def create_tokenizer(tokenizer_type, model_path, vocab_path): if tokenizer_type == 'whitespace': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, vocab=Vocab.load(vocab_path)) elif tokenizer_type == 'spm': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, model_path=model_path, vocab=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'subword_nmt': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, codec_path=model_path, vocab_path=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'yttm': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, model_path=model_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'hf_bytebpe': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, merges_file=model_path, vocab_file=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'hf_wordpiece': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, vocab_file=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'hf_bpe': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, merges_file=model_path, vocab_file=vocab_path) else: raise NotImplementedError
def create_tokenizer(tokenizer_type, model_path, vocab_path): if tokenizer_type == 'whitespace': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, vocab=Vocab.load(vocab_path)) elif tokenizer_type == 'spm': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, model_path=model_path, vocab=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'subword_nmt': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, model_path=model_path, vocab=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'yttm': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, model_path=model_path) elif tokenizer_type in ['hf_bytebpe', 'hf_wordpiece', 'hf_bpe']: if huggingface.is_new_version_model_file(model_path): return tokenizers.create('hf_tokenizer', model_path=model_path, vocab=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'hf_bytebpe': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, merges_file=model_path, vocab_file=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'hf_wordpiece': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, vocab_file=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'hf_bpe': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, merges_file=model_path, vocab_file=vocab_path) else: raise NotImplementedError
def test_spacy_tokenizer(): en_tokenizer = SpacyTokenizer('en') de_tokenizer = SpacyTokenizer('de') gt_en_tokenized = [['Four', 'score', 'and', 'seven', 'years', 'ago', 'our', 'fathers', 'brought', 'forth', 'on', 'this', 'continent', ',', 'a', 'new', 'nation', ',', 'conceived', 'in', 'Liberty', ',', 'and', 'dedicated', 'to', 'the', 'proposition', 'that', 'all', 'men', 'are', 'created', 'equal', '.'], ['In', 'spite', 'of', 'the', 'debate', 'going', 'on', 'for', 'months', 'about', 'the', 'photos', 'of', 'Özil', 'with', 'the', 'Turkish', 'President', 'Recep', 'Tayyip', 'Erdogan', ',', 'he', 'regrets', 'the', 'return', 'of', 'the', '92-match', 'national', 'player', 'Özil', '.']] gt_de_tokenized = [['Goethe', 'stammte', 'aus', 'einer', 'angesehenen', 'bürgerlichen', 'Familie', ';', 'sein', 'Großvater', 'mütterlicherseits', 'war', 'als', 'Stadtschultheiß', 'höchster', 'Justizbeamter', 'der', 'Stadt', 'Frankfurt', ',', 'sein', 'Vater', 'Doktor', 'der', 'Rechte', 'und', 'kaiserlicher', 'Rat', '.'], ['"', 'Das', 'ist', 'eine', 'Frage', ',', 'die', 'natürlich', 'davon', 'abhängt', ',', 'dass', 'man', 'einmal', 'ins', 'Gespräch', 'kommt', ',', 'dass', 'man', 'mit', 'ihm', 'auch', 'darüber', 'spricht', ',', 'warum', 'er', 'das', 'eine', 'oder', 'andere', 'offenbar', 'so', 'empfunden', 'hat', ',', 'wie', 'das', 'in', 'seinem', 'Statement', 'niedergelegt', 'ist', '"', ',', 'sagte', 'Grindel', 'im', 'Fußball-Podcast', '"', 'Phrasenmäher', '"', 'der', '"', 'Bild-Zeitung', '.']] verify_encode_token(en_tokenizer, EN_SAMPLES, gt_en_tokenized) verify_encode_token(de_tokenizer, DE_SAMPLES, gt_de_tokenized) vocab = Vocab(collections.Counter(sum(gt_en_tokenized + gt_de_tokenized, []))) en_tokenizer.set_vocab(vocab) de_tokenizer.set_vocab(vocab) verify_pickleble(en_tokenizer, SpacyTokenizer) verify_pickleble(de_tokenizer, SpacyTokenizer) verify_encode_token_with_offsets(en_tokenizer, EN_SAMPLES) verify_encode_token_with_offsets(de_tokenizer, DE_SAMPLES)
