Ejemplo n.º 1
def _make_groups(sites, nmol, mol):

    # Load the protein template to obtain residue information
    template = gpcr_lib.load_template(mol)
    residues = np.array(template.residues)
    codes = np.array(template.codes)
    names = np.array(template.names)

    # Setup sites/Groups
    maxmem = 0
    grouplbl = []
    for site in sites:
        sidx = [template.residues.index(int(r)) for r in site.split(",")]
        maxmem = max(maxmem,len(sidx))
        grouplbl.append(",".join(["%s%d"%(codes[idx],residues[idx]) for idx in sidx]))

    groups = np.zeros((maxmem,len(sites)*nmol),dtype=int)-1
    offset = 0
    groupi = 0
    for site in sites:
        ntake = len(site.split(","))
        for mi in range(nmol):
            gidx = [offset+mi+nmol*i for i in range(ntake)]
            groups[:len(gidx),groupi] = np.asarray(gidx)
            groupi += 1
        offset += ntake*nmol

    return groups, grouplbl
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _make_helical(state,mol) :
  Convert a residual state matrix to a
  helical state matrix by looking at the residues
  in the helices.
  state : nxR Numpy array
    the state matrix, 
    n is the number of snapshots
    R is the number of residues
  mol : string
    the identifier of the molecule

  nxH Numpy array
    the helical state matrix, H is the number of helices 
  helices = gpcr_lib.load_template(mol).rhelices
  hstate = np.zeros([state.shape[0],len(helices)],dtype=np.uint8)
  for i,h in enumerate(helices) :
    hstate[:,i] = np.any(state[:,h[0]-1:h[1]],axis=1)
  return hstate
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _make_groups(sites, nmol, mol):

    # Load the protein template to obtain residue information
    template = gpcr_lib.load_template(mol)
    residues = np.array(template.residues)
    codes = np.array(template.codes)
    names = np.array(template.names)

    # Setup sites/Groups
    maxmem = 0
    grouplbl = []
    for site in sites:
        sidx = [template.residues.index(int(r)) for r in site.split(",")]
        maxmem = max(maxmem, len(sidx))
            ["%s%d" % (codes[idx], residues[idx]) for idx in sidx]))

    groups = np.zeros((maxmem, len(sites) * nmol), dtype=int) - 1
    offset = 0
    groupi = 0
    for site in sites:
        ntake = len(site.split(","))
        for mi in range(nmol):
            gidx = [offset + mi + nmol * i for i in range(ntake)]
            groups[:len(gidx), groupi] = np.asarray(gidx)
            groupi += 1
        offset += ntake * nmol

    return groups, grouplbl
def _resjointcontacts(filename,label,mat,repeats,out,mol) :
  Main analysis routine
  filename : string
    file to analyse
  label : string
    label for the group
  mat : string
    matrix identifier
  repeats : list of string
    replacement pattern for multiple repeats
  out : string
    output prefix
  mol : string
    protein identifier
  # Load the protein template to obtain residue information
  template = gpcr_lib.load_template(mol)
  residues = np.array(template.residues)
  residues0 = np.arange(1,residues.shape[0]+1)
  codes = np.array(template.codes)
  names = np.array(template.names)

  pcontacts = []
  npz = np.load(filename)
  pjoint0 = npz["joint"+mat]
  pjoint = np.zeros([len(repeats),pjoint0.shape[0],pjoint0.shape[0]])
  pjoint[0,:,:] = pjoint0 
  # Do the same for multiple repeats and average over them
  if repeats is not None :
    for ri,r in enumerate(repeats[1:],1) :
      filename2 = filename.replace(repeats[0],r)
      npz = np.load(filename2)
      pjoint[ri,:,:] = npz["joint"+mat]
    pjoint_std = pjoint.std(axis=0)/np.sqrt(len(repeats))
    f2d = plt.figure(2,tight_layout=True) 
    C = gpcr_lib.draw_joint2d(f2d.gca(),residues0,residues,pjoint_std)
  # Draw a 2D residue-residue joint probability plot  
  f2d = plt.figure(1,tight_layout=True) 
  C = gpcr_lib.draw_joint2d(f2d.gca(),residues0,residues,pjoint.mean(axis=0))
  f2d = plt.figure(3,tight_layout=True) 
  C = gpcr_lib.draw_joint2d(f2d.gca(),residues0,residues,pjoint.mean(axis=0),logit=True)
  f2d.gca().text(1.02,1.02,"ln p(A,B)",transform=f2d.gca().transAxes)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _rescontacts(filenames, labels, repeats, out, mol, time, every):
  Main analysis routine
  filenames : list of strings
    the group of files to analyse
  labels : list of string
    the label for each group
  repeats : list of string
    replacement pattern for multiple repeats within each group
  out : string
    output prefix
  mol : string
    protein identifier
  time : float
    the total simulation time
  every : int
    the reading frequency

