Ejemplo n.º 1
class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.engine = create_engine(sqlalchemy_url)

    def setUp(self):
        self.session = DBSession()

    def tearDown(self):

        # for unit testing, we throw away any modifications we may have made.


    def add_objs_and_assert_ids(self, objs):
        if type(objs) is list:
            for o in objs:
            for o in objs:
                assert o.id is not None
            assert objs.id is not None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_oil(oil_name):
    function returns the Oil object given the name of the oil as a string.

    :param oil_: name of the oil that spilled. If it is one of the names
            stored in _sample_oil dict, then an Oil object with specified
            API is returned.
            Otherwise, query the database for the oil_name and return the
            associated Oil object.
    :type oil_: str

    It should be updated to take **kwargs so if user wants to define a new
    oil with specific properties, they can do so by defining properties
    in kwargs.

    NOTE I:
    One issue is that the kwargs in Oil contain spaces, like 'Oil Name'. This
    can be handled if the user defines a dict as follows:
        kw = {'Oil Name': 'new oil', 'Field Name': 'field name'}
    however, the following will not work:
        get_oil('Oil Name'='new oil', 'Field Name'='field name')

    This is another reason, we need an interface (business logic) between the
    SQL object and the end user.

    NOTE II:
    currently, the _sample_oils contained in dict in this module are not part
    of the database. May want to add them to the final persistent database to
    make a consistent interface which always accesses DB for any 'oil_name'

    if oil_name in _sample_oils.keys():
        return Oil(**_sample_oils[oil_name])

        if not os.path.exists(_db_file):
            if db_file doesn't exist in webgnome, then download it from
            remote_data.data_server and put it in py_gnome/gnome/data/
            # _db_from_flatfile()

        # not sure we want to do it this way - but let's use for now
        engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine("sqlite:///" + _db_file)

        # let's use global DBSession defined in oillibrary
        # alternatively, we could define a new scoped_session
        # Not sure what's the proper way yet but this needs
        # to be revisited at some point.
        # session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
        # DBSession = scoped_session(session_factory)
        DBSession.bind = engine

            return DBSession.query(Oil).filter(Oil.name == oil_name).one()
        except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound, ex:
            # or sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound as ex:
            ex.message = "oil with name '{0}' not found in database. " "{1}".format(oil_name, ex.message)
            ex.args = (ex.message,)
            raise ex
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def setUp(self):
     self.session = DBSession()