Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_auto_design_generation_fromxlsgainmode(xls_input,
    equipment = load_equipment(eqpt_filename)
    network = load_network(xls_input, equipment)
    # in order to test the Eqpt sheet and load gain target, change the power-mode to False (to be in gain mode)
    equipment['Span']['default'].power_mode = False
    # Build the network once using the default power defined in SI in eqpt config

    p_db = equipment['SI']['default'].power_dbm

    p_total_db = p_db + lin2db(automatic_nch(equipment['SI']['default'].f_min,\
        equipment['SI']['default'].f_max, equipment['SI']['default'].spacing))
    build_network(network, equipment, p_db, p_total_db)
    save_network(xls_input, network)

    actual_json_output = f'{str(xls_input)[0:len(str(xls_input))-4]}_auto_design.json'

    with open(actual_json_output, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        actual = load(f)

    with open(expected_json_output, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        expected = load(f)

    results = compare_networks(expected, actual)
    assert not results.elements.missing
    assert not results.elements.extra
    assert not results.elements.different
    assert not results.connections.missing
    assert not results.connections.extra
    assert not results.connections.different
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(args):
    """ main function that calls all functions
        f'Computing path requests {args.service_filename} into JSON format')
    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' +\
          f'Computing path requests {args.service_filename} into JSON format'+ '\x1b[0m')
    # for debug
    # print( args.eqpt_filename)

        data = load_requests(args.service_filename, args.eqpt_filename,
        equipment = load_equipment(args.eqpt_filename)
        network = load_network(args.network_filename, equipment)
    except EquipmentConfigError as this_e:
            f'{ansi_escapes.red}Configuration error in the equipment library:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}'
    except NetworkTopologyError as this_e:
            f'{ansi_escapes.red}Invalid network definition:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}'
    except ConfigurationError as this_e:
            f'{ansi_escapes.red}Configuration error:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}'
    except ServiceError as this_e:
        print(f'{ansi_escapes.red}Service error:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}')

    # Build the network once using the default power defined in SI in eqpt config
    # TODO power density: db2linp(ower_dbm": 0)/power_dbm": 0 * nb channels as defined by
    # spacing, f_min and f_max
    p_db = equipment['SI']['default'].power_dbm

    p_total_db = p_db + lin2db(automatic_nch(equipment['SI']['default'].f_min,\
        equipment['SI']['default'].f_max, equipment['SI']['default'].spacing))
    build_network(network, equipment, p_db, p_total_db)
    save_network(args.network_filename, network)

    oms_list = build_oms_list(network, equipment)

        rqs = requests_from_json(data, equipment)
    except ServiceError as this_e:
        print(f'{ansi_escapes.red}Service error:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}')
    # check that request ids are unique. Non unique ids, may
    # mess the computation: better to stop the computation
    all_ids = [r.request_id for r in rqs]
    if len(all_ids) != len(set(all_ids)):
        for item in list(set(all_ids)):
        msg = f'Requests id {all_ids} are not unique'
        rqs = correct_route_list(network, rqs)
    except ServiceError as this_e:
        print(f'{ansi_escapes.red}Service error:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}')
    # pths = compute_path(network, equipment, rqs)
    dsjn = disjunctions_from_json(data)

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'List of disjunctions' + '\x1b[0m')
    # need to warn or correct in case of wrong disjunction form
    # disjunction must not be repeated with same or different ids
    dsjn = correct_disjn(dsjn)

    # Aggregate demands with same exact constraints
    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'Aggregating similar requests' + '\x1b[0m')

    rqs, dsjn = requests_aggregation(rqs, dsjn)
    # TODO export novel set of aggregated demands in a json file

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + 'The following services have been requested:' +

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'Computing all paths with constraints' +
        pths = compute_path_dsjctn(network, equipment, rqs, dsjn)
    except DisjunctionError as this_e:
            f'{ansi_escapes.red}Disjunction error:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}'

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'Propagating on selected path' + '\x1b[0m')
    propagatedpths, reversed_pths, reversed_propagatedpths = \
        compute_path_with_disjunction(network, equipment, rqs, pths)
    # Note that deepcopy used in compute_path_with_disjunction returns
    # a list of nodes which are not belonging to network (they are copies of the node objects).
    # so there can not be propagation on these nodes.

    pth_assign_spectrum(pths, rqs, oms_list, reversed_pths)

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'Result summary' + '\x1b[0m')
    header = ['req id', '  demand', '  snr@bandwidth A-Z (Z-A)', '  [email protected] A-Z (Z-A)',\
              '  Receiver minOSNR', '  mode', '  Gbit/s', '  nb of tsp pairs',\
              'N,M or blocking reason']
    data = []
    for i, this_p in enumerate(propagatedpths):
        rev_pth = reversed_propagatedpths[i]
        if rev_pth and this_p:
            psnrb = f'{round(mean(this_p[-1].snr),2)} ({round(mean(rev_pth[-1].snr),2)})'
            psnr = f'{round(mean(this_p[-1].snr_01nm), 2)}' +\
                   f' ({round(mean(rev_pth[-1].snr_01nm),2)})'
        elif this_p:
            psnrb = f'{round(mean(this_p[-1].snr),2)}'
            psnr = f'{round(mean(this_p[-1].snr_01nm),2)}'

            if rqs[i].blocking_reason in BLOCKING_NOPATH:
                line = [f'{rqs[i].request_id}', f' {rqs[i].source} to {rqs[i].destination} :',\
                        f'-', f'-', f'-', f'{rqs[i].tsp_mode}', f'{round(rqs[i].path_bandwidth * 1e-9,2)}',\
                        f'-', f'{rqs[i].blocking_reason}']
                line = [f'{rqs[i].request_id}', f' {rqs[i].source} to {rqs[i].destination} : ', psnrb,\
                        psnr, f'-', f'{rqs[i].tsp_mode}', f'{round(rqs[i].path_bandwidth * 1e-9, 2)}',\
                        f'-', f'{rqs[i].blocking_reason}']
        except AttributeError:
            line = [f'{rqs[i].request_id}', f' {rqs[i].source} to {rqs[i].destination} : ', psnrb,\
                    psnr, f'{rqs[i].OSNR}', f'{rqs[i].tsp_mode}', f'{round(rqs[i].path_bandwidth * 1e-9,2)}',\
                    f'{ceil(rqs[i].path_bandwidth / rqs[i].bit_rate) }', f'({rqs[i].N},{rqs[i].M})']

    col_width = max(len(word) for row in data for word in row[2:])  # padding
    firstcol_width = max(len(row[0]) for row in data)  # padding
    secondcol_width = max(len(row[1]) for row in data)  # padding
    for row in data:
        firstcol = ''.join(row[0].ljust(firstcol_width))
        secondcol = ''.join(row[1].ljust(secondcol_width))
        remainingcols = ''.join(
            word.center(col_width, ' ') for word in row[2:])
        print(f'{firstcol} {secondcol} {remainingcols}')
    print('\x1b[1;33;40m'+f'Result summary shows mean SNR and OSNR (average over all channels)' +\

    if args.output:
        result = []
        # assumes that list of rqs and list of propgatedpths have same order
        for i, pth in enumerate(propagatedpths):
                Result_element(rqs[i], pth, reversed_propagatedpths[i]))
        temp = path_result_json(result)
        fnamecsv = f'{str(args.output)[0:len(str(args.output))-len(str(args.output.suffix))]}.csv'
        fnamejson = f'{str(args.output)[0:len(str(args.output))-len(str(args.output.suffix))]}.json'
        with open(fnamejson, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fjson:
                dumps(path_result_json(result), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))
            with open(fnamecsv, "w", encoding='utf-8') as fcsv:
                jsontocsv(temp, equipment, fcsv)
                print('\x1b[1;34;40m' +
                      f'saving in {args.output} and {fnamecsv}' + '\x1b[0m')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    except NetworkTopologyError as e:
        print(f'{ansi_escapes.red}Invalid network definition:{ansi_escapes.reset} {e}')
    except ConfigurationError as e:
        print(f'{ansi_escapes.red}Configuration error:{ansi_escapes.reset} {e}')

    # Build the network once using the default power defined in SI in eqpt config
    # TODO power density : db2linp(ower_dbm": 0)/power_dbm": 0 * nb channels as defined by
    # spacing, f_min and f_max
    p_db = equipment['SI']['default'].power_dbm

    p_total_db = p_db + lin2db(automatic_nch(equipment['SI']['default'].f_min,\
        equipment['SI']['default'].f_max, equipment['SI']['default'].spacing))
    build_network(network, equipment, p_db, p_total_db)
    save_network(args.network_filename, network)

    rqs = requests_from_json(data, equipment)

    # check that request ids are unique. Non unique ids, may
    # mess the computation : better to stop the computation
    all_ids = [r.request_id for r in rqs]
    if len(all_ids) != len(set(all_ids)):
        for a in list(set(all_ids)):
        msg = f'Requests id {all_ids} are not unique'
    rqs = correct_route_list(network, rqs)

