Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    wind = constant_wind(1., 0)
    water = Water()
    w = Waves(wind, water)

    json_ = w.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    w2 = Waves.deserialize(json_)
    assert w2.wind == Wind.deserialize(json_['wind'])
    assert w2.water == Water.deserialize(json_['water'])
    assert w == w2
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_units():
    just make sure there are no errors
    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    new_units = 'meter per second'
    assert wm.units != new_units
    wm.units = new_units
    assert wm.units == new_units
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_set_timeseries():
    following operation requires a numpy array. Slicing numy array
    automatically makes it a 0-D array, make sure it gets converted to a 1-D
    array correctly
    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    x = wm.timeseries[0]
    wm.timeseries = x
    assert wm.timeseries == x

    x = (datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0, second=0), (4, 5))
    wm.timeseries = x
    assert wm.timeseries['time'] == x[0]
    assert np.allclose(wm.timeseries['value'], x[1], atol=1e-6)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_new_from_dict_filename():
    test to_dict function for Wind object
    create a new wind object and make sure it has same properties

    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    wm_state = wm.to_dict('create')
    print wm_state

    # this does not catch two objects with same ID

    wm2 = Wind.new_from_dict(wm_state)

    assert wm == wm2
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_update_from_dict_with_dst_spring_transition():
    checking a time series crossing over a DST transition.

    NOTE: the ofset is ignored! so there is no way to do this "right"
    timeseries = gen_timeseries_for_dst('spring')
    wind_json = {'obj_type': 'gnome.environment.Wind',
                 'description': 'dst transition test',
                 'latitude': 90,
                 'longitude': 90,
                 'updated_at': '2016-03-12T12:52:45.385126',
                 'source_type': u'manual',
                 'source_id': u'unknown',
                 'timeseries': timeseries,
                 'units': 'knots',
                 'json_': u'webapi'

    wind = Wind.deserialize(wind_json)

    assert wind.description == 'dst transition test'
    assert wind.units == 'knots'

    ts = wind.get_timeseries()

    # this should raise if there is a problem

    assert True  # if we got here, the test passed.
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_serialize_deserialize(wind_circ, do):
    wind_circ is a fixture
    create - it creates new object after serializing original object
        and tests equality of the two

    update - tests serialize/deserialize and from_dict methods don't fail.
        It doesn't update any properties.
    json_ = wind_circ['wind'].serialize(do)
    dict_ = Wind.deserialize(json_)
    if do == 'create':
        new_w = Wind.new_from_dict(dict_)
        assert new_w == wind_circ['wind']
        assert True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_eq():
    tests the filename is not used for testing equality
    even if filename changes but other attributes are the same, the objects
    are equal
    w = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    w1 = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    assert w == w1

    p, f = os.path.split(wind_file)
    f, e = os.path.splitext(f)
    w_copy = os.path.join(p, '{0}_copy{1}'.format(f, e))
    shutil.copy(wind_file, w_copy)
    w2 = Wind(filename=w_copy)
    w2.updated_at = w.updated_at    # match these before testing
    assert w == w2
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_from_dict():
    test update_from_dict function for Wind object
    update existing wind object update_from_dict
    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    wm_dict = wm.to_dict()

    # let's update timeseries
    update_value = np.array((10., 180.))
    (wm_dict['timeseries'][0]['value'])[:] = update_value

    updatable_attr = wm._state.get_field_by_attribute('update')
    for key in wm_dict.keys():
        if key in updatable_attr and key != 'timeseries':
            assert getattr(wm, key) == wm_dict[key]

    assert np.all(wm.timeseries['value'][0] == update_value)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_from_dict():
    test from_dict function for Wind object
    update existing wind object from_dict

    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    wm_dict = wm.to_dict()

    # let's update timeseries

    update_value = np.array((10., 180.))
    (wm_dict['timeseries'][0]['value'])[:] = update_value

    for key in wm_dict.keys():
        if key != 'timeseries':
            assert wm.__getattribute__(key) == wm_dict.__getitem__(key)

    assert np.all(wm.timeseries['value'][0] == update_value)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_save_load(save_ref, saveloc_):
    tests and illustrates the functionality of save/load for
    wind = Wind(filename=file_)
    wm = WindMover(wind)
    wm_fname = 'WindMover_save_test.json'
    refs = None
    if save_ref:
        w_fname = 'Wind.json'
        refs = References()
        refs.reference(wind, w_fname)
        wind.save(saveloc_, refs, w_fname)

    wm.save(saveloc_, references=refs, name=wm_fname)

    l_refs = References()
    obj = load(os.path.join(saveloc_, wm_fname), l_refs)
    assert (obj == wm and obj is not wm)
    assert (obj.wind == wind and obj.wind is not wind)
    shutil.rmtree(saveloc_)  # clean-up
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_save_load(save_ref, saveloc_):
    tests and illustrates the functionality of save/load for
    wind = Wind(filename=file_)
    wm = WindMover(wind)
    wm_fname = 'WindMover_save_test.json'
    refs = None
    if save_ref:
        w_fname = 'Wind.json'
        refs = References()
        refs.reference(wind, w_fname)
        wind.save(saveloc_, refs, w_fname)

    wm.save(saveloc_, references=refs, name=wm_fname)

    l_refs = References()
    obj = load(os.path.join(saveloc_, wm_fname), l_refs)
    assert (obj == wm and obj is not wm)
    assert (obj.wind == wind and obj.wind is not wind)
    shutil.rmtree(saveloc_)  # clean-up
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_serialize_deserialize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    wind = constant_wind(1., 0)
    av = RunningAverage(wind)
    json_ = av.serialize()
    json_['wind'] = wind.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_av = RunningAverage.deserialize(json_)
    assert d_av['wind'] == Wind.deserialize(json_['wind'])
    d_av['wind'] = wind
    assert av.wind is wind
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    wind = constant_wind(1., 0)
    water = Water()
    w = Waves(wind, water)

    json_ = w.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    w2 = Waves.deserialize(json_)
    assert w2.wind == Wind.deserialize(json_['wind'])
    assert w2.water == Water.deserialize(json_['water'])
    assert w == w2
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_peak_wave_period(wind_speed, expected):
    "fully developed seas"
    series = np.array((start_time, (wind_speed, 45)),
                      dtype=datetime_value_2d).reshape((1, ))
    test_wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='meter per second')

    w = Waves(test_wind, default_water)

    print 'Wind speed:', w.wind.get_value(start_time)