def test_load_embeddings(): text_data = [ 'hello', 'world', 'hello', 'nice', 'world', 'hi', 'world', 'sadgood' ] counter = collections.Counter(text_data) vocab1 = Vocab(counter) # load with vocab matrix1 = load_embeddings(vocab1) assert len(matrix1) == len(vocab1) # load without vocab matrix2, vocab2 = load_embeddings() assert len(matrix2) == len(vocab2) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(matrix1[vocab1["hello"]], matrix2[vocab2["hello"]]) # test_unk_method def simple(words): return np.ones((len(words), 50)) matrix3 = load_embeddings(vocab1, unk_method=simple) assert sum(matrix3[vocab1['sadgood']] == 1) == matrix3.shape[-1] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(matrix3[vocab1["hello"]], matrix2[vocab2["hello"]]) # load txt with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as root: path = os.path.join(root, "tmp.txt") with open(path, "w") as f: f.write("{} {}\n".format(matrix1.shape[0], matrix1.shape[1])) for word, vec in zip(vocab1.all_tokens, matrix1): f.write(word + " ") f.write(" ".join([str(num) for num in vec.tolist()])) f.write("\n") matrix4 = load_embeddings(vocab1, path) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(matrix4, matrix1)
def test_get_fasttext_model(): text_data = ['hello', 'world', 'hello', 'nice', 'world', 'hi', 'world'] counter = collections.Counter(text_data) vocab1 = Vocab(counter) matrix1 = load_embeddings(vocab1, 'wiki.en') ft = get_fasttext_model('wiki.en') np.testing.assert_almost_equal(matrix1[vocab1["hello"]], ft['hello'], decimal=4) with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_fasttext_model('')
def test_jieba_tokenizer(): tokenizer = JiebaTokenizer() gt_zh_tokenized = [['苟活', '者', '在', '淡红', '的', '血色', '中', ',', '会', '依稀', '看见', '微茫', '的', '希望', ';', '真的', '猛士', ',', '将', '更奋', '然而', '前行', '。'], ['参加', '工作', ',', '哈尔滨工业大学', '无线电', '工程系', '电子仪器', '及', '测量', '技术', '专业', '毕业', '。']] verify_encode_token(tokenizer, ZH_SAMPLES, gt_zh_tokenized) verify_decode(tokenizer, ZH_SAMPLES, str) vocab = Vocab(collections.Counter(sum(gt_zh_tokenized, []))) verify_decode_no_vocab_raise(tokenizer) tokenizer.set_vocab(vocab) verify_decode(tokenizer, ZH_SAMPLES, int) verify_pickleble(tokenizer, JiebaTokenizer)
def test_whitespace_tokenizer(): tokenizer = WhitespaceTokenizer() gt_en_tokenized = [['Four', 'score', 'and', 'seven', 'years', 'ago', 'our', 'fathers', 'brought', 'forth', 'on', 'this', 'continent,', 'a', 'new', 'nation,', 'conceived', 'in', 'Liberty,', 'and', 'dedicated', 'to', 'the', 'proposition', 'that', 'all', 'men', 'are', 'created', 'equal.'], ['In', 'spite', 'of', 'the', 'debate', 'going', 'on', 'for', 'months', 'about', 'the', 'photos', 'of', 'Özil', 'with', 'the', 'Turkish', 'President', 'Recep', 'Tayyip', 'Erdogan,', 'he', 'regrets', 'the', 'return', 'of', 'the', '92-match', 'national', 'player', 'Özil.']] gt_de_tokenized = [['Goethe', 'stammte', 'aus', 'einer', 'angesehenen', 'bürgerlichen', 'Familie;', 'sein', 'Großvater', 'mütterlicherseits', 'war', 'als', 'Stadtschultheiß', 'höchster', 'Justizbeamter', 'der', 'Stadt', 'Frankfurt,', 'sein', 'Vater', 'Doktor', 'der', 'Rechte', 'und', 'kaiserlicher', 'Rat.'], ['"Das', 'ist', 'eine', 'Frage,', 'die', 'natürlich', 'davon', 'abhängt,', 'dass', 'man', 'einmal', 'ins', 'Gespräch', 'kommt,', 'dass', 'man', 'mit', 'ihm', 'auch', 'darüber', 'spricht,', 'warum', 'er', 'das', 'eine', 'oder', 'andere', 'offenbar', 'so', 'empfunden', 'hat,', 'wie', 'das', 'in', 'seinem', 'Statement', 'niedergelegt', 'ist",', 'sagte', 'Grindel', 'im', 'Fußball-Podcast', '"Phrasenmäher"', 'der', '"Bild-Zeitung.']] for _ in range(2): # Inject noise and test for encode noisy_en_samples = [random_inject_space(ele) for ele in EN_SAMPLES] noisy_de_samples = [random_inject_space(ele) for ele in DE_SAMPLES] verify_encode_token(tokenizer, noisy_en_samples + noisy_de_samples, gt_en_tokenized + gt_de_tokenized) # Test for decode verify_decode(tokenizer, EN_SAMPLES + DE_SAMPLES, str) # Test for encode_with_offsets verify_encode_token_with_offsets(tokenizer, noisy_en_samples + noisy_de_samples) verify_decode_no_vocab_raise(tokenizer) # Test for output_type = int vocab = Vocab(collections.Counter(sum(gt_en_tokenized + gt_de_tokenized, []))) tokenizer.set_vocab(vocab) verify_decode(tokenizer, EN_SAMPLES + DE_SAMPLES, int) verify_pickleble(tokenizer, WhitespaceTokenizer) verify_encode_token_with_offsets(tokenizer, EN_SAMPLES + DE_SAMPLES)
