Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_number_of_grid_points(cell_cv,
    if mode is None:
        mode = FD()

    if realspace is None:
        realspace = mode.name != 'pw'

    if h is None:
        if mode.name == 'pw':
            h = np.pi / (4 * mode.ecut)**0.5
        elif mode.name == 'lcao' and not realspace:
            h = np.pi / (4 * 340 / Hartree)**0.5
            h = 0.2 / Bohr

    if realspace or mode.name == 'fd':
        N_c = h2gpts(h, cell_cv, 4)
        N_c = h2gpts(h, cell_cv, 1)
        if symmetry is None:
            N_c = np.array([get_efficient_fft_size(N) for N in N_c])
            N_c = np.array([
                get_efficient_fft_size(N, n)
                for N, n in zip(N_c, symmetry.gcd_c)

    return N_c
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_number_of_grid_points(cell_cv, h=None, mode=None, realspace=None,
    if mode is None:
        mode = FD()

    if realspace is None:
        realspace = mode.name != 'pw'

    if h is None:
        if mode.name == 'pw':
            h = np.pi / (4 * mode.ecut)**0.5
        elif mode.name == 'lcao' and not realspace:
            h = np.pi / (4 * 340 / Hartree)**0.5
            h = 0.2 / Bohr

    if realspace or mode.name == 'fd':
        N_c = h2gpts(h, cell_cv, 4)
        N_c = h2gpts(h, cell_cv, 1)
        if symmetry is None:
            N_c = np.array([get_efficient_fft_size(N) for N in N_c])
            N_c = np.array([get_efficient_fft_size(N, n)
                            for N, n in zip(N_c, symmetry.gcd_c)])
    return N_c
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, cell_cv, nk_c, txt=sys.stdout):
        self.nk_c = nk_c
        bigcell_cv = cell_cv * nk_c[:, np.newaxis]
        L_c = (np.linalg.inv(bigcell_cv)**2).sum(0)**-0.5
        rc = 0.5 * L_c.min()
        prnt('Inner radius for %dx%dx%d Wigner-Seitz cell: %.3f Ang' %
             (tuple(nk_c) + (rc * Bohr,)), file=txt)
        self.a = 5 / rc
        prnt('Range-separation parameter: %.3f Ang^-1' % (self.a / Bohr),
#        nr_c = [get_efficient_fft_size(2 * int(L * self.a * 1.5))
        nr_c = [get_efficient_fft_size(2 * int(L * self.a * 3.0))
                for L in L_c]
        prnt('FFT size for calculating truncated Coulomb: %dx%dx%d' %
             tuple(nr_c), file=txt)
        self.gd = GridDescriptor(nr_c, bigcell_cv, comm=mpi.serial_comm)
        v_R = self.gd.empty()
        v_i = v_R.ravel()
        pos_iv = self.gd.get_grid_point_coordinates().reshape((3, -1)).T
        corner_jv = np.dot(np.indices((2, 2, 2)).reshape((3, 8)).T, bigcell_cv)
        for i, pos_v in enumerate(pos_iv):
            r = ((pos_v - corner_jv)**2).sum(axis=1).min()**0.5
            if r == 0:
                v_i[i] = 2 * self.a / pi**0.5
                v_i[i] = erf(self.a * r) / r
        self.K_Q = np.fft.fftn(v_R) * self.gd.dv
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, cell_cv, nk_c, txt=sys.stdout):
        self.nk_c = nk_c
        bigcell_cv = cell_cv * nk_c[:, np.newaxis]
        L_c = (np.linalg.inv(bigcell_cv)**2).sum(0)**-0.5

        rc = 0.5 * L_c.min()
        print('Inner radius for %dx%dx%d Wigner-Seitz cell: %.3f Ang' %
              (tuple(nk_c) + (rc * Bohr, )),

        self.a = 5 / rc
        print('Range-separation parameter: %.3f Ang^-1' % (self.a / Bohr),

        #        nr_c = [get_efficient_fft_size(2 * int(L * self.a * 1.5))
        nr_c = [get_efficient_fft_size(2 * int(L * self.a * 3.0)) for L in L_c]
        print('FFT size for calculating truncated Coulomb: %dx%dx%d' %

        self.gd = GridDescriptor(nr_c, bigcell_cv, comm=mpi.serial_comm)
        v_R = self.gd.empty()
        v_i = v_R.ravel()

        pos_iv = self.gd.get_grid_point_coordinates().reshape((3, -1)).T
        corner_jv = np.dot(np.indices((2, 2, 2)).reshape((3, 8)).T, bigcell_cv)
        for i, pos_v in enumerate(pos_iv):
            r = ((pos_v - corner_jv)**2).sum(axis=1).min()**0.5
            if r == 0:
                v_i[i] = 2 * self.a / pi**0.5
                v_i[i] = erf(self.a * r) / r