    T_w = w.peak_wave_period(None, start_time)

    assert np.isclose(T_w, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_read_file_init():
    initialize from a long wind file

    wind = Wind(filename=file_)
    wm = WindMover(wind)
    wind_ts = wind.get_wind_data(coord_sys='uv', units='meter per second')
    _defaults(wm)  # check defaults set correctly
    assert not wm.make_default_refs
    cpp_timeseries = _get_timeseries_from_cpp(wm)
    _assert_timeseries_equivalence(cpp_timeseries, wind_ts)

    # make sure default units is correct and correctly called
    # NOTE: Following functionality is already tested in test_wind.py,
    #       but what the heck - do it here too.

    wind_ts = wind.get_wind_data(coord_sys=ts_format.uv)
    cpp_timeseries['value'] = uc.convert('Velocity',
                                         'meter per second', wind.units,

    _assert_timeseries_equivalence(cpp_timeseries, wind_ts)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_new_from_dict_with_dst_fall_transition():
    checking a time series crossing over fall DST transition.

    This creates duplicate times, which we can't deal with.
    wind_json = {'obj_type': 'gnome.environment.Wind',
                 'description': 'fall dst transition test',
                 'latitude': 90,
                 'longitude': 90,
                 'updated_at': '2016-03-12T12:52:45.385126',
                 'source_type': u'manual',
                 'source_id': u'unknown',
                 'timeseries': gen_timeseries_for_dst('fall'),
                 'units': 'knots',
                 'json_': u'webapi'

    wind_dict = Wind.deserialize(wind_json)
    wind = Wind.new_from_dict(wind_dict)

    assert wind.description == 'fall dst transition test'
    assert wind.units == 'knots'
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_serialize_deserialize_update_webapi(wind_circ):
    wind_circ is a fixture
    create - it creates new object after serializing original object
        and tests equality of the two

    update - tests serialize/deserialize and update_from_dict methods don't
        fail. It doesn't update any properties.
    wind = wind_circ['wind']
    serial = wind.serialize('webapi')
    dict_ = Wind.deserialize(serial)
    assert True
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_read_file_init():
    initialize from a long wind file

    wind = Wind(filename=file_)
    wm = WindMover(wind)
    wind_ts = wind.get_timeseries(format='uv', units='meter per second')
    _defaults(wm)  # check defaults set correctly
    cpp_timeseries = _get_timeseries_from_cpp(wm)
    _assert_timeseries_equivalence(cpp_timeseries, wind_ts)

    # make sure default units is correct and correctly called
    # NOTE: Following functionality is already tested in test_wind.py,
    #       but what the heck - do it here too.

    wind_ts = wind.get_timeseries(format=ts_format.uv)
    cpp_timeseries['value'] = unit_conversion.convert('Velocity',
                                                      'meter per second',

    _assert_timeseries_equivalence(cpp_timeseries, wind_ts)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_roundtrip_dst_spring_transition():
    checking the round trip trhough serializing for time series
    crossing over the spring DST transition.
    timeseries = gen_timeseries_for_dst('spring')
    wind_json = {'obj_type': 'gnome.environment.wind.Wind',
                 'description': 'dst transition test',
                 'latitude': 90,
                 'longitude': 90,
                 'updated_at': '2016-03-12T12:52:45.385126',
                 'source_type': u'manual',
                 'source_id': u'unknown',
                 'timeseries': timeseries,
                 'units': 'knots',
                 'json_': u'webapi'

    wind = Wind.deserialize(wind_json)

    # now make one from the new dict...
    wind2 = Wind.deserialize(wind_json)

    assert wind2 == wind
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_new_from_dict_timeseries():
    test to_dict function for Wind object
    create a new wind object and make sure it has same properties

    wm = ConstantWind(10, 45, 'knots')
    wm_state = wm.to_dict('create')
    print wm_state

    # this does not catch two objects with same ID

    wm2 = Wind.new_from_dict(wm_state)

    assert wm == wm2
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_serialize_deserialize(wind_circ):
    tests and illustrate the funcitonality of serialize/deserialize for
    wind = Wind(filename=file_)
    wm = WindMover(wind)
    serial = wm.serialize('webapi')
    assert 'wind' in serial

    dict_ = wm.deserialize(serial)
    dict_['wind'] = wind_circ['wind']

    assert wm.wind == wind_circ['wind']
Ejemplo n.º 22
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir,"images")):
    print "initializing the model"

    start_time = datetime(2013, 7, 23, 0)
    model = Model(start_time = start_time,
                              duration = timedelta(hours=47),	# n+1 of data in file
                              time_step = 900, # 4 hr in seconds
                              uncertain = False,
    mapfile = os.path.join(base_dir, './coast.bna')
    print "adding the map"
    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=6)  # hours
    print "adding renderer" 
    model.outputters += Renderer(mapfile, images_dir, size=(1800, 1600))

    print "adding a wind mover from a time-series"
    ## this is wind
    wind_file=get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'wind.WND'))
    wind = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    w_mover = WindMover(wind)
    model.movers += w_mover
    print "adding a current mover:"
    ## this is currents
    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'current.txt'))
    model.movers += GridCurrentMover(curr_file)

    ## Add some spills (sources of elements)
    print "adding 13 points in a cluster that has some small initial separation as the source of spill"
    for i in range(len(coor)):
        model.spills += point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1,
                                                start_position = (aaa[1],aaa[0], 0.0),
                                                release_time = start_time,

    print "adding netcdf output"
    netcdf_output_file = os.path.join(base_dir,'GNOME_output.nc')
    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_output_file, which_data='all')