def main(args): corpus_path_list = args.corpus if args.save_dir is None: args.save_dir = args.model for corpus_path in corpus_path_list: if not os.path.exists(corpus_path): raise ValueError( 'The path="{}" provided by --corpus does not exist!'.format( corpus_path)) print('Learn the "{}"s subword model based on {}.'.format( args.model, args.corpus)) os.makedirs(args.save_dir, exist_ok=True) model_prefix = os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.model) print('Save the subword model to {}.model'.format(model_prefix)) print('Save the vocabulary to {}.vocab'.format(model_prefix)) print() print('------- Start Training -------------') special_tokens_kv = OrderedDict() if not args.disable_unk: special_tokens_kv['unk_token'] = Vocab.UNK_TOKEN if not args.disable_bos: special_tokens_kv['bos_token'] = Vocab.BOS_TOKEN if not args.disable_eos: special_tokens_kv['eos_token'] = Vocab.EOS_TOKEN if not args.disable_pad: special_tokens_kv['pad_token'] = Vocab.PAD_TOKEN # split custom special tokens if args.model in ['yttm'] and len(args.custom_special_tokens) > 0: raise ValueError( 'model {} do not support custom_special_tokens'.format(args.model)) additional_custom_special_token = OrderedDict() for custom_special_token in args.custom_special_tokens: kv = custom_special_token.split('=') if not len(kv) == 2: raise ValueError( 'parameter {} has wrong format'.format(custom_special_token)) k, v = kv[0], kv[1] if k in special_tokens_kv: warnings.warn( f'There are overlaps between the custom special tokens and the' f' unk, bos, eos, pad tokens. Currently, we will overwrite the ' f'default tokens. We will overwrite "{k}" to "{v}"') special_tokens_kv[k] = v additional_custom_special_token[k] = v if args.model == 'hf_wordpiece': tokenizers = try_import_huggingface_tokenizers() if 'unk_token' not in special_tokens_kv or special_tokens_kv[ 'unk_token'] != '[UNK]': # TODO, HF Tokenizer must have the unk token. special_tokens_kv['unk_token'] = '[UNK]' if parse_version(tokenizers.__version__) < parse_version('0.8'): # The older version of Tokenizers # hf_wordpiece must contain mask, cls and sep tokens # the custom defined mask,cls,sep can overwrite the default settings if 'mask_token' not in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['mask_token'] = Vocab.MASK_TOKEN if 'cls_token' not in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['cls_token'] = Vocab.CLS_TOKEN if 'sep_token' not in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['sep_token'] = Vocab.SEP_TOKEN special_tokens = list(special_tokens_kv.values()) print('special tokens: ' + ', '.join(special_tokens)) vocab = [] if args.model == 'spm': try_import_sentencepiece() import sentencepiece as spm corpus_path = ','.join(corpus_path_list) script = '--input={} --model_prefix={} --vocab_size={} --character_coverage={} --input_sentence_size={}' \ .format(corpus_path, model_prefix, args.vocab_size, args.coverage, args.input_sentence_size) script += (' --unk_id=' + str(list(special_tokens_kv.keys()).index('unk_token'))) script += (' --bos_id=' + ('-1' if args.disable_bos else str( list(special_tokens_kv.keys()).index('bos_token')))) script += (' --eos_id=' + ('-1' if args.disable_eos else str( list(special_tokens_kv.keys()).index('eos_token')))) script += (' --pad_id=' + ('-1' if args.disable_pad else str( list(special_tokens_kv.keys()).index('pad_token')))) if len(additional_custom_special_token) > 0: script += ( ' --control_symbols=' + ','.join(list(additional_custom_special_token.values()))) print(script) spm.SentencePieceTrainer.Train(script) if 'bos_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['bos_token'] = '<s>' if 