Ejemplo n.º 1
from gpaw.symmetry import Symmetry
from ase.dft.kpoints import monkhorst_pack

# Primitive diamond lattice, with Si lattice parameter
a = 5.475
cell_cv = .5 * a * np.array([(1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1)])
spos_ac = np.array([(.00, .00, .00),
                    (.25, .25, .25)])
id_a = [1, 1] # Two identical atoms
pbc_c = np.ones(3, bool)
bzk_kc = monkhorst_pack((4, 4, 4))

# Do check
symm = Symmetry(id_a, cell_cv, pbc_c, fractrans=False)
ibzk_kc, w_k = symm.reduce(bzk_kc)[:2]
assert len(symm.op_scc) == 24
assert len(w_k) == 10
a = 3 / 32.; b = 1 / 32.; c = 6 / 32.
assert np.all(w_k == [a, b, a, c, c, a, a, a, a, b])
assert not symm.op_scc.sum(0).any()

# Rotate unit cell and check again:
cell_cv = a / sqrt(2) * np.array([(1, 0, 0),
                                  (0.5, sqrt(3) / 2, 0),
                                  (0.5, sqrt(3) / 6, sqrt(2.0 / 3))])
symm = Symmetry(id_a, cell_cv, pbc_c, fractrans=False)
ibzkb_kc, wb_k = symm.reduce(bzk_kc)[:2]
assert len(symm.op_scc) == 24
assert abs(w_k - wb_k).sum() < 1e-14
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_realspace_hs(h_skmm, s_kmm, bzk_kc, weight_k,
                     R_c=(0, 0, 0), direction='x', 

    from gpaw.symmetry import Symmetry
    from ase.dft.kpoints import get_monkhorst_pack_size_and_offset, \
    if usesymm is True:
        raise NotImplementedError, 'Only None and False have been implemented'

    nspins, nk, nbf = h_skmm.shape[:3]
    dir = 'xyz'.index(direction)
    transverse_dirs = np.delete([0, 1, 2], [dir])
    dtype = float
    if len(bzk_kc) > 1 or np.any(bzk_kc[0] != [0, 0, 0]):
        dtype = complex

    kpts_grid = get_monkhorst_pack_size_and_offset(bzk_kc)[0]

    # kpts in the transport direction
    nkpts_p = kpts_grid[dir]
    bzk_p_kc = monkhorst_pack((nkpts_p,1,1))[:, 0]
    weight_p_k = 1. / nkpts_p

   # kpts in the transverse directions
    bzk_t_kc = monkhorst_pack(tuple(kpts_grid[transverse_dirs]) + (1, ))
    if usesymm == False:
        #XXX a somewhat ugly hack:
        # By default GPAW reduces inversion sym in the z direction. The steps 
        # below assure reduction in the transverse dirs.
        # For now this part seems to do the job, but it may be written
        # in a smarter way in the future.
        symmetry = Symmetry([1], np.eye(3))
        symmetry.prune_symmetries(np.zeros((1, 3)))
        ibzk_kc, ibzweight_k = symmetry.reduce(bzk_kc)[:2]
        ibzk_t_kc, weights_t_k = symmetry.reduce(bzk_t_kc)[:2]
        ibzk_t_kc = ibzk_t_kc[:, :2]
        nkpts_t = len(ibzk_t_kc)
    else: # usesymm = None
        ibzk_kc = bzk_kc.copy()
        ibzk_t_kc = bzk_t_kc
        nkpts_t = len(bzk_t_kc)
        weights_t_k = [1. / nkpts_t for k in range(nkpts_t)]

    h_skii = np.zeros((nspins, nkpts_t, nbf, nbf), dtype)
    if s_kmm is not None:
        s_kii = np.zeros((nkpts_t, nbf, nbf), dtype)

    tol = 7
    for j, k_t in enumerate(ibzk_t_kc):
        for k_p in bzk_p_kc:
            k = np.zeros((3,))
            k[dir] = k_p
            k[transverse_dirs] = k_t
            kpoint_list = [list(np.round(k_kc, tol)) for k_kc in ibzk_kc]
            if list(np.round(k, tol)) not in kpoint_list:
                k = -k # inversion
                index = kpoint_list.index(list(np.round(k,tol)))
                h = h_skmm[:, index].conjugate()
                if s_kmm is not None:
                    s = s_kmm[index].conjugate()
            else: # kpoint in the ibz
                index = kpoint_list.index(list(np.round(k, tol)))
                h = h_skmm[:, index]
                if s_kmm is not None:
                    s = s_kmm[index]

            c_k = np.exp(2.j * np.pi * np.dot(k, R_c)) * weight_p_k
            h_skii[:, j] += c_k * h
            if s_kmm is not None:
                s_kii[j] += c_k * s 
    if s_kmm is None:
        return ibzk_t_kc, weights_t_k, h_skii
        return ibzk_t_kc, weights_t_k, h_skii, s_kii
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_realspace_hs(h_skmm, s_kmm, bzk_kc, weight_k,
                     R_c=(0, 0, 0), direction='x', 
                     symmetry={'enabled': False}):

    from gpaw.symmetry import Symmetry
    from ase.dft.kpoints import get_monkhorst_pack_size_and_offset, \
    if symmetry['point_group'] is True:
        raise NotImplementedError, 'Point group symmetry not implemented'

    nspins, nk, nbf = h_skmm.shape[:3]
    dir = 'xyz'.index(direction)
    transverse_dirs = np.delete([0, 1, 2], [dir])
    dtype = float
    if len(bzk_kc) > 1 or np.any(bzk_kc[0] != [0, 0, 0]):
        dtype = complex

    kpts_grid = get_monkhorst_pack_size_and_offset(bzk_kc)[0]

