Ejemplo n.º 1
    def check_and_plot(self, A_nn, A0_nn, digits, keywords=''):
        # Construct fingerprint of input matrices for comparison
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(A_nn, numeric=True),
                                md5_array(A0_nn, numeric=True)])

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprints = np.empty((world.size, 2), np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        # If assertion fails, catch temporarily while plotting, then re-raise
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.abs(A_nn-A0_nn).max(), 0, digits)
        except AssertionError:
            if world.rank == 0 and mpl is not None:
                from matplotlib.figure import Figure
                fig = Figure()
                ax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 0.83])
                im = ax.imshow(np.abs(A_nn-A0_nn), interpolation='nearest')
                fig.text(0.5, 0.05, 'Keywords: ' + keywords, \
                    horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top')

                from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
                img = 'ut_hsops_%s_%s.png' % (self.__class__.__name__, \
                FigureCanvasAgg(fig).print_figure(img.lower(), dpi=90)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def check_and_plot(self, A_nn, A0_nn, digits, keywords=''):
        # Construct fingerprint of input matrices for comparison
        fingerprint = np.array(
            [md5_array(A_nn, numeric=True),
             md5_array(A0_nn, numeric=True)])

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprints = np.empty((world.size, 2), np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        # If assertion fails, catch temporarily while plotting, then re-raise
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.abs(A_nn - A0_nn).max(), 0, digits)
        except AssertionError:
            if world.rank == 0 and mpl is not None:
                from matplotlib.figure import Figure
                fig = Figure()
                ax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 0.83])
                im = ax.imshow(np.abs(A_nn - A0_nn), interpolation='nearest')
                fig.text(0.5, 0.05, 'Keywords: ' + keywords, \
                    horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top')

                from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
                img = 'ut_hsops_%s_%s.png' % (self.__class__.__name__, \
                FigureCanvasAgg(fig).print_figure(img.lower(), dpi=90)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_overlap_inverse_before(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        kpt.P_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        ppo = ProjectorPairOverlap(self.wfs, self.atoms)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(ppo.B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        work_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, kpt.P_ani, kpt.q)
        P0_ani = dict([(a,P_ni.copy()) for a,P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items()])
        ppo.apply_inverse(self.psit_nG, work_nG, self.wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=False)

        res_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        ppo.apply(work_nG, res_nG, self.wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=True)
        del work_nG

        P_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(res_nG, P_ani, kpt.q)

        abserr = np.empty(1, dtype=float)
        for n in range(self.nbands):
            band_rank, myn = self.bd.who_has(n)
            if band_rank == self.bd.comm.rank:
                abserr[:] = np.abs(self.psit_nG[myn] - res_nG[myn]).max()
            self.bd.comm.broadcast(abserr, band_rank)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(abserr.item(), 0, 10)

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 10, 'overlap,inverse,before')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def update_references(self, kpt_u, rank_a):
     requests = []
     kpt_comm, band_comm, domain_comm = self.kd_old.comm, self.bd.comm, self.gd.comm
     for u in range(self.kd_old.nks):
         kpt_rank, myu = self.kd_old.who_has(u)
         for n in range(self.bd.nbands):
             band_rank, myn = self.bd.who_has(n)
             for a in range(self.natoms):
                 domain_rank = rank_a[a]
                 if kpt_comm.rank == kpt_rank and \
                    band_comm.rank == band_rank and \
                    domain_comm.rank == domain_rank:
                     kpt = kpt_u[myu]
                     chk = md5_array(kpt.P_ani[a][myn], numeric=True)
                     if world.rank == 0:
                         self.chk_una[u, n, a] = chk
                         requests.append(world.send(np.array([chk], \
                             dtype=np.int64), 0, 1303+a, block=False))
                 elif world.rank == 0:
                     world_rank = rank_a[a] + \
                         band_rank * domain_comm.size + \
                         kpt_rank * domain_comm.size * band_comm.size
                     chk = self.chk_una[u, n,
                                        a:a + 1]  #XXX hack to get pointer
                     requests.append(world.receive(chk, world_rank, \
                         1303+a, block=False))
     world.broadcast(self.chk_una, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def compare_atoms(atoms, comm=world):
    """Check whether atoms objects are identical on all processors."""
    # Construct fingerprint:
    # ASE may return slightly different atomic positions (e.g. due
    # to MKL) so compare only first 8 decimals of positions
    fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(array, numeric=True) for array in
                             atoms.pbc * 1.0,
    # Compare fingerprints:
    fingerprints = np.empty((comm.size, 4), fingerprint.dtype)
    comm.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
    mismatches = fingerprints.ptp(0)

