def getPalette():
	colors = g.getcolors()

	palette = {}

	for i in xrange( 0, len(colors), 4 ):
		state = colors[ i ]
		rVal = colors[ i + 1 ]
		gVal = colors[ i + 2 ]
		bVal = colors[ i + 3 ]
		palette[ state ] = ( rVal, gVal, bVal )

	return palette
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getPalette():
    colors = g.getcolors()

    palette = {}

    for i in xrange(0, len(colors), 4):
        state = colors[i]
        rVal = colors[i + 1]
        gVal = colors[i + 2]
        bVal = colors[i + 3]
        palette[state] = (rVal, gVal, bVal)

    return palette
Ejemplo n.º 3
        statecount[g.getcell(col, row)] += 1
        newsecs = time()
        if newsecs - oldsecs >= 1.0:  # show % done every sec
            oldsecs = newsecs
            done = 100.0 * float(counted) / float(totalcells)
  "Counting cell states... %.2f%%" % done)

statecount = [int(10 * math.log((x + 1), 2)) for x in statecount]
totalcells = sum(statecount)
if statecount[0] == counted: g.exit("Selection is empty.")

# save current layer's info before we switch layers
currname = g.getname()
currcursor = g.getcursor()
currcolors = g.getcolors()
currstates = g.numstates()
deads, deadr, deadg, deadb = g.getcolors(0)

# create histogram in separate layer
g.setoption("stacklayers", 0)
g.setoption("tilelayers", 0)
g.setoption("showlayerbar", 1)
if histlayer == -1:
    histlayer = g.addlayer()
Ejemplo n.º 4
# Extract icon images in current layer (created by
# and either create or update the appropriate .rule file.
# Author: Andrew Trevorrow ([email protected]), Feb 2013.

import golly as g
from glife import getminbox, pattern
from glife.BuiltinIcons import circles, diamonds, hexagons, triangles
import os
from tempfile import mkstemp
from shutil import move

iconcolors = []  # list of (r,g,b) colors used in all icons

allcolors = g.getcolors()
deadrgb = (allcolors[1], allcolors[2], allcolors[3])

# this flag becomes True only if an icon uses a non-gray color (ignoring deadrgb)
multi_color_icons = False  # grayscale

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def hex2(i):
    # convert number from 0..255 into 2 hex digits
    hexdigit = "0123456789ABCDEF"
    result = hexdigit[i // 16]
    result += hexdigit[i % 16]
    return result

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 5
prect = g.getrect()
srect = g.getselrect()
if len(srect) > 0: prect = srect  # save selection rather than pattern
x = prect[0]
y = prect[1]
wd = prect[2]
ht = prect[3]

# prevent allocating a huge amount of memory
if wd * ht >= 100000000:
    g.exit("Image area is restricted to < 100 million cells.")

# create RGB image filled initially with state 0 color
multistate = g.numstates() > 2
colors = g.getcolors()  # [0,r0,g0,b0, ... N,rN,gN,bN]"Creating image...")
im ="RGB", (wd, ht), (colors[1], colors[2], colors[3]))

# get a row of cells at a time to minimize use of Python memory
cellcount = 0
for row in xrange(ht):
    cells = g.getcells([x, y + row, wd, 1])
    clen = len(cells)
    if clen > 0:
        inc = 2
        if multistate:
            # cells is multi-state list (clen is odd)
            inc = 3
            if clen % 3 > 0: clen -= 1  # ignore last 0
        for i in xrange(0, clen, inc):
Ejemplo n.º 6
    # the icons in that file
    sharedname = check_for_shared_rule(rulename)
    if len(sharedname) > 0:
        rulename = sharedname

iconnote = ""
if len(iconcolors) == 0:
    iconnote = "There are currently no icons for this rule.\n\n"

# check if icons are grayscale
grayscale_icons = not multi_color_icons(iconcolors) + rulename)
livestates = g.numstates() - 1
deadcolor = g.getcolors(0)
deadrgb = (deadcolor[1], deadcolor[2], deadcolor[3])

# switch to a Generations rule so we can have lots of colors
if grayscale_icons and deadrgb == (255,255,255):
    # if icons are grayscale and state 0 color was white then switch
    # to black background to avoid confusion (ie. we want black pixels
    # to be transparent)
graystate = init_colors()

# if icons are grayscale then change deadrgb to black so that draw_icons
# will treat black pixels as transparent
Ejemplo n.º 7
prect = g.getrect()
srect = g.getselrect()
if len(srect) > 0: prect = srect    # save selection rather than pattern
x = prect[0]
y = prect[1]
wd = prect[2]
ht = prect[3]

# prevent allocating a huge amount of memory
if wd * ht >= 100000000:
   g.exit("Image area is restricted to < 100 million cells.")

# create RGB image filled initially with state 0 color
multistate = g.numstates() > 2
colors = g.getcolors()          # [0,r0,g0,b0, ... N,rN,gN,bN]"Creating image...")
im ="RGB", (wd,ht), (colors[1],colors[2],colors[3]))

# get a row of cells at a time to minimize use of Python memory
cellcount = 0
for row in xrange(ht):
   cells = g.getcells( [ x, y + row, wd, 1 ] )
   clen = len(cells)
   if clen > 0:
      inc = 2
      if multistate:
         # cells is multi-state list (clen is odd)
         inc = 3
         if clen % 3 > 0: clen -= 1    # ignore last 0
      for i in xrange(0, clen, inc):
Ejemplo n.º 8
# Extract icon images in current layer (created by
# and either create or update the appropriate .rule file.
# Author: Andrew Trevorrow ([email protected]), Feb 2013.

import golly as g
from glife import getminbox, pattern
from glife.BuiltinIcons import circles, diamonds, hexagons, triangles
import os
from tempfile import mkstemp
from shutil import move

iconcolors = []     # list of (r,g,b) colors used in all icons

allcolors = g.getcolors()
deadrgb = (allcolors[1], allcolors[2], allcolors[3])

# this flag becomes True only if an icon uses a non-gray color (ignoring deadrgb)
multi_color_icons = False   # grayscale

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def hex2(i):
    # convert number from 0..255 into 2 hex digits
    hexdigit = "0123456789ABCDEF"
    result = hexdigit[i / 16]
    result += hexdigit[i % 16]
    return result

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

def extract_icons(iconsize):
Ejemplo n.º 9
    # the icons in that file
    sharedname = check_for_shared_rule(rulename)
    if len(sharedname) > 0:
        rulename = sharedname

iconnote = ""
if len(iconcolors) == 0:
    iconnote = "There are currently no icons for this rule.\n\n"

# check if icons are grayscale
grayscale_icons = not multi_color_icons(iconcolors) + rulename)
livestates = g.numstates() - 1
deadcolor = g.getcolors(0)
deadrgb = (deadcolor[1], deadcolor[2], deadcolor[3])

# switch to a Generations rule so we can have lots of colors
if grayscale_icons and deadrgb == (255, 255, 255):
    # if icons are grayscale and state 0 color was white then switch
    # to black background to avoid confusion (ie. we want black pixels
    # to be transparent)
    g.setcolors([0, 0, 0, 0])
graystate = init_colors()

# if icons are grayscale then change deadrgb to black so that draw_icons
# will treat black pixels as transparent