    # kpts in the transport direction
    nkpts_p = kpts_grid[dir]
    bzk_p_kc = monkhorst_pack((nkpts_p,1,1))[:, 0]
    weight_p_k = 1. / nkpts_p

   # kpts in the transverse directions
    bzk_t_kc = monkhorst_pack(tuple(kpts_grid[transverse_dirs]) + (1, ))
    if not 'time_reversal' in symmetry:
        symmetry['time_reversal'] = True
    if symmetry['time_reversal'] is True:
        #XXX a somewhat ugly hack:
        # By default GPAW reduces inversion sym in the z direction. The steps 
        # below assure reduction in the transverse dirs.
        # For now this part seems to do the job, but it may be written
        # in a smarter way in the future.
        symmetry = Symmetry([1], np.eye(3))
        symmetry.prune_symmetries_atoms(np.zeros((1, 3)))
        ibzk_kc, ibzweight_k = symmetry.reduce(bzk_kc)[:2]
        ibzk_t_kc, weights_t_k = symmetry.reduce(bzk_t_kc)[:2]
        ibzk_t_kc = ibzk_t_kc[:, :2]
        nkpts_t = len(ibzk_t_kc)
        ibzk_kc = bzk_kc.copy()
        ibzk_t_kc = bzk_t_kc
        nkpts_t = len(bzk_t_kc)
        weights_t_k = [1. / nkpts_t for k in range(nkpts_t)]

    h_skii = np.zeros((nspins, nkpts_t, nbf, nbf), dtype)
    if s_kmm is not None:
        s_kii = np.zeros((nkpts_t, nbf, nbf), dtype)

    tol = 7
    for j, k_t in enumerate(ibzk_t_kc):
        for k_p in bzk_p_kc:
            k = np.zeros((3,))
            k[dir] = k_p
            k[transverse_dirs] = k_t
            kpoint_list = [list(np.round(k_kc, tol)) for k_kc in ibzk_kc]
            if list(np.round(k, tol)) not in kpoint_list:
                k = -k # inversion
                index = kpoint_list.index(list(np.round(k,tol)))
                h = h_skmm[:, index].conjugate()
                if s_kmm is not None:
                    s = s_kmm[index].conjugate()
            else: # kpoint in the ibz
                index = kpoint_list.index(list(np.round(k, tol)))
                h = h_skmm[:, index]
                if s_kmm is not None:
                    s = s_kmm[index]

            c_k = np.exp(2.j * np.pi * np.dot(k, R_c)) * weight_p_k
            h_skii[:, j] += c_k * h
            if s_kmm is not None:
                s_kii[j] += c_k * s 
    if s_kmm is None:
        return ibzk_t_kc, weights_t_k, h_skii
        return ibzk_t_kc, weights_t_k, h_skii, s_kii
Ejemplo n.º 4
from gpaw.symmetry import Symmetry
from ase.dft.kpoints import monkhorst_pack

# Primitive diamond lattice, with Si lattice parameter
a = 5.475
cell_cv = .5 * a * np.array([(1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1)])
spos_ac = np.array([(.00, .00, .00), (.25, .25, .25)])
id_a = [1, 1]  # Two identical atoms
pbc_c = np.ones(3, bool)
bzk_kc = monkhorst_pack((4, 4, 4))

# Do check
symm = Symmetry(id_a, cell_cv, pbc_c, symmorphic=False)
ibzk_kc, w_k = symm.reduce(bzk_kc)[:2]
assert len(symm.op_scc) == 48
assert len(w_k) == 10
a = 3 / 32.
b = 1 / 32.
c = 6 / 32.
assert np.all(w_k == [a, b, a, c, c, a, a, a, a, b])
assert not symm.op_scc.sum(0).any()

# Rotate unit cell and check again:
cell_cv = a / sqrt(2) * np.array([(1, 0, 0), (0.5, sqrt(3) / 2, 0),
                                  (0.5, sqrt(3) / 6, sqrt(2.0 / 3))])
symm = Symmetry(id_a, cell_cv, pbc_c, symmorphic=False)
ibzkb_kc, wb_k = symm.reduce(bzk_kc)[:2]
assert len(symm.op_scc) == 48
Ejemplo n.º 5
class KPointDescriptor:
    """Descriptor-class for k-points."""

    def __init__(self, kpts, nspins=1, collinear=True, usefractrans=False):
        """Construct descriptor object for kpoint/spin combinations (ks-pair).

        kpts: None, sequence of 3 ints, or (n,3)-shaped array
            Specification of the k-point grid. None=Gamma, list of
            ints=Monkhorst-Pack, ndarray=user specified.
        nspins: int
            Number of spins.
        usefractrans: bool
            Switch for the use of non-symmorphic symmetries aka: symmetries
            with fractional translations. False by default (experimental!!!)

