Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _getLatestImageStringFromFile(self, serialNo, chinBarImageString):
     latestImageName = self._getLatestImageFilename(serialNo)
     #dprint("_getLatestImageStringFromFile: ", latestImageName)        
     tries = 0
     successful = False
     while tries < 3 and not successful:
             image = Image.open(os.path.join(globals_.getUserDocumentsPath(), constants.APP_DIR, latestImageName))
         except Exception, e:
             # Don't know how we'd get here; perhaps the image hasn't been completely written.
             #dprint("_getLatestImageStringFromFile: exception opening image")
             #dprint("image exists?:", 
             #     os.path.join(globals_.getUserDocumentsPath(), constants.APP_DIR, latestImageName), 
             #     " ", 
             #     os.path.exists(os.path.join(globals_.getUserDocumentsPath(), constants.APP_DIR, latestImageName)))
                 # about 0.01 seconds
                 newImageString = image.tostring()
             except Exception, e:
                 # I sometimes get an error about a broken PNG chunk here,
                 # and I've found that Image.open(...), image.tostring()
                 # works in this case, so go thru the loop again.
                 # This delay is just a guess; it could be appropriate when the image is
                 # still in the process of being created by the ScreenshotProcess.
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, replayProcess, device, orientation):
        self.replayProcess = replayProcess
        self.device = device
        self.orientation = orientation

        chinBarImageName = constants.CHIN_BAR_IMAGE_TEMPLATE.format(ser=device.serialNo)
        chinBarImagePath = os.path.join(globals_.getUserDocumentsPath(), constants.APP_DIR, chinBarImageName)
        if os.path.exists(chinBarImagePath):
             _image = cv.LoadImage(chinBarImagePath, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
             self.chinBarImageString = _image.tostring()
        elif self.device.chinBarImageString:
             self.chinBarImageString = self.device.chinBarImageString
             self.chinBarImageString = (chr(255) + chr(255) + chr(255)) * self.device.chinBarHeight * self.device.width

        # Used by _dragSearch to know whether the previous event was a drag and we may need to continue
        # dragging in the same direction.
        self.previousInputType = None
        self.previousDragStartRegion = None
        self.previousDragRightUnits = None
        self.previousDragDownUnits = None