'eos_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['eos_token'] = '</s>' # build spm vocab spm_model = spm.SentencePieceProcessor() spm_model.load(model_prefix + '.model') vocab = [spm_model.id_to_piece(i) for i in range(len(spm_model))] os.remove(model_prefix + '.vocab') elif args.model == 'subword_nmt': try_import_subword_nmt() from subword_nmt import learn_bpe corpus_path = cat_corpus(corpus_path_list)\ if len(corpus_path_list) > 1 else corpus_path_list[0] # build model with open(corpus_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fc,\ open(model_prefix + '.model', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fm: learn_bpe.learn_bpe(fc, fm, args.vocab_size - len(special_tokens), total_symbols=True) # build vocab with open(corpus_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fc, \ open(model_prefix + '.model', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fm: vocab.extend(special_tokens) uniq_chars_internal = set() uniq_chars_final = set() uniq_words = set() for line in fc: for word in line.strip('\r\n ').split(' '): if word: uniq_words.add(word) # this code piece is same as # shows uniq_words = [ tuple(x[:-1]) + (x[-1] + '</w>', ) for x in uniq_words ] for word in uniq_words: for char in word[:-1]: uniq_chars_internal.add(char) uniq_chars_final.add(word[-1]) # sort to ensure the same settings produce the same vocab vocab.extend(sorted(list(uniq_chars_internal))) vocab.extend(sorted(list(uniq_chars_final))) fm.readline() pair = fm.readline() while pair: vocab.append(pair.replace(' ', '', 1).strip()) pair = fm.readline() if len(corpus_path_list) > 1: os.remove(corpus_path) elif args.model == 'yttm': try_import_yttm() import youtokentome as yttm corpus_path = cat_corpus(corpus_path_list)\ if len(corpus_path_list) > 1 else corpus_path_list[0] tokenizer = yttm.BPE.train( data=corpus_path, model=model_prefix + '.model', vocab_size=args.vocab_size, coverage=args.coverage, n_threads=args.n_threads, unk_id=special_tokens.index(Vocab.UNK_TOKEN), bos_id=-1 if args.disable_bos else special_tokens.index(Vocab.BOS_TOKEN), eos_id=-1 if args.disable_eos else special_tokens.index(Vocab.EOS_TOKEN), pad_id=-1 if args.disable_pad else special_tokens.index(Vocab.PAD_TOKEN)) vocab = tokenizer.vocab() if 'unk_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['unk_token'] = '<UNK>' if 'bos_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['bos_token'] = '<BOS>' if 'eos_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['eos_token'] = '<EOS>' if 'pad_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['pad_token'] = '<PAD>' if len(corpus_path_list) > 1: os.remove(corpus_path) elif args.model in ['hf_bpe', 'hf_bytebpe', 'hf_wordpiece']: tokenizers = try_import_huggingface_tokenizers() if args.model == 'hf_bpe': split_on_whitespace_only = not args.split_punctuation tokenizer = tokenizers.CharBPETokenizer( lowercase=args.lowercase, bert_normalizer=args.bert_normalizer, split_on_whitespace_only=split_on_whitespace_only) elif args.model == 'hf_bytebpe': tokenizer = tokenizers.ByteLevelBPETokenizer( lowercase=args.lowercase) elif args.model == 'hf_wordpiece': unk_token = special_tokens_kv.get('unk_token', None) sep_token = special_tokens_kv.get('sep_token', None) cls_token = special_tokens_kv.get('cls_token', None) pad_token = special_tokens_kv.get('pad_token', None) mask_token = special_tokens_kv.get('mask_token', None) if args.bert_normalizer: strip_accents = None clean_text = True handle_chinese_chars = True else: strip_accents = False clean_text = False handle_chinese_chars = False tokenizer = tokenizers.BertWordPieceTokenizer( unk_token=unk_token, sep_token=sep_token, cls_token=cls_token, pad_token=pad_token, mask_token=mask_token, lowercase=args.lowercase, strip_accents=strip_accents, handle_chinese_chars=handle_chinese_chars, clean_text=clean_text) else: raise NotImplementedError tokenizer.train(corpus_path_list, vocab_size=args.vocab_size, show_progress=True, special_tokens=special_tokens) # Deal with the API change of tokenizers >= 0.8 if version.parse(tokenizers.