    # Load the protein template to obtain residue information
    template = gpcr_lib.load_template(mol)
    residues = np.array(template.residues)
    residues0 = np.arange(1, residues.shape[0] + 1)
    codes = np.array(template.codes)
    names = np.array(template.names)

    pcontacts = []
    for fi, (filename, label) in enumerate(zip(filenames, labels)):
        # Read the state file from disc and perform pairwise contact analysis
        states = [gpcr_lib.read_statefile(filename, every)]
        pp = pycontacts.pairwise_contacts(states[-1])

        # Do the same for multiple repeats and average over them
        if repeats is not None:
            pcontacts.append(np.zeros([len(repeats), pp.shape[0],
            pcontacts[-1][0, :, :] = pp
            for ri, r in enumerate(repeats[1:], 1):
                filename2 = filename.replace(repeats[0], r)
                states.append(gpcr_lib.read_statefile(filename2, every))
                pp = pycontacts.pairwise_contacts(states[-1])
                pcontacts[-1][ri, :, :] = pp
            pcontacts[-1] = pcontacts[-1].mean(axis=0) * 100.0
            pcontacts.append(pp * 100.0)

        # Conversion factor from snapshot lifetime to ns lifetime
        ns_per_snapshot = time / float(states[0].shape[0])

        # Calculate lifetimes
        all_states = np.concatenate(states, axis=1)
        life_av, life_max = pycontacts.lifetime(all_states)
        life_av = np.reshape(life_av, [len(repeats), residues.shape[0]]).mean(
            axis=0) * ns_per_snapshot
        life_max = np.reshape(life_max, [len(repeats), residues.shape[0]
                                         ]).mean(axis=0) * ns_per_snapshot
        print "Median av-lifetime = %.3f" % np.median(life_av)
        print "Average av-lifetime = %.3f" % np.mean(life_av)
        print "Median max-lifetime = %.3f" % np.median(life_max)
        print "Average max-lifetime = %.3f" % np.mean(life_max)

        # Draw a 2D residue-residue joint probability plot
        f2d = plt.figure(10 + fi)
        _draw_2d(f2d.gca(), residues0, residues, pcontacts[-1])
        f2d.savefig("%s_%s_2d.png" % (out, label), format="png")

        # Draw a residue contact probability plot
        f1d = plt.figure(20 + fi, figsize=(6.85, 3.41), tight_layout=True)
        _draw_1d(f1d.gca(), residues0, residues, codes, template.rhelices,
                 pcontacts[-1].diagonal(), "Contact probability", 80)
        f1d.savefig("%s_%s_1d.png" % (out, label), format="png", dpi=300)

        # And print it out do disc
        with open("%s_%s_1d.txt" % (out, label), "w") as f:
            for (name, res, prob) in zip(names, residues,
                f.write("%s%d %8.3f\n" % (name.capitalize(), res, prob))

        # Draw a average lifetime plot
        f1d = plt.figure(40 + fi, figsize=(6.85, 3.41), tight_layout=True)
        _draw_1d(f1d.gca(), residues0, residues, codes, template.rhelices,
                 life_av, "Average lifetime (ns)", 0.6)
        f1d.savefig("%s_%s_avlife.png" % (out, label), format="png")

        # Draw a maximum lifetime plot
        f1d = plt.figure(50 + fi, figsize=(6.85, 3.41), tight_layout=True)
        _draw_1d(f1d.gca(), residues0, residues, codes, template.rhelices,
                 life_max, "Maximum lifetime (ns)", 35)
        f1d.savefig("%s_%s_maxlife.png" % (out, label), format="png")

