Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _load_data(self):
        """ Interactively loads data from a data set. Adds
        as new layer """
        from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

        layers = qtutil.data_wizard()
        GlueApplication.add_datasets(self.data_collection, layers)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: qglue.py Proyecto: borkin/glue
def qglue(**kwargs):
    Quickly send python variables to Glue for visualization.

    The generic calling sequence is::

      qglue(label1=data1, label2=data2, ..., [links=links])

    The kewyords label1, label2, ... can be named anything besides ``links``

    data1, data2, ... can be in many formats:
      * A pandas data frame
      * A path to a file
      * A numpy array, or python list
      * A numpy rec array
      * A dictionary of numpy arrays with the same shape
      * An astropy Table

    ``Links`` is an optional list of link descriptions, each of which has
    the format: ([left_ids], [right_ids], forward, backward)

    Each ``left_id``/``right_id`` is a string naming a component in a dataset
    (i.e., ``data1.x``). ``forward`` and ``backward`` are functions which
    map quantities on the left to quantities on the right, and vice
    versa. `backward` is optional


        balls = {'kg': [1, 2, 3], 'radius_cm': [10, 15, 30]}
        cones = {'lbs': [5, 3, 3, 1]}
        def lb2kg(lb):
            return lb / 2.2
        def kg2lb(kg):
            return kg * 2.2

        links = [(['balls.kg'], ['cones.lbs'], lb2kg, kg2lb)]
        qglue(balls=balls, cones=cones, links=links)

    :returns: A :class:`~glue.qt.glue_application.GlueApplication` object
    from .core import DataCollection
    from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

    links = kwargs.pop('links', None)

    dc = DataCollection()
    for label, data in kwargs.items():
        dc.extend(parse_data(data, label))

    if links is not None:
        dc.add_link(_parse_links(dc, links))

    with restore_io():
        ga = GlueApplication(dc)

    return ga
Ejemplo n.º 3
def qglue(**kwargs):
    Quickly send python variables to Glue for visualization.

    The generic calling sequence is::

      qglue(label1=data1, label2=data2, ..., [links=links])

    The kewyords label1, label2, ... can be named anything besides ``links``

    data1, data2, ... can be in many formats:
      * A pandas data frame
      * A path to a file
      * A numpy array, or python list
      * A numpy rec array
      * A dictionary of numpy arrays with the same shape
      * An astropy Table

    ``Links`` is an optional list of link descriptions, each of which has
    the format: ([left_ids], [right_ids], forward, backward)

    Each ``left_id``/``right_id`` is a string naming a component in a dataset
    (i.e., ``data1.x``). ``forward`` and ``backward`` are functions which
    map quantities on the left to quantities on the right, and vice
    versa. `backward` is optional


        balls = {'kg': [1, 2, 3], 'radius_cm': [10, 15, 30]}
        cones = {'lbs': [5, 3, 3, 1]}
        def lb2kg(lb):
            return lb / 2.2
        def kg2lb(kg):
            return kg * 2.2

        links = [(['balls.kg'], ['cones.lbs'], lb2kg, kg2lb)]
        qglue(balls=balls, cones=cones, links=links)

    :returns: A :class:`~glue.qt.glue_application.GlueApplication` object
    from .core import DataCollection
    from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

    links = kwargs.pop('links', None)

    dc = DataCollection()
    for label, data in kwargs.items():
        dc.extend(parse_data(data, label))

    if links is not None:
        dc.add_link(_parse_links(dc, links))

    with restore_io():
        ga = GlueApplication(dc)

    return ga
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_multi_tab(self):
        d = core.Data(label="hist", x=[[1, 2], [2, 3]])
        dc = core.DataCollection([d])

        app = GlueApplication(dc)
        w1 = app.new_data_viewer(HistogramWidget, data=d)
        w2 = app.new_data_viewer(HistogramWidget, data=d)
        assert app.viewers == ((w1,), (w2,))

Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_cube(self):
        d = core.Data(label='cube',
                      x=np.zeros((2, 2, 2)))
        dc = core.DataCollection([d])
        app = GlueApplication(dc)
        w = app.new_data_viewer(ImageWidget, d)
        w.slice = ('x', 'y', 1)
        assert w.slice == ('x', 'y', 1)

        c = self.check_clone(app)
        w2 = c.viewers[0][0]
        assert w2.ui.slice.slice == w.slice
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_close_on_last_layer_remove(self):
        # regression test for 391

        d1 = Data(x=np.random.random((2,) * self.ndim))
        d2 = Data(y=np.random.random((2,) * self.ndim))
        dc = DataCollection([d1, d2])
        app = GlueApplication(dc)
        with patch.object(self.widget_cls, 'close') as close:
            w = app.new_data_viewer(self.widget_cls, data=d1)
        assert close.call_count >= 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
def export_glue(ds, data, name):

    from glue.core import Data, DataCollection
    from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication
    import numpy as np

    d = Data(label=name)
    d.add_component(ytComponent(data, ds, name), label='x')

    dc = DataCollection(d)

    ga = GlueApplication(dc)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class TestGlueApplication(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.qapp = QApplication([""])
        self.app = GlueApplication()

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.app
        del self.qapp

    def test_new_tabs(self):
        t0 = tab_count(self.app)
        self.assertEquals(t0 + 1, tab_count(self.app))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_histogram(self):
        d = core.Data(label="hist", x=[[1, 2], [2, 3]])
        dc = core.DataCollection([d])

        app = GlueApplication(dc)
        w = app.new_data_viewer(HistogramWidget, data=d)

        assert len(w.layers) == 2

        w.nbins = 7
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_scatter_viewer(self):
        d = core.Data(label="x", x=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], y=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
        dc = core.DataCollection([d])
        app = GlueApplication(dc)
        w = app.new_data_viewer(ScatterWidget, data=d)

        s1 = dc.new_subset_group()
        s2 = dc.new_subset_group()
        assert len(w.layers) == 3
        l1, l2, l3 = w.layers
        l1.zorder, l2.zorder = l2.zorder, l1.zorder
        l3.visible = False
        assert l3.visible is False
        copy = self.check_clone(app)
        assert copy.viewers[0][0].layers[-1].visible is False
Ejemplo n.º 11
def start_glue(gluefile=None, config=None, datafiles=None):
    """Run a glue session and exit

    :param gluefile: An optional .glu file to restore
    :type gluefile: str

    :param config: An optional configuration file to use
    :type config: str

    :param datafiles: An optional list of data files to load
    :type datafiles: list of str
    import glue
    from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

    # Start off by loading plugins. We need to do this before restoring
    # the session or loading the configuration since these may use existing
    # plugins.

    datafiles = datafiles or []

    data, hub = None, None

    if gluefile is not None:
        app = restore_session(gluefile)
        return app.start()

    if config is not None:
        glue.env = glue.config.load_configuration(search_path=[config])

    if datafiles:
        data = load_data_files(datafiles)

    if not data:
        data = glue.core.DataCollection()

    hub = data.hub

    session = glue.core.Session(data_collection=data, hub=hub)
    ga = GlueApplication(session=session)
    return ga.start()
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_single_draw_call_on_create(self):
        d = Data(x=np.random.random((2,) * self.ndim))
        dc = DataCollection([d])
        app = GlueApplication(dc)

            from ..mpl_widget import MplCanvas
            draw = MplCanvas.draw
            MplCanvas.draw = MagicMock()

            app.new_data_viewer(self.widget_cls, data=d)

            # each Canvas instance gives at most 1 draw call
            selfs = [c[0][0] for c in MplCanvas.draw.call_arg_list]
            assert len(set(selfs)) == len(selfs)
            MplCanvas.draw = draw
Ejemplo n.º 13
def start_glue(gluefile=None, config=None, datafiles=None):
    """Run a glue session and exit

