.log(G.INFO, 'sign all inject file') #find binary path info_plist = os.path.join(app_tmp_path, 'Info.plist') import shutil info_plist_path = os.path.join(tmp, 'Info.plist') shutil.copy2(info_plist, info_plist_path) info_plist_util = InfoPlistUtil(info_plist_path) binary_name = info_plist_util.get_property( "CFBundleExecutable") binary_path = os.path.join(app_tmp_path, binary_name) for f in sign_file: #cp f Payload/ #codesign -f -s 'iPhone Developer: Long Chen (3K54S797W6)' --entitlements entitlements.plist Payload/ path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(f)) if self.local_file_exists(path): #copy file into *.app cmd = 'cp %s %s' % (path, app_tmp_path) r = self.exec_shell(cmd) #sign inject file cmd = '/usr/bin/codesign -f -s \'%s\' --entitlements %s %s' % ( identity, entitlements_path, os.path.join(app_tmp_path, os.path.basename(path))) r = self.exec_shell(cmd) #inject binary self.inject_dylib_to_binary(binary_path, path) #5.sign app G.log(G.INFO, 'sign app') #cmd: codesign -f -s 'iPhone Developer: Name Name (XXXXXXXX)' --entitlements entitlements.plist Payload/ cmd = '/usr/bin/codesign -f -s \'%s\' --entitlements %s %s' % ( identity, entitlements_path, app_tmp_path) r = self.exec_shell(cmd) #6.verify sign G.log(G.INFO, 'verify sign') cmd = '/usr/bin/codesign --verify %s' % app_tmp_path r = self.exec_shell(cmd) if r != '': G.log(G.INFO, 'verify sign failed') return None as ipa G.log(G.INFO, 'zip new ipa file') new_signed_ipa = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ipa_path), '%s.resigned.ipa' % basename) cmd = 'cd %s && /usr/bin/zip -qr %s %s' % (tmp, new_signed_ipa, 'Payload') r = self.exec_shell(cmd) G.log(G.INFO, 'Resign success') G.log(G.INFO, 'resigned ipa: %s' % new_signed_ipa) return new_signed_ipa
def gen_term(filename, buf, options=None): buf = strip_buf(buf) cols = max(len(x) for x in buf) rows = len(buf) image ='RGB', (cols * CHAR_WIDTH, rows * CHAR_HEIGHT)) buf = buf[-ROWS:] draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) font = {} for cat in FONT_CAT: font[cat] = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_CAT[cat], FONT_SIZE) x_pos = 0 y_pos = 0 for line in buf: x_pos = 0 for char in line: current_color = color_mapping(char.fg) if != 'default': draw.rectangle(((x_pos, y_pos), (x_pos + CHAR_WIDTH, y_pos + CHAR_HEIGHT)), fill=color_mapping( if cat = script_category( if cat not in font: log("Unknown font category: %s" % cat) draw.text((x_pos, y_pos),, font=font.get(cat, font.get('default')), fill=current_color) #sys.stdout.write( x_pos += CHAR_WIDTH y_pos += CHAR_HEIGHT #sys.stdout.write('\n') if 'transparency' in options: transparency = options.get('transparency', '255') try: transparency = int(transparency) except: transparceny = 255 if transparency < 0: transparency = 0 if transparency > 255: transparency = 255 image = image.convert("RGBA") datas = image.getdata() new_data = [] for item in datas: new_item = tuple(list(item[:3]) + [transparency]) new_data.append(new_item) image.putdata(new_data)