Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_trace():
    data = np.random.rand(1000)
    header = {
        'sampling_rate': 1,
        'npts': len(data),
        'network': 'US',
        'location': '11',
        'station': 'ABCD',
        'channel': 'HN1',
        'starttime': UTCDateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
    inventory = get_inventory()
    invtrace = StationTrace(data=data, header=header, inventory=inventory)
    invtrace.setProvenance('detrend', {'detrending_method': 'demean'})
    invtrace.setParameter('failed', True)
    invtrace.setParameter('corner_frequencies', [1, 2, 3])
    invtrace.setParameter('metadata', {'name': 'Fred'})

    assert invtrace.getProvenance('detrend')[0] == {
        'detrending_method': 'demean'
    assert invtrace.getParameter('failed')
    assert invtrace.getParameter('corner_frequencies') == [1, 2, 3]
    assert invtrace.getParameter('metadata') == {'name': 'Fred'}

    prov = invtrace.getProvSeries()
    assert prov[0] == 'demean'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_trace():
    data = np.random.rand(1000)
    header = {
        "sampling_rate": 1,
        "npts": len(data),
        "network": "US",
        "location": "11",
        "station": "ABCD",
        "channel": "HN1",
        "starttime": UTCDateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
    inventory = get_inventory()
    invtrace = StationTrace(data=data, header=header, inventory=inventory)
    invtrace.setProvenance("detrend", {"detrending_method": "demean"})
    invtrace.setParameter("failed", True)
    invtrace.setParameter("corner_frequencies", [1, 2, 3])
    invtrace.setParameter("metadata", {"name": "Fred"})

    assert invtrace.getProvenance("detrend")[0] == {
        "detrending_method": "demean"
    assert invtrace.getParameter("failed")
    assert invtrace.getParameter("corner_frequencies") == [1, 2, 3]
    assert invtrace.getParameter("metadata") == {"name": "Fred"}

    prov = invtrace.getProvSeries()
    assert prov[0] == "demean"
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getStreams(self, eventid, stations=None, labels=None, config=None):
        """Get Stream from ASDF file given event id and input tags.

            eventid (str):
                Event ID corresponding to an Event in the workspace.
            stations (list):
                List of stations to search for.
            labels (list):
                List of processing labels to search for.
            config (dict):
                Configuration options.

            StreamCollection: Object containing list of organized
        trace_auxholder = []
        stream_auxholder = []
        auxdata = self.dataset.auxiliary_data
        if 'TraceProcessingParameters' in auxdata:
            trace_auxholder = auxdata.TraceProcessingParameters
        if 'StreamProcessingParameters' in auxdata:
            stream_auxholder = auxdata.StreamProcessingParameters
        streams = []

        if stations is None:
            stations = self.getStations(eventid)
        if labels is None:
            labels = self.getLabels()

        for waveform in self.dataset.ifilter(
            self.dataset.q.station == stations,
            self.dataset.q.tag == ['%s_%s' % (eventid, label)
                                   for label in labels]):
            tags = waveform.get_waveform_tags()
            for tag in tags:
                tstream = waveform[tag]

                inventory = waveform['StationXML']
                for ttrace in tstream:
                    if isinstance(ttrace.data[0], np.floating):
                        if ttrace.data[0].nbytes == 4:
                            ttrace.data = ttrace.data.astype('float32')
                            ttrace.data = ttrace.data.astype('float64')
                        if ttrace.data[0].nbytes == 2:
                            ttrace.data = ttrace.data.astype('int16')
                        elif ttrace.data[0].nbytes == 4:
                            ttrace.data = ttrace.data.astype('int32')
                            ttrace.data = ttrace.data.astype('int64')
                    trace = StationTrace(data=ttrace.data,

                    # get the provenance information
                    provname = format_nslct(trace.stats, tag)
                    if provname in self.dataset.provenance.list():
                        provdoc = self.dataset.provenance[provname]

                    # get the trace processing parameters
                    top = format_netsta(trace.stats)
                    trace_path = format_nslct(trace.stats, tag)
                    if top in trace_auxholder:
                        root_auxholder = trace_auxholder[top]
                        if trace_path in root_auxholder:
                            bytelist = root_auxholder[
                            jsonstr = ''.join([chr(b) for b in bytelist])
                            jdict = json.loads(jsonstr)
                            for key, value in jdict.items():
                                trace.setParameter(key, value)

                    # get the trace spectra arrays from auxiliary,
                    # repack into stationtrace object
                    spectra = {}

                    if 'Cache' in auxdata:
                        for aux in auxdata['Cache'].list():
                            auxarray = auxdata['Cache'][aux]
                            if top not in auxarray.list():
                            auxarray_top = auxarray[top]
                            if trace_path in auxarray_top:
                                specparts = camel_case_split(aux)
                                array_name = specparts[-1].lower()
                                specname = '_'.join(specparts[:-1]).lower()
                                specarray = auxarray_top[trace_path].data[()]
                                if specname in spectra:
                                    spectra[specname][array_name] = specarray
                                    spectra[specname] = {array_name: specarray}
                        for key, value in spectra.items():
                            trace.setCached(key, value)

                    stream = StationStream(traces=[trace])
                    stream.tag = tag  # testing this out

                    # get the stream processing parameters
                    stream_path = format_nslit(
                        trace.stats, stream.get_inst(), tag)
                    if top in stream_auxholder:
                        top_auxholder = stream_auxholder[top]
                        if stream_path in top_auxholder:
                            auxarray = top_auxholder[stream_path]
                            bytelist = auxarray.data[:].tolist()
                            jsonstr = ''.join([chr(b) for b in bytelist])
                            jdict = json.loads(jsonstr)
                            for key, value in jdict.items():
                                stream.setStreamParam(key, value)

        # No need to handle duplicates when retrieving stations from the
        # workspace file because it must have been handled before putting them
        # into the workspace file.
        streams = StreamCollection(
            streams, handle_duplicates=False, config=config)
        return streams