    :param gluefile: An optional .glu file to restore
    :type gluefile: str

    :param config: An optional configuration file to use
    :type config: str

    :param datafiles: An optional list of data files to load
    :type datafiles: list of str
    import glue
    from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

    # Start off by loading plugins. We need to do this before restoring
    # the session or loading the configuration since these may use existing
    # plugins.

    datafiles = datafiles or []

    data, hub = None, None

    if gluefile is not None:
        app = restore_session(gluefile)
        return app.start()

    if config is not None:
        glue.env = glue.config.load_configuration(search_path=[config])

    if datafiles:
        data = load_data_files(datafiles)

    if not data:
        data = glue.core.DataCollection()

    hub = data.hub

    session = glue.core.Session(data_collection=data, hub=hub)
    ga = GlueApplication(session=session)
    return ga.start()
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: eteq/glue
def start_glue(gluefile=None, config=None, datafiles=None):
    """Run a glue session and exit

    :param gluefile: An optional .glu file to restore
    :type gluefile: str

    :param config: An optional configuration file to use
    :type config: str

    :param datafiles: An optional list of data files to load
    :type datafiles: list of str
    #from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
    #app = QApplication.instance() or QApplication(sys.argv)
    #splash = get_splash()

    import glue
    from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

    datafiles = datafiles or []

    data, hub = None, None

    if gluefile is not None:
        data, hub = restore_session(gluefile)

    if config is not None:
        glue.env = glue.config.load_configuration(search_path=[config])

    if datafiles:
        data = load_data_files(datafiles)

    if not hub:
        if data:
            hub = glue.core.Hub(data)
            hub = glue.core.Hub()

    ga = GlueApplication(data_collection=data, hub=hub)
    return ga.start()
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def setup_method(self, method):
        LinkSame = core.link_helpers.LinkSame

        d = core.Data(label='im', x=[[1, 2], [2, 3]], y=[[2, 3], [4, 5]])
        d2 = core.Data(label='cat',
                       x=[0, 1, 0, 1],
                       y=[0, 0, 1, 1],
                       z=[1, 2, 3, 4])

        dc = core.DataCollection([d, d2])
        dc.add_link(LinkSame(d.get_pixel_component_id(0), d2.id['x']))
        dc.add_link(LinkSame(d.get_pixel_component_id(1), d2.id['y']))

        app = GlueApplication(dc)
        w = app.new_data_viewer(ImageWidget, data=d)
        self.d = d
        self.app = app
        self.w = w
        self.d2 = d2
        self.dc = dc
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def to_glue(self, label="yt", data_collection=None):
        Takes the data in the FITSImageData instance and exports it to
        Glue (http://www.glueviz.org) for interactive analysis. Optionally 
        add a *label*. If you are already within the Glue environment, you 
        can pass a *data_collection* object, otherwise Glue will be started.
        from glue.core import DataCollection, Data
        from glue.core.coordinates import coordinates_from_header
        from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

        image = Data(label=label)
        image.coords = coordinates_from_header(self.wcs.to_header())
        for k,f in self.items():
            image.add_component(f.data, k)
        if data_collection is None:
            dc = DataCollection([image])
            app = GlueApplication(dc)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def to_glue(self, label="yt", data_collection=None):
        Takes the data in the FITSImageData instance and exports it to
        Glue (http://www.glueviz.org) for interactive analysis. Optionally 
        add a *label*. If you are already within the Glue environment, you 
        can pass a *data_collection* object, otherwise Glue will be started.
        from glue.core import DataCollection, Data
        from glue.core.coordinates import coordinates_from_header
        from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

        image = Data(label=label)
        image.coords = coordinates_from_header(self.wcs.to_header())
        for k, f in self.items():
            image.add_component(f.data, k)
        if data_collection is None:
            dc = DataCollection([image])
            app = GlueApplication(dc)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def start_glue(gluefile=None, config=None, datafiles=None):
    """Run a glue session and exit