        ===================  =================================================
        ``N_c``               Number of k-points in the different directions.
        ``nspins``            Number of spins in total.
        ``mynspins``          Number of spins on this CPU.
        ``nibzkpts``          Number of irreducible kpoints in 1st BZ.
        ``nks``               Number of k-point/spin combinations in total.
        ``mynks``             Number of k-point/spin combinations on this CPU.
        ``gamma``             Boolean indicator for gamma point calculation.
        ``comm``              MPI-communicator for kpoint distribution.
        ``weight_k``          Weights of each k-point
        ``ibzk_kc``           Unknown
        ``sym_k``             Unknown
        ``time_reversal_k``   Unknown
        ``bz2ibz_k``          Unknown
        ``ibz2bz_k``          Unknown
        ``bz2bz_ks``          Unknown
        ``symmetry``          Object representing symmetries
        ===================  =================================================

        if kpts is None:
            self.bzk_kc = np.zeros((1, 3))
            self.N_c = np.array((1, 1, 1), dtype=int)
            self.offset_c = np.zeros(3)
        elif isinstance(kpts[0], int):
            self.bzk_kc = monkhorst_pack(kpts)
            self.N_c = np.array(kpts, dtype=int)
            self.offset_c = np.zeros(3)
            self.bzk_kc = np.array(kpts, float)
                self.N_c, self.offset_c = \
            except ValueError:
                self.N_c = None
                self.offset_c = None

        self.collinear = collinear
        self.nspins = nspins
        self.nbzkpts = len(self.bzk_kc)
        # Gamma-point calculation?
        self.usefractrans = usefractrans
        self.gamma = (self.nbzkpts == 1 and np.allclose(self.bzk_kc[0], 0.0))
        self.set_symmetry(None, None, usesymm=None)

        if self.gamma:
            self.description = '1 k-point (Gamma)'
            self.description = '%d k-points' % self.nbzkpts
            if self.N_c is not None:
                self.description += (': %d x %d x %d Monkhorst-Pack grid' %
                if self.offset_c.any():
                    self.description += ' + ['
                    for x in self.offset_c:
                        if x != 0 and abs(round(1 / x) - 1 / x) < 1e-12:
                            self.description += '1/%d,' % round(1 / x)
                            self.description += '%f,' % x
                    self.description = self.description[:-1] + ']'

    def __len__(self):
        """Return number of k-point/spin combinations of local CPU."""
        return self.mynks

    def set_symmetry(self, atoms, setups, magmom_av=None,
                     usesymm=False, N_c=None, comm=None):
        """Create symmetry object and construct irreducible Brillouin zone.

        atoms: Atoms object
            Defines atom positions and types and also unit cell and
            boundary conditions.
        setups: instance of class Setups
            PAW setups for the atoms.
        magmom_av: ndarray
            Initial magnetic moments.
        usesymm: bool
            Symmetry flag.
        N_c: three int's or None
            If not None:  Check also symmetry of grid.

        if atoms is not None:
            for c, periodic in enumerate(atoms.pbc):
                if not periodic and not np.allclose(self.bzk_kc[:, c], 0.0):
                    raise ValueError('K-points can only be used with PBCs!')

            self.cell_cv = atoms.cell / Bohr
            if magmom_av is None:
                magmom_av = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3))
                magmom_av[:, 2] = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments()

            magmom_av = magmom_av.round(decimals=3)  # round off
            id_a = zip(setups.id_a, *magmom_av.T)

            # Construct a Symmetry instance containing the identity operation
            # only
            self.symmetry = Symmetry(id_a, atoms.cell / Bohr, atoms.pbc, fractrans=self.usefractrans)
            self.usefractrans = self.symmetry.usefractrans
            self.symmetry = None
        if self.gamma or usesymm is None:
            # Point group and time-reversal symmetry neglected
            self.weight_k = np.ones(self.nbzkpts) / self.nbzkpts
            self.ibzk_kc = self.bzk_kc.copy()
            self.sym_k = np.zeros(self.nbzkpts, int)
            self.time_reversal_k = np.zeros(self.nbzkpts, bool)
            self.bz2ibz_k = np.arange(self.nbzkpts)
            self.ibz2bz_k = np.arange(self.nbzkpts)
            self.bz2bz_ks = np.arange(self.nbzkpts)[:, np.newaxis]
            if usesymm:
                # Find symmetry operations of atoms
                if N_c is not None:
                    if self.usefractrans:
                        ## adjust N_c to symmetries
                        # the factor (denominator) the grid must follow
                        factor = np.ones(3, float)
                        indexes = np.where(np.abs(self.symmetry.ft_sc) > 1e-3)
                        for i in range(len(indexes[0])):
                            # find smallest common denominator
                            a = factor[indexes[1][i]]
                            b = np.rint(1. /  self.symmetry.ft_sc[indexes[0][i]][indexes[1][i]])
                            factor[indexes[1][i]] = a * b
                            while b != 0:
                                rem = a % b
                                a = b
                                b = rem
                            factor[indexes[1][i]] /= a 
                        Nnew_c = np.array(np.rint(N_c / factor) * factor, int)
                        # make sure new grid is not less dense
                        Nnew_c = np.array(np.where(Nnew_c >= N_c, Nnew_c, Nnew_c + factor), int)
                        N_c = Nnew_c
                        ## adjust symmetries to grid 

