def check_details(self, url, placeid, resultCount): # Performs another API call to get more details details =, placeid) result = details["result"] try: address_component = result["address_components"] for x in range(0, len(address_component)): if "country" in address_component[x]["types"]: test = address_component[x]["short_name"] if test != "NL": return None # Gets the website from the results result_website = None if "website" in result: result_website = result["website"] if result_website is not None: currentUrl = url if "www" in currentUrl: # Extracts hostname from URL currentUrl = self.extract_from_url(currentUrl) # Checks if the website in the results is equal to the website we are looking for if currentUrl == self.extract_from_url(result_website): # Gets the adress of the result and returns it result_address = result["formatted_address"] = result["geometry"]["location"]["lat"] self.lng = result["geometry"]["location"]["lng"] return result_address elif resultCount == 1: = result["geometry"]["location"]["lat"] self.lng = result["geometry"]["location"]["lng"] return result["formatted_address"] return None except KeyError: return None
def find_station(browser, place_id: str) -> Website: """Finds a single station given a place_id and returns a website""" info =, place_id)['result'] name = info['name'] address = info['formatted_address'] brand = info['name'] # TODO Create a map of station names to brands location = info['geometry']['location'] rating = info['rating'] if 'rating' in info else 0 rating_count = info[ 'user_ratings_total'] if 'user_ratings_total' in info else 0 url = info['url'] browser.get(url) time.sleep(2) for gas_type in browser.find_elements_by_css_selector( 'div.section-gas-prices-price'): if gas_type.find_element_by_class_name( 'section-gas-prices-label').text == 'Regular': price = gas_type.find_element_by_tag_name('span').text if len(price) > 1: price = float(price[1:]) else: price = NaN return Website(name, brand, address, location['lat'], location['lng'], price, rating, rating_count)
def get_place_details(place_id): """ Returns a dict of - website, opening hours and maps url of the given place_id """ google_client = Client(app.config['GOOGLE_API_KEY']) result =, place_id, fields=['url', 'website', 'opening_hours']) return result['result']
def get_place_details( query: str, api_key: Optional[str] = None, fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """Get the place details for a given a name. Args: query (str): The text to use to search for a place. api_key (str): Optional Google Maps API key, None by default. fields (list): Optional fields to retrieve. Returns: (dict): A dictionary of place details. """ if api_key is None: api_key = get_google_maps_api_key() if not fields: fields = [ 'formatted_address', 'photo', 'opening_hours', 'website', ] gmaps = Client(key=api_key) search = places.find_place(gmaps, query, 'textquery') place_id = search['candidates'][0]['place_id'] place =, place_id, fields=fields) return place['result']
def get_google_place_details(place_id): logger.debug('Searching Google for place_id: ' + place_id) google_place =, place_id=place_id)['result'] if google_place is None: logger.warning('No Google Place found for place_id ' + place_id) return None return format_google_details(google_place)
def get_place_details(query, api_key=None, fields=[]): """Get the place details for a given a name.""" if api_key is None: api_key = get_google_maps_api_key() if not fields: fields = [ "formatted_address", "photo", "opening_hours", "website", ] gmaps = Client(key=api_key) search = places.find_place(gmaps, query, "textquery") place_id = search["candidates"][0]["place_id"] place =, place_id, fields=fields) return place["result"]
def map_district_to_deaths(deaths): gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=os.getenv("GOOGLE_PLACES_API_KEY")) districts_deaths_per_day = {} for hospital in deaths.keys(): places = find_place(gmaps, [hospital], "textquery", fields=["place_id"]) if len(places["candidates"]) == 0: print( f"Warning could not find address for {hospital}. Skipping...") continue place_details = place(gmaps, places["candidates"][0]['place_id']) district = next( iter([ p["long_name"] for p in place_details["result"]["address_components"] if "administrative_area_level_2" in p["types"] ])) if len(places) > 1: print( f"Using {district} more than one address for {hospital}, using data {', '.join([p['short_name'] for p in