    :param gluefile: An optional .glu file to restore
    :type gluefile: str

    :param config: An optional configuration file to use
    :type config: str

    :param datafiles: An optional list of data files to load
    :type datafiles: list of str
    import glue
    from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

    datafiles = datafiles or []

    data, hub = None, None

    if gluefile is not None:
        data, hub = restore_session(gluefile)

    if config is not None:
        glue.env = glue.config.load_configuration(search_path=[config])

    if datafiles:
        data = load_data_files(datafiles)

    if not hub:
        if data:
            hub = glue.core.Hub(data)
            hub = glue.core.Hub()

    ga = GlueApplication(data_collection=data, hub=hub)
    return ga.start()
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_viewer_size(self, tmpdir):

        # regression test for #781
        # viewers were not restored with the right size

        d1 = Data(x=np.random.random((2,) * self.ndim))
        d2 = Data(x=np.random.random((2,) * self.ndim))
        dc = DataCollection([d1, d2])
        app = GlueApplication(dc)
        w = app.new_data_viewer(self.widget_cls, data=d1)
        w.viewer_size = (300, 400)

        filename = tmpdir.join('session.glu').strpath
        app.save_session(filename, include_data=True)

        app2 = GlueApplication.restore_session(filename)

        for viewer in app2.viewers:
            assert viewer[0].viewer_size == (300, 400)

Ejemplo n.º 20
h2cocube.label='H2CO 303202 Cube'
catalog = astropy_tabular_data(hpath('PPV_H2CO_Temperature.ipac'), format='ipac')
catalog.label='Fitted Catalog'

h2cocube.add_component(dendcube.get_component('structure'), 'structure')

dc = DataCollection(dendrogram)

dc.merge(dendro, catalog)

app = GlueApplication(dc)

cube_viewer = app.new_data_viewer(ImageWidget)

h2cocube.join_on_key(dendro, 'structure', dendro.pixel_component_ids[0])

scatter = app.new_data_viewer(ScatterWidget)
scatter.yatt = dendro.id['temperature_chi2']
scatter.xatt = catalog.id['r321303']

dendview = app.new_data_viewer(DendroWidget)

subset_tem_bt_40_60 = ((catalog.id['temperature_chi2'] < 60) &
Ejemplo n.º 21
from glue.core.data_factories import load_data
from glue.core import DataCollection
from glue.core.link_helpers import LinkSame
from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

#load 2 datasets from files
image = load_data('w5.fits')
catalog = load_data('w5_psc.vot')
dc = DataCollection([image, catalog])

# link positional information
dc.add_link(LinkSame(image.id['World x: RA---TAN'], catalog.id['RAJ2000']))
dc.add_link(LinkSame(image.id['World y: DEC--TAN'], catalog.id['DEJ2000']))

#start Glue
app = GlueApplication(dc)
Ejemplo n.º 22
from glue.core import Component
from glue.core import Data, DataCollection
from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication
import numpy as np
import yt
from simple_fullres import ytSliceComponent
ds = yt.load("GasSloshing/sloshing_nomag2_hdf5_plt_cnt_0150")
d = Data(label=str(ds))
for field in ("density", "temperature", "velocity_x",
              "velocity_y", "velocity_z"):
    d.add_component(ytSliceComponent(ds, field), label=field)
dc = DataCollection(d)
ga = GlueApplication(dc)
Ejemplo n.º 23
                           'variables': ('B40', 'B30',),
                           'dimensions': {'X': {'range': (147.875, 148.125)},
                                          'Y': {'range': (-37.0 + 0.875, -36.0 + 0.125)},
                                          # 'T': {'range': (start_date, end_date),
                                          #      'array_range': (0, 4)
                                          # 'crs': 'SSE', # Seconds since epoch
                                          # 'grouping_function': g.null_grouping
                                          #     }

# In[6]:
d = g.get_data(data_request_descriptor)
print "d shape: ", d['arrays']['B30'].shape
# plotContourf(d, 'B30')
# plotImages(d['arrays']['B30'])

