Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_recently_written_and_lock_not_acquired(
     global_watch, global_compare_and_swap
     global_watch.return_value = _future_result(True)
     global_compare_and_swap.return_value = _future_result(False)
     lock = _cache.global_lock_for_read(b"key", _cache._LOCKED_FOR_WRITE).result()
     assert lock is None
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_lock_acquired(global_set_if_not_exists):
     global_set_if_not_exists.return_value = _future_result(True)
     lock = _cache.global_lock_for_read(b"key", None).result()
     assert lock.startswith(_cache._LOCKED_FOR_READ)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_lock_not_acquired(global_set_if_not_exists):
     global_set_if_not_exists.return_value = _future_result(False)
     lock = _cache.global_lock_for_read(b"key", None).result()
     assert lock is None
Ejemplo n.º 4
def lookup(key, options):
    """Look up a Datastore entity.

    Gets an entity from Datastore, asynchronously. Checks the global cache,
    first, if appropriate. Uses batching.

        key (~datastore.Key): The key for the entity to retrieve.
        options (_options.ReadOptions): The options for the request. For
            example, ``{"read_consistency": EVENTUAL}``.

        :class:`~tasklets.Future`: If not an exception, future's result will be
            either an entity protocol buffer or _NOT_FOUND.
    context = context_module.get_context()
    use_datastore = context._use_datastore(key, options)
    if use_datastore and options.transaction:
        use_global_cache = False
        use_global_cache = context._use_global_cache(key, options)

    if not (use_global_cache or use_datastore):
        raise TypeError("use_global_cache and use_datastore can't both be False")

    entity_pb = _NOT_FOUND
    key_locked = False

    if use_global_cache:
        cache_key = _cache.global_cache_key(key)
        result = yield _cache.global_get(cache_key)
        key_locked = _cache.is_locked_value(result)
        if not key_locked:
            if result:
                entity_pb = entity_pb2.Entity()

            elif use_datastore:
                lock = yield _cache.global_lock_for_read(cache_key, result)
                if lock:
                    yield _cache.global_watch(cache_key, lock)

                    # Another thread locked or wrote to this key after the call to
                    # _cache.global_get above. Behave as though the key was locked by
                    # another thread and don't attempt to write our value below
                    key_locked = True

    if entity_pb is _NOT_FOUND and use_datastore:
        batch = _batch.get_batch(_LookupBatch, options)
        entity_pb = yield batch.add(key)

        # Do not cache misses
        if use_global_cache and not key_locked:
            if entity_pb is not _NOT_FOUND:
                expires = context._global_cache_timeout(key, options)
                serialized = entity_pb.SerializeToString()
                yield _cache.global_compare_and_swap(
                    cache_key, serialized, expires=expires
                yield _cache.global_unwatch(cache_key)

    raise tasklets.Return(entity_pb)