Ejemplo n.º 1
class RepeatedMessage(messages.Message):
    """Contains all message types as repeated fields."""
    class SimpleEnum(messages.Enum):
        """Simple enumeration type."""
        VAL1 = 1
        VAL2 = 2

    double_value = messages.FloatField(1,
    float_value = messages.FloatField(2,
    int64_value = messages.IntegerField(3,
    uint64_value = messages.IntegerField(4,
    int32_value = messages.IntegerField(5,
    bool_value = messages.BooleanField(6,
    string_value = messages.StringField(7,
    bytes_value = messages.BytesField(8,
    enum_value = messages.EnumField(SimpleEnum, 10, repeated=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class WriteAction(_messages.Message):
    """Create or modify a file.

    ModeValueValuesEnum: The new mode of the file.

    contents: The new contents of the file.
    mode: The new mode of the file.
    path: The path of the file to write.
    class ModeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """The new mode of the file.

      FILE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED: No file mode was specified.
      NORMAL: Neither a symbolic link nor executable.
      SYMLINK: A symbolic link.
      EXECUTABLE: An executable.
        NORMAL = 1
        SYMLINK = 2
        EXECUTABLE = 3

    contents = _messages.BytesField(1)
    mode = _messages.EnumField('ModeValueValuesEnum', 2)
    path = _messages.StringField(3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Policy(_messages.Message):
    """Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. It is used to
  specify access control policies for Cloud Platform resources.   A `Policy`
  consists of a list of `bindings`. A `Binding` binds a list of `members` to a
  `role`, where the members can be user accounts, Google groups, Google
  domains, and service accounts. A `role` is a named list of permissions
  defined by IAM.  **Example**      {       "bindings": [         {
  "role": "roles/owner",           "members": [
  "user:[email protected]",             "group:[email protected]",
  "domain:google.com",             "serviceAccount:my-other-
  [email protected]",           ]         },         {
  "role": "roles/viewer",           "members": ["user:[email protected]"]
  }       ]     }  For a description of IAM and its features, see the [IAM
  developer's guide](https://cloud.google.com/iam).

    bindings: Associates a list of `members` to a `role`. Multiple `bindings`
      must not be specified for the same `role`. `bindings` with no members
      will result in an error.
    etag: `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help
      prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It
      is strongly suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the read-
      modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race
      conditions: An `etag` is returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and
      systems are expected to put that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy`
      to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the
      policy.  If no `etag` is provided in the call to `setIamPolicy`, then
      the existing policy is overwritten blindly.
    version: Version of the `Policy`. The default version is 0.

    bindings = _messages.MessageField('Binding', 1, repeated=True)
    etag = _messages.BytesField(2)
    version = _messages.IntegerField(3, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ServiceAccountKey(_messages.Message):
    """Represents a service account key.  A service account can have 0 or more
  key pairs. The private keys for these are not stored by Google.
  ServiceAccountKeys are immutable.

    PrivateKeyTypeValueValuesEnum: The type of the private key.

    name: The resource name of the service account key in the format
    privateKeyData: The key data.
    privateKeyType: The type of the private key.
    validAfterTime: The key can be used after this timestamp.
    validBeforeTime: The key can be used before this timestamp.
    class PrivateKeyTypeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """The type of the private key.

      TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: Unspecified.
      TYPE_PKCS12_FILE: PKCS12 format. The password for the PKCS12 file is
        'notasecret'. For more information, see
      TYPE_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE: Google Credentials File format.
        TYPE_PKCS12_FILE = 1

    name = _messages.StringField(1)
    privateKeyData = _messages.BytesField(2)
    privateKeyType = _messages.EnumField('PrivateKeyTypeValueValuesEnum', 3)
    validAfterTime = _messages.StringField(4)
    validBeforeTime = _messages.StringField(5)
class SignBlobRequest(_messages.Message):
    """The service account sign blob request.

    bytesToSign: The bytes to sign

    bytesToSign = _messages.BytesField(1)
class InstanceGroupManager(_messages.Message):
    """An Instance Group Manager resource.