    if debug:
        dumpfile = 'compare_atoms'
        for i in np.argwhere(mismatches).ravel():
            itemname = ['positions', 'cell', 'pbc', 'magmoms'][i]
            itemfps = fingerprints[:, i]
            itemdata = [atoms.positions,
                        atoms.pbc * 1.0,
            if comm.rank == 0:
                print('DEBUG: compare_atoms failed for %s' % itemname)
                itemfps.dump('%s_fps_%s.pickle' % (dumpfile, itemname))
            itemdata.dump('%s_r%04d_%s.pickle' % (dumpfile, comm.rank,

    # Use only the atomic positions from rank 0
    comm.broadcast(atoms.positions, 0)
    return not mismatches.any()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def compare_atoms(atoms, comm=world):
    """Check whether atoms objects are identical on all processors."""
    # Construct fingerprint:
    fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(array, numeric=True) for array in
                              atoms.pbc * 1.0,
    # Compare fingerprints:
    fingerprints = np.empty((comm.size, 4), fingerprint.dtype)
    comm.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
    mismatches = fingerprints.ptp(0)

    if debug:
        dumpfile = 'compare_atoms'
        for i in np.argwhere(mismatches).ravel():
            itemname = ['positions', 'cell', 'pbc', 'magmoms'][i]
            itemfps = fingerprints[:, i]
            itemdata = [atoms.positions,
                        atoms.pbc * 1.0,
            if comm.rank == 0:
                print 'DEBUG: compare_atoms failed for %s' % itemname
                itemfps.dump('%s_fps_%s.pickle' % (dumpfile, itemname))
            itemdata.dump('%s_r%04d_%s.pickle' % (dumpfile, comm.rank, 

    return not mismatches.any()
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def update_references(self, kpt_u, rank_a):
     requests = []
     kpt_comm, band_comm, domain_comm = self.kd_old.comm, self.bd.comm, self.gd.comm
     for u in range(self.kd_old.nks):
         kpt_rank, myu = self.kd_old.who_has(u)
         for n in range(self.bd.nbands):
             band_rank, myn = self.bd.who_has(n)
             for a in range(self.natoms):
                 domain_rank = rank_a[a]
                 if kpt_comm.rank == kpt_rank and \
                    band_comm.rank == band_rank and \
                    domain_comm.rank == domain_rank:
                     kpt = kpt_u[myu]
                     chk = md5_array(kpt.P_ani[a][myn], numeric=True)
                     if world.rank == 0:
                         self.chk_una[u,n,a] = chk
                         requests.append(world.send(np.array([chk], \
                             dtype=np.int64), 0, 1303+a, block=False))
                 elif world.rank == 0:
                     world_rank = rank_a[a] + \
                         band_rank * domain_comm.size + \
                         kpt_rank * domain_comm.size * band_comm.size
                     chk = self.chk_una[u,n,a:a+1] #XXX hack to get pointer
                     requests.append(world.receive(chk, world_rank, \
                         1303+a, block=False))
     world.broadcast(self.chk_una, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_overlap_inverse_before(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        kpt.P_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        ppo = ProjectorPairOverlap(self.wfs, self.atoms)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(ppo.B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        work_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, kpt.P_ani, kpt.q)
        P0_ani = dict([(a,P_ni.copy()) for a,P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items()])
        ppo.apply_inverse(self.psit_nG, work_nG, self.wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=False)

        res_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        ppo.apply(work_nG, res_nG, self.wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=True)
        del work_nG

        P_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(res_nG, P_ani, kpt.q)

        abserr = np.empty(1, dtype=float)
        for n in range(self.nbands):
            band_rank, myn = self.bd.who_has(n)
            if band_rank == self.bd.comm.rank:
                abserr[:] = np.abs(self.psit_nG[myn] - res_nG[myn]).max()
            self.bd.comm.broadcast(abserr, band_rank)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(abserr.item(), 0, 10)

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 10, 'overlap,inverse,before')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def create_random_atoms(gd, nmolecules=10, name='NH2', mindist=4.5 / Bohr):
    """Create gas-like collection of atoms from randomly placed molecules.
    Applies rigid motions to molecules, translating the COM and/or rotating
    by a given angle around an axis of rotation through the new COM. These
    atomic positions obey the minimum distance requirement to zero-boundaries.