            (self.ibzk_kc, self.weight_k,
             self.bz2bz_ks) = self.symmetry.reduce(self.bzk_kc, comm)
        if setups is not None:

        # Number of irreducible k-points and k-point/spin combinations.
        self.nibzkpts = len(self.ibzk_kc)
        if self.collinear:
            self.nks = self.nibzkpts * self.nspins
            self.nks = self.nibzkpts

        return N_c

    def set_communicator(self, comm):
        """Set k-point communicator."""

        # Ranks < self.rank0 have mynks0 k-point/spin combinations and
        # ranks >= self.rank0 have mynks0+1 k-point/spin combinations.
        mynks0, x = divmod(self.nks, comm.size)
        self.rank0 = comm.size - x
        self.comm = comm

        # My number and offset of k-point/spin combinations
        self.mynks = self.get_count()
        self.ks0 = self.get_offset()

        if self.nspins == 2 and comm.size == 1:  # NCXXXXXXXX
            # Avoid duplicating k-points in local list of k-points.
            self.ibzk_qc = self.ibzk_kc.copy()
            self.weight_q = self.weight_k
            self.ibzk_qc = np.vstack((self.ibzk_kc,
            self.weight_q = np.hstack((self.weight_k,

    def copy(self, comm=mpi.serial_comm):
        """Create a copy with shared symmetry object."""
        kd = KPointDescriptor(self.bzk_kc, self.nspins)
        kd.weight_k = self.weight_k
        kd.ibzk_kc = self.ibzk_kc
        kd.sym_k = self.sym_k
        kd.time_reversal_k = self.time_reversal_k
        kd.bz2ibz_k = self.bz2ibz_k
        kd.ibz2bz_k = self.ibz2bz_k
        kd.bz2bz_ks = self.bz2bz_ks
        kd.symmetry = self.symmetry
        kd.nibzkpts = self.nibzkpts
        kd.nks = self.nks
        return kd

    def create_k_points(self, gd):
        """Return a list of KPoints."""

        sdisp_cd = gd.sdisp_cd

        kpt_u = []

        for ks in range(self.ks0, self.ks0 + self.mynks):
            s, k = divmod(ks, self.nibzkpts)
            q = (ks - self.ks0) % self.nibzkpts
            if self.collinear:
                weight = self.weight_k[k] * 2 / self.nspins
                weight = self.weight_k[k]
            if self.gamma:
                phase_cd = np.ones((3, 2), complex)
                phase_cd = np.exp(2j * np.pi *
                                  sdisp_cd * self.ibzk_kc[k, :, np.newaxis])
            kpt_u.append(KPoint(weight, s, k, q, phase_cd))

        return kpt_u

    def collect(self, a_ux, broadcast=True):
        """Collect distributed data to all."""

        if self.comm.rank == 0 or broadcast:
            xshape = a_ux.shape[1:]
            a_skx = np.empty((self.nspins, self.nibzkpts) + xshape, a_ux.dtype)
            a_Ux = a_skx.reshape((-1,) + xshape)
            a_skx = None

        if self.comm.rank > 0:
            self.comm.send(a_ux, 0)
            u1 = self.get_count(0)
            a_Ux[0:u1] = a_ux
            requests = []
            for rank in range(1, self.comm.size):
                u2 = u1 + self.get_count(rank)
                requests.append(self.comm.receive(a_Ux[u1:u2], rank,
                u1 = u2
            assert u1 == len(a_Ux)
        if broadcast:
            self.comm.broadcast(a_Ux, 0)

        return a_skx

    def transform_wave_function(self, psit_G, k, index_G=None, phase_G=None):
        """Transform wave function from IBZ to BZ.

        k is the index of the desired k-point in the full BZ.
        s = self.sym_k[k]
        time_reversal = self.time_reversal_k[k]
        op_cc = np.linalg.inv(self.symmetry.op_scc[s]).round().astype(int)

        # Identity
        if (np.abs(op_cc - np.eye(3, dtype=int)) < 1e-10).all():
            if time_reversal:
                return psit_G.conj()
                return psit_G
        # General point group symmetry
            ik = self.bz2ibz_k[k]
            kibz_c = self.ibzk_kc[ik]
            b_g = np.zeros_like(psit_G)
            kbz_c = np.dot(self.symmetry.op_scc[s], kibz_c)
            if index_G is not None:
                assert index_G.shape == psit_G.shape == phase_G.shape,\
                    'Shape mismatch %s vs %s vs %s' % (index_G.shape,
                _gpaw.symmetrize_with_index(psit_G, b_g, index_G, phase_G)
                _gpaw.symmetrize_wavefunction(psit_G, b_g, op_cc.copy(),

            if time_reversal:
                return b_g.conj()
                return b_g

    def get_transform_wavefunction_index(self, nG, k):
        """Get the "wavefunction transform index".

