Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_int_to_dict(self):
        '''added a to_dict() method - test this method for int dtype.
        Tests the try, except is working correctly'''
        items = range(5)
        oc = OrderedCollection(items)
        dict_ = oc.to_dict()

        assert dict_['dtype'] == int
        for (i, item) in enumerate(items):
            assert dict_['items'][i][0] \
                == '{0}'.format(item.__class__.__name__)
            assert dict_['items'][i][1] == i
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_to_dict(self):
        'added a to_dict() method - test this method'

        items = [SimpleMover(velocity=(i * 0.5, -1.0, 0.0)) for i in
        items.extend([RandomMover() for i in range(2)])
        mymovers = OrderedCollection(items, dtype=Mover)
        dict_ = mymovers.to_dict()

        assert dict_['dtype'] == mymovers.dtype
        for (i, mv) in enumerate(items):
            assert dict_['items'][i][0] \
                == '{0}.{1}'.format(mv.__module__, mv.__class__.__name__)
            assert dict_['items'][i][1] == i
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Model(Serializable):
    "PyGNOME Model Class"
    _update = [
    _create = []
    _state = copy.deepcopy(Serializable._state)

    # no need to copy parent's _state in this case
    _state.add(create=_create, update=_update)

    def new_from_dict(cls, dict_):
        "Restore model from previously persisted _state"
        l_env = dict_.pop("environment")
        l_out = dict_.pop("outputters")
        l_movers = dict_.pop("movers")
        l_weatherers = dict_.pop("weatherers")
        c_spills = dict_.pop("certain_spills")

        if "uncertain_spills" in dict_:
            u_spills = dict_.pop("uncertain_spills")
            l_spills = zip(c_spills, u_spills)
            l_spills = c_spills

        model = object.__new__(cls)
        [model.environment.add(obj) for obj in l_env]
        [model.outputters.add(obj) for obj in l_out]
        [model.spills.add(obj) for obj in l_spills]
        [model.movers.add(obj) for obj in l_movers]
        [model.weatherers.add(obj) for obj in l_weatherers]

        # register callback with OrderedCollection
        model.movers.register_callback(model._callback_add_mover, ("add", "replace"))

        model.weatherers.register_callback(model._callback_add_weatherer, ("add", "replace"))

        return model

    def __init__(
        start_time=round_time(datetime.now(), 3600),
        Initializes a model. All arguments have a default.

        :param time_step=timedelta(minutes=15): model time step in seconds
                                                or as a timedelta object
        :param start_time=datetime.now(): start time of model, datetime
                                          object. Rounded to the nearest hour.
        :param duration=timedelta(days=1): How long to run the model,
                                           a timedelta object.
        :param int weathering_substeps=1: How many weathering substeps to
                                          run inside a single model time step.
        :param map=gnome.map.GnomeMap(): The land-water map.
        :param uncertain=False: Flag for setting uncertainty.
        :param cache_enabled=False: Flag for setting whether the model should
                                    cache results to disk.
        :param id: Unique Id identifying the newly created mover (a UUID as a
                   string).  This is used when loading an object from a
                   persisted model
        self.__restore__(time_step, start_time, duration, weathering_substeps, map, uncertain, cache_enabled)

        self._gnome_id = gnome.GnomeId(id)

        # register callback with OrderedCollection
        self.movers.register_callback(self._callback_add_mover, ("add", "replace"))

        self.weatherers.register_callback(self._callback_add_weatherer, ("add", "replace"))

    def __restore__(self, time_step, start_time, duration, weathering_substeps, map, uncertain, cache_enabled):
        Take out initialization that does not register the callback here.
        This is because new_from_dict will use this to restore the model _state
        when doing a midrun persistence.