__version__) >= version.parse('0.8'): save_model_path = model_prefix + '.model' model_info = json.load(open(save_model_path, encoding='utf-8')) special_tokens_in_tokenizer = model_info['added_tokens'] assert len(special_tokens_in_tokenizer) == len(special_tokens) hf_vocab = model_info['model']['vocab'] hf_vocab_sorted = sorted(list(hf_vocab.items()), key=lambda x: x[1]) hf_vocab_ids = [ele[1] for ele in hf_vocab_sorted] assert min(hf_vocab_ids) == 0 and max( hf_vocab_ids) == len(hf_vocab_ids) - 1 vocab = [ele[0] for ele in hf_vocab_sorted] else:, args.model) # we replace the huggingface vocab file with our Vocab implementation if args.model == 'hf_wordpiece': hf_vocab_file = model_prefix + '-vocab.txt' with open(hf_vocab_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fv: for line in fv: vocab.append(line.strip()) else: # Move the hf_${model}-merges.txt to hf_${model}.models os.rename( os.path.join(args.save_dir, '{}-merges.txt'.format(args.model)), os.path.join(args.save_dir, '{}.model'.format(args.model))) hf_vocab_file = model_prefix + '-vocab.json' with open(hf_vocab_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fv: vocab_kv = json.load(fv) vocab_kv = sorted(list(vocab_kv.items()), key=lambda x: x[1]) for kv in vocab_kv: vocab.append(kv[0]) os.remove(hf_vocab_file) else: raise NotImplementedError vocab_obj = Vocab(vocab, **special_tokens_kv) + '.vocab') print('-------- Done Training -------------')
def main(args): corpus_path_list = args.corpus if not os.path.exists(args.save_dir): os.makedirs(args.save_dir) model_prefix = os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.model) special_tokens_kv = OrderedDict() # unk is always required special_tokens_kv['unk_token'] = Vocab.UNK_TOKEN if not args.disable_bos: special_tokens_kv['bos_token'] = Vocab.BOS_TOKEN if not args.disable_eos: special_tokens_kv['eos_token'] = Vocab.EOS_TOKEN if not args.disable_pad: special_tokens_kv['pad_token'] = Vocab.PAD_TOKEN # split custom special tokens if args.model in ['yttm'] and len(args.custom_special_tokens) > 0: raise ValueError( 'model {} do not support custom_special_tokens'.format(args.model)) for custom_special_token in args.custom_special_tokens: kv = custom_special_token.split('=') if not len(kv) == 2: raise ValueError( 'parameter {} has wrong format'.format(custom_special_token)) k, v = kv[0], kv[1] if k in special_tokens_kv: raise ValueError( 'There are overlaps between the custom special tokens and the' ' unk, bos, eos, pad tokens') special_tokens_kv[k] = v # hf_wordpiece must contains mask, cls and sep tokens # the costom defined mask,cls,sep can overwrite the default settings if args.model == 'hf_wordpiece': if 'mask_token' not in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['mask_token'] = Vocab.MASK_TOKEN if 'cls_token' not in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['cls_token'] = Vocab.CLS_TOKEN if 'sep_token' not in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['sep_token'] = Vocab.SEP_TOKEN special_tokens = list(special_tokens_kv.values()) print('special tokens: ' + ', '.join(special_tokens)) vocab = [] if args.model == 'spm': try_import_sentencepiece() import sentencepiece as spm corpus_path = ','.join(corpus_path_list) script = '--input={} --model_prefix={} --vocab_size={} --character_coverage={} --input_sentence_size={}' \ .format(corpus_path, model_prefix, args.vocab_size, args.coverage, args.input_sentence_size) script += (' --unk_id=' + str(special_tokens.index(Vocab.UNK_TOKEN))) script += (' --bos_id=' + ('-1' if args.disable_bos else str( special_tokens.index(Vocab.BOS_TOKEN)))) script += (' --eos_id=' + ('-1' if args.disable_eos else str( special_tokens.index(Vocab.EOS_TOKEN)))) script += (' --pad_id=' + ('-1' if args.disable_pad else str( special_tokens.index(Vocab.PAD_TOKEN)))) if len(args.custom_special_tokens) > 0: ids_in_script = script.count('_id') script += (' --control_symbols=' + ','.join(special_tokens[ids_in_script:])) print(script) spm.SentencePieceTrainer.Train(script) if 'bos_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['bos_token'] = '<s>' if 