        This is a permutation of the numbers 1, 2, .. N which
        associates k + q to some k, and where N is the total
        number of grid points as specified by nG which is a
        3D tuple.
        Returns index_G and phase_G which are one-dimensional
        arrays on the grid."""
        s = self.sym_k[k]
        op_cc = np.linalg.inv(self.symmetry.op_scc[s]).round().astype(int)

        # General point group symmetry
        if (np.abs(op_cc - np.eye(3, dtype=int)) < 1e-10).all():
            nG0 = np.prod(nG)
            index_G = np.arange(nG0).reshape(nG)
            phase_G = np.ones(nG)
            ik = self.bz2ibz_k[k]
            kibz_c = self.ibzk_kc[ik]
            index_G = np.zeros(nG, dtype=int)
            phase_G = np.zeros(nG, dtype=complex)

            kbz_c = np.dot(self.symmetry.op_scc[s], kibz_c)
            _gpaw.symmetrize_return_index(index_G, phase_G, op_cc.copy(),
        return index_G, phase_G

    #def find_k_plus_q(self, q_c, k_x=None):
    def find_k_plus_q(self, q_c, kpts_k=None):
        """Find the indices of k+q for all kpoints in the Brillouin zone.
        In case that k+q is outside the BZ, the k-point inside the BZ
        corresponding to k+q is given.
        q_c: ndarray
            Coordinates for the q-vector in units of the reciprocal
            lattice vectors.
        kpts_k: list of ints
            Restrict search to specified k-points.

        k_x = kpts_k
        if k_x is None:
            return self.find_k_plus_q(q_c, range(self.nbzkpts))

        i_x = []
        for k in k_x:
            kpt_c = self.bzk_kc[k] + q_c
            d_kc = kpt_c - self.bzk_kc
            d_k = abs(d_kc - d_kc.round()).sum(1)
            i = d_k.argmin()
            if d_k[i] > 1e-8:
                raise RuntimeError('Could not find k+q!')
        return i_x

    def get_bz_q_points(self, first=False):
        """Return the q=k1-k2. q-mesh is always Gamma-centered."""
        shift_c = 0.5 * ((self.N_c + 1) % 2) / self.N_c
        bzq_qc = monkhorst_pack(self.N_c) + shift_c
        if first:
            return to1bz(bzq_qc, self.cell_cv)
            return bzq_qc
    def get_ibz_q_points(self, bzq_qc, op_scc):
        """Return ibz q points and the corresponding symmetry operations that
        work for k-mesh as well."""

        ibzq_qc_tmp = []
        weight_tmp = [0]
        for i, op_cc in enumerate(op_scc):
            if np.abs(op_cc - np.eye(3)).sum() < 1e-8:
                identity_iop = i

        ibzq_q_tmp = {}
        iop_q = {}
        timerev_q = {}
        diff_qc = {}

        for i in range(len(bzq_qc) - 1, -1, -1):  # loop opposite to kpoint
                ibzk, iop, timerev, diff_c = self.find_ibzkpt(
                    op_scc, ibzq_qc_tmp, bzq_qc[i])
                find = False
                for ii, iop1 in enumerate(self.sym_k):
                    if iop1 == iop and self.time_reversal_k[ii] == timerev:
                        find = True
                if find is False:
                    raise ValueError('cant find k!')
                ibzq_q_tmp[i] = ibzk
                weight_tmp[ibzk] += 1.
                iop_q[i] = iop
                timerev_q[i] = timerev
                diff_qc[i] = diff_c
            except ValueError:
                ibzq_q_tmp[i] = len(ibzq_qc_tmp) - 1
                iop_q[i] = identity_iop
                timerev_q[i] = False
                diff_qc[i] = np.zeros(3)

        # reverse the order.
        nq = len(ibzq_qc_tmp)
        ibzq_qc = np.zeros((nq, 3))
        ibzq_q = np.zeros(len(bzq_qc), dtype=int)
        for i in range(nq):
            ibzq_qc[i] = ibzq_qc_tmp[nq - i - 1]
        for i in range(len(bzq_qc)):
            ibzq_q[i] = nq - ibzq_q_tmp[i] - 1
        self.q_weights = np.array(weight_tmp[::-1]) / len(bzq_qc)
        return ibzq_qc, ibzq_q, iop_q, timerev_q, diff_qc

    def find_ibzkpt(self, symrel, ibzk_kc, bzk_c):
        """Find index in IBZ and related symmetry operations."""
        find = False
        ibzkpt = 0
        iop = 0
        timerev = False