# In[ ]:
from glue.core import Data, DataCollection
from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

44  # In[ ]:
my_data1 = Data(x=d['arrays']['B40'], label='B40')

collection = DataCollection([my_data1, ])
# collection.merge(my_data1,my_data2,my_data3)
app = GlueApplication(collection)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def restore_session(gluefile):
    """Load a .glu file and return a DataCollection, Hub tuple"""
    from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication

    return GlueApplication.restore(gluefile)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def setUp(self):
     self.qapp = QApplication([""])
     self.app = GlueApplication()
Ejemplo n.º 26
def restore_session(gluefile):
    """Load a .glu file and return a DataCollection, Hub tuple"""
    from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication
    return GlueApplication.restore(gluefile)
Ejemplo n.º 27

def kms_to_ms(x):
    return x * 1e3

    LinkTwoWay(cube.id['Vrad'], catalog.id['center'], ms_to_kms, kms_to_ms))

subset_tem_lt_60 = (catalog.id['temperature_chi2'] < 60) & (
    catalog.id['temperature_chi2'] > 10) & (catalog.id['area'] < 0.015)

subset_tem_gt_60 = (catalog.id['temperature_chi2'] > 60) & (catalog.id['area']
                                                            < 0.015)

app = GlueApplication(dc)

# plot x vs y, flip the x axis, log-scale y axis
scatter = app.new_data_viewer(ScatterWidget)
scatter.yatt = catalog.id['temperature_chi2']
scatter.xatt = catalog.id['higaldusttem']
#scatter.xflip = True
#scatter.ylog = True

cube_viewer = app.new_data_viewer(ImageWidget)
Ejemplo n.º 28
dc = DataCollection([cube, catalog, cube2, cube3, higaltem])

dc.add_link(LinkSame(cube.id['Galactic Longitude'], catalog.id['GLON']))
dc.add_link(LinkSame(cube.id['Galactic Latitude'], catalog.id['GLAT']))

def ms_to_kms(x): return x/1e3
def kms_to_ms(x): return x*1e3

dc.add_link(LinkTwoWay(cube.id['Vrad'], catalog.id['center'], ms_to_kms, kms_to_ms))

subset_tem_lt_60 = (catalog.id['temperature_chi2'] < 60) & (catalog.id['temperature_chi2'] > 10) & (catalog.id['area'] < 0.015)

subset_tem_gt_60 = (catalog.id['temperature_chi2'] > 60) & (catalog.id['area'] < 0.015)

app = GlueApplication(dc)

# plot x vs y, flip the x axis, log-scale y axis
scatter = app.new_data_viewer(ScatterWidget)
scatter.yatt = catalog.id['temperature_chi2']
scatter.xatt = catalog.id['higaldusttem']
#scatter.xflip = True
#scatter.ylog = True

cube_viewer = app.new_data_viewer(ImageWidget)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    nc = Component.autotyped(cc, units=uu)
    catalog.add_component(nc, column_name)
    #  if column_name != 'parent' else '_flarent_'

catalog.join_on_key(dendro, '_idx', dendro.pixel_component_ids[0])
dc = DataCollection(dendrogram)
#dc = DataCollection([cube, dendrogram, catalog])
#sncube.join_on_key(dendro, 'structure', dendro.pixel_component_ids[0])
#dc.merge(catalog, dendro)


app = GlueApplication(dc)

cube_viewer = app.new_data_viewer(ImageWidget)

# link positional information
dc.add_link(LinkSame(sncube.id['structure'], catalog.id['_idx']))
#dc.add_link(LinkSame(image.id['World y: DEC--TAN'], catalog.id['DEJ2000']))

dc.add_link(LinkSame(cube.id['Galactic Longitude'], catalog.id['x_cen']))
dc.add_link(LinkSame(cube.id['Galactic Latitude'], catalog.id['y_cen']))

def ms_to_kms(x):
    return x / 1e3