Ejemplo n.º 1
def _item_to_subscription_for_topic(iterator, subscription_path):
    """Convert a subscription name to the native object.

    :type iterator: :class:`~google.cloud.iterator.Iterator`
    :param iterator: The iterator that is currently in use.

    :type subscription_path: str
    :param subscription_path: Subscription path returned from the API.

    :rtype: :class:`~google.cloud.pubsub.subscription.Subscription`
    :returns: The next subscription in the page.
    subscription_name = subscription_name_from_path(subscription_path,
    return Subscription(subscription_name, iterator.topic)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _item_to_subscription(iterator, subscription_path):
    """Convert a subscription name to the native object.

    :type iterator: :class:`~google.cloud.iterator.Iterator`
    :param iterator: The iterator that is currently in use.

    :type subscription_path: str
    :param subscription_path: Subscription path returned from the API.

    :rtype: :class:`~google.cloud.pubsub.subscription.Subscription`
    :returns: The next subscription in the page.
    subscription_name = subscription_name_from_path(
        subscription_path, iterator.client.project)
    return Subscription(subscription_name, iterator.topic)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def list_subscriptions(self, page_size=None, page_token=None, client=None):
        """List subscriptions for the project associated with this client.



        .. literalinclude:: pubsub_snippets.py
           :start-after: [START topic_list_subscriptions]
           :end-before: [END topic_list_subscriptions]

        :type page_size: int
        :param page_size: maximum number of topics to return, If not passed,
                          defaults to a value set by the API.

        :type page_token: string
        :param page_token: opaque marker for the next "page" of topics. If not
                           passed, the API will return the first page of

        :type client: :class:`~google.cloud.pubsub.client.Client` or
        :param client: the client to use.  If not passed, falls back to the
                       ``client`` stored on the current topic.

        :rtype: tuple, (list, str)
        :returns: list of :class:`~.pubsub.subscription.Subscription`,
                  plus a "next page token" string:  if not None, indicates that
                  more topics can be retrieved with another call (pass that
                  value as ``page_token``).
        client = self._require_client(client)
        api = client.publisher_api
        sub_paths, next_token = api.topic_list_subscriptions(
            self.full_name, page_size, page_token)
        subscriptions = []
        for sub_path in sub_paths:
            sub_name = subscription_name_from_path(sub_path, self.project)
            subscriptions.append(Subscription(sub_name, self))
        return subscriptions, next_token
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def list_subscriptions(self, page_size=None, page_token=None, client=None):
        """List subscriptions for the project associated with this client.



        .. literalinclude:: pubsub_snippets.py
           :start-after: [START topic_list_subscriptions]
           :end-before: [END topic_list_subscriptions]

        :type page_size: int
        :param page_size: maximum number of topics to return, If not passed,
                          defaults to a value set by the API.

        :type page_token: str
        :param page_token: opaque marker for the next "page" of topics. If not
                           passed, the API will return the first page of

        :type client: :class:`~google.cloud.pubsub.client.Client` or
        :param client: the client to use.  If not passed, falls back to the
                       ``client`` stored on the current topic.

        :rtype: tuple, (list, str)
        :returns: list of :class:`~.pubsub.subscription.Subscription`,
                  plus a "next page token" string:  if not None, indicates that
                  more topics can be retrieved with another call (pass that
                  value as ``page_token``).
        client = self._require_client(client)
        api = client.publisher_api
        sub_paths, next_token = api.topic_list_subscriptions(
            self.full_name, page_size, page_token)
        subscriptions = []
        for sub_path in sub_paths:
            sub_name = subscription_name_from_path(sub_path, self.project)
            subscriptions.append(Subscription(sub_name, self))
        return subscriptions, next_token
 def _callFUT(self, path, project):
     from google.cloud.pubsub._helpers import subscription_name_from_path
     return subscription_name_from_path(path, project)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _call_fut(self, path, project):
     from google.cloud.pubsub._helpers import subscription_name_from_path
     return subscription_name_from_path(path, project)