Ejemplo n.º 1
def ParseAndReturnIncludePaths(appinfo_file, open_fn=open):
    """Parse an AppYaml file and merge referenced includes and builtins."""
        appinfo_path = appinfo_file.name
        if not os.path.isfile(appinfo_path):
            raise Exception(
                'Name defined by appinfo_file does not appear to be a '
                'valid file: %s' % appinfo_path)
    except AttributeError:
        raise Exception('File object passed to ParseAndMerge does not define '
                        'attribute "name" as as full file path.')

    appyaml = appinfo.LoadSingleAppInfo(appinfo_file)
    appyaml, include_paths = _MergeBuiltinsIncludes(appinfo_path, appyaml,

    if not appyaml.handlers:
        raise appinfo_errors.MissingURLMapping(
            'No URLMap entries found in application configuration')
    if len(appyaml.handlers) > appinfo.MAX_URL_MAPS:
        raise appinfo_errors.TooManyURLMappings(
            'Found more than %d URLMap entries in application configuration' %
    if appyaml.runtime == 'python27' and appyaml.threadsafe:
        for handler in appyaml.handlers:
            if (handler.script and
                (handler.script.endswith('.py') or '/' in handler.script)):
                raise appinfo_errors.ThreadsafeWithCgiHandler(
                    'Threadsafe cannot be enabled with CGI handler: %s' %

    return appyaml, include_paths
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def CheckInitialized(self):
        """Ensures that at least one url mapping is provided.

      MissingURLMapping when no URLMap objects are present in object.
      TooManyURLMappings when there are too many URLMap entries.
        super(AppInfoExternal, self).CheckInitialized()
        if not self.handlers:
            raise appinfo_errors.MissingURLMapping(
                'No URLMap entries found in application configuration')
        if len(self.handlers) > MAX_URL_MAPS:
            raise appinfo_errors.TooManyURLMappings(
                'Found more than %d URLMap entries in application configuration'
                % MAX_URL_MAPS)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ParseAndReturnIncludePaths(appinfo_file, open_fn=open):
    """Parse an AppYaml file and merge referenced includes and builtins.

    appinfo_file: an opened file, for example the result of open('app.yaml').
    open_fn: a function to open included files.

    A tuple where the first element is the parsed appinfo.AppInfoExternal
    object and the second element is a list of the absolute paths of the
    included files, in no particular order.
        appinfo_path = appinfo_file.name
        if not os.path.isfile(appinfo_path):
            raise Exception(
                'Name defined by appinfo_file does not appear to be a '
                'valid file: %s' % appinfo_path)
    except AttributeError:
        raise Exception('File object passed to ParseAndMerge does not define '
                        'attribute "name" as as full file path.')

    appyaml = appinfo.LoadSingleAppInfo(appinfo_file)
    appyaml, include_paths = _MergeBuiltinsIncludes(appinfo_path, appyaml,

    if not appyaml.handlers:

        if appyaml.vm:
            appyaml.handlers = [appinfo.URLMap(url='.*', script='PLACEHOLDER')]
            raise appinfo_errors.MissingURLMapping(
                'No URLMap entries found in application configuration')
    if len(appyaml.handlers) > appinfo.MAX_URL_MAPS:
        raise appinfo_errors.TooManyURLMappings(
            'Found more than %d URLMap entries in application configuration' %
    if appyaml.runtime == 'python27' and appyaml.threadsafe:
        for handler in appyaml.handlers:
            if (handler.script and
                (handler.script.endswith('.py') or '/' in handler.script)):
                raise appinfo_errors.ThreadsafeWithCgiHandler(
                    'Threadsafe cannot be enabled with CGI handler: %s' %

    return appyaml, include_paths
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def CheckInitialized(self):
        """Performs non-regex-based validation.

