Ejemplo n.º 1
def _handle_errors(msg):
    """Raise an exception if msg has errors.

        msg: parsed json from http response.

    Returns: input response.
    Raises: ReauthAPIError
    if 'error' in msg:
        raise errors.ReauthAPIError(msg['error']['message'])
    return msg
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _obtain_rapt(http_request, access_token, requested_scopes, rounds_num=5):
    """Given an http request method and reauth access token, get rapt token.

        http_request: callable to run http requests. Accepts uri, method, body
            and headers. Returns a tuple: (response, content)
        access_token: reauth access token
        requested_scopes: scopes required by the client application
        rounds_num: max number of attempts to get a rapt after the next
            challenge, before failing the reauth. This defines total number of
            challenges + number of additional retries if the chalenge input
            wasn't accepted.

    Returns: rapt token.
        errors.ReauthError if reauth failed
    msg = None

    for _ in range(0, rounds_num):

        if not msg:
            msg = _reauth_client.get_challenges(
                http_request, list(challenges.AVAILABLE_CHALLENGES.keys()),
                access_token, requested_scopes)

        if msg['status'] == _AUTHENTICATED:
            return msg['encodedProofOfReauthToken']

        if not (msg['status'] == _CHALLENGE_REQUIRED
                or msg['status'] == _CHALLENGE_PENDING):
            raise errors.ReauthAPIError('Challenge status {0}'.format(

        if not _helpers.is_interactive():
            raise errors.ReauthUnattendedError()

        msg = _run_next_challenge(msg, http_request, access_token)

    # If we got here it means we didn't get authenticated.
    raise errors.ReauthFailError()