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_full_run_extended():
    test algorithm resets two day running average with a new time
    ts = np.zeros((20, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    ts[:] = [(datetime(2015, 1, 1, 1, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 1, 2, 0), (20, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 1, 3, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 1, 4, 0), (20, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 1, 5, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 1, 6, 0), (20, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 1, 7, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 1, 8, 0), (20, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 1, 9, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 1, 10, 0), (20, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 1, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 2, 0), (20, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 3, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 4, 0), (20, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 5, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 6, 0), (20, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 7, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 8, 0), (20, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 9, 0), (10, 0)),
             (datetime(2015, 1, 5, 10, 0), (20, 0))]

    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file, units='mps')

    start_time = datetime(2015, 1, 1, 1)
    model_time = start_time

    running_av = RunningAverage(wind=wm)
    # running_av = RunningAverage(timeseries=ts)

    print "running_av"
    print running_av.ossm.timeseries[:]

    model_time = datetime(2015, 1, 5, 4, 0)

    print "running_av2"
    print running_av.ossm.timeseries[:]

    assert np.all(running_av.ossm.timeseries['value']['u'][:] == 15)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    e = Evaporation()
    wind = constant_wind(1., 0)
    water = Water()
    json_ = e.serialize()
    json_['wind'] = wind.serialize()
    json_['water'] = water.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = Evaporation.deserialize(json_)
    assert d_['wind'] == Wind.deserialize(json_['wind'])
    assert d_['water'] == Water.deserialize(json_['water'])
    d_['wind'] = wind
    d_['water'] = water
    assert e.wind is wind
    assert e.water is water
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self):
        wind_file = testdata['ComponentMover']['wind']
        #self.ossm = cy_ossm_time.CyOSSMTime(wind_file,file_contains=basic_types.ts_format.magnitude_direction)
        wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)

        cats1_file = testdata['ComponentMover']['curr']
        cats2_file = testdata['ComponentMover']['curr2']
        self.component = cy_component_mover.CyComponentMover()
        self.component.text_read(cats1_file, cats2_file)
        self.component.ref_point = (-75.262319, 39.142987, 0)

        super(ComponentMove, self).__init__()
        self.ref[:] = (-75.262319, 39.142987, 0)
        self.component.prepare_for_model_step(self.model_time, self.time_step,
                                              1, self.spill_size)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    e = Evaporation()
    wind = constant_wind(1., 0)
    water = Water()
    json_ = e.serialize()
    json_['wind'] = wind.serialize()
    json_['water'] = water.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = Evaporation.deserialize(json_)
    assert d_['wind'] == Wind.deserialize(json_['wind'])
    assert d_['water'] == Water.deserialize(json_['water'])
    d_['wind'] = wind
    d_['water'] = water
    assert e.wind is wind
    assert e.water is water
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_timespan():
    Ensure the active flag is being set correctly and checked,
    such that if active=False, the delta produced by get_move = 0
    time_step = 15 * 60  # seconds

    start_pos = (3., 6., 0.)
    rel_time = datetime(2012, 8, 20, 13)  # yyyy/month/day/hr/min/sec

    sc = sample_sc_release(5, start_pos, rel_time)

    # value is given as (r,theta)
    model_time = rel_time
    time_val = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    time_val['time'] = rel_time
    time_val['value'] = (2., 25.)

    wm = WindMover(Wind(timeseries=time_val,
                        units='meter per second'),
                   active_range=(model_time + timedelta(seconds=time_step),

    wm.prepare_for_model_step(sc, time_step, model_time)

    delta = wm.get_move(sc, time_step, model_time)

    assert wm.active is False
    assert np.all(delta == 0)  # model_time + time_step = active_start

    wm.active_range = (model_time - timedelta(seconds=time_step / 2),
    wm.prepare_for_model_step(sc, time_step, model_time)

    delta = wm.get_move(sc, time_step, model_time)

    assert wm.active is True
    print '''\ntest_timespan delta \n{0}'''.format(delta)
    assert np.all(delta[:, :2] != 0)  # model_time + time_step > active_start
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    "test serialize/deserialize for webapi"
    wind = constant_wind(1.0, 0)
    water = Water()
    w = Waves(wind, water)
    json_ = w.serialize()
    json_["wind"] = wind.serialize()
    json_["water"] = water.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = Waves.deserialize(json_)
    print "d_"
    print d_
    assert d_["wind"] == Wind.deserialize(json_["wind"])
    assert d_["water"] == Water.deserialize(json_["water"])
    d_["wind"] = wind
    d_["water"] = water
    assert w.wind is wind
    assert w.water is water
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    wind = constant_wind(1., 0)
    water = Water()
    w = Waves(wind, water)
    json_ = w.serialize()
    json_['wind'] = wind.serialize()
    json_['water'] = water.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = Waves.deserialize(json_)
    print 'd_'
    print d_
    assert d_['wind'] == Wind.deserialize(json_['wind'])
    assert d_['water'] == Water.deserialize(json_['water'])
    d_['wind'] = wind
    d_['water'] = water
    assert w.wind is wind
    assert w.water is water
Ejemplo n.º 30
def make_model(images_dir):
    print 'initializing the model'

    timestep = timedelta(minutes=15)  # this is already default
    start_time = datetime(2012, 9, 15, 12, 0)
    model = Model(timestep, start_time)

    # timeseries for wind data. The value is interpolated if time is between
    # the given datapoints
    series = np.zeros((4, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[:] = [(start_time, (5, 180)),
                 (start_time + timedelta(hours=6), (10, 180)),
                 (start_time + timedelta(hours=12), (12, 180)),
                 (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (8, 180))]
    wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s')
    model.environment += wind

    # include a wind mover and random diffusion
    print 'adding movers'
    model.movers += [WindMover(wind), RandomMover()]

    # add particles
    print 'adding particles'
    release = release_from_splot_data(start_time,
    model.spills += Spill(release)