        self.K_Q = np.fft.fftn(v_R) * self.gd.dv
Ejemplo n.º 5
def interpolate_weight(calc, weight, h=0.05, n=2):
    '''interpolates cdft weight function,
    gd is the fine grid '''
    gd = calc.density.finegd

    weight = gd.collect(weight, broadcast=True)
    weight = gd.zero_pad(weight)

    w = np.zeros_like(weight)
    gd1 = GridDescriptor(gd.N_c, gd.cell_cv, comm=serial_comm)
    gd1.distribute(weight, w)

    N_c = h2gpts(h / Bohr, gd.cell_cv)
    N_c = np.array([get_efficient_fft_size(N, n) for N in N_c])
    gd2 = GridDescriptor(N_c, gd.cell_cv, comm=serial_comm)

    interpolator = Interpolator(gd1, gd2)
    W = interpolator.interpolate(w)

    return W
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, calc, h=0.05, n=2):
        """Create transformation object.

        calc: GPAW calculator object
            The calcalator that has the wave functions.
        h: float
            Desired grid-spacing in Angstrom.
        n: int
            Force number of points to be a mulitiple of n.
        self.calc = calc
        gd = calc.wfs.gd

        gd1 = GridDescriptor(gd.N_c, gd.cell_cv, comm=serial_comm)

        # Descriptor for the final grid:
        N_c = h2gpts(h / Bohr, gd.cell_cv)
        N_c = np.array([get_efficient_fft_size(N, n) for N in N_c])
        gd2 = self.gd = GridDescriptor(N_c, gd.cell_cv, comm=serial_comm)
        self.interpolator = Interpolator(gd1, gd2, self.calc.wfs.dtype)

        self.dphi = None  # PAW correction (will be initialized when needed)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, cell_cv, nk_c, txt=None):
        txt = txt or sys.stdout
        self.nk_c = nk_c
        bigcell_cv = cell_cv * nk_c[:, np.newaxis]
        L_c = (np.linalg.inv(bigcell_cv)**2).sum(0)**-0.5

        rc = 0.5 * L_c.min()
        print('Inner radius for %dx%dx%d Wigner-Seitz cell: %.3f Ang' %
              (tuple(nk_c) + (rc * Bohr,)), file=txt)

        self.a = 5 / rc
        print('Range-separation parameter: %.3f Ang^-1' % (self.a / Bohr),

        nr_c = [get_efficient_fft_size(2 * int(L * self.a * 3.0))
                for L in L_c]
        print('FFT size for calculating truncated Coulomb: %dx%dx%d' %
              tuple(nr_c), file=txt)

        self.gd = GridDescriptor(nr_c, bigcell_cv, comm=mpi.serial_comm)
        v_ijk = self.gd.empty()

        pos_ijkv = self.gd.get_grid_point_coordinates().transpose((1, 2, 3, 0))
        corner_xv = np.dot(np.indices((2, 2, 2)).reshape((3, 8)).T, bigcell_cv)

        # Ignore division by zero (in 0,0,0 corner):
        with seterr(invalid='ignore'):
            # Loop over first dimension to avoid too large ndarrays.
            for pos_jkv, v_jk in zip(pos_ijkv, v_ijk):
                # Distances to the 8 corners:
                d_jkxv = pos_jkv[:, :, np.newaxis] - corner_xv
                r_jk = (d_jkxv**2).sum(axis=3).min(2)**0.5
                v_jk[:] = erf(self.a * r_jk) / r_jk

        # Fix 0/0 corner value:
        v_ijk[0, 0, 0] = 2 * self.a / pi**0.5

        self.K_Q = np.fft.fftn(v_ijk) * self.gd.dv
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_number_of_grid_points(cell_cv, h=None, mode=None, realspace=None):
    if mode == 'pw':
        mode = PW()
    elif mode is None:
        mode = 'fd'

    if realspace is None:
        realspace = not isinstance(mode, PW)

    if h is None:
        if isinstance(mode, PW):
            h = np.pi / (4 * mode.ecut)**0.5
        elif mode == 'lcao' and not realspace:
            h = np.pi / (4 * 340 / Hartree)**0.5
            h = 0.2 / Bohr

    if realspace or mode == 'fd':
        N_c = h2gpts(h, cell_cv, 4)
        N_c = h2gpts(h, cell_cv, 1)
        N_c = np.array([get_efficient_fft_size(N) for N in N_c])
    return N_c