    # Plot residue-type averaged occupancies
    faa = plt.figure(30)
    _draw_aa(faa.gca(), names, pcontacts, labels)
    faa.savefig(args.out + "_aa.png", format="png")
Ejemplo n.º 6
        cholmolfile = open(prefix + "_chol.mstate.%.0f.dat" % (args.cutoff),
        cholresfile = open(prefix + "_chol.resstate.%.0f.dat" % (args.cutoff),
        cholburresfile = open(
            prefix + "_chol.buried.rstate.%.0f.dat" % (args.cutoff), "wb")
        ohmolfile = open(prefix + "_chol-oh.mstate.%.0f.dat" % (args.cutoff),
        ohresfile = open(prefix + "_chol-oh.resstate.%.0f.dat" % (args.cutoff),
        ohburresfile = open(
            prefix + "_chol-oh.buried.rstate.%.0f.dat" % (args.cutoff), "wb")
        if args.reslist is not None:
            with open(args.reslist, "r") as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
            template = gpcr_lib.load_template(lines[0].strip())
            reslist = [
                template.residues.index(int(l.strip())) for l in lines[1:]
            reslistfile = open(
                prefix + "_chol-oh.resliststate.%.0f.dat" % (args.cutoff),
            reslist = None
            reslistfile = None

    if do_joint and len(chols) > 0:
        jointcom = np.zeros([len(residues), len(residues)])
        jointcomburr = np.zeros([len(residues), len(residues)])
        jointoh = np.zeros([len(residues), len(residues)])
        jointohburr = np.zeros([len(residues), len(residues)])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _rescontacts(filenames,
  Main analysis routine

  filenames : list of strings
    the group of files to analyse
  labels : list of string
    the label for each group
  repeats : list of string
    replacement pattern for multiple repeats within each group
  sites : list of string
    sites to group and analyse
  out : string
    output prefix
  mol : string
    protein identifier
  time : float
    the total simulation time
  every : int
    the reading frequency
  block : tuple of int
    just do the calculation on a block of the series

    # Load the protein template to obtain residue information
    template = gpcr_lib.load_template(mol)
    residues = np.array(template.residues)
    residues0 = np.arange(1, residues.shape[0] + 1)
    codes = np.array(template.codes)
    names = np.array(template.names)

    # Setup analysis of sites/groups
    if sites:
        # If the first element is l, we will do a lead-analysis
        # i.e. the first residue in a site needs to be on if the whole
        # site is to be considered to be on
        if sites[0].lower() == "l":
            makefnc = pycontacts.make_group_series_lead
            sites = sites[1:]
            makefnc = pycontacts.make_group_series

        # Find maximum member and setup group labels
        maxmem = 0
        grouplbl = []
        for site in sites:
            sidx = [template.residues.index(int(r)) for r in site.split(",")]
            maxmem = max(maxmem, len(sidx))
                ["%s%d" % (codes[idx], residues[idx]) for idx in sidx]))

        # Fill the np array with group indices or -1
        groups = np.zeros((maxmem, len(sites)), dtype=int) - 1
        for i, site in enumerate(sites):
            sidx = [template.residues.index(int(r)) for r in site.split(",")]
            groups[:len(sidx), i] = np.asarray(sidx)

    pcontacts = []
    pcontacts_std = []
    for fi, (filename, label) in enumerate(zip(filenames, labels)):
        # Read the state file from disc and perform pairwise contact analysis
        states = [gpcr_lib.read_statefile(filename, every, block)]
        pp = pycontacts.pairwise_contacts(states[-1])
        if sites:
            gstates = [makefnc(states[-1], groups)]
            pg = pycontacts.pairwise_contacts(gstates[-1]).diagonal()