    # output data as png images and in netcdf format
    print 'adding outputters'
    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'script_example.nc')

    # ignore renderer for now
    model.outputters += [
                 size=(800, 800),

    print 'model complete'
    return model
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self, wind=None, timeseries=None, past_hours_to_average=3,
        Initializes a running average object from a wind and past hours
        to average

        If no wind is given, timeseries gets initialized as:

            timeseries = np.zeros((1,), dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d)
            units = 'mps'
        (note: probably should be an error)

        All other keywords are optional. Optional parameters (kwargs):

        :param past_hours_to_average: default is 3

        self.units = 'mps'
        self.format = 'uv'
        self._past_hours_to_average = past_hours_to_average
        self.wind = wind

        if (wind is None and timeseries is None):
            mvg_timeseries = np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],
            moving_timeseries = self._convert_to_time_value_pair(mvg_timeseries)

            if wind is not None:
                moving_timeseries = wind.ossm.create_running_average(self._past_hours_to_average)
                self.wind = Wind(timeseries, units='mps', format='uv')
                moving_timeseries = self.wind.ossm.create_running_average(self._past_hours_to_average)

        # print "moving_timeseries"
        # print moving_timeseries

        self.ossm = CyTimeseries(timeseries=moving_timeseries)

        super(RunningAverage, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_new_from_dict_with_dst_fall_transition():
    checking a time series crossing over fall DST transition.

    This creates duplicate times, which we can't deal with.
    wind_json = {'obj_type': 'gnome.environment.Wind',
                 'description': 'fall dst transition test',
                 'latitude': 90,
                 'longitude': 90,
                 'updated_at': '2016-03-12T12:52:45.385126',
                 'source_type': u'manual',
                 'source_id': u'unknown',
                 'timeseries': gen_timeseries_for_dst('fall'),
                 'units': 'knots',
                 'json_': u'webapi'

    wind = Wind.deserialize(wind_json)

    assert wind.description == 'fall dst transition test'
    assert wind.units == 'knots'
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def test_set_wind_data(self, all_winds):
        get_wind_data with default output format
        # check get_time_value()

        wm = Wind(timeseries=all_winds['wind'].get_wind_data(),
                  units='meter per second')
        gtime_val = wm.get_wind_data()
        x = gtime_val[:2]
        x['value'] = [(1, 10), (2, 20)]

        # default format is 'r-theta'
        wm.set_wind_data(x, 'meter per second')

        # only matches to 10^-14
        assert np.allclose(wm.get_wind_data()['value'][:, 0], x['value'][:, 0],
                           atol, rtol)
        assert np.all(wm.get_wind_data()['time'] == x['time'])
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_make_default_refs():
    ensure make_default_refs is a thread-safe operation
    once object is instantiated, object.make_default_refs is an attribute of
    model = Model()
    model1 = Model()
    wind = Wind(timeseries=[(t, (0, 1))], units='m/s')
    water = Water()

    waves = Waves(name='waves')
    waves1 = Waves(name='waves1', make_default_refs=False)
    model.environment += [wind, water, waves]
    model1.environment += waves1

    # waves should get auto hooked up/waves1 should not
    assert waves.wind is wind
    assert waves.water is water
    with pytest.raises(ReferencedObjectNotSet):
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def test_variable_wind_after_model_time_with_extrapolation(self):
            test to make sure the wind mover is behaving properly with
            out-of-bounds winds.
            A variable wind can extrapolate if it is configured to do so,
            so prepare_for_model_step() should succeed in this case.

            We are testing that the wind extrapolates properly, so the
            windages should be updated in the same way as the in-bounds test
        wind_time = datetime(2012, 8, 21, 13)  # one day after model time

        time_series = (np.zeros((3, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
        time_series.time = [sec_to_date(date_to_sec(wind_time) +
                                        self.time_step * i)
                            for i in range(3)]
        time_series.value = np.array(((2., 25.), (2., 25.), (2., 25.)))

        wind = Wind(timeseries=time_series.reshape(3),
                    units='meter per second')

        wm = WindMover(wind)

        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)

            old_windages = np.copy(self.sc['windages'])
            wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] == -1
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] == old_windages[mask])

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] > 0
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] != old_windages[mask])
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def test_set_timeseries(self, all_winds):
        get_timeseries with default output format

        # check get_time_value()

        wm = Wind(timeseries=all_winds['wind'].get_timeseries(),
                  format='r-theta', units='meter per second')
        gtime_val = wm.get_timeseries()
        x = gtime_val[:2]
        x['value'] = [(1, 10), (2, 20)]

        wm.set_timeseries(x, 'meter per second')  # default format is 'r-theta'

        assert np.allclose(wm.get_timeseries()['value'][:, 0], x['value'
                           ][:, 0], atol, rtol)  # only matches to 10^-14
        assert np.all(wm.get_timeseries()['time'] == x['time'])
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def test_windages_updated(self):
            explicitly test to make sure:
            - windages are being updated for persistence != 0 and
            - windages are not being changed for persistance == -1
        wind = Wind(timeseries=np.array((self.model_time, (2., 25.)),
                    units='meter per second')

        wm = WindMover(wind)

        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)
            old_windages = np.copy(self.sc['windages'])
            wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] == -1
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] == old_windages[mask])

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] > 0
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] != old_windages[mask])
Ejemplo n.º 38
def test_model_release_after_start():
    This runs the model for a simple spill, that starts after the model starts
    units = 'meter per second'
    seconds_in_minute = 60
    start_time = datetime(2013, 2, 22, 0)

    model = Model(time_step=30 * seconds_in_minute,

    # add a spill that starts after the run begins.
    release_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=1)
    model.spills += point_line_release_spill(num_elements=5,
                                             start_position=(0, 0, 0),

    # and another that starts later..

    model.spills += point_line_release_spill(num_elements=4,
                                             start_position=(0, 0, 0),
                                             release_time=(start_time +

