def CONFIRM_BOX(request, session, title="Delete Record", label="Are you sure you want to delete this record?", content="", func_yes=lambda v: v, func_no=lambda v: v): form = FORM( DIV( P(LABEL(label), _class="centered"), P(BUTTON("Yes", _type="submit", _name="yes", _value="yes"), _class="centered"), P(BUTTON("No", _type="submit", _name="no", _value="no"), _class="centered"), )) html = DIV( H2(title), DIV(DIV(form, P(content), _id="padding"), _id="user_action"), ) if form.accepts(request.vars, session): if request.vars.yes == "yes": func_yes() else: func_no() elif form.errors: response.flash = "There were errors with the form" return html
def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates a Bootstrap Radio Button """ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = str(value[0]) else: value = str(value) attr = cls._attributes(field, {}, **attributes) attr['_class'] = add_class(attr.get('_class'), 'web2py_radiowidget') requires = field.requires if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] if requires: if hasattr(requires[0], 'options'): options = requires[0].options() else: raise SyntaxError('widget cannot determine options of %s' % field) options = [(k, v) for k, v in options if str(v)] opts = [] cols = attributes.get('cols', 1) totals = len(options) mods = totals % cols rows = totals / cols if mods: rows += 1 for r_index in range(rows): tds = [] for k, v in options[r_index * cols:(r_index + 1) * cols]: checked = {'_checked': 'checked'} if k == value else {} tds.append( LABEL(INPUT(_type='radio', _id='%s%s' % (, k),, requires=attr.get('requires', None), hideerror=True, _value=k, value=value, **checked), v, _for='%s%s' % (, k))) opts.append(DIV(tds, _class='radio')) if opts: opts[-1][0][0]['hideerror'] = False return DIV(*opts, **attr)
def myradiowidget(field, value, **attributes): """ <div class="control-group"> <label for="inlineCheckboxes" class="control-label">Inline checkboxes</label> <div class="controls"> <label class="checkbox inline"> <input type="checkbox" value="option1" id="inlineCheckbox1"> 1 </label> <label class="checkbox inline"> <input type="checkbox" value="option2" id="inlineCheckbox2"> 2 </label> <label class="checkbox inline"> <input type="checkbox" value="option3" id="inlineCheckbox3"> 3 </label> </div> </div> """ _id = "%s_%s" % (field._tablename, requires = field.requires if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] if requires: if hasattr(requires[0], 'options'): options = requires[0].options() else: raise SyntaxError, 'widget cannot determine options of %s' \ % field options = [(k, v) for k, v in options if str(v)] labels_and_inputs = [] for i, a in options: checked = {'_checked': 'checked'} if i == value else {} labels_and_inputs.extend([ LABEL(a, INPUT(_type="radio",, _value=i, _id="%s%s" % (_id, i), **checked), _class="radio%s" % (attributes.get('type', ' inline'))) ]) return TAG[''](*labels_and_inputs)
def test_LABEL(self): self.assertEqual( LABEL('<>', _a='1', _b='2').xml(), b'<label a="1" b="2"><></label>')
def rdrt_member_profile_header(r): """ Custom profile header to allow update of RDRT roster status """ record = r.record if not record: return "" person_id = record.person_id from s3 import s3_fullname, s3_avatar_represent name = s3_fullname(person_id) table = r.table # Organisation comments = table.organisation_id.represent(record.organisation_id) from s3 import s3_unicode from gluon.html import A, DIV, H2, LABEL, P, SPAN # Add job title if present job_title_id = record.job_title_id if job_title_id: comments = (SPAN("%s, " % \ s3_unicode(table.job_title_id.represent(job_title_id))), comments) # Determine the current roster membership status (active/inactive) atable = current.s3db.deploy_application status = query = atable.human_resource_id == row = current.db(query).select(,, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: active = 1 if else 0 status_id = roster_status = status.represent( else: active = None status_id = None roster_status = current.messages.UNKNOWN_OPT if status_id and \ current.auth.s3_has_permission("update", "deploy_application", record_id=status_id): # Make inline-editable roster_status = A(roster_status, data = {"status": active}, _id = "rdrt-roster-status", _title = T("Click to edit"), ) s3 = current.response.s3 script = "/%s/static/themes/IFRC/js/rdrt.js" % r.application if script not in s3.scripts: s3.scripts.append(script) script = '''$.rdrtStatus('%(url)s','%(active)s','%(inactive)s','%(submit)s')''' from gluon import URL options = {"url": URL(c="deploy", f="application", args=["%s.s3json" % status_id]), "active": status.represent(True), "inactive": status.represent(False), "submit": T("Save"), } s3.jquery_ready.append(script % options) else: # Read-only roster_status = SPAN(roster_status) # Render profile header return DIV(A(s3_avatar_represent(person_id, tablename="pr_person", _class="media-object", ), _class="pull-left", ), H2(name), P(comments), DIV(LABEL(status.label + ": "), roster_status), _class="profile-header", )
from gluon.sql import Field from gluon.sqlhtml import SQLFORM from gluon.html import INPUT, FORM, LABEL, P, BR, SELECT, OPTION, A, CENTER, BODY, TEXTAREA, OBJECT, TAG from gluon.validators import IS_NOT_EMPTY, IS_EXPR from import Storage from gluon import current # web2py SQLFORM expects T in current (thread-local data) to translate messages current.T = lambda x: x if __name__ == '__main__': app = wx.App(False) w = gui.HtmlWindow(None, title="test html", visible=False, resizable=True) if '--login' in sys.argv: form = FORM( LABEL("Username", _width="25%"), INPUT(_type='text', _name='username', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), _width="75%"), LABEL("Password", _width="25%"), INPUT(_type='password', _name='password', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), _width="75%"), LABEL("Options:", _width="25%"), INPUT(_type='checkbox', _name='rememberme', _width="10%"), LABEL("Remember me", _width="65%"), LABEL("", _width="25%"), INPUT(_type='checkbox', _name='superuser', _width="10%"), LABEL("Log in as root", _width="65%"), CENTER( INPUT(_type='submit', _name='login', _value="Login"), BR(),