    autoHealingPolicies: The autohealing policy for this managed instance
      group. You can specify only one value.
    baseInstanceName: The base instance name to use for instances in this
      group. The value must be a valid RFC1035 name. Supported characters are
      lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens (-). Instances are named by
      appending a hyphen and a random four-character string to the base
      instance name.
    creationTimestamp: [Output only] The time the instance group manager was
      created, in RFC3339 text format.
    currentSize: [Output only] The number of instances that currently exist
      and are a part of this group. This includes instances that are starting
      but are not yet RUNNING, and instances that are in the process of being
      deleted or abandoned.
    description: An optional textual description of the instance group
    fingerprint: [Output only] Fingerprint of the instance group manager. This
      field is used for optimistic locking. An up-to-date fingerprint must be
      provided in order to modify the Instance Group Manager resource.
    group: [Output only] The full URL of the instance group created by the
      manager. This group contains all of the instances being managed, and
      cannot contain non-managed instances.
    id: [Output only] A server-assigned unique identifier for the resource.
    instanceTemplate: The full URL to an instance template from which all new
      instances will be created.
    kind: [Output only] The resource type. Always
    name: The name of the instance group manager. Must be 1-63 characters long
      and comply with RFC1035. Supported characters include lowercase letters,
      numbers, and hyphens.
    selfLink: [Output only] The fully qualified URL for this resource.
    targetPools: The full URL of all target pools to which new instances in
      the group are added. Updating the target pool values does not affect
      existing instances.
    targetSize: [Output only] The number of instances that the manager is
      attempting to maintain. Deleting or abandoning instances affects this
      number, as does resizing the group.

    autoHealingPolicies = _messages.MessageField(
        'ReplicaPoolAutoHealingPolicy', 1, repeated=True)
    baseInstanceName = _messages.StringField(2)
    creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(3)
    currentSize = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    description = _messages.StringField(5)
    fingerprint = _messages.BytesField(6)
    group = _messages.StringField(7)
    id = _messages.IntegerField(8, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
    instanceTemplate = _messages.StringField(9)
    kind = _messages.StringField(10,
    name = _messages.StringField(11)
    selfLink = _messages.StringField(12)
    targetPools = _messages.StringField(13, repeated=True)
    targetSize = _messages.IntegerField(14, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
class SignBlobResponse(_messages.Message):
    """The service account sign blob response.

    keyId: The id of the key used to sign the blob.
    signature: The signed blob.

    keyId = _messages.StringField(1)
    signature = _messages.BytesField(2)
class AndroidApplication(_messages.Message):
    """Identifier of an Android application for API key use.

    packageName: The package name of the application.
    sha1Fingerprint: The 20 byte SHA1 fingerprint of the application.

    packageName = _messages.StringField(1)
    sha1Fingerprint = _messages.BytesField(2)
class Deployment(_messages.Message):
    """Deployment message type.

    description: An optional user-provided description of the deployment.
    fingerprint: Provides a fingerprint to use in requests to modify a
      deployment, such as update(), stop(), and cancelPreview() requests. A
      fingerprint is a randomly generated value that must be provided with
      update(), stop(), and cancelPreview() requests to perform optimistic
      locking. This ensures optimistic concurrency so that only one request
      happens at a time.  The fingerprint is initially generated by Deployment
      Manager and changes after every request to modify data. To get the
      latest fingerprint value, perform a get() request to a deployment.
    id: [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the
    insertTime: [Output Only] Timestamp when the deployment was created, in
      RFC3339 text format .
    labels: Map of labels; provided by the client when the resource is created
      or updated. Specifically: Label keys must be between 1 and 63 characters
      long and must conform to the following regular expression:
      [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? Label values must be between 0 and 63
      characters long and must conform to the regular expression
    manifest: [Output Only] URL of the manifest representing the last manifest
      that was successfully deployed.
    name: Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is
      created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
      Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
      regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first
      character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must
      be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
      cannot be a dash.
    operation: [Output Only] The Operation that most recently ran, or is
      currently running, on this deployment.
    selfLink: [Output Only] Self link for the manifest.
    target: [Input Only] The parameters that define your deployment, including
      the deployment configuration and relevant templates.
    update: [Output Only] If Deployment Manager is currently updating or
      previewing an update to this deployment, the updated configuration
      appears here.