    # Add a Wind mover:
    series = np.array((start_time, (10, 45)), dtype=datetime_value_2d).reshape(
        (1, ))
    model.movers += WindMover(Wind(timeseries=series, units=units))

    for step in model:
        print 'running a step'
        assert step['step_num'] == model.current_time_step

        for sc in model.spills.items():
            print 'num_LEs', len(sc['positions'])
Ejemplo n.º 39
            10 + i,
            ) for i in range(len(dtv_rq) - 1)]
        Wind(timeseries=dtv_rq, units='meter per second')

    # exception raised since no units given for timeseries during init

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    # no units during set_timeseries

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        wind = Wind(timeseries=dtv, units='meter per second')

    # invalid units

    with pytest.raises(unit_conversion.InvalidUnitError):
        wind = Wind(timeseries=dtv, units='met per second')

def test_read_file_init():
    initialize from a long wind file

    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):

    # create the maps:
    print 'creating the maps'
    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, './MassBayMap.bna'))
    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(
        refloat_halflife=1,  # hours
        raster_size=2048 * 2048  # about 4 MB

    renderer = Renderer(
        image_size=(800, 800),

    print 'initializing the model'
    start_time = datetime(2016, 3, 9, 15)

    # 1 hour in seconds
    # Default to now, rounded to the nearest hour
    model = Model(time_step=3600,

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += renderer

    # netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'script_boston.nc')
    # scripting.remove_netcdf(netcdf_file)
    # model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all')

    # model.outputters += KMZOutput(os.path.join(base_dir, 'script_boston.kmz'))

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=100000)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'

    series = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (5, 180))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (5, 180))
    w = Wind(filename=os.path.join(base_dir, '22NM_WNW_PortAngelesWA.nws'))
    w_mover = WindMover(w)
    model.movers += w_mover
    model.environment += w_mover.wind

    # print 'adding a cats shio mover:'

    # curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./EbbTides.cur"))
    # tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./EbbTidesShio.txt"))

    # c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file))

    # # this is the value in the file (default)
    # c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.8875, 42.321333)
    # c_mover.scale = True
    # c_mover.scale_value = -1

    # model.movers += c_mover

    # # TODO: cannot add this till environment base class is created
    # model.environment += c_mover.tide

    print 'adding a spill'

    end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=12)
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=100,
                                     start_position=(-70.911432, 42.369142,

    model.spills += spill

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 41
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):
    print 'initializing the model'

    start_time = datetime(2004, 12, 31, 13, 0)

    # 1 day of data in file
    # 1/2 hr in seconds
    model = Model(start_time=start_time,
                  time_step=30 * 60,

    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'ChesapeakeBay.bna'))

    print 'adding the map'
    model.map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=1)  # seconds

    # draw_ontop can be 'uncertain' or 'forecast'
    # 'forecast' LEs are in black, and 'uncertain' are in red
    # default is 'forecast' LEs draw on top
    renderer = Renderer(mapfile, images_dir, image_size=(800, 600),
    # set the viewport to zoom in on the map:
    renderer.viewport = ((-76.5, 37.), (-75.8, 38.))
    # add the raster map, so we can see it...
    # note: this is really slow, so only use for diagnostics
    # renderer.raster_map = model.map

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += renderer

    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'script_chesapeake_bay.nc')
    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all',

    print 'adding a spill'
    # for now subsurface spill stays on initial layer
    # - will need diffusion and rise velocity
    # - wind doesn't act
    # - start_position = (-76.126872, 37.680952, 5.0),
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,

    model.spills += spill

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=50000)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'

    series = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (30, 0))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=23), (30, 0))

    wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='knot')

    # default is .4 radians
    w_mover = WindMover(wind, uncertain_angle_scale=0)
    model.movers += w_mover

    print 'adding a current mover:'
    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'ChesapeakeBay.nc'))
    topology_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'ChesapeakeBay.dat'))

    # uncertain_time_delay in hours
    c_mover = GridCurrentMover(curr_file, topology_file,
    c_mover.uncertain_along = 0  # default is .5
    # c_mover.uncertain_cross = 0  # default is .25

    model.movers += c_mover

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 42
    Test ValueError exception thrown if improper input arguments
    Test TypeError thrown if units are not given - so they are None
    # valid timeseries for testing

    dtv = np.zeros((4, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d).view(dtype=np.recarray)
    dtv.time = [datetime(2012, 11, 06, 20, 10 + i, 30,) for i in range(4)]
    dtv.value = (1, 0)

    # exception raised since no units given for timeseries during init
    with raises(TypeError):

    # no units during set_timeseries
    with raises(TypeError):
        wind = Wind(timeseries=dtv, units='meter per second')

    # invalid units
    with raises(unit_conversion.InvalidUnitError):
        Wind(timeseries=dtv, units='met per second')

def test_read_file_init():
    initialize from a long wind file
    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    print '----------------------------------'
    print 'Units: ' + str(wm.units)
Ejemplo n.º 43
    name = "name_{0}".format(uuid1())
    class_ = b_class[0]
    inputs = b_class[1]
    obj = class_(*inputs, name=name)
    assert obj.name == name

    obj.name = obj.__class__.__name__
    assert obj.name == obj.__class__.__name__

t = datetime(2015, 1, 1, 12, 0)

    ("obj", "make_default_refs", "objvalid"),
    [(Wind(timeseries=[(t, (0, 1)), (t + timedelta(10),
                                     (0, 2))], units='m/s'), False, True),
     (Evaporation(), False, False), (NaturalDispersion(), False, False),
     (Evaporation(), True, True)])
def test_base_validate(obj, make_default_refs, objvalid):
    base validate checks wind/water/waves objects are not None. Check these
    primarily for weatherers.
    obj.make_default_refs = make_default_refs
    (out, isvalid) = obj.validate()
    print out
    print isvalid
    assert isvalid is objvalid
    assert len(out) > 0

Ejemplo n.º 44
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):

    # create the maps:

    print 'creating the maps'
    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'DelawareRiverMap.bna'))
    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=1)  # hours

    renderer = Renderer(mapfile, images_dir, image_size=(800, 800),

    print 'initializing the model'
    start_time = datetime(2012, 8, 20, 13, 0)

