Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_team_drive(service: Resource):
    Get the aerial baboons team drive.
    results = (
        service.drives()  # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
        .list(fields="nextPageToken, drives(id, name)").execute())
    return [
        d for d in results.get("drives", [])
        if d["name"] == "E4E_Aerial_Baboons"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def select_teamdrive(service: Resource) -> str:
        Allows the user to select the teamdrive for which strm files are to be generated.
        Will be used to let the user select a source incase a direct id is not supplied.

        Will internally handle any error/unexpected input. The only value returned by
        this method will be the id of the teamdrive that is to be used.

        String containing the ID of the teamdrive selected by the user.

    # Initializing as non-zero integer to ensure that the loop runs once.
    nextPageToken: Optional[str] = None

    # Creating a list with the first element filled. Since the numbers being displayed
    # on the screen start from 1, filling the first element of the list with trash
    # ensures that the input from the user can used directly.
    teamdrives: List[str] = ['']

    counter: int = 1
    while True:
        result = service.drives().list(

        for item in result['drives']:
            td_list = f'  {counter} ' + ('/' if counter % 2 else '\\')
            td_list += f'\t{item["name"]}{Style.RESET_ALL}'

            print(f'{Fore.GREEN if counter % 2 else Fore.CYAN}{td_list}')

            # Adding the id for this teamdrive to the list of teamdrives.

            # Finally, incrementing the counter
            counter += 1

            nextPageToken = result['nextPageToken']
            if not nextPageToken:
        except KeyError:
            # Key error will occur if there is no next page token -- breaking out of
            # the loop in such scenario.

    # Adding an extra line.

    while True:
        print('Select a teamdrive from the list above.')
            td_id = input('teamdrive> ')

            if not match(r'^[0-9]+$', td_id):
                # Handling the scenario if the input is not an integer. Using regex
                # since direct type-cast to float will also accept floating-point,
                # which would be incorrect.
                raise ValueError

            td_id = int(td_id)
            if td_id <= 0 or td_id > len(teamdrives):
                # Handling the scenario if the input is not within the accepted range.
                # The zero-eth element of this list is garbage value, thus discarding
                # the input even at zero.
                raise ValueError

            # If the flow-of-control reaches here, the returning the id of the teamdrive
            # located at this position.
            return teamdrives[td_id]
        except ValueError:
            # Will reach here if the user enters a non-integer input
            print(f'\t{Fore.RED}Incorrect input detected. {Style.RESET_ALL}\n')