def ler_sensor_ultrassonico(): MQTT_PORT = 1883 TOPICO = '/softway/iot' MQTT_TIMEOUT = 60 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Set GPIO pin numbering TRIG = 23 # Associate pin 23 to TRIG ECHO = 24 # Associate pin 24 to ECHO ID_LINE = 1 MQTT_ADDRESS = '' GPIO.setup(TRIG, GPIO.OUT) # Set pin as GPIO out GPIO.setup(ECHO, GPIO.IN) # Set pin as GPIO in def send_message(msg, MQTT_ADDRESS): # Send MQTT Message client = mqtt.Client() client.connect(MQTT_ADDRESS, MQTT_PORT, MQTT_TIMEOUT) result, mid = client.publish(TOPICO, msg) print('Mensagem enviada ao canal: %d, [MQTT_ADDRESS: %s]' % (mid, MQTT_ADDRESS)) for numero in range(4): timeout = 0.8 * 60 * 60 # Horas em segundos (48 min) timeout_start = time.time() while time.time() < timeout_start + timeout: GPIO.output(TRIG, False) # Set TRIG as LOW time.sleep(2) # Delay of 2 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, True) # Set TRIG as HIGH time.sleep(0.00001) # Delay of 0.00001 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, False) # Set TRIG as LOW while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 0: # Check whether the ECHO is LOW pulse_start = time.time() # Saves the last known time of LOW pulse while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 1: # Check whether the ECHO is HIGH pulse_end = time.time() # Saves the last known time of HIGH pulse pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start # Get pulse duration to a variable distance = pulse_duration * 17150 # Multiply pulse duration by 17150 to get distance distance = round(distance, 2) # Round to two decimal points if distance > 5: mensagem = "{\"id\":" + str(ID_LINE) + "}" print("++ MSG-SEND:", mensagem, "\n") send_message(mensagem, MQTT_ADDRESS) # Send message via MQTT protocol time.sleep(0.3) print("Resetando sensores...") time.sleep(0.3) print("Resetando sensores......") time.sleep(0.4) print("Resetando sensores.........")
def __init__(self): ''' initialization of pins ''' GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(self.servoPin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self.ENB, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self.IN3, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self.IN4, GPIO.OUT) # 50 and 40 are frequency self.servo = GPIO(self.servoPin, 50) self.motor = GPIO(self.ENB, 40)
def __init__(self, baudrate=9600, port='/dev/ttyS1', timeout=1, tr=6): = tr # initialize pyserial self.serial = pyserial.Serial(port=port, timeout=timeout, baudrate=baudrate) # if serial is not open, open it. if not self.serial.isOpen(): self.serial.Open() # initialize GPIO GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(, 'out')
def main(): array = ["?", "?", "?", "?"] GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(status_led, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(status_led, GPIO.HIGH) while True: humidity, temperature = DHT.read_retry(DHT.DHT22, 10) array[0] = str(temperature) array[1] = str(humidity) array[2], array[3] = ds1820() print(array) senddata(array) for i in range(12): time.sleep(5) GPIO.output(status_led, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(status_led, GPIO.HIGH)
class MotionSensor(threading.Thread): POLLING_TIME = 0.01 #Una vegada sa configuracio gpio.setmode(gpio.BCM) def __init__(self, pin): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.__pin = pin self.__lock = threading.Lock() self.setup() self.__seguirThread = False self.__motionListener = None def setup(self): gpio.setup(self.__pin, gpio.IN) def cleanUp(self): gpio.cleanup(self.__pin) def motion(self): return gpio.input(self.__pin) def __str__(self): return "Motion sensor pin " + str(self.__pin) def setMotionListener(self, listener): if isinstance(listener, MotionListener): self.__motionListener = listener def threadIsRunning(self): with self.__lock: return self.__seguirThread def stopThread(self): with self.__lock: self.__seguirThread = False def run(self): with self.__lock: self.__seguirThread = True seguir = self.__seguirThread flag = False while seguir: #Instead of synchronize the whole block with self.__lock: seguir = self.__seguirThread if self.motion(): if not flag and self.__motionListener is not None: self.__motionListener.motion() flag = True else: flag = False time.sleep(self.POLLING_TIME) #print("MOTION SENSOR ACABAT") self.cleanUp()
