Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_nested_struct():
    """adapted from use case"""
    import json

    def _json(spec):
        return Auto((json.loads, _str_json, Match(spec)))

    _str_json = Ref(
            Or(And(dict, {Ref('json'): Ref('json')}), And(list, [Ref('json')]),
               And(type(u''), Auto(str)), object)))

    rule_spec = Match({
        Or('', Regex(r'\d+')),
        Or('approve', 'custom_approvers'),
            'pk': int,
            'level': int
        _json([  # list of condition-objects
                Optional('value', 'null'):
                _json(Or(None, int, float, str, [int, float, str])),
                Auto(int),  # id of row from FilterField
                str,  # corresponds to FilterOperator.display_name
        Optional('save_as_new', False):
        Or(str, bool),

    rule = dict(rule_id='1',
                rule_name='test rule',
                    'pk': 2,
                    'level': 1
                    'value': json.dumps([1, 2]),
                    'field': 2,
                    'operator': '>'
                }, {
                    'field': 2,
                    'operator': '=='

    glom(rule, rule_spec)
    rule['save_as_new'] = 'true'
    glom(rule, rule_spec)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_json_ref():
    assert glom(
        {'a': {'b': [0, 1]}},
                And(dict, {Ref('json'): Ref('json')}),
                And(list, [Ref('json')]),
                And(0, Val(None)),
                object)))) == {'a': {'b': [None, 1]}}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_check_ported_tests():
    Tests ported from Check() to make sure all the functionality has an analogue.
    target = [{'id': 0}, {'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]

    # check that skipping non-passing values works
    assert glom(target, [Coalesce(M(T['id']) == 0, default=SKIP)]) == [{'id': 0}]

    # TODO: should M(subspec, default='') work? I lean no.
    # NB: this is not a very idiomatic use of Match, just brought over for Check reasons
    assert glom(target, [Match({'id': And(int, M == 1)}, default=SKIP)]) == [{'id': 1}]
    assert glom(target, [Match({'id': And(int, M <= 1)}, default=STOP)]) == [{'id': 0}, {'id': 1}]

    # check that stopping chain execution on non-passing values works
    spec = (Or(Match(len), Val(STOP)), T[0])
    assert glom('hello', spec, glom_debug=True) == 'h'
    assert glom('', spec) == ''  # would fail with IndexError if STOP didn't work

    target = [1, u'a']
    assert glom(target, [Match(unicode, default=SKIP)]) == ['a']
    assert glom(target, Match([Or(unicode, int)])) == [1, 'a']

    target = ['1']
    assert glom(target, [(M(T), int)]) == [1]
    assert glom(target, M(T)) == ['1']

    failing_checks = [({'a': {'b': 1}}, {'a': ('a', 'b', Match(str))},
                       '''expected type str, not int'''),  # TODO: bbrepr at least, maybe include path like Check did
                      ({'a': {'b': 1}}, {'a': ('a', Match({'b': str}))},
                       '''expected type str, not int'''),  # TODO: include subspec path ('b')
                      (1, Match(Or(unicode, bool))),
                      (1, Match(unicode)),
                      (1, Match(0)),
                      (1, Match(Or(0, 2))),
                      ('-3.14', Match(lambda x: int(x) > 0)),
                      # ('-3.14', M(lambda x: int(x) > 0)),
                      # TODO: M doesn't behave quite like Match because it's mode-free

    for fc in failing_checks:
        if len(fc) == 2:
            target, check = fc
            msg = None
            target, check, msg = fc

        with pytest.raises(MatchError) as exc_info:
            glom(target, check)

        if msg is not None:
            actual_msg = str(exc_info.value)
            assert actual_msg.find(msg) != -1
        assert repr(exc_info.value)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_basic():
    _chk(Match(1), 1, 2)
    _chk(Match(int), 1, 1.0)
    # test unordered sequence comparisons
    _chk(Match([int]), [1], ["1"])
    _chk(Match({int}), {1}, [1])
    _chk(Match(frozenset({float})), frozenset({}), frozenset({"1"}))
    _chk(Match(len), [1], [])
    with pytest.raises(MatchError):
        glom(None, Match(len))
    with pytest.raises(MatchError):
        glom([1], Match([]))  # empty shouldn't match
    glom({"a": 1, "b": 2}, Match({str: int}))
    glom(2, M == 2)
    glom(int, M == int)
    glom(1.0, M > 0)
    glom(1.0, M >= 1)
    glom(1.0, M < 2)
    glom(1.0, M <= 1)
    glom(1.0, M != None)
    glom(1.0, (M > 0) & float)
    glom(1.0, (M > 100) | float)

