Ejemplo n.º 1
def save(data, entity=None):
    """ Save or update an entity. """

    data = validate(data, entity)
    operation = 'create' if entity is None else 'update'
    if entity is None:
        entity = Entity()
        entity.project = data.get('project')
        entity.author = data.get('author')

    entity.schemata = list(set(data.get('schemata')))

    prop_names = set()
    for name, prop in data.get('properties').items():
        prop['name'] = name
        prop['author'] = data.get('author')
        properties_logic.save(entity, prop)

    for prop in entity.properties:
        if prop.name not in prop_names:
            prop.active = False

    _entity_changed.delay(entity.id, operation)
    return entity
Ejemplo n.º 2
def save(data, files=None, entity=None):
    """ Save or update an entity. """
    data = validate(data, entity)

    operation = 'create' if entity is None else 'update'
    if entity is None:
        entity = Entity()
        entity.project = data.get('project')
        entity.author = data.get('author')

    entity.schema = data.get('schema')

    prop_names = set()
    for name, prop in data.get('properties').items():
        prop['project'] = entity.project
        prop['name'] = name
        prop['author'] = data.get('author')
        properties_logic.save(entity, prop, files=files)

    for prop in entity.properties:
        if prop.name not in prop_names:
            prop.active = False

    _entity_changed.delay(entity.id, operation)
    return entity
Ejemplo n.º 3
def save(data, relation=None):
    """ Save or update a relation with the given properties. """
    data = validate(data, relation)

    operation = 'create' if relation is None else 'update'
    if relation is None:
        relation = Relation()
        relation.project = data.get('project')
        relation.author = data.get('author')

    relation.source = data.get('source')
    relation.target = data.get('target')
    relation.schema = data.get('schema')

    prop_names = set()
    for name, prop in data.get('properties').items():
        prop['name'] = name
        prop['author'] = data.get('author')
        properties_logic.save(relation, prop)

    for prop in relation.properties:
        if prop.name not in prop_names:
            prop.active = False

    _relation_changed.delay(relation.id, operation)
    return relation
Ejemplo n.º 4
def save(data, relation=None):
    """ Save or update a relation with the given properties. """
    data = validate(data, relation)

    operation = "create" if relation is None else "update"
    if relation is None:
        relation = Relation()
        relation.project = data.get("project")
        relation.author = data.get("author")

    relation.source = data.get("source")
    relation.target = data.get("target")
    relation.schema = data.get("schema")

    prop_names = set()
    for name, prop in data.get("properties").items():
        prop["name"] = name
        prop["author"] = data.get("author")
        properties_logic.save(relation, prop)

    for prop in relation.properties:
        if prop.name not in prop_names:
            prop.active = False

    _relation_changed.delay(relation.id, operation)
    return relation
Ejemplo n.º 5
def save(data, relation=None):
    """ Save or update a relation with the given properties. """
    data = validate(data, relation)

    operation = 'create' if relation is None else 'update'
    if relation is None:
        relation = Relation()
        relation.project = data.get('project')
        relation.author = data.get('author')

    relation.source = data.get('source')
    relation.target = data.get('target')
    relation.schema = data.get('schema')

    prop_names = set()
    for name, prop in data.get('properties').items():
        prop['name'] = name
        prop['author'] = data.get('author')
        properties_logic.save(relation, prop)

    for prop in relation.properties:
        if prop.name not in prop_names:
            prop.active = False

    _relation_changed.delay(relation.id, operation)
    return relation
Ejemplo n.º 6
def apply_alias(project, author, canonical_name, alias_name):
    """ Given two names, find out if there are existing entities for one or 
    both of them. If so, merge them into a single entity - or, if only the 
    entity associated with the alias exists - re-name the entity. """

    canonical_name = canonical_name.strip()

    # Don't import meaningless aliases.
    if canonical_name == alias_name or not len(canonical_name):
        return log.info("No alias: %s", canonical_name)

    canonical = Entity.by_name(project, canonical_name)
    alias = Entity.by_name(project, alias_name)
    schema = Schema.by_name(project, 'base')
    attribute = schema.get_attribute('name')

    # Don't artificially increase entity counts.
    if canonical is None and alias is None:
        return log.info("Neither alias nor canonical exist: %s", canonical_name)

    # Rename an alias to its new, canonical name.
    if canonical is None:
        data = {
            'value': canonical_name,
            'schema': schema,
            'attribute': attribute,
            'active': True,
            'name': 'name',
            'source_url': None
        properties_logic.save(alias, data)
        return log.info("Renamed: %s -> %s", alias_name, canonical_name)