    Warning: This is only intended for testing parallel grid/LFC consistency.
    atoms = Atoms(cell=gd.cell_cv * Bohr, pbc=gd.pbc_c)

    # Store the original state of the random number generator
    randstate = np.random.get_state()
    seed = np.array([md5_array(data, numeric=True)
                     for data in
                     [nmolecules, gd.cell_cv, gd.pbc_c, gd.N_c]]).astype(int)
    np.random.seed(seed % 4294967296)

    for m in range(nmolecules):
        amol = molecule(name)
        amol.set_cell(gd.cell_cv * Bohr)

        # Rotate the molecule around COM according to three random angles
        # The rotation axis is given by spherical angles phi and theta
        v,phi,theta = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2*np.pi, 3) # theta [0,pi[ really
        axis = np.array([cos(phi)*sin(theta), sin(phi)*sin(theta), cos(theta)])
        amol.rotate(axis, v)

        # Find the scaled length we must transverse along the given axes such
        # that the resulting displacement vector is `mindist` from the cell
        # face corresponding to that direction (plane with unit normal n_v).
        sdist_c = np.empty(3)
        if not gd.orthogonal:
            for c in range(3):
                n_v = gd.xxxiucell_cv[c] / np.linalg.norm(gd.xxxiucell_cv[c])
                sdist_c[c] = mindist / np.dot(gd.cell_cv[c], n_v)
            sdist_c[:] = mindist / gd.cell_cv.diagonal()
        assert np.all(sdist_c > 0), 'Displacment vectors must be inside cell.'

        # Scaled dimensions of the smallest possible box centered on the COM
        spos_ac = amol.get_scaled_positions() # NB! must not do a "% 1.0"
        scom_c = np.dot(gd.icell_cv, amol.get_center_of_mass())
        sbox_c = np.abs(spos_ac-scom_c[np.newaxis,:]).max(axis=0)
        sdelta_c = (1-np.array(gd.pbc_c)) * (sbox_c + sdist_c)
        assert (sdelta_c < 1.0-sdelta_c).all(), 'Box is too tight to fit atoms.'
        scenter_c = [np.random.uniform(d,1-d) for d in sdelta_c]
        center_v = np.dot(scenter_c, gd.cell_cv)

        # Translate the molecule such that COM is located at random center
        offset_av = (center_v-amol.get_center_of_mass()/Bohr)[np.newaxis,:]
        assert np.linalg.norm(center_v-amol.get_center_of_mass()/Bohr) < 1e-9

    # Restore the original state of the random number generator
    assert compare_atoms(atoms)
    return atoms
Ejemplo n.º 10
def create_random_atoms(gd, nmolecules=10, name='H2O', mindist=4.5 / Bohr):
    """Create gas-like collection of atoms from randomly placed molecules.
    Applies rigid motions to molecules, translating the COM and/or rotating
    by a given angle around an axis of rotation through the new COM. These
    atomic positions obey the minimum distance requirement to zero-boundaries.

    Warning: This is only intended for testing parallel grid/LFC consistency.
    atoms = Atoms(cell=gd.cell_cv * Bohr, pbc=gd.pbc_c)

    # Store the original state of the random number generator
    randstate = np.random.get_state()
    np.random.seed(np.array([md5_array(data, numeric=True) for data
        in [nmolecules, gd.cell_cv, gd.pbc_c, gd.N_c]]).astype(int))

    for m in range(nmolecules):
        amol = molecule(name)
        amol.set_cell(gd.cell_cv * Bohr)

        # Rotate the molecule around COM according to three random angles
        # The rotation axis is given by spherical angles phi and theta
        v,phi,theta = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2*np.pi, 3) # theta [0,pi[ really
        axis = np.array([cos(phi)*sin(theta), sin(phi)*sin(theta), cos(theta)])
        amol.rotate(axis, v)

        # Find the scaled length we must transverse along the given axes such
        # that the resulting displacement vector is `mindist` from the cell
        # face corresponding to that direction (plane with unit normal n_v).
        sdist_c = np.empty(3)
        if not gd.orthogonal:
            for c in range(3):
                n_v = gd.xxxiucell_cv[c] / np.linalg.norm(gd.xxxiucell_cv[c])
                sdist_c[c] = mindist / np.dot(gd.cell_cv[c], n_v)
            sdist_c[:] = mindist / gd.cell_cv.diagonal()
        assert np.all(sdist_c > 0), 'Displacment vectors must be inside cell.'