        for sign in (1, -1):
            for ioptmp, op in enumerate(symrel):
                for i, ibzk in enumerate(ibzk_kc):
                    diff_c = bzk_c - sign * np.dot(op, ibzk)
                    if (np.abs(diff_c - diff_c.round()) < 1e-8).all():
                        ibzkpt = i
                        iop = ioptmp
                        find = True
                        if sign == -1:
                            timerev = True
                if find == True:
            if find == True:

        if find == False:
            raise ValueError('Cant find corresponding IBZ kpoint!')
        return ibzkpt, iop, timerev, diff_c.round()

    def where_is_q(self, q_c, bzq_qc):
        """Find the index of q points in BZ."""
        d_qc = q_c - bzq_qc
        d_q = abs(d_qc - d_qc.round()).sum(1)
        q = d_q.argmin()
        if d_q[q] > 1e-8:
            raise RuntimeError('Could not find q!')
        return q

    def get_count(self, rank=None):
        """Return the number of ks-pairs which belong to a given rank."""

        if rank is None:
            rank = self.comm.rank
        assert rank in xrange(self.comm.size)
        mynks0 = self.nks // self.comm.size
        mynks = mynks0
        if rank >= self.rank0:
            mynks += 1
        return mynks

    def get_offset(self, rank=None):
        """Return the offset of the first ks-pair on a given rank."""

        if rank is None:
            rank = self.comm.rank
        assert rank in xrange(self.comm.size)
        mynks0 = self.nks // self.comm.size
        ks0 = rank * mynks0
        if rank >= self.rank0:
            ks0 += rank - self.rank0
        return ks0

    def get_rank_and_index(self, s, k):
        """Find rank and local index of k-point/spin combination."""
        u = self.where_is(s, k)
        rank, myu = self.who_has(u)
        return rank, myu
    def get_slice(self, rank=None):
        """Return the slice of global ks-pairs which belong to a given rank."""
        if rank is None:
            rank = self.comm.rank
        assert rank in xrange(self.comm.size)
        mynks, ks0 = self.get_count(rank), self.get_offset(rank)
        uslice = slice(ks0, ks0 + mynks)
        return uslice

    def get_indices(self, rank=None):
        """Return the global ks-pair indices which belong to a given rank."""
        uslice = self.get_slice(rank)
        return np.arange(*uslice.indices(self.nks))

    def get_ranks(self):
        """Return array of ranks as a function of global ks-pair indices."""
        ranks = np.empty(self.nks, dtype=int)
        for rank in range(self.comm.size):
            uslice = self.get_slice(rank)
            ranks[uslice] = rank
        assert (ranks >= 0).all() and (ranks < self.comm.size).all()
        return ranks

    def who_has(self, u):
        """Convert global index to rank information and local index."""

        mynks0 = self.nks // self.comm.size
        if u < mynks0 * self.rank0:
            rank, myu = divmod(u, mynks0)
            rank, myu = divmod(u - mynks0 * self.rank0, mynks0 + 1)
            rank += self.rank0
        return rank, myu

    def global_index(self, myu, rank=None):
        """Convert rank information and local index to global index."""
        if rank is None:
            rank = self.comm.rank
        assert rank in xrange(self.comm.size)
        ks0 = self.get_offset(rank)
        u = ks0 + myu
        return u

    def what_is(self, u):
        """Convert global index to corresponding kpoint/spin combination."""
        s, k = divmod(u, self.nibzkpts)
        return s, k

    def where_is(self, s, k):
        """Convert kpoint/spin combination to the global index thereof."""
        u = k + self.nibzkpts * s
        return u
Ejemplo n.º 6
class KPointDescriptor:
    """Descriptor-class for k-points."""

    def __init__(self, kpts, nspins):
        """Construct descriptor object for kpoint/spin combinations (ks-pair).

        kpts: None, list of ints, or ndarray
            Specification of the k-point grid. None=Gamma, list of
            ints=Monkhorst-Pack, ndarray=user specified.
        nspins: int
            Number of spins.

        ============  ======================================================
        ``N_c``       Number of k-points in the different directions.
        ``nspins``    Number of spins.
        ``nibzkpts``  Number of irreducible kpoints in 1st Brillouin zone.
        ``nks``       Number of k-point/spin combinations in total.
        ``mynks``     Number of k-point/spin combinations on this CPU.
        ``gamma``     Boolean indicator for gamma point calculation.
        ``comm``      MPI-communicator for kpoint distribution.
        ============  ======================================================

        if kpts is None:
            self.bzk_kc = np.zeros((1, 3))
            self.N_c = np.array((1, 1, 1), dtype=int)
        elif isinstance(kpts[0], int):
            self.bzk_kc = monkhorst_pack(kpts)
            self.N_c = np.array(kpts, dtype=int)
            self.bzk_kc = np.array(kpts)
            self.N_c = None

        self.nspins = nspins
        self.nbzkpts = len(self.bzk_kc)
        # Gamma-point calculation
        self.gamma = self.nbzkpts == 1 and not self.bzk_kc[0].any()

        self.symmetry = None
        self.comm = None
        self.ibzk_kc = None
        self.weight_k = None
        self.nibzkpts = None

        self.rank0 = None
        self.mynks = None
        self.ks0 = None
        self.ibzk_qc = None

    def __len__(self):
        """Return number of k-point/spin combinations of local CPU."""
        return self.mynks

    def set_symmetry(self, atoms, setups, usesymm, N_c=None):
        """Create symmetry object and construct irreducible Brillouin zone.

        atoms: Atoms object
            Defines atom positions and types and also unit cell and
            boundary conditions.
        setups: instance of class Setups
            PAW setups for the atoms.
        usesymm: bool
            Symmetry flag.
        N_c: three int's or None
            If not None:  Check also symmetry of grid.

        if (~atoms.pbc & self.bzk_kc.any(0)).any():
            raise ValueError('K-points can only be used with PBCs!')

        # Construct a Symmetry instance containing the identity operation
        # only
        # Round off
        magmom_a = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments().round(decimals=3)
        id_a = zip(magmom_a, setups.id_a)
        self.symmetry = Symmetry(id_a, atoms.cell / Bohr, atoms.pbc)
        if self.gamma or usesymm is None:
            # Point group and time-reversal symmetry neglected
            nkpts = len(self.bzk_kc)
            self.weight_k = np.ones(nkpts) / nkpts
            self.ibzk_kc = self.bzk_kc.copy()
            self.sym_k = np.zeros(nkpts)
            self.time_reversal_k = np.zeros(nkpts, bool)
            self.kibz_k = np.arange(nkpts)
            if usesymm:
                # Find symmetry operations of atoms
                if N_c is not None:

            (self.ibzk_kc, self.weight_k,
             self.kibz_k) = self.symmetry.reduce(self.bzk_kc)


        # Number of irreducible k-points and k-point/spin combinations.
        self.nibzkpts = len(self.ibzk_kc)
        self.nks = self.nibzkpts * self.nspins
    def set_communicator(self, comm):
        """Set k-point communicator."""

        # Ranks < self.rank0 have mynks0 k-point/spin combinations and
        # ranks >= self.rank0 have mynks0+1 k-point/spin combinations.
        mynks0, x = divmod(self.nks, comm.size)
        self.rank0 = comm.size - x
        self.comm = comm

        # My number and offset of k-point/spin combinations
        self.mynks, self.ks0 = self.get_count(), self.get_offset()

        if self.nspins == 2 and comm.size == 1:
            # Avoid duplicating k-points in local list of k-points.
            self.ibzk_qc = self.ibzk_kc.copy()
            self.ibzk_qc = np.vstack((self.ibzk_kc,

    def create_k_points(self, gd):
        """Return a list of KPoints."""
        sdisp_cd = gd.sdisp_cd

        kpt_u = []

        for ks in range(self.ks0, self.ks0 + self.mynks):
            s, k = divmod(ks, self.nibzkpts)
            q = (ks - self.ks0) % self.nibzkpts
            weight = self.weight_k[k] * 2 / self.nspins
            if self.gamma:
                phase_cd = np.ones((3, 2), complex)
                phase_cd = np.exp(2j * np.pi *
                                  sdisp_cd * self.ibzk_kc[k, :, np.newaxis])
            kpt_u.append(KPoint(weight, s, k, q, phase_cd))

        return kpt_u

    def transform_wave_function(self, psit_G, k):
        """Transform wave function from IBZ to BZ.

        k is the index of the desired k-point in the full BZ."""
        s = self.sym_k[k]
        time_reversal = self.time_reversal_k[k]
        op_cc = np.linalg.inv(self.symmetry.op_scc[s]).round().astype(int)

        # Identity
        if (np.abs(op_cc - np.eye(3, dtype=int)) < 1e-10).all():
            if time_reversal:
                return psit_G.conj()
                return psit_G
        # Inversion symmetry
        elif (np.abs(op_cc + np.eye(3, dtype=int)) < 1e-10).all():
            return psit_G.conj()
        # General point group symmetry
            ik = self.kibz_k[k]
            kibz_c = self.ibzk_kc[ik]
            kbz_c = self.bzk_kc[k]            
            import _gpaw
            b_g = np.zeros_like(psit_G)
            if time_reversal:
                # assert abs(np.dot(op_cc, kibz_c) - -kbz_c) < tol
                _gpaw.symmetrize_wavefunction(psit_G, b_g, op_cc.copy(),
                                              kibz_c, -kbz_c)
                return b_g.conj()
                # assert abs(np.dot(op_cc, kibz_c) - kbz_c) < tol
                _gpaw.symmetrize_wavefunction(psit_G, b_g, op_cc.copy(),
                                              kibz_c, kbz_c)
                return b_g

    def find_k_plus_q(self, q_c):
        """Find the indices of k+q for all kpoints in the Brillouin zone.

        In case that k+q is outside the BZ, the k-point inside the BZ
        corresponding to k+q is given.
        q_c: ndarray
            Coordinates for the q-vector in units of the reciprocal
            lattice vectors.


        # Monkhorst-pack grid
        if self.N_c is not None:
            N_c = self.N_c
            dk_c = 1. / N_c
            kmax_c = (N_c - 1) * dk_c / 2.