    # pths = compute_path(network, equipment, rqs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compute_requests(network, data, equipment):
    """ Main program calling functions
    # Build the network once using the default power defined in SI in eqpt config
    # TODO power density: db2linp(ower_dbm": 0)/power_dbm": 0 * nb channels as defined by
    # spacing, f_min and f_max
    p_db = equipment['SI']['default'].power_dbm

    p_total_db = p_db + lin2db(automatic_nch(equipment['SI']['default'].f_min,\
        equipment['SI']['default'].f_max, equipment['SI']['default'].spacing))
    build_network(network, equipment, p_db, p_total_db)
    save_network(ARGS.network_filename, network)

    oms_list = build_oms_list(network, equipment)

        rqs = requests_from_json(data, equipment)
    except ServiceError as this_e:
        print(f'{ansi_escapes.red}Service error:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}')
        raise this_e
    # check that request ids are unique. Non unique ids, may
    # mess the computation: better to stop the computation
    all_ids = [r.request_id for r in rqs]
    if len(all_ids) != len(set(all_ids)):
        for item in list(set(all_ids)):
        msg = f'Requests id {all_ids} are not unique'
        raise ServiceError(msg)
        rqs = correct_route_list(network, rqs)
    except ServiceError as this_e:
        print(f'{ansi_escapes.red}Service error:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}')
        raise this_e
    # pths = compute_path(network, equipment, rqs)
    dsjn = disjunctions_from_json(data)

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'List of disjunctions' + '\x1b[0m')
    # need to warn or correct in case of wrong disjunction form
    # disjunction must not be repeated with same or different ids
    dsjn = correct_disjn(dsjn)

    # Aggregate demands with same exact constraints
    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'Aggregating similar requests' + '\x1b[0m')

    rqs, dsjn = requests_aggregation(rqs, dsjn)
    # TODO export novel set of aggregated demands in a json file

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + 'The following services have been requested:' +

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'Computing all paths with constraints' +
        pths = compute_path_dsjctn(network, equipment, rqs, dsjn)
    except DisjunctionError as this_e:
            f'{ansi_escapes.red}Disjunction error:{ansi_escapes.reset} {this_e}'
        raise this_e

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'Propagating on selected path' + '\x1b[0m')
    propagatedpths, reversed_pths, reversed_propagatedpths = \
        compute_path_with_disjunction(network, equipment, rqs, pths)
    # Note that deepcopy used in compute_path_with_disjunction returns
    # a list of nodes which are not belonging to network (they are copies of the node objects).
    # so there can not be propagation on these nodes.

    pth_assign_spectrum(pths, rqs, oms_list, reversed_pths)

    print('\x1b[1;34;40m' + f'Result summary' + '\x1b[0m')
    header = ['req id', '  demand', '  snr@bandwidth A-Z (Z-A)', '  [email protected] A-Z (Z-A)',\
              '  Receiver minOSNR', '  mode', '  Gbit/s', '  nb of tsp pairs',\
              'N,M or blocking reason']
    data = []
    for i, this_p in enumerate(propagatedpths):
        rev_pth = reversed_propagatedpths[i]
        if rev_pth and this_p:
            psnrb = f'{round(mean(this_p[-1].snr),2)} ({round(mean(rev_pth[-1].snr),2)})'
            psnr = f'{round(mean(this_p[-1].snr_01nm), 2)}' +\
                   f' ({round(mean(rev_pth[-1].snr_01nm),2)})'
        elif this_p:
            psnrb = f'{round(mean(this_p[-1].snr),2)}'
            psnr = f'{round(mean(this_p[-1].snr_01nm),2)}'

            if rqs[i].blocking_reason in BLOCKING_NOPATH:
                line = [f'{rqs[i].request_id}', f' {rqs[i].source} to {rqs[i].destination} :',\
                        f'-', f'-', f'-', f'{rqs[i].tsp_mode}', f'{round(rqs[i].path_bandwidth * 1e-9,2)}',\
                        f'-', f'{rqs[i].blocking_reason}']
                line = [f'{rqs[i].request_id}', f' {rqs[i].source} to {rqs[i].destination} : ', psnrb,\
                        psnr, f'-', f'{rqs[i].tsp_mode}', f'{round(rqs[i].path_bandwidth * 1e-9, 2)}',\
                        f'-', f'{rqs[i].blocking_reason}']
        except AttributeError:
            line = [f'{rqs[i].request_id}', f' {rqs[i].source} to {rqs[i].destination} : ', psnrb,\
                    psnr, f'{rqs[i].OSNR}', f'{rqs[i].tsp_mode}', f'{round(rqs[i].path_bandwidth * 1e-9,2)}',\
                    f'{ceil(rqs[i].path_bandwidth / rqs[i].bit_rate) }', f'({rqs[i].N},{rqs[i].M})']

    col_width = max(len(word) for row in data for word in row[2:])  # padding
    firstcol_width = max(len(row[0]) for row in data)  # padding
    secondcol_width = max(len(row[1]) for row in data)  # padding
    for row in data:
        firstcol = ''.join(row[0].ljust(firstcol_width))
        secondcol = ''.join(row[1].ljust(secondcol_width))
        remainingcols = ''.join(
            word.center(col_width, ' ') for word in row[2:])
        print(f'{firstcol} {secondcol} {remainingcols}')
    print('\x1b[1;33;40m'+f'Result summary shows mean SNR and OSNR (average over all channels)' +\

    return propagatedpths, reversed_propagatedpths, rqs