place_details['result']['address_components']])}" ) if district in districts_deaths_per_day: districts_deaths_per_day[district] = { date: { "deathsDaily": districts_deaths_per_day[district][date]["deathsDaily"] or 0 + deaths[hospital][date] } or 0 for date in deaths[hospital].keys() } else: districts_deaths_per_day[district] = { date: { "deathsDaily": deaths[hospital][date] } for date in deaths[hospital].keys() } calculate_death_totals(districts_deaths_per_day) if "City of Bristol" in districts_deaths_per_day: districts_deaths_per_day[ "Bristol, City of"] = districts_deaths_per_day["City of Bristol"] del districts_deaths_per_day["City of Bristol"] return districts_deaths_per_day
def find_station_ids() -> list: """Finds a list of all the place ids of the stations around town""" print("Collecting gas station data.") stations = [] print('Collecting result data') time.sleep(2) search_result = places.places_nearby(gmaps, '41.977576,-91.666851', 160935, keyword='gas station') iter = 1 while True: stations += search_result['results'] if 'next_page_token' not in search_result: break else: iter += 1 print("Collecting page {}".format(iter), end='\r') token = search_result['next_page_token'] time.sleep(1) while True: try: search_result = places.places_nearby( gmaps, '41.977576,-91.666851', 160935, keyword='gas station', page_token=token) break except googlemaps.exceptions.ApiError as e: continue result = [] print("Filtering bad data") for s in tqdm(stations): info =, s['place_id'])['result'] if info is not None and info['name'] != '': result.append(s['place_id']) else: print("Found a dud station entry, skipping") return result
def get_photos(results, tempdir='tmp'): for item in results: #if 'political' in item['types']: # continue try: detailed =, item['place_id'])['result']['photos'] for i in range(min(len(detailed), MAXIMG)): imageret = Places.places_photo(CLIENT, detailed[i]['photo_reference'], max_width=500) write_picture(imageret, item['name'], iteration=i, tempdir=tempdir) except: try: ret = Places.places_photo(CLIENT, item['photos'][0]['photo_reference'], max_width=500) except: continue write_picture(ret, item['name'], tempdir=tempdir)
radius=500, type="restaurant", max_price=3, page_token=page_token) for obj in response['results']: photo = obj["photos"][0]["photo_reference"] if ( "photos" in obj) else np.float("nan") rating = obj["rating"] if ("rating" in obj) else np.float("nan") user_ratings_total = obj["user_ratings_total"] if ( "user_ratings_total" in obj) else np.float("nan") writer.writerow([ obj['geometry']['location']['lat'], obj['geometry']['location']['lng'], obj["name"], photo, rating, user_ratings_total, obj["vicinity"], obj["place_id"], obj["types"] ]) print("page number {}".format(i)) photo = places_photo( gmaps, "CmRaAAAAj1V6ntNUDJ72Jtw_AoPrUKQTjzo9G51MpsbsZa8cVdSwQFE4EXXXLO7tOgV0cipgsmS4XEUUJIVmLInnIhhOLrvLXHShqde8jV68NYIFmgPO_S-pwWM39jQGkWnIRIbAEhCttHIKc125_NwpOkMS8K-wGhQwUJb43Td9tWpMAeMCI8R-TV_3OQ", max_width=300) f = open("img.png", 'wb') for chunk in photo: if chunk: f.write(chunk) f.close() place_results = place(gmaps, 'ChIJqzBe2EVu5kcRvU67ufRGCTU')
# Keep the best restaurants restaurants = restaurants[(restaurants.rating > 3.5) & (restaurants.user_rating_total > 10)] key = "" gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=key) additional_info = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'place_id', 'international_phone_number', 'weekday_opening_hours', 'reviews', 'website' ]) for place_id in restaurants.place_id: response = place(gmaps, place_id, language="fr", fields=[ "review", "international_phone_number", "opening_hours", "website" ]) results = response["result"] website = results["website"] if ("website" in results) else np.float("nan") international_phone_number = results["international_phone_number"] if ( "international_phone_number" in results) else np.float("nan") weekday_opening_hours = results["opening_hours"]["weekday_text"] if ( "opening_hours" in results) else np.float("nan") if "reviews" in results: reviews = [(element["rating"], element["text"]) for element in results["reviews"]] else: reviews = np.float("nan") additional_info = additional_info.append(
def build_place(id): place =, id, language='ja') result = place['result'] return Place(id=id, clipped_count=0, rating=result.get('rating', None), name=result['name'], geom="SRID=3857;POINT({0} {1})".format(result['geometry']['location']['lng'], result['geometry']['location']['lat']))