def host_a_maker(record=None): """ Give a host record, return a A object that will open a new window to that host record """ from gluon.html import A, I, URL, SPAN if record is None: return A() if isinstance(record, type([str, int])): record = get_host_record(record) host_a = A(host_title_maker(record), _target="host_detail_%s" % (, _href=URL('hosts', 'detail', extension='html', info_a = SPAN(A(I(_class='icon-info-sign'), _href='#', _class='withajaxpopover', **{ '_data-load': URL('hosts', 'popover.json',, '_data-trigger': 'hover', '_data-delay': "{show: 500, hide: 100}", '_data-placement': 'right', '_data-html': 'true', '_data-container': '#popoverwrap' }), _id="popoverwrap") return SPAN(host_a, info_a)
def myfolderwidget(field, value, **attributes): _id = "%s_%s" % (field._tablename, attr = attributes attributes['_class'] = "%sfolders span10" % attributes.get('_class', ' ') _style = "display: inline-block;" attributes['_style'] = _style default_input = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(field, value, **attributes) return DIV(SPAN(I(_class="icon-folder-open"),_class="add-on"),default_input, _class="input-prepend span9", _style=_style)
def myfolderwidgetmultiple(field, value, **attributes): _id = '%s_%s' % (field._tablename, _name = _class = 'string folders span10' _style = "display: inline-block;" requires = field.requires if isinstance(field.requires, (IS_NOT_EMPTY, IS_LIST_OF)) else None items = [ LI( DIV(SPAN(I(_class="icon-folder-open"), _class="add-on"), INPUT(_class=_class, _name=_name, value=v, hideerror=True, requires=requires, _style=_style), _class="input-prepend span9", _style=_style)) for v in value or [''] ] script = SCRIPT(""" // from (function(){ jQuery.fn.grow_input_fold = function() { return this.each(function() { var ul = this; jQuery(ul).find(":text").after('<a href="javascript:void(0)">+</a>').keypress(function (e) { return (e.which == 13) ? pe(ul) : true; }).next().click(function(){ pe(ul) }); }); }; function pe(ul) { var new_line = ml(ul); rel(ul); new_line.appendTo(ul); new_line.find(":text").focus().after('<a href="javascript:void(0)">+</a>').keypress(function (e) { return (e.which == 13) ? pe(ul) : true; }).next().click(function(){ pe(ul) }); new_line.find(":text").scanfolders(); return false; } function ml(ul) { var line = jQuery(ul).find("li:first").clone(); line.find(':text').val(''); line.find('a').remove(); return line; } function rel(ul) { return; jQuery(ul).find("li").each(function() { var trimmed = jQuery.trim(jQuery(this.firstChild).val()); if (trimmed=='') jQuery(this).remove(); else jQuery(this.firstChild).val(trimmed); }); } })(); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#%s_grow_input').grow_input_fold(); }); """ % _id) attributes['_id'] = _id + '_grow_input' return TAG[''](UL(*items, _class="unstyled", **attributes), script)
def btn_show(self): # Button to trigger modal . btn_show_modal = A(I(_class="icon-plus-sign"), ' ', self.value, **{"_role": "button", #"_class": "btn btn-link", "_data-toggle": "modal", "_href": "#%s" % self.modal_id, "_title": self.title_btn}) return btn_show_modal
def nice_species_name(scientific=None, common=None, the=False, html=False, leaf=False, first_upper=False, break_line=None): """ Constructs a nice species name, with common name in there too. If leaf=True, add a 'species' tag to the scientific name If break_line == 1, put a line break after common (if it exists) If break_line == 2, put a line break after sciname (even if common exists) TODO - needs internationalization """ from gluon.html import CAT, I, SPAN, BR db = current.db species_nicename = (scientific or '').replace('_', ' ').strip() common = (common or '').strip() if the: common = add_the(common, leaf) if first_upper: common = common.capitalize() if html: if species_nicename: if leaf: #species in italics species_nicename = I(species_nicename, _class=" ".join(["taxonomy", "species"])) else: species_nicename = SPAN(species_nicename, _class="taxonomy") if common: if break_line: return CAT(common, BR(), '(', species_nicename, ')') else: return CAT(common, ' (', species_nicename, ')') else: if break_line == 2: return CAT(BR(), species_nicename) else: return species_nicename else: return common else: if common and species_nicename: if break_line: return common + '\n(' + species_nicename + ')' else: return common + ' (' + species_nicename + ')' else: if break_line == 2: return common + "\n" + species_nicename else: return common + species_nicename
def btn_show(self, icon="icon-plus", btn_role="button", btn_class="btn btn-small"): """ Generates an A() button object. By default a btn class and icon object are created but sending obj.btn_show(btn_role="", btn_class="", icon="") will clear all that. """ btn_show_modal = A( I(_class=icon), ' ', self.value, **{ "_role": btn_role, "_class": btn_class, "_data-toggle": "modal", "_href": "#%s" % self.modal_id, "_title": self.title_btn }) return btn_show_modal
def test_I(self): self.assertEqual( I('<>', _a='1', _b='2').xml(), b'<i a="1" b="2"><></i>')
def formstyle_bootstrap_modal(form, fields, **kwargs): """" Bootstrap format modal form layout """ span = kwargs.get('span') or 'span8' select_attributes = kwargs.get('select_attributes', '') form.add_class('form-horizontal') parent = FIELDSET() for id, label, controls, help in fields: _controls = DIV(controls, _class='controls') # submit unflag by default _submit = False if isinstance(controls, INPUT): controls.add_class(span) if controls['_type'] == 'submit': # flag submit button _submit = True controls['_class'] = 'btn btn-primary' if controls['_type'] == 'file': controls['_class'] = 'input-file' # For password fields, which are wrapped in a CAT object. if isinstance(controls, CAT) and isinstance(controls[0], INPUT): controls[0].add_class(span) if isinstance(controls, SELECT): controls.add_class(span) if isinstance(controls, TEXTAREA): controls.add_class(span) if isinstance(label, LABEL): label['_class'] = 'control-label' if help: label.append( I(_class="icon-question-sign", _rel="tooltip", **{'_data-content': help})) if _submit: # submit button has unwrapped label and controls, different class parent.append( DIV(label, BUTTON("Close", _class="btn", **{ '_data-dismiss': 'modal', '_aria-hidden': True }), controls, _class='modal-footer', _id=id)) # unflag submit (possible side effect) _submit = False else: # unwrapped label _class = 'control-group' parent.append(DIV(label, _controls, _class=_class, _id=id)) # append tooltip and chosen field attributes if 'id' not in form.attributes: form.attributes['_id'] = "%s-id" % (str(form.table)) script_data = """$(document).ready(function() {{ $("[rel=tooltip]").popover({{ placement: 'right', trigger: 'hover', }}); $('#{0:s} select').select2({{{1:s}}}); {2:s} }});""".format(form.attributes['_id'], select_attributes, kwargs.get('script', '')) parent.append(SCRIPT(script_data)) return parent