    # 15 minutes in seconds
    # Default to now, rounded to the nearest hour
    model = Model(time_step=900, start_time=start_time,
                  map=gnome_map, uncertain=False)

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += renderer

    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'script_delaware_bay.nc')
    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all')

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=100000)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'

    # wind_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'ConstantWind.WND'))
    # wind = Wind(filename=wind_file)

    series = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (5, 270))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=25), (5, 270))

    wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s')

    # w_mover = WindMover(Wind(timeseries=series, units='knots'))
    w_mover = WindMover(wind)
    model.movers += w_mover

    print 'adding a cats shio mover:'

    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'FloodTides.cur'))
    tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'FloodTidesShio.txt'))

    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file))

    # this is the value in the file (default)
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-75.081667, 38.7995)
    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_value = 1

    model.movers += c_mover

    # TODO: cannot add this till environment base class is created
    model.environment += c_mover.tide

    print 'adding a cats mover:'

    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'Offshore.cur'))
    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file)

    # but do need to scale (based on river stage)

    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-74.7483333, 38.898333)
    c_mover.scale_value = .03
    model.movers += c_mover
    # these are from windows they don't match Mac values...
    # pat1Angle 315;
    # pat1Speed 30; pat1SpeedUnits knots;
    # pat1ScaleToValue 0.314426
    # pat2Angle 225;
    # pat2Speed 30; pat2SpeedUnits knots;
    # pat2ScaleToValue 0.032882
    # scaleBy WindStress

    print 'adding a component mover:'

    # if only using one current pattern
    # comp_mover = ComponentMover(curr_file1, None, wind)
    # todo: following is not working when model is saved out - fix
    # comp_mover = ComponentMover(curr_file1, curr_file2,
    #                             Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s'))
    # comp_mover = ComponentMover(curr_file1, curr_file2,
    #                             wind=Wind(filename=wind_file))

    curr_file1 = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'NW30ktwinds.cur'))
    curr_file2 = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'SW30ktwinds.cur'))
    comp_mover = ComponentMover(curr_file1, curr_file2, wind)

    comp_mover.scale_refpoint = (-75.263166, 39.1428333)

    comp_mover.pat1_angle = 315
    comp_mover.pat1_speed = 30
    comp_mover.pat1_speed_units = 1
    # comp_mover.pat1ScaleToValue = .314426
    comp_mover.pat1_scale_to_value = .502035

    comp_mover.pat2_angle = 225
    comp_mover.pat2_speed = 30
    comp_mover.pat2_speed_units = 1
    # comp_mover.pat2ScaleToValue = .032882
    comp_mover.pat2_scale_to_value = .021869

    model.movers += comp_mover

    print 'adding a spill'

    end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=12)
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,
                                     # end_release_time=end_time,
                                                     39.142987, 0.0),

    model.spills += spill

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 45
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):
    print 'initializing the model'

    start_time = datetime(2012, 9, 15, 12, 0)
    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'LongIslandSoundMap.BNA'))

    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=6)  # hours

    # # the image output renderer
    # global renderer

    # one hour timestep
    model = Model(start_time=start_time,

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += Renderer(mapfile, images_dir, image_size=(800, 600))

    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'script_long_island.nc')

    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all')

    print 'adding a spill'
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,
                                     start_position=(-72.419992, 41.202120,
    model.spills += spill

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=500000, uncertain_factor=2)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'
    series = np.zeros((5, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (10, 45))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (10, 90))
    series[2] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=30), (10, 135))
    series[3] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=42), (10, 180))
    series[4] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=54), (10, 225))

    wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s')
    model.movers += WindMover(wind)

    print 'adding a cats mover:'
    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'LI_tidesWAC.CUR'))
    tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'CLISShio.txt'))

    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file))

    model.movers += c_mover
    model.environment += c_mover.tide

    print 'viewport is:', [
        o.viewport for o in model.outputters if isinstance(o, Renderer)

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 46
import datetime
import os

import numpy as np
import pytest

from gnome.movers import ComponentMover
from gnome.environment import Wind
from gnome.utilities import time_utils

from ..conftest import sample_sc_release, testdata

curr1_file = testdata['ComponentMover']['curr']
curr2_file = testdata['ComponentMover']['curr2']
wnd = Wind(filename=testdata['ComponentMover']['wind'])

def test_exceptions():
    Test correct exceptions are raised
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        'bad file'
        ComponentMover(os.path.join('./', 'NW30ktwinds.CURX'))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ComponentMover(curr1_file, wind=10)

num_le = 3
Ejemplo n.º 47
class TestWindMover:
    gnome.WindMover() test
    time_step = 15 * 60  # seconds
    model_time = datetime(2012, 8, 20, 13)  # yyyy/month/day/hr/min/sec
    sc = sample_sc_release(5, (3., 6., 0.), model_time)

    time_val = np.array((model_time, (2., 25.)),
    wind = Wind(timeseries=time_val, units='meter per second')
    wm = WindMover(wind)


    def test_string_repr_no_errors(self):
        print '======================'
        print 'repr(WindMover): '
        print repr(self.wm)
        print 'str(WindMover): '
        print str(self.wm)
        assert True

    def test_get_move(self):
        Test the get_move(...) results in WindMover match the expected delta
        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)
            self.wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

            delta = self.wm.get_move(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)
            actual = self._expected_move()

