def __init__(self, cell_size=9): self.cell_size = cell_size = np.full((cell_size, cell_size), SERVO_MAX, np.uint16) self.worm = Worm(self.cell_size) = Gold(self.cell_size) #check object is overlapped if self.check_overlapped_object():
def __init__(self, name): = name self.hand = [] self.played_cards = [] for i in Ressources.LISTNAMESRESSOURCES: self.__dict__[Ressources(i)] = 0 self.__dict__[Gold()] = 3
class Timed(object): # This is a self timing game. It takes the start time and takes the end time from it def __init__(self, more): self.names = more = Gold(self.names) self.death = Death("You forever burn in hell.") self.test1 def test1(self): sleep(0.5) print "\033[34m%r\033[0m You enter a room with a button on a pillar right in the middle of the room" % self.names sleep(0.5) print "There are a set of instructions. You will need to press the button" sleep(0.5) print "Then count in your head to ten then press the button again." self.begin = raw_input("Press enter ") self.start = time.time() enter = raw_input("Press enter again after 10 seconds ") self.finish = time.time() end = int(self.finish) - int(self.start) if end <= 9: print end return self.death.dead() # This gives you a bit of wigal room so you can go over by a few seconds elif end >= 10 and end <= 12: sleep(0.5) print "Wow you done it. You can count lol." sleep(0.5) print "Here is your reward." sleep(1) return else: return self.death.dead()
def fight(self, HP, therehp, hitback, picker): = Gold(self.names) self.HP = HP self.therehp = therehp self.hitback = hitback self.picker = picker self.death = Death("You made it so far, but you died") while True: self.attacks = {'chop':random.randint(5, 10), 'thunder':random.randint(5, 15)} sleep(0.5) choose = raw_input("Pick a move 'chop' or 'thunder' > ") os.system('clear') self.therehp -= self.attacks[choose] print "You hit %r with \033[34m%r\033[0m and did \033[34m%r\033[0m damage" % (self.picker, choose, self.attacks[choose]) sleep(0.5) if self.therehp > 0: print "%r has \033[34m%r\033[0m damage left" % (self.picker, self.therehp) sleep(0.5) self.HP -= self.hitback print "%r hits you back with a punch and does \033[1;31m%r\033[0m damage" % (self.picker, self.hitback) sleep(0.5) print "You have \033[1;31m%rHP\033[0m left" % self.HP sleep(0.5) if self.HP <= 0: self.death() break else: print "You deliver the final brow and %r faints" % self.picker print "You win with \033[34m%rHP\033[0m left" % self.HP sleep(1)
def test_gold(self): fake_json = [{'Class': "Python"}] with patch('gold.requests.get') as mock_get: mock_get.return_value.status_code = 200 mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = fake_json obj = Gold() response = obj.get self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.json(), fake_json)
class Snake: def __init__(self, cell_size=9): self.cell_size = cell_size = np.full((cell_size, cell_size), SERVO_MAX, np.uint16) self.worm = Worm(self.cell_size) = Gold(self.cell_size) #check object is overlapped if self.check_overlapped_object(): def draw_matrix(self): = np.full((self.cell_size, self.cell_size), SERVO_MAX, np.uint16) for wormBody in self.worm.coordinate:[wormBody['y']][wormBody['x']] = SERVO_MIN[][] = SERVO_MIN def check_overlapped_object(self): #check gold for wormBody in self.worm.coordinate: if wormBody['x'] == and wormBody['y'] == return True def get_empty_position(self): positions = [] for x in range(self.cell_size): for y in range(self.cell_size): positions.append([y, x]) for wormBody in self.worm.coordinate: positions.remove([wormBody['y'], wormBody['x']]) if [,] in positions: positions.remove([,]) return positions[random.randint(0, len(positions) - 1)]
def fight(self, HP, therehp, hitback, picker): = Gold(self.names) self.HP = HP self.therehp = therehp self.hitback = hitback self.picker = picker self.death = Death("You made it so far, but you died") while True: self.attacks = { 'chop': random.randint(5, 10), 'thunder': random.randint(5, 15) } sleep(0.5) choose = raw_input("Pick a move 'chop' or 'thunder' > ") os.system('clear') self.therehp -= self.attacks[choose] print "You hit %r with \033[34m%r\033[0m and did \033[34m%r\033[0m damage" % ( self.picker, choose, self.attacks[choose]) sleep(0.5) if self.therehp > 0: print "%r has \033[34m%r\033[0m damage left" % (self.picker, self.therehp) sleep(0.5) self.HP -= self.hitback print "%r hits you back with a punch and does \033[1;31m%r\033[0m damage" % ( self.picker, self.hitback) sleep(0.5) print "You have \033[1;31m%rHP\033[0m left" % self.HP sleep(0.5) if self.HP <= 0: self.death() break else: print "You deliver the final brow and %r faints" % self.picker print "You win with \033[34m%rHP\033[0m left" % self.HP sleep(1)
def generateEncounter(): enc_dict = {} if random.choice([True, False]): #Generates Gold g = Gold() else: g = None enc_dict["gold"] = g if random.choice([True, False]): #Generates items i = random.choice([Weapon(), Potion(), Artifact()]) else: i = None enc_dict["item"] = i if random.choice([True, False]): enc_dict["monster"] = Monster() enc_dict["trap"] = None else: enc_dict["trap"] = Trap() enc_dict["monster"] = None return enc_dict
def __init__(self, more): self.names = more = Gold(self.names) self.death = Death("You forever burn in hell.") self.test1
class SecondAttack(object): # Here i load the name and HP from the last class def __init__(self, more, name): self.HP = more self.names = name self.mario = 20 self.luigi = 30 self.wario = 40 self.hitback = random.randint(5, 20) # Here you are asked again who you want to battle def battle(self): os.system('clear') sleep(0.5) print "%r You made it to the next room with \033[34m%rHP\033[0m" % ( self.names, self.HP) sleep(0.5) print "You need to pick one last contender" sleep(0.5) print "You have learnt new moves 'chop' and 'thunder'" sleep(0.5) print "Who do you want to pick \033[1;31m'mario'\033[0m, \033[1;32m'luigi'\033[0m or \033[1;35m'wario'\033[0m." sleep(0.5) self.picker = raw_input("Pick one > ") os.system('clear') if self.picker == "mario": print "You come up against \033[1;31mmario\033[0m they have %rHP" % self.mario self.fight(self.HP, self.mario, self.hitback, self.picker) elif self.picker == "luigi": print "You come up against \033[1;32mluigi\033[0m they have %rHP" % self.luigi self.fight(self.HP, self.luigi, self.hitback, self.picker) elif self.picker == "wario": print "You come up against \033[1;35mwario\033[0m they have %rHP" % self.wario self.fight(self.HP, self.wario, self.hitback, self.picker) else: print "You need to pick one" self.battle() # This is pritty much the same as the last class but also loads the gold room for if/when i win def fight(self, HP, therehp, hitback, picker): = Gold(self.names) self.HP = HP self.therehp = therehp self.hitback = hitback self.picker = picker self.death = Death("You made it so far, but you died") while True: self.attacks = { 'chop': random.randint(5, 10), 'thunder': random.randint(5, 15) } sleep(0.5) choose = raw_input("Pick a move 'chop' or 'thunder' > ") os.system('clear') self.therehp -= self.attacks[choose] print "You hit %r with \033[34m%r\033[0m and did \033[34m%r\033[0m damage" % ( self.picker, choose, self.attacks[choose]) sleep(0.5) if self.therehp > 0: print "%r has \033[34m%r\033[0m damage left" % (self.picker, self.therehp) sleep(0.5) self.HP -= self.hitback print "%r hits you back with a punch and does \033[1;31m%r\033[0m damage" % ( self.picker, self.hitback) sleep(0.5) print "You have \033[1;31m%rHP\033[0m left" % self.HP sleep(0.5) if self.HP <= 0: self.death() break else: print "You deliver the final brow and %r faints" % self.picker print "You win with \033[34m%rHP\033[0m left" % self.HP sleep(1)
def main(model, id, text, tokens=False, debug=False): level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.WARNING logging.basicConfig(level=level, format='%(message)s') if text: CORPUS = [{'id': 1, 'text': text, 'relations': []}] elif is_spanish(model): CORPUS = CORPUS_ES else: CORPUS = CORPUS_EN if (id <= 0): print("Processing %d texts" % len(CORPUS)) print() # start time start = timeit.default_timer() nlp = Nlpy.load(model) gold = Gold(nlp) num_docs_processed = 0 show_warning = False for sample in CORPUS: doc_id = sample['id'] if (id > 0 and id != doc_id): continue # skip num_docs_processed += 1 text = sample['text'] print(text) doc = nlp(text) if (True == tokens): print() print('{:20}\t{:10}\t{:10}\t{:10}'.format('NORM', 'POS', 'DEP', 'LABEL')) print() for t in doc: print('{:20}\t{:10}\t{:10}\t{:10}'.format( t.norm_, t.pos_, t.dep_, t.ent_type_)) print() num_found = 0 for r in doc._.relations: num_found += 1 if r.w: print('({} / {}, {}, {} / {}, {}) [x: {}]'.format( r.s, ent_types(r.s), r.p, r.o, ent_types(r.o), r.w, r.x)) else: print('({} / {}, {}, {} / {}) [x: {}]'.format( r.s, ent_types(r.s), r.p, r.o, ent_types(r.o), r.x)) if (0 == num_found): print('No relations!') if (True == debug): _DEBUG = True if (len(doc.ents) == 0): print('No entities!') else: print('entities:') for e in doc.ents: print(' {}/{}'.format(e.text, e.label_)) # gold scoring for this document doc_scoring = gold.add(doc, doc_id, sample['relations']) if (None == doc_scoring): COLOR = bcolors.FAIL print('FAILED to get scoring for doc:', doc_id) else: COLOR = bcolors.DEFAULT if (doc_scoring.f1score() < 1.0): show_warning = True COLOR = bcolors.WARNING else: COLOR = bcolors.DEFAULT print(COLOR + 'doc-id: {} f1-score: {} (precision: {}, recall: {})'.format( doc_id, doc_scoring.f1score(), doc_scoring.precision(), doc_scoring.recall())) COLOR = bcolors.DEFAULT print(COLOR) # print summary if processing more than 1 document if (num_docs_processed >= 2): if (show_warning): print(bcolors.WARNING + "some documents didn't pass!") else: print(bcolors.OKGREEN + 'all OK.') # print overall scoring overall_scoring = gold.scoring() print( bcolors.DEFAULT + '{} documents, overall scoring: f1-score: {} (precision: {}, recall: {})' .format(num_docs_processed, overall_scoring.f1score(), overall_scoring.precision(), overall_scoring.recall())) print('timeit: {0:.2f} sec'.format(timeit.default_timer() - start))
# Create a 'list' of everything the sprites could say all_info = [ "I have nothing to say.", "I think you should go north.", "Try digging.", """It's a figure of speech, Morty. They're bureaucrats. I don't respect them. Just keep shooting!""" ] # Create Sprites sprite1 = Sprite() sprite1.x, sprite1.y = 100, 100 sprite1.image = sprite1.load_image() screen.blit(sprite1.image, (sprite1.x, sprite1.y)) sprite2 = Sprite() sprite2.x, sprite2.y = 400, 300 sprite2.image_path = "images/white_square.png" sprite2.image = sprite2.load_image() screen.blit(sprite2.image, (sprite2.x, sprite2.y)) sprite2.randomize_info(all_info) # Create pot(s) of gold gold1 = Gold(width, height) gold2 = Gold(width, height) # collect objects into lists visible_things = [player1, sprite1, sprite2] players = [player1] sprites = [sprite1, sprite2] golds = [gold1, gold2]
class SecondAttack(object): # Here i load the name and HP from the last class def __init__(self, more, name): self.HP = more self.names = name self.mario = 20 self.luigi = 30 self.wario = 40 self.hitback = random.randint(5, 20) # Here you are asked again who you want to battle def battle(self): os.system('clear') sleep(0.5) print "%r You made it to the next room with \033[34m%rHP\033[0m" % (self.names, self.HP) sleep(0.5) print "You need to pick one last contender" sleep(0.5) print "You have learnt new moves 'chop' and 'thunder'" sleep(0.5) print "Who do you want to pick \033[1;31m'mario'\033[0m, \033[1;32m'luigi'\033[0m or \033[1;35m'wario'\033[0m." sleep(0.5) self.picker = raw_input("Pick one > ") os.system('clear') if self.picker == "mario": print "You come up against \033[1;31mmario\033[0m they have %rHP" % self.mario self.fight(self.HP, self.mario, self.hitback, self.picker) elif self.picker == "luigi": print "You come up against \033[1;32mluigi\033[0m they have %rHP" % self.luigi self.fight(self.HP, self.luigi, self.hitback, self.picker) elif self.picker == "wario": print "You come up against \033[1;35mwario\033[0m they have %rHP" % self.wario self.fight(self.HP, self.wario, self.hitback, self.picker) else: print "You need to pick one" self.battle() # This is pritty much the same as the last class but also loads the gold room for if/when i win def fight(self, HP, therehp, hitback, picker): = Gold(self.names) self.HP = HP self.therehp = therehp self.hitback = hitback self.picker = picker self.death = Death("You made it so far, but you died") while True: self.attacks = {'chop':random.randint(5, 10), 'thunder':random.randint(5, 15)} sleep(0.5) choose = raw_input("Pick a move 'chop' or 'thunder' > ") os.system('clear') self.therehp -= self.attacks[choose] print "You hit %r with \033[34m%r\033[0m and did \033[34m%r\033[0m damage" % (self.picker, choose, self.attacks[choose]) sleep(0.5) if self.therehp > 0: print "%r has \033[34m%r\033[0m damage left" % (self.picker, self.therehp) sleep(0.5) self.HP -= self.hitback print "%r hits you back with a punch and does \033[1;31m%r\033[0m damage" % (self.picker, self.hitback) sleep(0.5) print "You have \033[1;31m%rHP\033[0m left" % self.HP sleep(0.5) if self.HP <= 0: self.death() break else: print "You deliver the final brow and %r faints" % self.picker print "You win with \033[34m%rHP\033[0m left" % self.HP sleep(1)