        # Scaled dimensions of the smallest possible box centered on the COM
        spos_ac = amol.get_scaled_positions() # NB! must not do a "% 1.0"
        scom_c = np.dot(gd.icell_cv, amol.get_center_of_mass())
        sbox_c = np.abs(spos_ac-scom_c[np.newaxis,:]).max(axis=0)
        sdelta_c = (1-np.array(gd.pbc_c)) * (sbox_c + sdist_c)
        assert (sdelta_c < 1.0-sdelta_c).all(), 'Box is too tight to fit atoms.'
        scenter_c = [np.random.uniform(d,1-d) for d in sdelta_c]
        center_v = np.dot(scenter_c, gd.cell_cv)

        # Translate the molecule such that COM is located at random center
        offset_av = (center_v-amol.get_center_of_mass()/Bohr)[np.newaxis,:]
        assert np.linalg.norm(center_v-amol.get_center_of_mass()/Bohr) < 1e-9

    # Restore the original state of the random number generator
    assert compare_atoms(atoms)
    return atoms
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def check_values(self, M_asp, rank_a):

        # Compare to reference checksums
        ret = True
        domain_comm = self.gd.comm
        for s in range(self.kd_old.nspins):
            for a in range(self.natoms):
                domain_rank = rank_a[a]
                if domain_comm.rank == domain_rank:
                    chk = md5_array(M_asp[a][s], numeric=True)
                    ret &= (chk == self.chk_sa[s, a])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def check_values(self, M_asp, rank_a):

        # Compare to reference checksums
        ret = True
        domain_comm = self.gd.comm
        for s in range(self.kd_old.nspins):
            for a in range(self.natoms):
                domain_rank = rank_a[a]
                if domain_comm.rank == domain_rank:
                    chk = md5_array(M_asp[a][s], numeric=True)
                    ret &= (chk == self.chk_sa[s,a])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_projection_linearity(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        Q_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, Q_ani, q=kpt.q)

        for Q_ni in Q_ani.values():
            self.assertTrue(Q_ni.dtype == self.dtype)

        P0_ani = dict([(a, Q_ni.copy()) for a, Q_ni in Q_ani.items()])
        self.pt.add(self.psit_nG, Q_ani, q=kpt.q)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, P0_ani, q=kpt.q)

        #rank_a = self.gd.get_ranks_from_positions(spos_ac)
        #my_atom_indices = np.argwhere(self.gd.comm.rank == rank_a).ravel()

        #                                                ~ a   ~ a'
        #TODO XXX should fix PairOverlap-ish stuff for < p  | phi  > overlaps
        #                                                 i      i'

        #spos_ac = self.pt.spos_ac # NewLFC doesn't have this
        spos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
        gpo = GridPairOverlap(self.gd, self.setups)
        B_aa = gpo.calculate_overlaps(spos_ac, self.pt)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        P_ani = dict([(a, Q_ni.copy()) for a, Q_ni in Q_ani.items()])
        for a1 in range(len(self.atoms)):
            if a1 in P_ani.keys():
                P_ni = P_ani[a1]
                # Atom a1 is not in domain so allocate a temporary buffer
                P_ni = np.zeros((
            for a2, Q_ni in Q_ani.items():
                # B_aa are the projector overlaps across atomic pairs
                B_ii = gpo.extract_atomic_pair_matrix(B_aa, a1, a2)
                P_ni += np.dot(Q_ni, B_ii.T)  #sum over a2 and last i in B_ii

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 8, 'projection,linearity')
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_projection_linearity(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        Q_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, Q_ani, q=kpt.q)

        for Q_ni in Q_ani.values():
            self.assertTrue(Q_ni.dtype == self.dtype)

        P0_ani = dict([(a,Q_ni.copy()) for a,Q_ni in Q_ani.items()])
        self.pt.add(self.psit_nG, Q_ani, q=kpt.q)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, P0_ani, q=kpt.q)

        #rank_a = self.gd.get_ranks_from_positions(spos_ac)
        #my_atom_indices = np.argwhere(self.gd.comm.rank == rank_a).ravel()

        #                                                ~ a   ~ a'
        #TODO XXX should fix PairOverlap-ish stuff for < p  | phi  > overlaps
        #                                                 i      i'