            # the results should be independent of model time
            tol = 1e-8

            msg = ('{0} is not within a tolerance of '
                   '{1}'.format('WindMover.get_move()', tol))
            np.testing.assert_allclose(delta, actual, tol, tol, msg, 0)

            assert self.wm.active

            ts = date_to_sec(curr_time) - date_to_sec(self.model_time)
            print ('Time step [sec]:\t{0}'
                   'C++ delta-move:\n{1}'
                   'Expected delta-move:\n{2}'
                   ''.format(ts, delta, actual))


    def test_get_move_exceptions(self):
        curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) + self.time_step)
        tmp_windages = self.sc._data_arrays['windages']
        del self.sc._data_arrays['windages']

        with raises(KeyError):
            self.wm.get_move(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

        self.sc._data_arrays['windages'] = tmp_windages

    def test_update_wind_vel(self):
        self.time_val['value'] = (1., 120.)  # now given as (r, theta)
        self.wind.set_wind_data(self.time_val, units='meter per second')

    def _expected_move(self):
        Put the expected move logic in separate (fixture) if it gets used
        multiple times
        uv = r_theta_to_uv_wind(self.time_val['value'])
        exp = np.zeros((self.sc.num_released, 3))
        exp[:, 0] = self.sc['windages'] * uv[0, 0] * self.time_step
        exp[:, 1] = self.sc['windages'] * uv[0, 1] * self.time_step

        xform = FlatEarthProjection.meters_to_lonlat(exp, self.sc['positions'])
        return xform
Ejemplo n.º 48
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):

    # create the maps:

    print 'creating the maps'
    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'SanJuanMap.bna'))
    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=1,
                           raster_size=1024 * 1024)

    renderer = Renderer(mapfile,
                        image_size=(800, 800),

    renderer.viewport = ((-66.24, 18.39), (-66.1, 18.55))

    print 'initializing the model'
    start_time = datetime(2014, 9, 3, 13, 0)

    # 15 minutes in seconds
    # Default to now, rounded to the nearest hour
    model = Model(time_step=900, start_time=start_time,
                  map=gnome_map, uncertain=False)

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += renderer

    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'script_san_juan.nc')
    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all')

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=100000)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'

    series = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (0, 270))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (0, 270))

    wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s')
    w_mover = WindMover(wind)
    model.movers += w_mover

    print 'adding a cats shio mover:'

    # need to add the scale_factor for the tide heights file
    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'EbbTides.cur'))
    tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'EbbTidesShioHt.txt'))

    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file, scale_factor=.15))

    # this is the value in the file (default)
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-66.116667, 18.458333)
    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_value = 1.0
    # c_mover.tide.scale_factor = 0.15

    model.movers += c_mover

    print 'adding a cats mover:'

    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'Offshore.cur'))

    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file)

    # this is the value in the file (default)
    # c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-66.082836, 18.469334)
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-66.084333333, 18.46966667)
    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_value = 0.1

    model.movers += c_mover

    print 'adding a spill'

    end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=12)
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,
                                                     18.468054, 0.0),
                                     # start_position=(-66.129099,
                                     #                 18.465332, 0.0),
                                     # end_release_time=end_time,

    model.spills += spill

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 49
def test_default_init():
    wind = Wind()

    assert wind.timeseries == np.array(
        [(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])], dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    assert wind.units == 'mps'
Ejemplo n.º 50
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):
    print 'initializing the model'

    start_time = datetime(2012, 9, 15, 12, 0)
    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, './LongIslandSoundMap.BNA'))

    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=6)  # hours

    # # the image output renderer
    # global renderer

    # one hour timestep
    model = Model(start_time=start_time,
                  duration=timedelta(hours=48), time_step=3600,
                  map=gnome_map, uncertain=False, cache_enabled=False)

    print 'adding a spill'
    et = floating_weathering(substance='FUEL OIL NO.6')
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,
                                                     41.202120, 0.0),
    spill.amount_uncertainty_scale = 1.0
    model.spills += spill

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=500000, uncertain_factor=2)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'
    series = np.zeros((5, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (10, 45))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (10, 90))
    series[2] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=30), (10, 135))
    series[3] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=42), (10, 180))
    series[4] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=54), (10, 225))

    wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s',
    model.movers += WindMover(wind)

    print 'adding a cats mover:'
    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./LI_tidesWAC.CUR"))
    tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./CLISShio.txt"))

    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file))
    model.movers += c_mover

    model.environment += c_mover.tide

    print 'adding Weatherers'
    water_env = Water(311.15)
    model.environment += water_env
    model.weatherers += [Evaporation(water_env, wind),

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += WeatheringOutput()

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 51
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):
    print 'initializing the model'

    start_time = datetime(2014, 6, 9, 0, 0)
    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'PassamaquoddyMap.bna'))

    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=1)  # hours

    # # the image output renderer
    # global renderer

    # one hour timestep
    model = Model(start_time=start_time,
                  duration=timedelta(hours=24), time_step=360,
                  map=gnome_map, uncertain=False, cache_enabled=True)

    print 'adding outputters'
    renderer = Renderer(mapfile, images_dir, size=(800, 600),
                        # output_timestep=timedelta(hours=1),
    renderer.viewport = ((-67.15, 45.), (-66.9, 45.2))

    model.outputters += renderer

    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'script_passamaquoddy.nc')

    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all')

    print 'adding a spill'
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,
                                     start_position=(-66.991344, 45.059316,
    model.spills += spill

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=30000, uncertain_factor=2)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'
    series = np.zeros((5, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (5, 90))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (5, 180))
    series[2] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=30), (5, 135))
    series[3] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=42), (5, 180))
    series[4] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=54), (5, 225))

    wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s')
    model.movers += WindMover(wind)

    print 'adding a current mover:'
    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'PQBayCur.nc4'))
    topology_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'PassamaquoddyTOP.dat')
    tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'EstesHead.txt'))

    cc_mover = CurrentCycleMover(curr_file, topology_file,

    model.movers += cc_mover
    model.environment += cc_mover.tide

    print 'viewport is:', [o.viewport
                           for o in model.outputters
                           if isinstance(o, Renderer)]

