Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __CastKey(self, values):
   """Cast input values to Key() class using encoded string or tuple list."""
   if not len(values) % 2:
     return datastore_types.Key.from_path(_app=self.__app, *values)
   elif len(values) == 1 and isinstance(values[0], basestring):
     return datastore_types.Key(values[0])
     self.__CastError('KEY', values,
                      'requires an even number of operands '
                      'or a single encoded string')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def GetOrInsert(key, kindName=None, parent=None, **kwargs):
		Either creates a new entity with the given key, or returns the existing one.

		Its guaranteed that there is no race-condition here; it will never overwrite an
		previously created entity. Extra keyword arguments passed to this function will be
		used to populate the entity if it has to be created; otherwise they are ignored.

		:param key: The key which will be fetched or created. \
		If key is a string, it will be used as the name for the new entity, therefore the \
		collectionName is required in this case.
		:type key: server.db.Key | String
		:param kindName: The data kind to use for that entity. Ignored if key is a db.Key.
		:type kindName: str

		:param parent: The parent entity of the entity.
		:type parent: db.Key or None

		:returns: Returns the wanted Entity.
		:rtype: server.db.Entity
    def txn(key, kwargs):
            res = datastore.Get(key)
        except datastore_errors.EntityNotFoundError:
            res = Entity(kind=key.kind(),
            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                res[k] = v
        return (res)

    if not isinstance(key, datastore_types.Key):
            key = datastore_types.Key(encoded=key)
            assert kindName
            key = datastore_types.Key.from_path(kindName, key, parent=parent)
    if datastore.IsInTransaction():
        return txn(key, kwargs)

    return datastore.RunInTransaction(txn, key, kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def decodeStringKey(value):
    # first try to decode the whole string as one key
        key = datastore_types.Key(value)
        return encode(key)
    except BadKeyError as e:
        # check for the case of two keys split by a '_'
        if re.search('^' + key_regex + '_' + key_regex + '$', value):
            keys = value.split('_ah')
            return encode(keys[0]) + '_' + encode('ah' + keys[1])
        # check for the case of one key and one string split by a '_'
        if re.search('^' + key_regex + '_[^\s]+$', value):
            strings = value.split('_')
            # one key and one string
            if len(strings) == 2:
                return encode(strings[0]) + '_' + encode(strings[1])
            # one key (which includes a '_') and one string
            elif len(strings) == 3:
                return encode('_'.join(strings[0:2])) + '_' + encode(
        raise Exception('bad key string: ' + str(value), e)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def mergeExternalFilter(self, filters):
			Safely merges filters according to the data model.

			Its only valid to call this function if the query has been created using

			Its safe to pass filters received from an external source (a user);
			unknown/invalid filters will be ignored, so the query-object is kept in a
			valid state even when processing malformed data.

			If complex queries are needed (e.g. filter by relations), this function
			shall also be used.

			See also :func:`server.db.Query.filter` for simple filters.

			:param filters: A dictionary of attributes and filter pairs.
			:type filters: dict

			:returns: Returns the query itself for chaining.
			:rtype: server.db.Query
        from server.bones import baseBone, relationalBone
        if "id" in filters:
            self.datastoreQuery = None
                "Filtering by id is no longer supported. Use key instead.")
            return self
        if self.srcSkel is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "This query has not been created using skel.all()")
        if self.datastoreQuery is None:  #This query is allready unsatifiable and adding more constrains to this wont change this
            return (self)
        skel = self.srcSkel
        if skel.searchIndex and "search" in filters:  #We perform a Search via Google API - all other parameters are ignored
                searchRes = search.Index(name=skel.searchIndex).search(
            except search.QueryError:  #We cant parse the query, treat it as verbatim
                qstr = u"\"%s\"" % filters["search"].replace(u"\"", u"")
                    searchRes = search.Index(name=skel.searchIndex).search(
                except search.QueryError:  # Still cant parse it
                    searchRes = []
            tmpRes = [
                datastore_types.Key(encoded=x.doc_id[2:]) for x in searchRes
            if tmpRes:
                filters = []
                for x in tmpRes:
                            {"%s =" % datastore_types.KEY_SPECIAL_PROPERTY: x
                self.datastoreQuery = datastore.MultiQuery(filters, ())
                self.datastoreQuery = None
            return (self)
        #bones = [ (getattr( skel, key ), key) for key in dir( skel ) if not "__" in key and isinstance( getattr( skel, key ) , baseBone ) ]
        bones = [(y, x) for x, y in skel.items()]
            #First, filter non-relational bones
            for bone, key in [
                    x for x in bones if not isinstance(x[0], relationalBone)
                bone.buildDBFilter(key, skel, self, filters)
            #Second, process orderings of non-relational bones
            for bone, key in [
                    x for x in bones if not isinstance(x[0], relationalBone)
                bone.buildDBSort(key, skel, self, filters)
            #Now filter relational bones
            for bone, key in [
                    x for x in bones if isinstance(x[0], relationalBone)
                bone.buildDBFilter(key, skel, self, filters)
            #finally process orderings of relational bones
            for bone, key in [
                    x for x in bones if isinstance(x[0], relationalBone)
                bone.buildDBSort(key, skel, self, filters)
        except RuntimeError as e:
            self.datastoreQuery = None
            return (self)
        if "search" in filters and filters["search"]:
            if isinstance(filters["search"], list):
                taglist = [
                        y for y in unicode(x).lower()
                        if y in conf["viur.searchValidChars"]
                    ]) for x in filters["search"]
                taglist = [
                        y for y in unicode(x).lower()
                        if y in conf["viur.searchValidChars"]
                    ]) for x in unicode(filters["search"]).split(" ")
            assert not isinstance(
                self.datastoreQuery, datastore.MultiQuery
            ), "Searching using viur-tags is not possible on a query that already uses an IN-filter!"
            origFilter = self.datastoreQuery
            queries = []
            for tag in taglist[:30]:  #Limit to max 30 keywords
                q = datastore.Query(kind=origFilter.__kind)
                q["viur_tags"] = tag
            self.datastoreQuery = datastore.MultiQuery(queries,
            for k, v in origFilter.items():
                self.datastoreQuery[k] = v
        if "cursor" in filters and filters[
                "cursor"] and filters["cursor"].lower() != "none":
        if "amount" in filters and str(filters["amount"]).isdigit() and int(
                filters["amount"]) > 0 and int(filters["amount"]) <= 100:
        if "postProcessSearchFilter" in dir(skel):
            skel.postProcessSearchFilter(self, filters)
        return (self)
 def parse(self, value):
     return datastore_types.Key(value)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def to_old_key(self):
     return datastore_types.Key(encoded=self.urlsafe())