Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _get_javascript_runner(self, mode):
     """Returns an appropriate function that executes the given javascript."""
     if mode == PERSISTENT:
         # Note: want lazy binding, particularly for tests to be able
         # to inject custom handling.
         # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
         return lambda x: _publish.javascript(x)
     elif mode == EVAL:
         # Note: we don't want javascript value on python side
         # unless user specifically requests it using .eval().
         # This allows us to properly chain function and javascript class
         # (since those are not serializable) and eliminates the need to wait
         # for frontend to return.
         return lambda x: _js.eval_js('(()=>{' + x + '})()',
         raise JsException('Invalid mode: %r.' % mode)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def eval(self):
        """Evals the content on javascript side and returns result.

    Note: if the result of this javascript computation is not
    json serializable (e.g. it is a function or class) this will fail.

    This function does not affect the underlying ipynb.

    Usage example:
       # this is executed on javascript side, x is opaque reference to
       # the result of my_function computation.
       x = output.js_global.my_class.my_function(1, 2, 3)
       # This gets the value to python
       print x.eval()

    This works with any javascript mode.
      evaled javascript.
        return _js.eval_js(self._js_value())