Ejemplo n.º 1
    def using(self, *args):

        # NOTE: in the past, we set any non-specified arguemnts to 0 for the
        # input coordinates, but this caused issues because in astropy.wcs
        # if one specifies e.g. (0, 0, 3000.) for (ra, dec, velocity), and if
        # (0, 0) for RA/Dec would return (nan, nan) normally, the velocity
        # is also NaN even though it is decoupled from the other coordinates.
        default = default_world_coords(self.coords)

        args2 = [None] * self.ndim
        for f, a in zip(self.from_needed, args):
            args2[f] = a
        for i in range(self.ndim):
            if args2[i] is None:
                args2[i] = broadcast_to(default[self.ndim - 1 - i],
        args2 = tuple(args2)

        if self.pixel2world:
            return pixel2world_single_axis(self.coords,
                                           world_axis=self.ndim - 1 -
            return world2pixel_single_axis(self.coords,
                                           pixel_axis=self.ndim - 1 -
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _calculate(self, view=None):

        if self.world:

            # Calculating the world coordinates can be a bottleneck if we aren't
            # careful, so we need to make sure that if not all dimensions depend
            # on each other, we use smart broadcasting.

            # The unoptimized way to do this for an N-dimensional dataset would
            # be to construct N-dimensional arrays of pixel values for each
            # coordinate. However, if we are computing the coordinates for axis
            # i, and axis i is not dependent on any other axis, then the result
            # will be an N-dimensional array where the same 1D array of
            # coordinates will be repeated over and over.

            # To optimize this, we therefore essentially consider only the
            # dependent dimensions and then broacast the result to the full
            # array size at the very end.

            # view=None actually adds a dimension which is never what we really
            # mean, at least in glue.
            if view is None:
                view = Ellipsis

            # If the view is a tuple or list of arrays, we should actually just
            # convert these straight to world coordinates since the indices
            # of the pixel coordinates are the pixel coordinates themselves.
            if isinstance(view,
                          (tuple, list)) and isinstance(view[0], np.ndarray):
                axis = self._data.ndim - 1 - self.axis
                return pixel2world_single_axis(self._data.coords,

            # For 1D arrays, slice can be given as a single slice but we need
            # to wrap it in a list to make the following code work correctly,
            # as it is then consistent with higher-dimensional cases.
            if isinstance(view, slice) or np.isscalar(view):
                view = [view]

            # Some views, e.g. with lists of integer arrays, can give arbitrarily
            # complex (copied) subsets of arrays, so in this case we don't do any
            # optimization
            if view is Ellipsis:
                optimize_view = False
                for v in view:
                    if not np.isscalar(v) and not isinstance(v, slice):
                        optimize_view = False
                    optimize_view = True

            pix_coords = []
            dep_coords = dependent_axes(self._data.coords, self.axis)

            final_slice = []
            final_shape = []

            for i in range(self._data.ndim):

                if optimize_view and i < len(view) and np.isscalar(view[i]):

                # We set up a 1D pixel axis along that dimension.
                pix_coord = np.arange(self._data.shape[i])

                # If a view was specified, we need to take it into account for
                # that axis.
                if optimize_view and i < len(view):
                    pix_coord = pix_coord[view[i]]
                    if not np.isscalar(view[i]):

                if i not in dep_coords:
                    # The axis is not dependent on this instance's axis, so we
                    # just compute the values once and broadcast along this
                    # dimension later.
                    pix_coord = 0


            # We build the list of N arrays, one for each pixel coordinate
            pix_coords = np.meshgrid(*pix_coords, indexing='ij', copy=False)

            # Finally we convert these to world coordinates
            axis = self._data.ndim - 1 - self.axis
            world_coords = pixel2world_single_axis(self._data.coords,

            # We get rid of any dimension for which using the view should get
            # rid of that dimension.
            if optimize_view:
                world_coords = world_coords[tuple(final_slice)]

            # We then broadcast the final array back to what it should be
            world_coords = broadcast_to(world_coords, tuple(final_shape))

            # We apply the view if we weren't able to optimize before
            if optimize_view:
                return world_coords
                return world_coords[view]


            slices = [slice(0, s, 1) for s in self.shape]
            grids = np.broadcast_arrays(*np.ogrid[slices])
            if view is not None:
                grids = [g[view] for g in grids]
            return grids[self.axis]