Ejemplo n.º 1
    def chordStart(self, bootstrapNodeList, isBootstrapNode, enableAutoDiscovery, myPort, myIP, statusCallback, enclaveToJoin, nodeID, authenticationPayload):
        Start Chord using the given parameters
        # Find a live bootstrap node
        bootstrapNodeLocation = yield Utils.findLiveBootstrapNode(bootstrapNodeList, enableAutoDiscovery)
        log.msg("DEBUG: chordStart: bootstrapNodeLocation returned: %s" % bootstrapNodeLocation, system="chordStart")
        if bootstrapNodeLocation is None:
            if isBootstrapNode:
                # This is okay, we are just the only node.
                bootstrapNodeIP = None
                bootstrapNodePort = None
                # Failure... we can't startup by ourselves!
                log.msg("Failed to join because could not find a live bootstrap node.")
                statusCallback(False, None)
            bootstrapNodeIP = bootstrapNodeLocation.ip
            bootstrapNodePort = bootstrapNodeLocation.port
        # Setup the bootstrap node location list
        if bootstrapNodeList == None:
            bootstrapNodeList = []
        if bootstrapNodeIP is not None and bootstrapNodePort is not None:
            bootstrapNodeList.append( NodeLocation(None,bootstrapNodeIP,bootstrapNodePort))
        # Figure out the enclave we're joining
        if bootstrapNodeIP == None and bootstrapNodePort == None:
            if enclaveToJoin is None:
                enclaveToJoin = 'localhost'
            # There is another node we can get info from
            if enclaveToJoin is None or enclaveToJoin == 'fromBootstrap':
                # Figure it out from the bootstrap node
                enclaveToJoin = yield self.findEnclave(bootstrapNodeIP, bootstrapNodePort)
                # Check if the bootstrap node is consistent
                status = yield self.checkEnclave(bootstrapNodeIP, bootstrapNodePort, enclaveToJoin)
                if not status:
                    raise Exception('Bootstrap node is not part of enclave [%s]. Cannot join like that.' % enclaveToJoin)
        print("DEBUG: ChordStart: enclave to join is : %s : %s " % (enclaveToJoin, type(enclaveToJoin)))
        # Get the node ID for this Node/Enclave
        if nodeID == None:
            raise Exception("Programming error. NodeID cannot be None.")
        # Make sure it's an int
        if not isinstance( nodeID, ( int, long ) ):
            raise Exception("Programming error. NodeID must be an int.")

        # Set myPort and myIP
        if myPort is None:
            raise Exception("No port specified in ChordStart. No can do!")
        # This is the IP of the node. Note: This MUST be 
        # an external ID or the code won't work!
        allowFloatingIP = myIP == None # Do we allow chord node to change the IP? True | False
        if myIP is None:
            if bootstrapNodeIP is None:
                myIP = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
                # To use ipNode, We need bootstrapNodeLocation. 
                # Not sure how to change this code if we need external IP? 
                # Maybe this code is fine. -Fengwei   
                # There is someone else to ask!

                # Create an IPNode
                ipNode = NetworkUtils.IPNode()
                # The IP address should get from the IPNode in case of NAT
                    myIP = yield ipNode.getRemoteIP(bootstrapNodeLocation)
        # Now startup the node
        log.msg("ClassChord API| Starting Chord Node on Port: %s:%s:%s" %(myIP, myPort, enclaveToJoin))
        self.chordNode = ChordNode(myIP, myPort, nodeID, allowFloatingIP)
        self.chordNode.setAuthenticator(self.classChordClientObj) # Who can auth messages for us?
        self.serverFactory = GmuServerFactory(self.chordNode)

        deferResult = self.chordNode.join(bootstrapNodeList,enableAutoDiscovery, enclaveToJoin, authenticationPayload, isBootstrapNode, factory=self.serverFactory)
        deferResult.addBoth(self.joinComplete, statusCallback) # This is our callback, we use it to set some things upon completion.