        # making sure basic stuff is in place before properties are set
        self.environment = OrderedCollection(dtype=Environment)
        self.movers = OrderedCollection(dtype=Mover)
        self.weatherers = OrderedCollection(dtype=Weatherer)

        # contains both certain/uncertain spills
        self.spills = SpillContainerPair(uncertain)

        self._cache = gnome.utilities.cache.ElementCache()
        self._cache.enabled = cache_enabled

        # list of output objects
        self.outputters = OrderedCollection(dtype=Outputter)

        # default to now, rounded to the nearest hour
        self._start_time = start_time
        self._duration = duration
        self.weathering_substeps = weathering_substeps
        self._map = map
        self.time_step = time_step  # this calls rewind() !

    def reset(self, **kwargs):
        Resets model to defaults -- Caution -- clears all movers, spills, etc.
        Takes same keyword arguments as __init__

    def rewind(self):
        Rewinds the model to the beginning (start_time)

        # fixme: do the movers need re-setting? -- or wait for
        #        prepare_for_model_run?

        self.current_time_step = -1
        self.model_time = self._start_time

        # note: This may be redundant.  They will get reset in
        #       setup_model_run() anyway..


        # set rand before each call so windages are set correctly

        # clear the cache:

        for outputter in self.outputters:

    #    def write_from_cache(self, filetype='netcdf', time_step='all'):
    #        """
    #        write the already-cached data to an output files.
    #        """

    def uncertain(self):
        return self.spills.uncertain

    def uncertain(self, uncertain_value):
        only if uncertainty switch is toggled, then restart model
        if self.spills.uncertain != uncertain_value:
            self.spills.uncertain = uncertain_value  # update uncertainty

    def cache_enabled(self):
        return self._cache.enabled

    def cache_enabled(self, enabled):
        self._cache.enabled = enabled

    def id(self):
        return self._gnome_id.id

    def start_time(self):
        return self._start_time

    def start_time(self, start_time):
        self._start_time = start_time

    def time_step(self):
        return self._time_step

    def time_step(self, time_step):
        Sets the time step, and rewinds the model

        :param time_step: The timestep can be a timedelta object
                          or integer seconds.
            self._time_step = time_step.total_seconds()
        except AttributeError:
            self._time_step = int(time_step)

        # there is a zeroth time step
        self._num_time_steps = int(self._duration.total_seconds() // self._time_step) + 1

    def current_time_step(self):
        return self._current_time_step

    def current_time_step(self, step):
        self.model_time = self._start_time + timedelta(seconds=step * self.time_step)
        self._current_time_step = step

    def duration(self):
        return self._duration

    def duration(self, duration):
        if duration < self._duration:
            # only need to rewind if shorter than it was...
            # fixme: actually, only need to rewind if current model time
            # is beyond new time...
        self._duration = duration

        # there is a zeroth time step
        self._num_time_steps = int(self._duration.total_seconds() // self.time_step) + 1

    def map(self):
        return self._map

    def map(self, map_in):
        self._map = map_in

    def num_time_steps(self):
        return self._num_time_steps

    def setup_model_run(self):
        Sets up each mover for the model run
        self.spills.rewind()  # why is rewind for spills here?

        array_types = {}

        for mover in self.movers:

        for w in self.weatherers:

        for sc in self.spills.items():

        # outputters need array_types, so this needs to come after those
        # have been updated.
        for outputter in self.outputters:
                model_start_time=self.start_time, cache=self._cache, uncertain=self.uncertain, spills=self.spills

    def setup_time_step(self):
        sets up everything for the current time_step:
        # initialize movers differently if model uncertainty is on
        for m in self.movers:
            for sc in self.spills.items():
                m.prepare_for_model_step(sc, self.time_step, self.model_time)

        for w in self.weatherers:
            for sc in self.spills.items():
                # maybe we will setup a super-sampling step here???
                w.prepare_for_model_step(sc, self.time_step, self.model_time)

        for outputter in self.outputters:
            outputter.prepare_for_model_step(self.time_step, self.model_time)

    def move_elements(self):
        Moves elements:
         - loops through all the movers. and moves the elements
         - sets new_position array for each spill
         - calls the beaching code to beach the elements that need beaching.
         - sets the new position
        for sc in self.spills.items():
            if sc.num_released > 0:  # can this check be removed?