    # Already done, thanks.
    if canonical == alias:
        return log.info("Already aliased: %s", canonical_name)

    # Merge two existing entities, declare one as "same_as"
    if canonical is not None and alias is not None:
        _merge_entities(alias, canonical)
        return log.info("Mapped: %s -> %s", alias.id, canonical.id)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def apply_alias(project, author, canonical_name, alias_name, source_url=None):
    """ Given two names, find out if there are existing entities for one or
    both of them. If so, merge them into a single entity - or, if only the
    entity associated with the alias exists - re-name the entity. """

    # Don't import meaningless aliases.
    if not len(canonical_name) or not len(alias_name):
        return log.info("Not an alias: %s", canonical_name)

    canonical = None

    # de-duplicate existing entities with the same name.
    known_names = set()
    for existing in Entity.by_name_many(project, canonical_name):

        for prop in existing.properties:
            if prop.name != 'name':

            # make sure the canonical name is actually active
            # TODO: is this desirable?
            if prop.value == canonical_name:
                prop.active = True
                prop.active = False

        if canonical is not None and canonical.id != existing.id:
            canonical = merge(existing, canonical)
            canonical = existing

    schema = Schema.by_name(project, 'base')
    attribute = schema.get_attribute('name')

    # Find aliases, i.e. entities with the alias name which are not
    # the canonical entity.
    q = Entity.by_name_many(project, alias_name)
    if canonical is not None:
        q = q.filter(Entity.id != canonical.id)
    aliases = q.all()

    # If there are no existing aliases with that name, add the alias
    # name to the canonical entity.
    if not len(aliases) and canonical is not None:
        if alias_name not in known_names:
            data = {
                'value': alias_name,
                'schema': schema,
                'attribute': attribute,
                'active': False,
                'name': 'name',
                'source_url': source_url
            properties_logic.save(canonical, data)
            _entity_changed.delay(canonical.id, 'update')
        log.info("Alias: %s -> %s", alias_name, canonical_name)

    for alias in aliases:
        if canonical is None:
            # Rename an alias to its new, canonical name.
            data = {
                'value': canonical_name,
                'schema': schema,
                'attribute': attribute,
                'active': True,
                'name': 'name',
                'source_url': source_url
            properties_logic.save(alias, data)
            _entity_changed.delay(alias.id, 'update')
            log.info("Renamed: %s -> %s", alias_name, canonical_name)
            # Merge two existing entities, declare one as "same_as"
            merge(alias, canonical)
            log.info("Mapped: %s -> %s", alias.id, canonical.id)

Ejemplo n.º 8
def apply_alias(project, author, canonical_name, alias_name, source_url=None):
    """ Given two names, find out if there are existing entities for one or
    both of them. If so, merge them into a single entity - or, if only the
    entity associated with the alias exists - re-name the entity. """

    # Don't import meaningless aliases.
    if not len(canonical_name) or not len(alias_name):
        return log.info("Not an alias: %s", canonical_name)

    canonical = None

    # de-duplicate existing entities with the same name.
    known_names = set()
    for existing in Entity.by_name_many(project, canonical_name):

        for prop in existing.properties:
            if prop.name != 'name':

            # make sure the canonical name is actually active
            if prop.value == canonical_name:
                prop.active = True
                prop.active = False

        if canonical is not None and canonical.id != existing.id:
            canonical = merge(existing, canonical)
            canonical = existing

    # Find aliases, i.e. entities with the alias name which are not
    # the canonical entity.
    q = Entity.by_name_many(project, alias_name)
    if canonical is not None:
        q = q.filter(Entity.id != canonical.id)
    aliases = q.all()

    # If there are no existing aliases with that name, add the alias
    # name to the canonical entity.
    if not len(aliases) and canonical is not None:
        if alias_name not in known_names:
            data = {
                'value': alias_name,
                'active': False,
                'name': 'name',
                'source_url': source_url
            properties_logic.save(canonical, data)
            _entity_changed.delay(canonical.id, 'update')
        log.info("Alias: %s -> %s", alias_name, canonical_name)

    for alias in aliases:
        if canonical is None:
            # Rename an alias to its new, canonical name.
            data = {
                'value': canonical_name,
                'active': True,
                'name': 'name',
                'source_url': source_url
            properties_logic.save(alias, data)
            _entity_changed.delay(alias.id, 'update')
            log.info("Renamed: %s -> %s", alias_name, canonical_name)
            # Merge two existing entities, declare one as "same_as"
            merge(alias, canonical)
            log.info("Mapped: %s -> %s", alias.id, canonical.id)
