def __init__(self, filename=None, paw=None, lr=None, ws='all',
                  frequencies=None, folding='Gauss', width=0.08,
        Parameters (see also ``BaseInducedField``):
        paw: GPAW object
            GPAW object for ground state
        lr: LrTDDFT object
            LrTDDFT object
        kickdir: int
            Kick direction: 0, 1, 2 for x, y, z
        # TODO: change kickdir to general kick = [1e-3, 1-e3, 0] etc.

        if type(lr) is not LrTDDFT:
            raise RuntimeError('Provide LrTDDFT object.')
        # Check that lr is diagonalized
        if len(lr) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Diagonalize LrTDDFT first.')
        = lr
        # "Kick" direction
        self.kickdir = kickdir
        self.readwritemode_str_to_list = \
        {'': ['Frho', 'atoms'],
         'all': ['Frho', 'Fphi', 'Fef', 'Ffe', 'atoms'],
         'field': ['Frho', 'Fphi', 'Fef', 'Ffe', 'atoms']}
        BaseInducedField.__init__(self, filename, paw, ws,
                                  frequencies, folding, width)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
        Parameters (see also ``BaseInducedField``):
        paw: TDDFT object
            TDDFT object for time propagation
        width: float
            Width in eV for the Gaussian (sigma) or Lorentzian (eta) folding
            Gaussian   = exp(- (1/2) * sigma^2 * t^2)
            Lorentzian = exp(- eta * t)
        interval: int
            Number of timesteps between calls (used when attaching)
        restart_file: string
            Name of the restart file

        Observer.__init__(self, interval)
        # From observer:
        # self.niter
        # self.interval

        # Restart file
        self.restart_file = restart_file

        # These are allocated in allocate()
        self.Fnt_wsG = None
        self.n0t_sG = None
        self.FD_awsp = None
        self.D0_asp = None

        self.readwritemode_str_to_list = \
        {'': ['Fnt', 'n0t', 'FD', 'D0', 'atoms'],
         'all': ['Fnt', 'n0t', 'FD', 'D0',
                 'Frho', 'Fphi', 'Fef', 'Ffe', 'atoms'],
         'field': ['Frho', 'Fphi', 'Fef', 'Ffe', 'atoms']}

        BaseInducedField.__init__(self, filename, paw, ws, frequencies,
                                  folding, width)
    def __init__(self, filename=None, paw=None, ws='all',
                  frequencies=None, folding='Gauss', width=0.08,
                  interval=1, restart_file=None
        Parameters (see also ``BaseInducedField``):
        paw: TDDFT object
            TDDFT object for time propagation
        width: float
            Width in eV for the Gaussian (sigma) or Lorentzian (eta) folding
            Gaussian   = exp(- (1/2) * sigma^2 * t^2)
            Lorentzian = exp(- eta * t)
        interval: int
            Number of timesteps between calls (used when attaching)
        restart_file: string
            Name of the restart file

        Observer.__init__(self, interval)
        # From observer:
        # self.niter
        # self.interval
        # Restart file
        self.restart_file = restart_file
        # These are allocated in allocate()
        self.Fnt_wsG = None
        self.n0t_sG = None
        self.FD_awsp = None
        self.D0_asp = None

        self.readwritemode_str_to_list = \
        {'': ['Fnt', 'n0t', 'FD', 'D0', 'atoms'],
         'all': ['Fnt', 'n0t', 'FD', 'D0',
                 'Frho', 'Fphi', 'Fef', 'Ffe', 'atoms'],
         'field': ['Frho', 'Fphi', 'Fef', 'Ffe', 'atoms']}

        BaseInducedField.__init__(self, filename, paw, ws,
                                  frequencies, folding, width)