    assert Match(('a', 'b')).matches(('a', 'b', 'c')) is False

    # test idiom for enum
    with pytest.raises(MatchError):
        glom("c", Match("a"))
    glom("c", Not(Match("a")))
    with pytest.raises(MatchError):
        glom("c", Match(Or("a", "b")))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        And('a', bad_kwarg=True)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Or('a', bad_kwarg=True)

    _chk(Match(Or("a", "b")), "a", "c")
    glom({None: 1}, Match({object: object}))
    _chk(Match((int, str)), (1, "cat"), (1, 2))
    with pytest.raises(MatchError):
        glom({1: 2}, Match({(): int}))
    with pytest.raises(MatchError):
        glom(1, Match({}))
    Match(M > 0).verify(1.0)

    assert Match(M).matches(False) is False
    assert Match(M).matches(True) is True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_and_or_reduction():
    and_spec = And(T['a'], T['b']) & T['c']

    assert repr(and_spec) == "And(T['a'], T['b'], T['c'])"

    or_spec = Or(T['a'], T['b']) | T['c']

    assert repr(or_spec) == "Or(T['a'], T['b'], T['c'])"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_pattern_matching():
    pattern_matcher = Or(And(Match(1), Val('one')), And(Match(2), Val('two')),
                         And(Match(float), Val('float')))
    assert glom(1, pattern_matcher) == 'one'
    assert glom(1.1, pattern_matcher) == 'float'

    # obligatory fibonacci

    fib = (M > 2) & (lambda n: glom(n - 1, fib) + glom(n - 2, fib)) | T

    assert glom(5, fib) == 8

    factorial = (lambda t: t + 1,
                 Ref('fact', (lambda t: t - 1, (M == 0) & Fill(1) |
                              (S(r=Ref('fact')), S, lambda s: s['r'] * s[T]))))

    assert glom(4, factorial) == 4 * 3 * 2
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_reprs():
    repr(M == 1)
    repr(M | M == 1)
    repr(M & M == 1)
    repr(And(1, 2))
    repr(Or(1, 2))
    repr(MatchError("uh oh"))
    repr(TypeMatchError("uh oh {0}", dict))
    assert repr(And(M == 1, float)) == "(M == 1) & float"
    assert repr(eval(repr(And(M == 1, float)))) == "(M == 1) & float"

    assert repr(Regex('[ab]')) == "Regex('[ab]')"
    assert repr(Regex('[ab]', flags=1)) == "Regex('[ab]', flags=1)"
    assert 'search' in repr(Regex('[ab]', func=re.search))
    assert repr(And(1)) == 'And(1)'
    assert repr(~And(1)) == 'Not(And(1))'
    assert repr(~Or(M) & Or(M)) == '~(M) & M'
    assert repr(Not(M < 3)) == '~(M < 3)'
    assert repr(~(M < 4)) == '~(M < 4)'
    assert repr(~M | "default") == "~M | 'default'"
    assert repr(Or(M, default=1)) == "Or(M, default=1)"
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_defaults():
    assert glom(1, Match(2, default=3)) == 3
    assert glom(1, Or(M == 2, default=3)) == 3
    assert glom(1, And(M == 2, default=3)) == 3
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def default_if_none(sub_schema, default_factory):
     return Or(
         And(M == None, Auto(lambda t: default_factory())), sub_schema)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def in_range(sub_schema, _min, _max):
     'check that sub_schema is between _min and _max'
     return Match(And(sub_schema, _min < M, M < _max))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def as_type(sub_schema, typ):
     'after checking sub_schema, pass the result to typ()'
     return And(sub_schema, Auto(typ))