Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setup_default_kwargs(cls):
     Use default config from handlers.<Class>.* and handlers.BaseHandler.
     Called by gramex.services.url().
     c = cls.conf.setdefault('kwargs', {})
     merge(c, objectpath(conf, 'handlers.' + cls.conf.handler, {}), mode='setdefault')
     merge(c, objectpath(conf, 'handlers.BaseHandler', {}), mode='setdefault')
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def call(self, url, args, method, headers):
     r = self.check('/formhandler/edits-' + url, data=args, method=method, headers=headers)
     meta = r.json()
     # meta has 'ignored' with list of ignored columns
     ok_(['x', args.get('x', [1])] in objectpath(meta, 'data.ignored'))
     # meta has 'filters' for PUT and DELETE. It is empty for post
     if method.lower() == 'post':
         eq_(objectpath(meta, 'data.filters'), [])
         ok_(isinstance(objectpath(meta, 'data.filters'), list))
     return r
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def put(self, *path_args, **path_kwargs):
     '''Update attributes and files'''
     # PUT can update only 1 ID at a time. Use only the first upload, if any
     uploads = self.request.files.get('file', [])[:1]
     id = self.args.get('id', [-1])
     # User cannot change the path, size, date or user attributes
     for s in ('path', 'size', 'date'):
         self.args.pop(s, None)
     for s in self.user_fields:
         self.args.pop('user_%s' % s, None)
     # These are updated only when a file is uploaded
     if len(uploads):
         user = self.current_user or {}
         self.args.setdefault('size', []).append(len(uploads[0]['body']))
         self.args.setdefault('date', []).append(int(time.time()))
         for s in self.user_fields:
             self.args.setdefault('user_%s' % s.replace('.', '_'), []).append(
                 objectpath(user, s))
     conf = self.datasets.data
     files = gramex.data.filter(conf.url, table=conf.table, args={'id': id})
     result = yield super().put(*path_args, **path_kwargs)
     if len(uploads) and len(files):
         path = os.path.join(self.path, files['path'].iloc[0])
         with open(path, 'wb') as handle:
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def post(self, *path_args, **path_kwargs):
     '''Saves uploaded files, then updates metadata DB'''
     user = self.current_user or {}
     uploads = self.request.files.get('file', [])
     n = len(uploads)
     # Initialize all DB columns (except ID) to have the same number of rows as uploads
     for key, col in list(self._db_cols.items())[1:]:
         self.args[key] = self.args.get(key, []) + [col.type.python_type()] * n
     for key in self.args:
         self.args[key] = self.args[key][:n]
     for i, upload in enumerate(uploads):
         file = os.path.basename(upload.get('filename', ''))
         ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
         path = re.sub(r'[^!#$%&()+,.0-9;<=>@A-Z\[\]^`a-z{}~]', '-', file)
         while os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, path)):
             path = os.path.splitext(path)[0] + choice(digits + ascii_lowercase) + ext
         self.args['file'][i] = file
         self.args['ext'][i] = ext.lower()
         self.args['path'][i] = path
         self.args['size'][i] = len(upload['body'])
         self.args['date'][i] = int(time.time())
         # Guess MIME type from filename if it's unknown
         self.args['mime'][i] = upload['content_type']
         if self.args['mime'][i] == 'application/unknown':
             self.args['mime'][i] = guess_type(file, strict=False)[0]
         # Append user attributes
         for s in self.user_fields:
             self.args['user_%s' % s.replace('.', '_')][i] = objectpath(user, s)
     yield super().post(*path_args, **path_kwargs)
     for upload, path in zip(uploads, self.args['path']):
         with open(os.path.join(self.path, path), 'wb') as handle:
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def set_default_headers(self):
     # Only set BaseHandler headers.
     # Don't set headers for the specific class. Those are overrides handled
     # by the respective classes, not the default headers.
     headers = [('Server', server_header)]
     headers += list(objectpath(conf, 'handlers.BaseHandler.headers', {}).items())
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def setup_log(cls):
     Logs access requests to gramex.requests as a CSV file.
     logger = logging.getLogger('gramex.requests')
     keys = objectpath(conf, 'log.handlers.requests.keys', [])
     log_info = build_log_info(keys)
     cls.log_request = lambda handler: logger.info(log_info(handler))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def setup(cls, **kwargs):
     super(FormHandler, cls).setup(**kwargs)
     conf_kwargs = merge(AttrDict(cls.conf.kwargs),
                         objectpath(gramex_conf, 'handlers.FormHandler', {}),
     cls.headers = conf_kwargs.pop('headers', {})
     # Top level formats: key is special. Don't treat it as data
     cls.formats = conf_kwargs.pop('formats', {})
     default_config = conf_kwargs.pop('default', None)
     # Remove other known special keys from dataset configuration
     # If top level has url: then data spec is at top level. Else it's a set of sub-keys
     if 'url' in conf_kwargs:
         cls.datasets = {'data': conf_kwargs}
         cls.single = True
         if 'modify' in conf_kwargs:
             cls.modify_all = staticmethod(build_transform(
                 conf={'function': conf_kwargs.pop('modify', None)},
                 filename='%s.%s' % (cls.name, 'modify'), iter=False))
         cls.datasets = conf_kwargs
         cls.single = False
     # Apply defaults to each key
     if isinstance(default_config, dict):
         for key in cls.datasets:
             config = cls.datasets[key].get('default', {})
             cls.datasets[key]['default'] = merge(config, default_config, mode='setdefault')
     # Ensure that each dataset is a dict with a url: key at least
     for key, dataset in list(cls.datasets.items()):
         if not isinstance(dataset, dict):
             app_log.error('%s: %s: must be a dict, not %r' % (cls.name, key, dataset))
             del cls.datasets[key]
         elif 'url' not in dataset:
             app_log.error('%s: %s: does not have a url: key' % (cls.name, key))
             del cls.datasets[key]
         # Ensure that id: is a list -- if it exists
         if 'id' in dataset and not isinstance(dataset['id'], list):
             dataset['id'] = [dataset['id']]
         # Convert function: into a data = transform(data) function
         conf = {
             'function': dataset.pop('function', None),
             'args': dataset.pop('args', None),
             'kwargs': dataset.pop('kwargs', None)
         if conf['function'] is not None:
             fn_name = '%s.%s.transform' % (cls.name, key)
             dataset['transform'] = build_transform(
                 conf, vars={'data': None, 'handler': None}, filename=fn_name, iter=False)
         # Convert modify: and prepare: into a data = modify(data) function
         for fn, fn_vars in cls.function_vars.items():
             if fn in dataset:
                 dataset[fn] = build_transform(
                     conf={'function': dataset[fn]},
                     filename='%s.%s.%s' % (cls.name, key, fn), iter=False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def setup(cls,
              methods=['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'],
        # Convert template: '*.html' into transform: {'*.html': {function: template}}
        # Do this before BaseHandler setup so that it can invoke the transforms required
        if template is not None:
            if template is True:
                template = '*'
                AttrDict())[template] = AttrDict(function='template')
        super(FileHandler, cls).setup(**kwargs)