    description = _messages.StringField(1)
    fingerprint = _messages.BytesField(2)
    id = _messages.IntegerField(3, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
    insertTime = _messages.StringField(4)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('DeploymentLabelEntry', 5, repeated=True)
    manifest = _messages.StringField(6)
    name = _messages.StringField(7)
    operation = _messages.MessageField('Operation', 8)
    selfLink = _messages.StringField(9)
    target = _messages.MessageField('TargetConfiguration', 10)
    update = _messages.MessageField('DeploymentUpdate', 11)
Ejemplo n.º 10
class InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest(_messages.Message):
  """A InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest object.

    fingerprint: The current fingerprint of the Instance Group Manager
      resource. If this does not match the server-side fingerprint of the
      resource, then the request will be rejected.
    targetPools: A list of fully-qualified URLs to existing Target Pool
      resources. New instances in the Instance Group Manager will be added to
      the specified target pools; existing instances are not affected.

  fingerprint = _messages.BytesField(1)
  targetPools = _messages.StringField(2, repeated=True)
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Policy(_messages.Message):
    """Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. It is used to
  specify access control policies for Cloud Platform resources.   A `Policy`
  consists of a list of `bindings`. A `Binding` binds a list of `members` to a
  `role`, where the members can be user accounts, Google groups, Google
  domains, and service accounts. A `role` is a named list of permissions
  defined by IAM.  **Example**      {       "bindings": [         {
  "role": "roles/owner",           "members": [
  "user:[email protected]",             "group:[email protected]",
  "domain:google.com",             "serviceAccount:my-other-
  [email protected]",           ]         },         {
  "role": "roles/viewer",           "members": ["user:[email protected]"]
  }       ]     }  For a description of IAM and its features, see the [IAM
  developer's guide](https://cloud.google.com/iam).

    auditConfigs: Specifies audit logging configs for "data access". "data
      access": generally refers to data reads/writes and admin reads. "admin
      activity": generally refers to admin writes.  Note: `AuditConfig`
      doesn't apply to "admin activity", which always enables audit logging.
    bindings: Associates a list of `members` to a `role`. Multiple `bindings`
      must not be specified for the same `role`. `bindings` with no members
      will result in an error.
    etag: `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help
      prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It
      is strongly suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the read-
      modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race
      conditions: An `etag` is returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and
      systems are expected to put that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy`
      to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the
      policy.  If no `etag` is provided in the call to `setIamPolicy`, then
      the existing policy is overwritten blindly.
    iamOwned: A boolean attribute.
    rules: If more than one rule is specified, the rules are applied in the
      following manner: - All matching LOG rules are always applied. - If any
      DENY/DENY_WITH_LOG rule matches, permission is denied.   Logging will be
      applied if one or more matching rule requires logging. - Otherwise, if
      any ALLOW/ALLOW_WITH_LOG rule matches, permission is   granted.
      Logging will be applied if one or more matching rule requires logging. -
      Otherwise, if no rule applies, permission is denied.
    version: Version of the `Policy`. The default version is 0.

    auditConfigs = _messages.MessageField('AuditConfig', 1, repeated=True)
    bindings = _messages.MessageField('Binding', 2, repeated=True)
    etag = _messages.BytesField(3)
    iamOwned = _messages.BooleanField(4)
    rules = _messages.MessageField('Rule', 5, repeated=True)
    version = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
class PubsubMessage(_messages.Message):
    """A message data and its attributes. The message payload must not be empty;
  it must contain either a non-empty data field, or at least one attribute.

    AttributesValue: Optional attributes for this message.

    attributes: Optional attributes for this message.
    data: The message payload. For JSON requests, the value of this field must
      be base64-encoded.
    messageId: ID of this message, assigned by the server when the message is
      published. Guaranteed to be unique within the topic. This value may be
      read by a subscriber that receives a `PubsubMessage` via a `Pull` call
      or a push delivery. It must not be populated by the publisher in a
      `Publish` call.
    publishTime: The time at which the message was published, populated by the
      server when it receives the `Publish` call. It must not be populated by
      the publisher in a `Publish` call.
    class AttributesValue(_messages.Message):
        """Optional attributes for this message.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a AttributesValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type AttributesValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a AttributesValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    attributes = _messages.MessageField('AttributesValue', 1)
    data = _messages.BytesField(2)
    messageId = _messages.StringField(3)
    publishTime = _messages.StringField(4)
Ejemplo n.º 13
class OptionalMessage(messages.Message):
    """Contains all message types."""
    class SimpleEnum(messages.Enum):
        """Simple enumeration type."""
        VAL1 = 1
        VAL2 = 2