'eos_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['eos_token'] = '</s>' # build spm vocab spm_model = spm.SentencePieceProcessor() spm_model.load(model_prefix + '.model') vocab = [spm_model.id_to_piece(i) for i in range(len(spm_model))] os.remove(model_prefix + '.vocab') elif args.model == 'subword_nmt': try_import_subword_nmt() from subword_nmt import learn_bpe corpus_path = cat_corpus(corpus_path_list)\ if len(corpus_path_list) > 1 else corpus_path_list[0] # build model with open(corpus_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fc,\ open(model_prefix + '.model', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fm: learn_bpe.learn_bpe(fc, fm, args.vocab_size - len(special_tokens), total_symbols=True) # build vocab with open(corpus_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fc, \ open(model_prefix + '.model', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fm: vocab.extend(special_tokens) uniq_chars_internal = set() uniq_chars_final = set() uniq_words = set() for line in fc: for word in line.strip('\r\n ').split(' '): if word: uniq_words.add(word) # this code piece is same as # shows uniq_words = [ tuple(x[:-1]) + (x[-1] + '</w>', ) for x in uniq_words ] for word in uniq_words: for char in word[:-1]: uniq_chars_internal.add(char) uniq_chars_final.add(word[-1]) # sort to ensure the same settings produce the same vocab vocab.extend(sorted(list(uniq_chars_internal))) vocab.extend(sorted(list(uniq_chars_final))) fm.readline() pair = fm.readline() while (pair): vocab.append(pair.replace(' ', '', 1).strip()) pair = fm.readline() if len(corpus_path_list) > 1: os.remove(corpus_path) elif args.model == 'yttm': try_import_yttm() import youtokentome as yttm corpus_path = cat_corpus(corpus_path_list)\ if len(corpus_path_list) > 1 else corpus_path_list[0] tokenizer = yttm.BPE.train( data=corpus_path, model=model_prefix + '.model', vocab_size=args.vocab_size, coverage=args.coverage, n_threads=args.n_threads, unk_id=special_tokens.index(Vocab.UNK_TOKEN), bos_id=-1 if args.disable_bos else special_tokens.index(Vocab.BOS_TOKEN), eos_id=-1 if args.disable_eos else special_tokens.index(Vocab.EOS_TOKEN), pad_id=-1 if args.disable_pad else special_tokens.index(Vocab.PAD_TOKEN)) vocab = tokenizer.vocab() if 'unk_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['unk_token'] = '<UNK>' if 'bos_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['bos_token'] = '<BOS>' if 'eos_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['eos_token'] = '<EOS>' if 'pad_token' in special_tokens_kv: special_tokens_kv['pad_token'] = '<PAD>' if len(corpus_path_list) > 1: os.remove(corpus_path) elif args.model in ['hf_bpe', 'hf_bytebpe', 'hf_wordpiece']: tokenizers = try_import_huggingface_tokenizers() if args.model == 'hf_bpe': tokenizer = tokenizers.CharBPETokenizer(lowercase=args.lowercase) elif args.model == 'hf_bytebpe': tokenizer = tokenizers.ByteLevelBPETokenizer( lowercase=args.lowercase) elif args.model == 'hf_wordpiece': tokenizer = tokenizers.BertWordPieceTokenizer( lowercase=args.lowercase, strip_accents=args.strip_accents) else: raise NotImplementedError tokenizer.train(corpus_path_list, vocab_size=args.vocab_size, show_progress=True, special_tokens=special_tokens), args.model) # we replace the huggingface vocab file with our Vocab implementation if args.model == 'hf_wordpiece': hf_vocab_file = model_prefix + '-vocab.txt' with open(hf_vocab_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fv: for line in fv: vocab.append(line.strip()) else: # Move the hf_${model}-merges.txt to hf_${model}.models os.rename( os.path.join(args.save_dir, '{}-merges.txt'.format(args.model)), os.path.join(args.save_dir, '{}.model'.format(args.model))) hf_vocab_file = model_prefix + '-vocab.json' with open(hf_vocab_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fv: vocab_kv = json.load(fv) vocab_kv = sorted(list(vocab_kv.items()), key=lambda x: x[1]) for kv in vocab_kv: vocab.append(kv[0]) os.remove(hf_vocab_file) else: raise NotImplementedError unk_token = special_tokens_kv.pop('unk_token') vocab_obj = Vocab(vocab, unk_token=unk_token, **special_tokens_kv) + '.vocab')