                # possibly refloat elements
                self.map.refloat_elements(sc, self.time_step)

                # reset next_positions
                (sc["next_positions"])[:] = sc["positions"]

                # loop through the movers
                for m in self.movers:
                    delta = m.get_move(sc, self.time_step, self.model_time)
                    sc["next_positions"] += delta


                # the final move to the new positions
                (sc["positions"])[:] = sc["next_positions"]

    def weather_elements(self):
        Weathers elements:
        - loops through all the weatherers, passing in the spill_container
          and the time range
        - a weatherer modifies the data arrays in the spill container, so a
          particular time range should not be run multiple times.  It is
          expected that we are processing a sequence of contiguous time ranges.
        - Note: If there are multiple sequential weathering processes, some
                inaccuracy could occur.  A proposed solution is to
                'super-sample' the model time step so that it will be replaced
                with many smaller time steps.  We'll have to see if this pans
                out in practice.
        for sc in self.spills.items():
            for w in self.weatherers:
                for model_time, time_step in self._split_into_substeps():
                    w.weather_elements(sc, time_step, model_time)

    def _split_into_substeps(self):
        :return: sequence of (datetime, timestep)
         (Note: we divide evenly on second boundaries.
                   Thus, there will likely be a remainder
                   that needs to be included.  We include
                   this remainder, which results in
                   1 more sub-step than we requested.)
        time_step = int(self._time_step)
        sub_step = time_step / self.weathering_substeps

        indexes = [idx for idx in range(0, time_step + 1, sub_step)]
        res = [(idx, next_idx - idx) for idx, next_idx in zip(indexes, indexes[1:])]

        if sum(res[-1]) < time_step:
            # collect the remaining slice
            res.append((sum(res[-1]), time_step % sub_step))

        res = [(self.model_time + timedelta(seconds=idx), delta) for idx, delta in res]

        return res

    def step_is_done(self):
        Loop through movers and call model_step_is_done
        for mover in self.movers:
            for sc in self.spills.items():

        for w in self.weatherers:

        for sc in self.spills.items():
            "removes elements with oil_status.to_be_removed"

            # age remaining particles
            sc["age"][:] = sc["age"][:] + self.time_step

        for outputter in self.outputters:

    def write_output(self):
        output_info = {"step_num": self.current_time_step}

        for outputter in self.outputters:
            if self.current_time_step == self.num_time_steps - 1:
                output = outputter.write_output(self.current_time_step, True)
                output = outputter.write_output(self.current_time_step)

            if output is not None:

        return output_info

    def step(self):
        Steps the model forward (or backward) in time. Needs testing for
        hind casting.
        for sc in self.spills.items():
            # Set the current time stamp only after current_time_step is
            # incremented and before the output is written. Set it to None here
            # just so we're not carrying around the old time_stamp
            sc.current_time_stamp = None

        # it gets incremented after this check
        if self.current_time_step >= self._num_time_steps - 1:
            raise StopIteration

        if self.current_time_step == -1:
            # that's all we need to do for the zeroth time step

        self.current_time_step += 1

        # this is where the new step begins!
        # the elements released are during the time period:
        #    self.model_time + self.time_step
        # The else part of the loop computes values for data_arrays that
        # correspond with time_stamp:
        #    self.model_time + self.time_step
        # This is the current_time_stamp attribute of the SpillContainer
        #     [sc.current_time_stamp for sc in self.spills.items()]
        for sc in self.spills.items():
            sc.current_time_stamp = self.model_time

            # release particles for next step - these particles will be aged
            # in the next step
            sc.release_elements(self.time_step, self.model_time)

        # cache the results - current_time_step is incremented but the
        # current_time_stamp in spill_containers (self.spills) is not updated
        # till we go through the prepare_for_model_step
        self._cache.save_timestep(self.current_time_step, self.spills)
        output_info = self.write_output()
        return output_info

    def __iter__(self):
        Rewinds the model and returns itself so it can be iterated over.

        return self

    def next(self):
        (This method satisfies Python's iterator and generator protocols)

        :return: the step number
        return self.step()

    def full_run(self, rewind=True, log=False):
        Do a full run of the model.

        :param rewind=True: whether to rewind the model first
                            -- if set to false, model will be run from the
                               current step to the end
        :returns: list of outputter info dicts
        if rewind:

        # run the model
        output_data = []
        while True:
                results = self.step()
                if log:
                    print results
            except StopIteration:
                print "Done with the model run"

        return output_data

    def movers_to_dict(self):
        Call to_dict method of OrderedCollection object
        return self.movers.to_dict()

    def weatherers_to_dict(self):
        Call to_dict method of OrderedCollection object
        return self.weatherers.to_dict()

    def environment_to_dict(self):
        Call to_dict method of OrderedCollection object
        return self.environment.to_dict()

    def spills_to_dict(self):
        return self.spills.to_dict()

    def outputters_to_dict(self):
        Call to_dict method of OrderedCollection object
        return self.outputters.to_dict()

    def map_to_dict(self):
        returns the gnome object type as a string
        return "{0}.{1}".format(self.map.__module__, self.map.__class__.__name__)

    def _callback_add_mover(self, obj_added):
        "Callback after mover has been added"
        if isinstance(obj_added, WindMover):
            if obj_added.wind.id not in self.environment:
                self.environment += obj_added.wind

        if isinstance(obj_added, CatsMover):
            if obj_added.tide is not None and obj_added.tide.id not in self.environment:
                self.environment += obj_added.tide

        self.rewind()  # rewind model if a new mover is added

    def _callback_add_weatherer(self, obj_added):
        "Callback after weatherer has been added"
        if isinstance(obj_added, Weatherer):
            # not sure what kind of dependencies we have just yet.

        self.rewind()  # rewind model if a new weatherer is added

    def __eq__(self, other):
        check = super(Model, self).__eq__(other)
        if check:
            # also check the data in spill_container object
            if type(self.spills) != type(other.spills):
                return False

            if self.spills != other.spills:
                return False

        return check

    def __ne__(self, other):
        "Compare inequality (!=) of two objects"
        if self == other:
            return False
            return True

    Following methods are for saving a Model instance or creating a new
    model instance from a saved location

    def save(self, saveloc):
        save model in json format to user specified saveloc

        :param saveloc: A valid directory. Model files are either persisted
                        here or a new model is re-created from the files
                        stored here. The files are clobbered when save() is
        :type saveloc: A path as a string or unicode
        path_, savedir = os.path.split(saveloc)
        if path_ == "":
            path_ = "."

        if not os.path.exists(path_):
            raise ValueError('"{0}" does not exist. \nCannot create "{1}"'.format(path_, savedir))

        if not os.path.exists(saveloc):

        json_ = self.serialize("create")
        self._save_json_to_file(saveloc, json_, "{0}.json".format(self.__class__.__name__))

        json_ = self.map.serialize("create")
        self._save_json_to_file(saveloc, json_, "{0}.json".format(self.map.__class__.__name__))

        self._save_collection(saveloc, self.movers)
        self._save_collection(saveloc, self.weatherers)
        self._save_collection(saveloc, self.environment)
        self._save_collection(saveloc, self.outputters)

        for sc in self.spills.items():
            self._save_collection(saveloc, sc.spills)

        # persist model _state since middle of run
        if self.current_time_step > -1:
            self._save_spill_data(os.path.join(saveloc, "spills_data_arrays.nc"))

    def _save_collection(self, saveloc, coll_):
        Function loops over an orderedcollection or any other iterable
        containing a list of objects. It calls the to_dict method for each
        object, then converts it o valid json (dict_to_json),
        and finally saves it to file (_save_json_to_file)

        :param OrderedCollection coll_: ordered collection to be saved

        Note: The movers and weatherer objects reference the environment
        collection. If a field is saved as reference (field.save_reference is
        True), then this function adds json_[field.name] = index where
        index is the index into the environment array for the reference
        object. Currently, only objects in the environment collection are
        referenced by movers.
        for count, obj in enumerate(coll_):
            json_ = obj.serialize("create")
            for field in obj._state:
                if field.save_reference:
                    "attribute is stored as a reference to environment list"
                    if getattr(obj, field.name) is not None:
                        obj_id = getattr(obj, field.name).id
                        index = self.environment.index(obj_id)
                        json_[field.name] = index

            self._save_json_to_file(saveloc, json_, "{0}_{1}.json".format(obj.__class__.__name__, count))

    def _save_json_to_file(self, saveloc, data, name):
        write json data to file