    double_value = messages.FloatField(1, variant=messages.Variant.DOUBLE)
    float_value = messages.FloatField(2, variant=messages.Variant.FLOAT)
    int64_value = messages.IntegerField(3, variant=messages.Variant.INT64)
    uint64_value = messages.IntegerField(4, variant=messages.Variant.UINT64)
    int32_value = messages.IntegerField(5, variant=messages.Variant.INT32)
    bool_value = messages.BooleanField(6, variant=messages.Variant.BOOL)
    string_value = messages.StringField(7, variant=messages.Variant.STRING)
    bytes_value = messages.BytesField(8, variant=messages.Variant.BYTES)
    enum_value = messages.EnumField(SimpleEnum, 10)
class DeploymentsStopRequest(_messages.Message):
    """DeploymentsStopRequest message type.

    fingerprint: Specifies a fingerprint for stop() requests. A fingerprint is
      a randomly generated value that must be provided in stop() requests to
      perform optimistic locking. This ensures optimistic concurrency so that
      the deployment does not have conflicting requests (e.g. if someone
      attempts to make a new update request while another user attempts to
      stop an ongoing update request, this would prevent a collision).  The
      fingerprint is initially generated by Deployment Manager and changes
      after every request to modify a deployment. To get the latest
      fingerprint value, perform a get() request on the deployment.

    fingerprint = _messages.BytesField(1)
Ejemplo n.º 15
class ServiceAccount(_messages.Message):
    """A service account in the Identity and Access Management API.  To create a
  service account, you specify the project_id and account_id for the account.
  The account_id is unique within the project, and used to generate the
  service account email address and a stable unique id.  All other methods can
  identify accounts using the format
  "projects/{project}/serviceAccounts/{account}". Using '-' as a wildcard for
  the project, will infer the project from the account. The account value can
  be the email address or the unique_id of the service account.

    description: Optional. A user-specified opaque description of the service
    displayName: Optional. A user-specified description of the service
      account.  Must be fewer than 100 UTF-8 bytes.
    email: @OutputOnly Email address of the service account.
    etag: Used to perform a consistent read-modify-write.
    name: The resource name of the service account in the format
      "projects/{project}/serviceAccounts/{account}".  In requests using '-'
      as a wildcard for the project, will infer the project from the account
      and the account value can be the email address or the unique_id of the
      service account.  In responses the resource name will always be in the
      format "projects/{project}/serviceAccounts/{email}".
    oauth2ClientId: @OutputOnly. The OAuth2 client id for the service account.
      This is used in conjunction with the OAuth2 clientconfig API to make
      three legged OAuth2 (3LO) flows to access the data of Google users.
    projectId: @OutputOnly The id of the project that owns the service
    uniqueId: @OutputOnly unique and stable id of the service account.

    description = _messages.StringField(1)
    displayName = _messages.StringField(2)
    email = _messages.StringField(3)
    etag = _messages.BytesField(4)
    name = _messages.StringField(5)
    oauth2ClientId = _messages.StringField(6)
    projectId = _messages.StringField(7)
    uniqueId = _messages.StringField(8)
class Endpoint(_messages.Message):
    """A Endpoint object.

    addresses: User-provided addresses / ports of the service represented by
      an endpoint.
    creationTimestamp: [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text
    description: An optional user-provided description of the endpoint.
    dnsIntegration: The DNS Integration configuration for this endpoint. This
      must be a list of fully-qualified URLs to Compute Engine networks.
    fingerprint: Supply the fingerprint value for update requests. The
      fingerprint value is generated by the server and ensures optimistic
      concurrency (so that only one update can be performed at a time). The
      fingerprint changes after each update.
    id: [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the
    name: A user-provided name of the endpoint, which must be unique within
      the project. The name must comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name
      must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression
      [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a
      lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase
      letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
    selfLink: [Output Only] Self link for the endpoint.
    state: [Output Only] The current state of the endpoint, as determined by
      the system.

    addresses = _messages.MessageField('EndpointEndpointAddress',
    creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(2)
    description = _messages.StringField(3)
    dnsIntegration = _messages.MessageField('EndpointDnsIntegration', 4)
    fingerprint = _messages.BytesField(5)
    id = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
    name = _messages.StringField(7)
    selfLink = _messages.StringField(8)
    state = _messages.StringField(9)