        # Do the same for multiple repeats and average over them
        if repeats is not None:
            pcontacts.append(np.zeros([len(repeats), pp.shape[0],
            pcontacts[-1][0, :, :] = pp
            if sites:
                pgroupcontacts = np.zeros([len(repeats), pg.shape[0]])
                pgroupcontacts[0, :] = pg
            for ri, r in enumerate(repeats[1:], 1):
                filename2 = filename.replace(repeats[0], r)
                states.append(gpcr_lib.read_statefile(filename2, every, block))
                pp = pycontacts.pairwise_contacts(states[-1])
                pcontacts[-1][ri, :, :] = pp
                if sites:
                    gstates.append(makefnc(states[-1], groups))
                    pg = pycontacts.pairwise_contacts(gstates[-1]).diagonal()
                    pgroupcontacts[ri, :] = pg
            pcontacts_std.append(pcontacts[-1].std(axis=0) * 100.0 /
            pcontacts[-1] = pcontacts[-1].mean(axis=0) * 100.0

            if sites:
                pgroupcontacts_std = pgroupcontacts.std(
                    axis=0) * 100.0 / np.sqrt(pgroupcontacts.shape[0])
                pgroupcontacts = pgroupcontacts.mean(axis=0) * 100.0
            pcontacts.append(pp * 100.0)
            pgroupcontacts = pg * 100

        if sites:
            print "Sites occupancies:"
            print "\n".join([
                "\t%s: %.3f +- %.3f" % (lbl, pg, std) for pg, std, lbl in zip(
                    pgroupcontacts, pgroupcontacts_std, grouplbl)

        # Conversion factor from snapshot lifetime to ns lifetime
        print time
        if block is not None:
            time = time / float(block[0]) * block[1]
            print time
        ns_per_snapshot = time / float(states[0].shape[0])

        # Calculate lifetimes
        all_states = np.concatenate(states, axis=1)
        life_av, life_max = pycontacts.lifetime(all_states)
        life_av = np.reshape(life_av, [len(repeats), residues.shape[0]]).mean(
            axis=0) * ns_per_snapshot
        life_max = np.reshape(life_max, [len(repeats), residues.shape[0]
                                         ]).mean(axis=0) * ns_per_snapshot
        print "Median av-lifetime = %.3f" % np.median(life_av)
        print "Average av-lifetime = %.3f" % np.mean(life_av)
        print "Median max-lifetime = %.3f" % np.median(life_max)
        print "Average max-lifetime = %.3f" % np.mean(life_max)

        if sites:
            all_gstates = np.concatenate(gstates, axis=1)
            glife_av, glife_max = pycontacts.lifetime(all_gstates)
            glife_av = np.reshape(glife_av, [len(repeats), groups.shape[1]
                                             ]).mean(axis=0) * ns_per_snapshot
            glife_max = np.reshape(
                [len(repeats), groups.shape[1]]).mean(axis=0) * ns_per_snapshot
            print "Sites occ. av-lifetime max-lifetime:"
            print "\n".join([
                "\t%s: %.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f" % (lbl, o, a, m) for o, a, m, lbl in
                zip(pgroupcontacts, glife_av, glife_max, grouplbl)

        # Draw a 2D residue-residue joint probability plot
        f2d = plt.figure(10 + fi)
        _draw_2d(f2d.gca(), residues0, residues, pcontacts[-1])
        f2d.savefig("%s_%s_2d.png" % (out, label), format="png", dpi=300)

        # Draw a residue contact probability plot
        f1d = plt.figure(20 + fi, figsize=(6.85, 3.41), tight_layout=True)
        p = 80 if label == "com" else 100
        _draw_1d(f1d.gca(), residues0, residues, codes, template.rhelices,
                 pcontacts[-1].diagonal(), "Contact probability", p)
        f1d.savefig("%s_%s_1d.png" % (out, label), format="png", dpi=300)

        # Draw a average lifetime plot
        f1d = plt.figure(40 + fi, figsize=(6.85, 3.41), tight_layout=True)
        _draw_1d(f1d.gca(), residues0, residues, codes, template.rhelices,
                 life_av, "Average lifetime (ns)", 0.6)
        f1d.savefig("%s_%s_avlife.png" % (out, label), format="png", dpi=300)

        # Draw a maximum lifetime plot
        f1d = plt.figure(50 + fi, figsize=(6.85, 3.41), tight_layout=True)
        _draw_1d(f1d.gca(), residues0, residues, codes, template.rhelices,
                 life_max, "Maximum lifetime (ns)", 35)
        f1d.savefig("%s_%s_maxlife.png" % (out, label), format="png", dpi=300)