    Ensures that at least one url mapping is provided in the URL mappers
    Also ensures that the major version doesn't contain the string

      MissingURLMapping when no URLMap objects are present in object.
      TooManyURLMappings when there are too many URLMap entries.
        super(AppInfoExternal, self).CheckInitialized()
        if not self.handlers and not self.builtins and not self.includes:
            raise appinfo_errors.MissingURLMapping(
                'No URLMap entries found in application configuration')
        if self.handlers and len(self.handlers) > MAX_URL_MAPS:
            raise appinfo_errors.TooManyURLMappings(
                'Found more than %d URLMap entries in application configuration'
                % MAX_URL_MAPS)
        if self.version.find(ALTERNATE_HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR) != -1:
            raise validation.ValidationError(
                'App version "%s" cannot contain the string "%s"' %
                (self.version, ALTERNATE_HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR))
def Parse(appinfo_file):
  """Parse an AppYaml file and merge referenced includes and builtins."""
    appinfo_path = appinfo_file.name
    if not os.path.isfile(appinfo_path):
      raise Exception('Name defined by appinfo_file does not appear to be a '
                      'valid file: %s' % appinfo_path)
  except AttributeError:
    raise Exception('File object passed to ParseAndMerge does not define '
                    'attribute "name" as as full file path.')

  appyaml = appinfo.LoadSingleAppInfo(appinfo_file)
  appyaml = _MergeBuiltinsIncludes(appinfo_path, appyaml)

  if not appyaml.handlers:
    raise appinfo_errors.MissingURLMapping(
        'No URLMap entries found in application configuration')
  if len(appyaml.handlers) > appinfo.MAX_URL_MAPS:
    raise appinfo_errors.TooManyURLMappings(
        'Found more than %d URLMap entries in application configuration' %

  return appyaml
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def CheckInitialized(self):
        """Performs non-regex-based validation.

    The following are verified:
      - At least one url mapping is provided in the URL mappers.
      - Number of url mappers doesn't exceed MAX_URL_MAPS.
      - Major version does not contain the string -dot-.
      - If api_endpoints are defined, an api_config stanza must be defined.
      - If the runtime is python27 and threadsafe is set, then no CGI handlers
        can be used.
      - That the version name doesn't start with BUILTIN_NAME_PREFIX

      MissingURLMapping: if no URLMap object is present in the object.
      TooManyURLMappings: if there are too many URLMap entries.
      MissingApiConfig: if api_endpoints exist without an api_config.
      ThreadsafeWithCgiHandler: if the runtime is python27, threadsafe is set
          and CGI handlers are specified.
        super(AppInfoExternal, self).CheckInitialized()
        if not self.handlers and not self.builtins and not self.includes:
            raise appinfo_errors.MissingURLMapping(
                'No URLMap entries found in application configuration')
        if self.handlers and len(self.handlers) > MAX_URL_MAPS:
            raise appinfo_errors.TooManyURLMappings(
                'Found more than %d URLMap entries in application configuration'
                % MAX_URL_MAPS)

        if self.libraries:
            if self.runtime != 'python27':
                raise appinfo_errors.RuntimeDoesNotSupportLibraries(
                    'libraries entries are only supported by the "python27" runtime'

            library_names = [library.name for library in self.libraries]
            for library_name in library_names:
                if library_names.count(library_name) > 1:
                    raise appinfo_errors.DuplicateLibrary(
                        'Duplicate library entry for %s' % library_name)

        if self.version and self.version.find(
                ALTERNATE_HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR) != -1:
            raise validation.ValidationError(
                'Version "%s" cannot contain the string "%s"' %
                (self.version, ALTERNATE_HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR))
        if self.version and self.version.startswith(BUILTIN_NAME_PREFIX):
            raise validation.ValidationError(
                ('Version "%s" cannot start with "%s" because it is a '
                 'reserved version name prefix.') %
                (self.version, BUILTIN_NAME_PREFIX))
        if self.handlers:
            api_endpoints = [
                handler.url for handler in self.handlers
                if handler.GetHandlerType() == HANDLER_API_ENDPOINT
            if api_endpoints and not self.api_config:
                raise appinfo_errors.MissingApiConfig(
                    'An api_endpoint handler was specified, but the required '
                    'api_config stanza was not configured.')
            if self.threadsafe and self.runtime == 'python27':
                for handler in self.handlers:
                    if (handler.script and (handler.script.endswith('.py')
                                            or '/' in handler.script)):
                        raise appinfo_errors.ThreadsafeWithCgiHandler(
                            'Threadsafe cannot be enabled with CGI handler: %s'
                            % handler.script)