        N = np.zeros(3, dtype=int)

        # k+q vectors
        kplusq_kc = self.bzk_kc + q_c
        # Translate back into the first BZ
        kplusq_kc[np.where(kplusq_kc > 0.5)] -= 1.
        kplusq_kc[np.where(kplusq_kc <= -0.5)] += 1.

        # List of k+q indices
        kplusq_k = []
        # Find index of k+q vector in the bzk_kc attribute
        for kplusq, kplusq_c in enumerate(kplusq_kc):

            # Calculate index for Monkhorst-Pack grids
            if self.N_c is not None:
                N = np.asarray(np.round((kplusq_c + kmax_c) / dk_c),
                kplusq_k.append(N[2] + N[1] * N_c[2] +
                                N[0] * N_c[2] * N_c[1])
                k = np.argmin(np.sum(np.abs(self.bzk_kc - kplusq_c), axis=1))

            # Check the k+q vector index
            k_c = self.bzk_kc[kplusq_k[kplusq]]
            assert abs(kplusq_c - k_c).sum() < 1e-8, "Could not find k+q!"
        return kplusq_k

    def get_bz_q_points(self):
        """Return the q=k1-k2."""

        bzk_kc = self.bzk_kc
        # Get all q-points
        all_qs = []
        for k1 in bzk_kc:
            for k2 in bzk_kc:
        all_qs = np.array(all_qs)

        # Fold q-points into Brillouin zone
        all_qs[np.where(all_qs > 0.501)] -= 1.
        all_qs[np.where(all_qs < -0.499)] += 1.

        # Make list of non-identical q-points in full BZ
        bz_qs = [all_qs[0]]
        for q_a in all_qs:
            q_in_list = False
            for q_b in bz_qs:
                if (abs(q_a[0]-q_b[0]) < 0.01 and
                    abs(q_a[1]-q_b[1]) < 0.01 and
                    abs(q_a[2]-q_b[2]) < 0.01):
                    q_in_list = True
            if q_in_list == False:
        self.bzq_kc = bz_qs


    def where_is_q(self, q_c):
        """Find the index of q points."""
        q_c[np.where(q_c>0.499)] -= 1
        q_c[np.where(q_c<-0.499)] += 1

        found = False
        for ik in range(self.nbzkpts):
            if (np.abs(self.bzq_kc[ik] - q_c) < 1e-8).all():
                found = True
                return ik
        if found is False:
            print self.bzq_kc, q_c
            raise ValueError('q-points can not be found!')

    def get_count(self, rank=None):
        """Return the number of ks-pairs which belong to a given rank."""

        if rank is None:
            rank = self.comm.rank
        assert rank in xrange(self.comm.size)
        mynks0 = self.nks // self.comm.size
        mynks = mynks0
        if rank >= self.rank0:
            mynks += 1
        return mynks

    def get_offset(self, rank=None):
        """Return the offset of the first ks-pair on a given rank."""

        if rank is None:
            rank = self.comm.rank
        assert rank in xrange(self.comm.size)
        mynks0 = self.nks // self.comm.size
        ks0 = rank * mynks0
        if rank >= self.rank0:
            ks0 += rank - self.rank0
        return ks0

    def get_rank_and_index(self, s, k):
        """Find rank and local index of k-point/spin combination."""
        u = self.where_is(s, k)
        rank, myu = self.who_has(u)
        return rank, myu
    def get_slice(self, rank=None):
        """Return the slice of global ks-pairs which belong to a given rank."""
        if rank is None:
            rank = self.comm.rank
        assert rank in xrange(self.comm.size)
        mynks, ks0 = self.get_count(rank), self.get_offset(rank)
        uslice = slice(ks0, ks0 + mynks)
        return uslice

    def get_indices(self, rank=None):
        """Return the global ks-pair indices which belong to a given rank."""
        uslice = self.get_slice(rank)
        return np.arange(*uslice.indices(self.nks))

    def get_ranks(self):
        """Return array of ranks as a function of global ks-pair indices."""
        ranks = np.empty(self.nks, dtype=int)
        for rank in range(self.comm.size):
            uslice = self.get_slice(rank)
            ranks[uslice] = rank
        assert (ranks >= 0).all() and (ranks < self.comm.size).all()
        return ranks

    def who_has(self, u):
        """Convert global index to rank information and local index."""

        mynks0 = self.nks // self.comm.size
        if u < mynks0 * self.rank0:
            rank, myu = divmod(u, mynks0)
            rank, myu = divmod(u - mynks0 * self.rank0, mynks0 + 1)
            rank += self.rank0
        return rank, myu

    def global_index(self, myu, rank=None):
        """Convert rank information and local index to global index."""
        if rank is None:
            rank = self.comm.rank
        assert rank in xrange(self.comm.size)
        ks0 = self.get_offset(rank)
        u = ks0 + myu
        return u

    def what_is(self, u):
        """Convert global index to corresponding kpoint/spin combination."""
        s, k = divmod(u, self.nibzkpts)
        return s, k

    def where_is(self, s, k):
        """Convert kpoint/spin combination to the global index thereof."""
        u = k + self.nibzkpts * s
        return u