        # And print it out do disc
        with open("%s_%s_1d.txt" % (out, label), "w") as f:
            for (name, res, prob, prob_std, rav,
                 rmax) in zip(names, residues, pcontacts[-1].diagonal(),
                              pcontacts_std[-1].diagonal(), life_av, life_max):
                f.write("%s%d\t%8.3f\t%8.3f\t%8.3f\t%8.3f\n" %
                        (name.capitalize(), res, prob, prob_std, rav, rmax))

    # Plot residue-type averaged occupancies
    faa = plt.figure(30)
    _draw_aa(faa.gca(), names, pcontacts, labels)
    faa.savefig(args.out + "_aa.png", format="png", dpi=300)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    shortmolfile = open(prefix+"_short.mstate.%.0f.dat"%args.cutoff,"wb")
    shortresfile = open(prefix+"_short.resstate.%.0f.dat"%args.cutoff,"wb")
    longmolfile = open(prefix+"_long.mstate.%.0f.dat"%args.cutoff,"wb")
    longresfile = open(prefix+"_long.resstate.%.0f.dat"%args.cutoff,"wb")

  if do_contacts and len(chols) > 0 :
    cholmolfile = open(prefix+"_chol.mstate.%.0f.dat"%(args.cutoff),"wb")
    cholresfile = open(prefix+"_chol.resstate.%.0f.dat"%(args.cutoff),"wb")
    cholburresfile = open(prefix+"_chol.buried.rstate.%.0f.dat"%(args.cutoff),"wb")
    ohmolfile = open(prefix+"_chol-oh.mstate.%.0f.dat"%(args.cutoff),"wb")
    ohresfile = open(prefix+"_chol-oh.resstate.%.0f.dat"%(args.cutoff),"wb")
    ohburresfile = open(prefix+"_chol-oh.buried.rstate.%.0f.dat"%(args.cutoff),"wb")
    if args.reslist is not None:
      with open(args.reslist,"r") as f :
        lines = f.readlines()
      template = gpcr_lib.load_template(lines[0].strip())
      reslist = [template.residues.index(int(l.strip())) for l in lines[1:]]
      reslistfile = open(prefix+"_chol-oh.resliststate.%.0f.dat"%(args.cutoff),"wb")
    else :
      reslist = None
      reslistfile = None

  if do_joint and len(chols) > 0 :
    jointcom = np.zeros([len(residues),len(residues)])
    jointcomburr = np.zeros([len(residues),len(residues)])
    jointoh = np.zeros([len(residues),len(residues)])
    jointohburr = np.zeros([len(residues),len(residues)])

  # Allocate matrices for buried analysis
  if do_countburied :
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _rescontacts(filenames,labels,repeats,out,mol,time,every) :
  Main analysis routine
  filenames : list of strings
    the group of files to analyse
  labels : list of string
    the label for each group
  repeats : list of string
    replacement pattern for multiple repeats within each group
  out : string
    output prefix
  mol : string
    protein identifier
  time : float
    the total simulation time
  every : int
    the reading frequency
  # Load the protein template to obtain residue information
  template = gpcr_lib.load_template(mol)
  residues = np.array(template.residues)
  residues0 = np.arange(1,residues.shape[0]+1)
  codes = np.array(template.codes)
  names = np.array(template.names)

  pcontacts = []
  for fi,(filename,label) in enumerate(zip(filenames,labels)) :
    # Read the state file from disc and perform pairwise contact analysis
    states = [gpcr_lib.read_statefile(filename,every)]
    pp = pycontacts.pairwise_contacts(states[-1])
    # Do the same for multiple repeats and average over them
    if repeats is not None :
      pcontacts[-1][0,:,:] = pp
      for ri,r in enumerate(repeats[1:],1) :
        filename2 = filename.replace(repeats[0],r)
        pp = pycontacts.pairwise_contacts(states[-1])
        pcontacts[-1][ri,:,:] = pp
      pcontacts[-1] = pcontacts[-1].mean(axis=0)*100.0
    else :