        #spos_ac = self.pt.spos_ac # NewLFC doesn't have this
        spos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
        gpo = GridPairOverlap(self.gd, self.setups)
        B_aa = gpo.calculate_overlaps(spos_ac, self.pt)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        P_ani = dict([(a,Q_ni.copy()) for a,Q_ni in Q_ani.items()])
        for a1 in range(len(self.atoms)):
            if a1 in P_ani.keys():
                P_ni = P_ani[a1]
                # Atom a1 is not in domain so allocate a temporary buffer
                P_ni = np.zeros((self.bd.mynbands,self.setups[a1].ni,),
            for a2, Q_ni in Q_ani.items():
                # B_aa are the projector overlaps across atomic pairs
                B_ii = gpo.extract_atomic_pair_matrix(B_aa, a1, a2)
                P_ni += np.dot(Q_ni, B_ii.T) #sum over a2 and last i in B_ii

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 8, 'projection,linearity')
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def update_references(self, M_asp, rank_a):
     requests = []
     domain_comm = self.gd.comm
     for s in range(self.kd_old.nspins):
         for a in range(self.natoms):
             domain_rank = rank_a[a]
             if domain_comm.rank == domain_rank:
                 chk = md5_array(M_asp[a][s], numeric=True)
                 if domain_comm.rank == 0:
                     self.chk_sa[s,a] = chk
                     requests.append(domain_comm.send(np.array([chk], \
                         dtype=np.int64), 0, 2606+a, block=False))
             elif domain_comm.rank == 0:
                 chk = self.chk_sa[s,a:a+1] #XXX hack to get pointer
                 requests.append(domain_comm.receive(chk, domain_rank, \
                     2606+a, block=False))
     domain_comm.broadcast(self.chk_sa, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def update_references(self, M_asp, rank_a):
     requests = []
     domain_comm = self.gd.comm
     for s in range(self.kd_old.nspins):
         for a in range(self.natoms):
             domain_rank = rank_a[a]
             if domain_comm.rank == domain_rank:
                 chk = md5_array(M_asp[a][s], numeric=True)
                 if domain_comm.rank == 0:
                     self.chk_sa[s, a] = chk
                     requests.append(domain_comm.send(np.array([chk], \
                         dtype=np.int64), 0, 2606+a, block=False))
             elif domain_comm.rank == 0:
                 chk = self.chk_sa[s, a:a + 1]  #XXX hack to get pointer
                 requests.append(domain_comm.receive(chk, domain_rank, \
                     2606+a, block=False))
     domain_comm.broadcast(self.chk_sa, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def check_values(self, kpt_u, rank_a):
        for kpt in kpt_u:

        # Compare to reference checksums
        ret = True
        kpt_comm, band_comm, domain_comm = self.kd_old.comm, self.bd.comm, self.gd.comm
        for u in range(self.kd_old.nks):
            kpt_rank, myu = self.kd_old.who_has(u)
            for n in range(self.bd.nbands):
                band_rank, myn = self.bd.who_has(n)
                for a in range(self.natoms):
                    domain_rank = rank_a[a]
                    if kpt_comm.rank == kpt_rank and \
                       band_comm.rank == band_rank and \
                       domain_comm.rank == domain_rank:
                        kpt = kpt_u[myu]
                        chk = md5_array(kpt.P_ani[a][myn], numeric=True)
                        ret &= (chk == self.chk_una[u,n,a])
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def check_values(self, kpt_u, rank_a):
        for kpt in kpt_u:

        # Compare to reference checksums
        ret = True
        kpt_comm, band_comm, domain_comm = self.kd_old.comm, self.bd.comm, self.gd.comm
        for u in range(self.kd_old.nks):
            kpt_rank, myu = self.kd_old.who_has(u)
            for n in range(self.bd.nbands):
                band_rank, myn = self.bd.who_has(n)
                for a in range(self.natoms):
                    domain_rank = rank_a[a]
                    if kpt_comm.rank == kpt_rank and \
                       band_comm.rank == band_rank and \
                       domain_comm.rank == domain_rank:
                        kpt = kpt_u[myu]
                        chk = md5_array(kpt.P_ani[a][myn], numeric=True)
                        ret &= (chk == self.chk_una[u, n, a])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_extrapolate_inverse(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        ppo = ProjectorPairOverlap(self.wfs, self.atoms)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(ppo.B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        work_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        P_ani = ppo.apply_inverse(self.psit_nG, work_nG, self.wfs, kpt, \
            calculate_P_ani=True, extrapolate_P_ani=True)

        P0_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(work_nG, P0_ani, kpt.q)
        del work_nG