def get_image(self, angle_idx): if self.is_test: self.angles_imgs_counter[angle_idx] += 1 img = self.angles_imgs_lst[angle_idx][ self.angles_imgs_counter[angle_idx]] # img = cv2.resize(img,(RESIZE_SIZE,RESIZE_SIZE)) if (IS_PI): self.socket.send_image(img) # asynchronus send, w/ timeout gui_img_manager.add_img(img) return img else: if (IS_PI): gpio.setmode(gpio.BOARD) gpio.setup(btn, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_DOWN) should_enter = True try: print("plz press me honz") while True: if (gpio.input(btn) == 1): should_enter = True elif (should_enter): img = self.one_still() #img = cv2.resize(img,(RESIZE_SIZE,RESIZE_SIZE)) self.socket.send_image(img) should_enter = False gpio.cleanup() return img except KeyboardInterrupt: print('cam err!') else: # gui img = self.socket.get_image() gui_img_manager.add_img(img) return img
for i in reversed(LEDS): IO.output(i, 1) time.sleep(CLK) for i in reversed(LEDS): IO.output(i, 0) time.sleep(CLK) def RunEnd(): for i in LEDS: IO.output(i, 0) time.sleep(0.001) IO.cleanup(i) IO.setmode(IO.BCM) RED = 26 YELLOW = 21 GREEN = 20 R1 = 13 R2 = 6 R3 = 12 Y1 = 7 Y2 = 8 Y3 = 11 Trigger = 14 LEDS = [26, 21, 20, 13, 6, 12, 7, 8, 11] for i in LEDS:
def init_vib(self): gpio.setmode(gpio.BCM) gpio.setup(ur, gpio.OUT) gpio.setup(ul, gpio.OUT) gpio.setup(dr, gpio.OUT) gpio.setup(dl, gpio.OUT)
# this script turns on the LED when button is pressed and turns it off when button is released import time as t # in VS import gpio as GPIO # on Rasp # import RPi.GPIO as GPIO print("Script started") _pin_output_led_red = 14 _pin_input_button = 15 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(_pin_output_led_red, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(_pin_input_button, GPIO.IN, GPIO.PUD_UP) while True: if GPIO.input(_pin_input_button) == False: print("Button pressed") GPIO.output(_pin_output_led_red, GPIO.HIGH) else: print("Button released") GPIO.output(_pin_output_led_red, GPIO.LOW) t.sleep(0.01)
import time import gpio def flashLed(bin, t): gpio.output(bin, gpio.HIGH) time.sleep(t) gpio.output(bin, gpio.LOW) time.sleep(t) gpio.setmode(gpio.BCM) gpio.setup(18, gpio.OUT) for i in range(1, 4): flashLed(18, 1) for i in range(1, 10): flashLed(18, 0.5) for i in range(1, 20): flashLed(18, 0.05)
def threadVideoGet(source=0): """ Dedicated thread for grabbing video frames with VideoGet object. Main thread shows video frames. """ legcut = 100 video_getter = VideoGet(source).start() cps = CountsPerSec().start() st = time.time() period_goal = 0.01 period = period_goal counter = 0 #we need to start the robot moving. GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(32, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(33, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(35, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(36, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(37, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(38, GPIO.OUT) pwm0 = GPIO.PWM(32, 20000) pwm1 = GPIO.PWM(33, 20000) pwm0.start(50) pwm1.start(50) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(35, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(38, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(37, GPIO.LOW) #robot is now moving in a stright line. while True: # Again the commented part is for displaying the video and calibration #this is the main while loop which will run until the video is finished. #the counter will go from 0 to 3 to save and average 4 seperate wing beat angles to an array later on counter = counter + 1 if counter == 4: #will need to reset the counter every 4 itterations. counter = 0 starttime = time.time() #now go to the next function: putIterationsPerSec(video_getter.thr, cps.countsPerSec(), counter, pwm0, pwm1) cps.increment() if cps._num_occurrences > 2500 or video_getter.stopped: print(time.time() - st) video_getter.stop() break ddt = time.time() - starttime if period - ddt < 0: period = ddt else: time.sleep(period - ddt) period = period - (time.time() - starttime - period_goal)