    # Conversion factor from snapshot lifetime to ns lifetime
    ns_per_snapshot = time / float(states[0].shape[0])

    # Calculate lifetimes
    all_states = np.concatenate(states,axis=1)
    life_av,life_max = pycontacts.lifetime(all_states) 
    life_av = np.reshape(life_av,[len(repeats),residues.shape[0]]).mean(axis=0)*ns_per_snapshot  
    life_max = np.reshape(life_max,[len(repeats),residues.shape[0]]).mean(axis=0)*ns_per_snapshot
    print "Median av-lifetime = %.3f"%np.median(life_av)
    print "Average av-lifetime = %.3f"%np.mean(life_av)
    print "Median max-lifetime = %.3f"%np.median(life_max)
    print "Average max-lifetime = %.3f"%np.mean(life_max)
    # Draw a 2D residue-residue joint probability plot  
    f2d = plt.figure(10+fi) 
    # Draw a residue contact probability plot
    f1d = plt.figure(20+fi,figsize=(6.85,3.41),tight_layout=True) 
    _draw_1d(f1d.gca(),residues0,residues,codes,template.rhelices,pcontacts[-1].diagonal(),"Contact probability",80)
    # And print it out do disc
    with open("%s_%s_1d.txt"%(out,label),"w") as f :
      for (name,res,prob) in zip(names,residues,pcontacts[-1].diagonal()) :
        f.write("%s%d %8.3f\n"%(name.capitalize(),res,prob))
    # Draw a average lifetime plot
    f1d = plt.figure(40+fi,figsize=(6.85,3.41),tight_layout=True) 
    _draw_1d(f1d.gca(),residues0,residues,codes,template.rhelices,life_av,"Average lifetime (ns)",0.6)
    # Draw a maximum lifetime plot
    f1d = plt.figure(50+fi,figsize=(6.85,3.41),tight_layout=True) 
    _draw_1d(f1d.gca(),residues0,residues,codes,template.rhelices,life_max,"Maximum lifetime (ns)",35)
  # Plot residue-type averaged occupancies
  faa = plt.figure(30)
def _resjointcontacts(filename, label, mat, repeats, out, mol):
  Main analysis routine
  filename : string
    file to analyse
  label : string
    label for the group
  mat : string
    matrix identifier
  repeats : list of string
    replacement pattern for multiple repeats
  out : string
    output prefix
  mol : string
    protein identifier

    # Load the protein template to obtain residue information
    template = gpcr_lib.load_template(mol)
    residues = np.array(template.residues)
    residues0 = np.arange(1, residues.shape[0] + 1)
    codes = np.array(template.codes)
    names = np.array(template.names)

    pcontacts = []
    npz = np.load(filename)
    pjoint0 = npz["joint" + mat]
    pjoint = np.zeros([len(repeats), pjoint0.shape[0], pjoint0.shape[0]])
    pjoint[0, :, :] = pjoint0

    # Do the same for multiple repeats and average over them
    if repeats is not None:
        for ri, r in enumerate(repeats[1:], 1):
            filename2 = filename.replace(repeats[0], r)
            npz = np.load(filename2)
            pjoint[ri, :, :] = npz["joint" + mat]

        pjoint_std = pjoint.std(axis=0) / np.sqrt(len(repeats))
        f2d = plt.figure(2, tight_layout=True)
        C = gpcr_lib.draw_joint2d(f2d.gca(), residues0, residues, pjoint_std)
        f2d.savefig("%s_%s_2d_std.png" % (out, label), format="png")

    # Draw a 2D residue-residue joint probability plot
    f2d = plt.figure(1, tight_layout=True)
    C = gpcr_lib.draw_joint2d(f2d.gca(), residues0, residues,
    f2d.gca().text(1.04, 1.01, "p(A,B)", transform=f2d.gca().transAxes)
    f2d.savefig("%s_%s_2d.png" % (out, label), format="png")

    f2d = plt.figure(3, tight_layout=True)
    C = gpcr_lib.draw_joint2d(f2d.gca(),
    f2d.gca().text(1.02, 1.02, "ln p(A,B)", transform=f2d.gca().transAxes)
    f2d.savefig("%s_%s_2d_log.png" % (out, label), format="png")