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 52
def make_model(uncertain=False, mode='gnome'):
    Create a model from the data in sample_data/boston_data
    It contains:
      - the GeoProjection
      - wind mover
      - random mover
      - cats shio mover
      - cats ossm mover
      - plain cats mover
    start_time = datetime(2013, 2, 13, 9, 0)
    model = Model(start_time=start_time,

    print 'adding a spill'
    start_position = (144.664166, 13.441944, 0.0)
    end_release_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=6)
    spill_amount = 1000.0
    spill_units = 'kg'
    model.spills += point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,
    spill = model.spills[-1]
    spill_volume = spill.get_mass() / spill.substance.density_at_temp()
    # need a scenario for SimpleMover
    # model.movers += SimpleMover(velocity=(1.0, -1.0, 0.0))

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=100000)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'

    series = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (5, 180))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (5, 180))

    w_mover = WindMover(Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s'))

    model.movers += w_mover
    model.environment += w_mover.wind

    print 'adding a cats shio mover:'

    c_mover = CatsMover(testdata['boston_data']['cats_curr2'],

    # c_mover.scale_refpoint should automatically get set from tide object
    c_mover.scale = True  # default value
    c_mover.scale_value = -1

    # tide object automatically gets added by model
    model.movers += c_mover

    print 'adding a cats ossm mover:'

    c_mover = CatsMover(testdata['boston_data']['cats_curr2'],

    c_mover.scale = True  # but do need to scale (based on river stage)
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.65, 42.58333, 0.0)
    c_mover.scale_value = 1.

    print 'adding a cats mover:'

    c_mover = CatsMover(testdata['boston_data']['cats_curr3'])
    c_mover.scale = True  # but do need to scale (based on river stage)
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.78333, 42.39333, 0.0)

    # the scale factor is 0 if user inputs no sewage outfall effects
    c_mover.scale_value = .04
    model.movers += c_mover

    # TODO: seg faulting for component mover - comment test for now
    # print "adding a component mover:"
    # comp_mover = ComponentMover(testdata['boston_data']['component_curr1'],
    #                             testdata['boston_data']['component_curr2'],
    #                             w_mover.wind)
    # TODO: callback did not work correctly below - fix!
    # comp_mover = ComponentMover(component_file1,
    #                             component_file2,
    #                             Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s'))

    # comp_mover.ref_point = (-70.855, 42.275)
    # comp_mover.pat1_angle = 315
    # comp_mover.pat1_speed = 19.44
    # comp_mover.pat1_speed_units = 1
    # comp_mover.pat1ScaleToValue = .138855
    # comp_mover.pat2_angle = 225
    # comp_mover.pat2_speed = 19.44
    # comp_mover.pat2_speed_units = 1
    # comp_mover.pat2ScaleToValue = .05121

    # model.movers += comp_mover

    print 'adding a Weatherer'
    model.environment += Water(311.15)
    skim_start = start_time + timedelta(hours=3)
    model.weatherers += [
        Skimmer(spill_amount * .5,
                active_range=(skim_start, skim_start + timedelta(hours=2))),
        Burn(0.2 * spill_volume,
             1.0, (skim_start, InfDateTime('inf')),

    model.outputters += \
        CurrentJsonOutput(model.find_by_attr('_ref_as', 'current_movers',
                                             model.movers, allitems=True))

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 53
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):

    # create the maps:

    print 'creating the maps'
    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, './MassBayMap.bna'))
    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=1)  # hours

    renderer = Renderer(mapfile,
                        size=(800, 800),

    print 'initializing the model'
    start_time = datetime(2013, 3, 12, 10, 0)

    # 15 minutes in seconds
    # Default to now, rounded to the nearest hour
    model = Model(time_step=900,

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += renderer

    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'script_boston.nc')
    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all')

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=100000)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'

    series = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (5, 180))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (5, 180))

    w_mover = WindMover(Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s'))
    model.movers += w_mover
    model.environment += w_mover.wind

    print 'adding a cats shio mover:'

    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./EbbTides.cur"))
    tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./EbbTidesShio.txt"))

    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file))

    # this is the value in the file (default)
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.8875, 42.321333)
    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_value = -1

    model.movers += c_mover

    # TODO: cannot add this till environment base class is created
    model.environment += c_mover.tide

    print 'adding a cats ossm mover:'

    # ossm_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir,
    #                          r"./MerrimackMassCoastOSSM.txt"))
    curr_file = get_datafile(
        os.path.join(base_dir, r"./MerrimackMassCoast.cur"))
    tide_file = get_datafile(
        os.path.join(base_dir, r"./MerrimackMassCoastOSSM.txt"))
    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file))

    # but do need to scale (based on river stage)

    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.65, 42.58333)
    c_mover.scale_value = 1.
    model.movers += c_mover
    model.environment += c_mover.tide

    print 'adding a cats mover:'

    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"MassBaySewage.cur"))
    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file)

    # but do need to scale (based on river stage)

    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.78333, 42.39333)

    # the scale factor is 0 if user inputs no sewage outfall effects
    c_mover.scale_value = .04

    model.movers += c_mover

    # pat1Angle 315;
    # pat1Speed 19.44; pat1SpeedUnits knots;
    # pat1ScaleToValue 0.138855
    # pat2Angle 225;
    # pat2Speed 19.44; pat2SpeedUnits knots;
    # pat2ScaleToValue 0.05121
    # scaleBy WindStress

    print "adding a component mover:"
    component_file1 = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./WAC10msNW.cur"))
    component_file2 = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./WAC10msSW.cur"))
    comp_mover = ComponentMover(component_file1, component_file2, w_mover.wind)

    # todo: callback did not work correctly below - fix!
    # comp_mover = ComponentMover(component_file1,
    #                             component_file2,
    #                             Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s'))

    comp_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.855, 42.275)
    comp_mover.pat1_angle = 315
    comp_mover.pat1_speed = 19.44
    comp_mover.pat1_speed_units = 1
    comp_mover.pat1ScaleToValue = .138855
    comp_mover.pat2_angle = 225
    comp_mover.pat2_speed = 19.44
    comp_mover.pat2_speed_units = 1
    comp_mover.pat2ScaleToValue = .05121

    model.movers += comp_mover

    print 'adding a spill'

    end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=12)
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,
                                     start_position=(-70.911432, 42.369142,

    model.spills += spill

    return model