        cls.root, cls.pattern = None, None
        if isinstance(path, dict):
            cls.root = AttrDict([(re.compile(p + '$'), val)
                                 for p, val in path.items()])
        elif isinstance(path, list):
            cls.root = [Path(path_item).absolute() for path_item in path]
        elif '*' in path:
            cls.pattern = path
            cls.root = Path(path).absolute()
        cls.default_filename = default_filename
        cls.index = index
        cls.ignore = cls.set(cls.kwargs.ignore)
        cls.allow = cls.set(cls.kwargs.allow)
        cls.default = default
        cls.index_template = read_template(
                 ) if index_template is not None else _default_index_template)
        cls.headers = AttrDict(
            objectpath(gramex_conf, 'handlers.FileHandler.headers', {}))
        # Set supported methods
        for method in (methods if isinstance(methods,
                                             (tuple, list)) else [methods]):
            method = method.lower()
            setattr(cls, method, cls._head if method == 'head' else cls._get)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def setup(cls,
        # Convert template: '*.html' into transform: {'*.html': {function: template}}
        # Convert sass: ['*.scss', '*.sass'] into transform: {'*.scss': {function: sass}}
        # Do this before BaseHandler setup so that it can invoke the transforms required
        for key in ('template', 'sass', 'scss'):
            val = kwargs.pop(key, None)
            if val:
                # template/sass: true is the same as template: '*'
                val = '*' if val is True else val if isinstance(
                    val, (list, tuple)) else [val]
                kwargs.setdefault('transform', AttrDict()).update(
                    {v: AttrDict(function=key)
                     for v in val})
        super(FileHandler, cls).setup(**kwargs)