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 11, 'extrapolate,inverse')
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_extrapolate_inverse(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        ppo = ProjectorPairOverlap(self.wfs, self.atoms)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(ppo.B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        work_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        P_ani = ppo.apply_inverse(self.psit_nG, work_nG, self.wfs, kpt, \
            calculate_P_ani=True, extrapolate_P_ani=True)

        P0_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(work_nG, P0_ani, kpt.q)
        del work_nG

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 11, 'extrapolate,inverse')
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_contents_projection(self):
        # Distribute inverse effective charges to everybody in domain
        all_Qeff_a = np.empty(len(self.atoms), dtype=float)
        for a,rank in enumerate(self.rank_a):
            if rank == self.gd.comm.rank:
                Qeff = np.array([self.Qeff_a[a]])
                Qeff = np.empty(1, dtype=float)
            self.gd.comm.broadcast(Qeff, rank)
            all_Qeff_a[a] = Qeff

        # Check absolute values consistency of inverse effective charges
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.abs(1./self.Z_a-np.abs(all_Qeff_a)).max(), 0, 9)

        # Check sum of inverse effective charges against total
        self.assertAlmostEqual(all_Qeff_a.sum(), self.Qtotal, 9)

        # Make sure that we all agree on inverse effective charges
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(all_Qeff_a, numeric=True)])
        all_fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, fingerprint.dtype)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, all_fingerprints)
        if all_fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed eff. charges are not identical!')
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_contents_projection(self):
        # Distribute inverse effective charges to everybody in domain
        all_Qeff_a = np.empty(len(self.atoms), dtype=float)
        for a, rank in enumerate(self.rank_a):
            if rank == self.gd.comm.rank:
                Qeff = np.array([self.Qeff_a[a]])
                Qeff = np.empty(1, dtype=float)
            self.gd.comm.broadcast(Qeff, rank)
            all_Qeff_a[a] = Qeff

        # Check absolute values consistency of inverse effective charges
            np.abs(1. / self.Z_a - np.abs(all_Qeff_a)).max(), 0, 9)

        # Check sum of inverse effective charges against total
        self.assertAlmostEqual(all_Qeff_a.sum(), self.Qtotal, 9)

        # Make sure that we all agree on inverse effective charges
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(all_Qeff_a, numeric=True)])
        all_fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, fingerprint.dtype)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, all_fingerprints)
        if all_fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed eff. charges are not identical!')
Ejemplo n.º 23
                representation_nn[i1, i2, nop] /= norm1 * norm2

    # Calculate traces of irreducible representations
    # If bands i1 and i2 are accidentally degenerate (i.e. not due to symmetry)
    # they belong to different irreducible representations and the
    # corresponding representation matrix elements are zero  for all
    # symmetry operations.
    for i1 in range(ndeg):
        for i2 in range(ndeg):
            if np.any(abs(representation_nn[i1, i2, :]) > 0.01):
                characters[n + i1, :] += representation_nn[i2, i2, :]
        symdone[n + i1] = True

# Use four decimals for characters
characters = np.round(characters, 4)
# Use characters as fingerprints
fingerprints = np.array([md5_array(row) for row in characters])

fmt = "%6.4f " * nops
for i in range(nbands):
    print(fmt % tuple([c for c in characters[i, :nops]]))

# Correct?!? character table
characters_reference = np.array(
    ((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0),
     (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0), (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0),
     (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0), (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0),
     (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)))
assert np.all(np.abs(characters_reference - characters) < 1.0e-4)
    # Calculate traces of irreducible representations
    # If bands i1 and i2 are accidentally degenerate (i.e. not due to symmetry)
    # they belong to different irreducible representations and the
    # corresponding representation matrix elements are zero  for all 
    # symmetry operations. 
    for i1 in range(ndeg):
        for i2 in range(ndeg):
            if np.any(abs(representation_nn[i1, i2, :]) > 0.01):
                characters[n + i1, :] += representation_nn[i2, i2, :]
        symdone[n + i1] = True

# Use four decimals for characters
characters = np.round(characters, 4)
# Use characters as fingerprints
fingerprints = np.array([md5_array(row) for row in characters])

fmt = "%6.4f " * nops
for i in range(nbands):
     print(fmt % tuple([c for c in characters[i, :nops]]))

# Correct?!? character table
characters_reference = np.array(((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
                                 (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0),
                                 (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0),
                                 (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0),
                                 (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0),
                                 (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0),
                                 (3.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0),
                                 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)))
assert np.all(np.abs(characters_reference-characters) < 1.0e-4)