        :param dict data: JSON data to be saved
        :param obj: gnome object corresponding w/ data

        fname = os.path.join(saveloc, name)
        data = self._move_data_file(saveloc, data)  # if there is a

        with open(fname, "w") as outfile:
            json.dump(data, outfile, indent=True)

    def _move_data_file(self, saveloc, json_):
        Look at _state attribute of object. Find all fields with 'isdatafile'
        attribute as True. If there is a key in to_json corresponding with
        'name' of the fields with True 'isdatafile' attribute then move that
        datafile and update the key in the to_json to point to new location

        todo: maybe this belongs in serializable base class? Revisit this
        _state = eval("{0}._state".format(json_["obj_type"]))
        fields = _state.get_field_by_attribute("isdatafile")

        for field in fields:
            if field.name not in json_:

            value = json_[field.name]

            if os.path.exists(value) and os.path.isfile(value):
                shutil.copy(value, saveloc)
                json_[field.name] = os.path.split(json_[field.name])[1]

        return json_

    def _save_spill_data(self, datafile):
        """ save the data arrays for current timestep to NetCDF """
        nc_out = NetCDFOutput(datafile, which_data="all", cache=self._cache)
        nc_out.prepare_for_model_run(model_start_time=self.start_time, uncertain=self.uncertain, spills=self.spills)

    def _empty_save_dir(self, saveloc):
        Remove all files, directories under saveloc

        First clean out directory, then add new save files
        This should only be called by self.save()
        (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = os.walk(saveloc).next()

        if dirnames:
            for dir_ in dirnames:
                shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dirpath, dir_))

        if filenames:
            for file_ in filenames:
                os.remove(os.path.join(dirpath, file_))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Model(serializable.Serializable):

    PyGNOME Model Class

    _update = [
    _create = []
    state = copy.deepcopy(serializable.Serializable.state)
    state.add(create=_create, update=_update)  # no need to copy parent's state in tis case

    def new_from_dict(cls, dict_):
        Restore model from previously persisted state

        l_env = dict_.pop('environment')
        l_out = dict_.pop('outputters')
        l_movers = dict_.pop('movers')

        c_spills = dict_.pop('certain_spills')
        if 'uncertain_spills' in dict_.keys():
            u_spills = dict_.pop('uncertain_spills')
            l_spills = zip(c_spills, u_spills)
            l_spills = c_spills

        model = object.__new__(cls)
        [model.environment.add(obj) for obj in l_env]
        [model.outputters.add(obj) for obj in l_out]
        [model.spills.add(obj) for obj in l_spills]
        [model.movers.add(obj) for obj in l_movers]

        # register callback with OrderedCollection

        model.movers.register_callback(model._callback_add_mover, ('add'
                , 'replace'))

        return model

    def __init__(
        start_time=round_time(datetime.now(), 3600),
        Initializes a model. All arguments have a default.

        :param time_step=timedelta(minutes=15): model time step in seconds or as a timedelta object
        :param start_time=datetime.now(): start time of model, datetime object. default to now, rounded to the nearest hour
        :param duration=timedelta(days=1): how long to run the model, a timedelta object
        :param map=gnome.map.GnomeMap(): the land-water map, default is a map with no land-water
        :param uncertain=False: flag for setting uncertainty
        :param cache_enabled=False: flag for setting whether the mocel should cache results to disk.
        :param id: Unique Id identifying the newly created mover (a UUID as a string). 
                   This is used when loading an object from a persisted model

        # register callback with OrderedCollection

        self.movers.register_callback(self._callback_add_mover, ('add',

    def __restore__(
        Take out initialization that does not register the callback here.
        This is because new_from_dict will use this to restore the model state
        when doing a midrun persistence.

        # making sure basic stuff is in place before properties are set

        self.environment = OrderedCollection(dtype=Environment)
        self.movers = OrderedCollection(dtype=Mover)
        self.spills = SpillContainerPair(uncertain)  # contains both certain/uncertain spills
        self._cache = gnome.utilities.cache.ElementCache()
        self._cache.enabled = cache_enabled

        self.outputters = \
            OrderedCollection(dtype=gnome.outputter.Outputter)  # list of output objects
        self._start_time = start_time  # default to now, rounded to the nearest hour
        self._duration = duration
        self._map = map
        self.time_step = time_step  # this calls rewind() !

        self._gnome_id = gnome.GnomeId(id)

    def reset(self, **kwargs):
        Resets model to defaults -- Caution -- clears all movers, spills, etc.

        Takes same keyword arguments as __init__


    def rewind(self):
        Rewinds the model to the beginning (start_time)

        # # fixme: do the movers need re-setting? -- or wait for prepare_for_model_run?

        self.current_time_step = -1  # start at -1
        self.model_time = self._start_time

        # # note: this may be redundant -- they will get reset in setup_model_run() anyway..

        gnome.utilities.rand.seed(1)  # set rand before each call so windages are set correctly

        # clear the cache:

        for outputter in self.outputters:

#    def write_from_cache(self, filetype='netcdf', time_step='all'):
#        """
#        write the already-cached data to an output files.
#        """

    # ## Assorted properties

    def uncertain(self):
        return self.spills.uncertain

    def uncertain(self, uncertain_value):
        only if uncertainty switch is toggled, then restart model

        if self.spills.uncertain != uncertain_value:
            self.spills.uncertain = uncertain_value  # update uncertainty

    def cache_enabled(self):
        return self._cache.enabled

    def cache_enabled(self, enabled):
        self._cache.enabled = enabled

    def id(self):
        return self._gnome_id.id

    def start_time(self):
        return self._start_time

    def start_time(self, start_time):
        self._start_time = start_time

    def time_step(self):
        return self._time_step

    def time_step(self, time_step):
        sets the time step, and rewinds the model

        :param time_step: the timestep as a timedelta object or integer seconds.

            self._time_step = time_step.total_seconds()
        except AttributeError:
            # not a timedelta object -- assume it's in seconds.
            self._time_step = int(time_step)

        # there is a zeroth time step
        self._num_time_steps = int(self._duration.total_seconds()
                                   // self._time_step) + 1

    def current_time_step(self):
        return self._current_time_step

    def current_time_step(self, step):
        self.model_time = self._start_time + timedelta(seconds=step
                * self.time_step)
        self._current_time_step = step

    def duration(self):
        return self._duration

    def duration(self, duration):
        if duration < self._duration:  # only need to rewind if shorter than it was...

            # # fixme: actually, only need to rewide is current model time is byond new time...

        self._duration = duration
        self._num_time_steps = int(self._duration.total_seconds()
                                   // self.time_step) + 1  # there is a zeroth time step

    def map(self):
        return self._map

    def map(self, map_in):
        self._map = map_in

    def num_time_steps(self):
        return self._num_time_steps

    def setup_model_run(self):
        Sets up each mover for the model run


        self.spills.rewind()  # why is rewind for spills here?

        for outputter in self.outputters:

        array_types = {}
        for mover in self.movers:

        for sc in self.spills.items():

    def setup_time_step(self):
        sets up everything for the current time_step:

        right now only prepares the movers -- maybe more later?.

        # initialize movers differently if model uncertainty is on

        for mover in self.movers:
            for sc in self.spills.items():
                mover.prepare_for_model_step(sc, self.time_step,
        for outputter in self.outputters:
            outputter.prepare_for_model_step(self.time_step, self.model_time)

    def move_elements(self):

        Moves elements:
         - loops through all the movers. and moves the elements
         - sets new_position array for each spill
         - calls the beaching code to beach the elements that need beaching.
         - sets the new position

        # # if there are no spills, there is nothing to do:

        if len(self.spills) > 0:  # can this check be removed?
            for sc in self.spills.items():
                if sc.num_released > 0:  # can this check be removed?

                    # possibly refloat elements

                    self.map.refloat_elements(sc, self.time_step)

                    # reset next_positions

                    (sc['next_positions'])[:] = sc['positions']

                    # loop through the movers

                    for mover in self.movers:
                        delta = mover.get_move(sc, self.time_step,
                        sc['next_positions'] += delta


                    # the final move to the new positions

                    (sc['positions'])[:] = sc['next_positions']

    def step_is_done(self):
        Loop through movers and call model_step_is_done

        for mover in self.movers:
            for sc in self.spills.items():
        for sc in self.spills.items():

        for outputter in self.outputters:

    def write_output(self):
        output_info = {'step_num': self.current_time_step}
        for outputter in self.outputters:
            if self.current_time_step == self.num_time_steps - 1:
                output = outputter.write_output(self.current_time_step, True)
                output = outputter.write_output(self.current_time_step)
            if output is not None:
        return output_info

    def step(self):
        Steps the model forward (or backward) in time. Needs testing for
        hind casting.

        for sc in self.spills.items():
            # set the current time stamp only after current_time_step is
            # incremented and before the output is written. Set it to None here
            # just so we're not carrying around the old time_stamp
            sc.current_time_stamp = None

        # it gets incremented after this check
        if self.current_time_step >= self._num_time_steps - 1:
            raise StopIteration

        if self.current_time_step == -1:
            # that's all we need to do for the zeroth time step

        self.current_time_step += 1

        # this is where the new step begins!
        # the elements released are during the time period:
        #    self.model_time + self.time_step
        # The else part of the loop computes values for data_arrays that
        # correspond with time_stamp:
        #    self.model_time + self.time_step
        # This is the current_time_stamp attribute of the SpillContainer
        #     [sc.current_time_stamp for sc in self.spills.items()]
        for sc in self.spills.items():
            sc.current_time_stamp = self.model_time
            sc.release_elements(self.time_step, self.model_time)

        # cache the results - current_time_step is incremented but the
        # current_time_stamp in spill_containers (self.spills) is not updated
        # till we go through the prepare_for_model_step
        self._cache.save_timestep(self.current_time_step, self.spills)
        output_info = self.write_output()
        return output_info

    def __iter__(self):
        for compatibility with Python's iterator protocol

        rewinds the model and returns itself so it can be iterated over.

        return self

    def next(self):
        (This method here to satisfy Python's iterator and generator protocols)

        Simply calls model.step()

        :return: the step number

        return self.step()

    def full_run(self, rewind=True, log=False):
        Do a full run of the model.

        :param rewind=True: whether to rewind the model first -- defaults to True
                            if set to false, model will be run from the current
                            step to the end
        :returns: list of outputter info dicts


        if rewind:

        # run the model

        output_data = []
        while True:
                results = self.step()
                if log:
                    print results
            except StopIteration:
                print 'Done with the model run'
        return output_data

    def movers_to_dict(self):
        call to_dict method of OrderedCollection object

        return self.movers.to_dict()

    def environment_to_dict(self):
        call to_dict method of OrderedCollection object

        return self.environment.to_dict()

    def spills_to_dict(self):
        return self.spills.to_dict()

    def outputters_to_dict(self):
        call to_dict method of OrderedCollection object

        return self.outputters.to_dict()

    def map_to_dict(self):
        create a tuple that contains: (type, object.id)

        # dict_ = {'map': ("{0}.{1}".format(self.map.__module__, self.map.__class__.__name__), self.map.id)}

        return ('{0}.{1}'.format(self.map.__module__,
                self.map.__class__.__name__), self.map.id)

        # if self.output_map is not None:
        #    dict_.update({'output_map': ("{0}.{1}".format(self.output_map.__module__, self.output_map.__class__.__name__), self.output_map.id)})

    def _callback_add_mover(self, obj_added):
        """ callback after mover has been added """

        if isinstance(obj_added, WindMover):
            if obj_added.wind.id not in self.environment:
                self.environment += obj_added.wind

        if isinstance(obj_added, CatsMover):
            if obj_added.tide is not None and obj_added.tide.id \
                not in self.environment:
                self.environment += obj_added.tide

        self.rewind()  # rewind model if a new mover is added

    def __eq__(self, other):
        check = super(Model, self).__eq__(other)
        if check:

            # also check the data in spill_container object

            if type(self.spills) != type(other.spills):
                return False
            if self.spills != other.spills:
                return False

        return check

    def __ne__(self, other):
        Compare inequality (!=) of two objects

        if self == other:
            return False
            return True