        cls.root, cls.pattern = None, None
        if isinstance(path, dict):
            cls.root = AttrDict([(re.compile(p + '$'), val)
                                 for p, val in path.items()])
        elif isinstance(path, list):
            cls.root = [Path(path_item).absolute() for path_item in path]
        elif '*' in path:
            cls.pattern = path
            cls.root = Path(path).absolute()
        cls.default_filename = default_filename
        cls.index = index
        cls.ignore = cls.set(cls.kwargs.ignore)
        cls.allow = cls.set(cls.kwargs.allow)
        cls.default = default
        cls.index_template = read_template(
                 ) if index_template is not None else _default_index_template)
        cls.headers = AttrDict(
            objectpath(gramex_conf, 'handlers.FileHandler.headers', {}))
        cls.post = cls.put = cls.delete = cls.patch = cls.options = cls.get
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _check_condition(condition, user):
    A condition is a dictionary of {keypath: values}. Extract the keypath from
    the user. Check if the value is in the values list. If not, this condition
    for keypath, values in condition.items():
        node = objectpath(user, keypath)
        # If nothing exists at keypath, the check fails
        if node is None:
            return False
        # If the value is a list, it must overlap with values
        elif isinstance(node, list):
            if not set(node) & values:
                return False
        # If the value is not a list, it must be present in values
        elif node not in values:
            return False
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
def set_opacity(attr, shape, spec, data: dict):
    '''Generator for fill-opacity, stroke-opacity commands'''
    val = expr(spec, data)
    if val is not None:
        fill_opacity(objectpath(shape, attr), val)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def set_color(attr, shape, spec, data: dict):
    '''Generator for fill, stroke commands'''
    val = expr(spec, data)
    if val is not None:
        fill_color(objectpath(shape, attr), val)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def setup(cls,
        # Switch SSL certificates if required to access Google, etc

        # Set up default redirection based on ?next=...
        if 'redirect' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['redirect'] = AttrDict([('query', 'next'),
                                           ('header', 'Referer')])
        super(AuthHandler, cls).setup(**kwargs)

        # Set up logging for login/logout events
        logger = logging.getLogger('gramex.user')
        keys = objectpath(gramex.conf, 'log.handlers.user.keys', [])
        log_info = build_log_info(keys, 'event')
        cls.log_user_event = lambda handler, event: logger.info(
            log_info(handler, event))

        # Count failed logins
        cls.failed_logins = Counter()
        # Set delay for failed logins from the delay: parameter which can be a number or list
        default_delay = [1, 1, 5]
        cls.delay = delay
        if isinstance(cls.delay, list) and not all(
                isinstance(n, (int, float)) for n in cls.delay):
            app_log.warning('%s: Ignoring invalid delay: %r', cls.name,
            cls.delay = default_delay
        elif isinstance(cls.delay, (int, float)) or cls.delay is None:
            cls.delay = default_delay

        # Set up session user key, session expiry and inactive expiry
        cls.session_user_key = user_key
        cls.session_expiry = session_expiry
        cls.session_inactive = session_inactive

        # Set up lookup. Split a copy into self.lookup_id which has the ID, and
        # self.lookup which has gramex.data keywords.
        cls.lookup = None
        if lookup is not None:
            cls.lookup = lookup.copy()
            if isinstance(lookup, dict):
                cls.lookup_id = cls.lookup.pop('id', 'user')
                app_log.error('%s: lookup must be a dict, not %s', cls.name,

        # Set up prepare
        cls.auth_methods = {}
        if prepare is not None:
            cls.auth_methods['prepare'] = build_transform(
                conf={'function': prepare},
                    'handler': None,
                    'args': None
                filename='url:%s:prepare' % cls.name,
        # Prepare recaptcha
        if recaptcha is not None:
            if 'key' not in recaptcha:
                app_log.error('%s: recaptcha.key missing', cls.name)
            elif 'key' not in recaptcha:
                app_log.error('%s: recaptcha.secret missing', cls.name)
                recaptcha.setdefault('action', 'login')
                cls.auth_methods['recaptcha'] = cls.check_recaptcha

        # Set up post-login actions
        cls.actions = []
        if action is not None:
            if not isinstance(action, list):
                action = [action]
            for conf in action:
                                    filename='url:%s:%s' %
                                    (cls.name, conf.function)))
Ejemplo n.º 14
import requests
import time
import gramex.cache
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from lxml.html import document_fromstring
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from six import string_types
from tornado.web import create_signed_value
from gramex.config import ChainConfig, PathConfig, objectpath, variables

# Get Gramex conf from current directory
gramex_conf = ChainConfig()
gramex_conf['source'] = PathConfig(os.path.join(variables['GRAMEXPATH'], 'gramex.yaml'))
gramex_conf['base'] = PathConfig('gramex.yaml')
secret = objectpath(+gramex_conf, 'app.settings.cookie_secret')
drivers = {}
default = object()

class ChromeConf(dict):
    def __init__(self, **conf):
        self['goog:chromeOptions'] = {'args': ['--no-sandbox']}
        for key, val in conf.items():
            getattr(self, key)(val)

    def headless(self, val):
        if val: