Ejemplo n.º 1
def k_tarjan(k, length, cid):
    global g
    if k == 1:
        return graph.Connect(g, length, cid)
    elif k == 2:
        return graph.Connect(g, length, cid) and tarjan(cid)
        l = list(range(length - 1))
        lst = itertools.combinations(l, k - 2)
        g_ = copy.deepcopy(g)
        num = 0
        for x in lst:
            num += 1
            #            print("The count of enum is: ", num)
            gg = copy.deepcopy(g_)
            combin = list(x)
            #            print("Delete Point:", combin)
            gg = np.delete(g_, combin, 0)  # 删除行
            gg = np.delete(gg, combin, 1)  # 删除列
            g = gg
            if not graph.Connect(g, length - (k - 2), cid) or not tarjan():
                #                print("----------------------No k-connect!------------------------")
                return 0
            #            print("--------------------------Yes k-connect!-----------------------")
            return 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mlpt_utility(cid, nodes, G_mlpt, M):  # cid:current id
    '''return No.i node optimal power and the index'''
    nei = nodes[cid].neighbor
    n = [x[0] for x in nei]  # Neighbor Node id
    d = [x[1] for x in nei]  # the distance of i and j
    E = [x[2] for x in nei]  # energy by link

    utility_max = 0
    #    index = 0
    for i in range(len(E)):
        MG = copy.deepcopy(G_mlpt)
        if i != 0:
            MG[cid][n[i - 1]] = 0
            MG[n[i - 1]][cid] = 0
        e = 0
        for j in range(len(E)):
            if MG[cid][n[j]] == 1:
                e += E[j]
        k = graph.Connect(MG, Node.n, cid)
        u = M * k - e

        if k > 0 and u > utility_max:
            utility_max = u
            G_mlpt = MG
#            index = i # maybe disconnect, so cannot use index
# Determine power
#    power = d[index]
    power = 0
    #    print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
    for i in range(len(d)):
        if G_mlpt[cid][n[i]] == 1 and d[i] > power:
            power = d[i]
    return power, G_mlpt
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mia_utility(cid, nodes, G_Mia, M):  # cid:current id
    '''return No.i node optimal power'''
    MG = copy.deepcopy(G_Mia)
    nei = nodes[cid].double_neighbor
    n = [x[0] for x in nei]  # Neighbor Node id
    d = [x[1] for x in nei]  # the distance of i and j      
    index = 0  # index of id of node that is NE
    utility_max = 0
    for i in range(len(n)):
        p = d[i]  # power
        for j in range(i):
            if d[j] > p:  # if d[j] > tp  close the connect
                MG[  cid ][n[j]] = 0
                MG[n[j]][  cid ] = 0
        k = graph.Connect(MG, Node.n, cid)  # judge the connect after close
#        k = graph.go_to_sink(MG, Node.n, cid)  # judge the connect after close
        u = M * k * Node.n - Simulator.dis_to_power(d[i]) # utility funciton
        if k > 0 and u > utility_max:
            utility_max = u
            index = i
    return d[index]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def judge_connect():
    if graph.Connect(Node.interconnect_matrix, Node.n):
        print("No connect")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def init():
    connect = False
    cnt = 0
    while not connect:
        connect = graph.Connect(Node.interconnect_matrix, Node.n)
        cnt += 1
    print("Initialization times:", cnt)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def deba_utility(nodes, cid, G_deba, cnt):  # cid:current id
    '''return No.i node optimal power and the index'''

    nei = nodes[cid].neighbor
    n = [x[0] for x in nei]  # Neighbor Node id
    d = [x[1] for x in nei]  # the distance of i and j
    a = 1
    b = 1
    kc = graph.Connect(G_deba, Node.n, cid)

    power = nodes[cid].power
    p = Simulator.dis_to_power(power)
    pmax = Simulator.dis_to_power(nodes[cid].c_d_max)

    avg_e = average_energy(cid, nodes, G_deba, Node.n)
    ei_er = nodes[cid].energy_init / nodes[cid].energy_residual

    umax = kc * (a * pmax * ei_er + b * avg_e) - a * p * ei_er

    MG = copy.deepcopy(G_deba)
    if cnt < len(d):
        for j in range(len(d)):
            if d[j] > d[cnt]:
                MG[cid][n[j]] = 0
                MG[n[j]][cid] = 0
        kc = graph.Connect(MG, Node.n, cid)

        p = Simulator.dis_to_power(d[cnt])
        pmax = Simulator.dis_to_power(nodes[cid].c_d_max)

        avg_e = average_energy(cid, nodes, MG, Node.n)
        ei_er = nodes[cid].energy_init / nodes[cid].energy_residual

        u = kc * (a * pmax * ei_er + b * avg_e) - a * p * ei_er
        if (kc) == 1 and u > umax:
            power = d[cnt]
    return power
Ejemplo n.º 7
def dia_utility(cid, nodes, G_dia, M, cnt):  # cid:current id
    '''return No.i node optimal power and the index'''

    MG = copy.deepcopy(G_dia)
    nei = nodes[cid].double_neighbor
    n = [x[0] for x in nei]  # Neighbor Node id
    d = [x[1] for x in nei]  # the distance of i and j

    pw_list = nodes[cid].power_list
    power = nodes[cid].power

    # The line where the neighbor ID currently needs to be disconnected
    # It is initially 0.
    index = nodes[cid].power_select  # next selection of power
    k = graph.Connect(MG, Node.n)  # judge the connect after close

    umax = M * k - Simulator.dis_to_power(power)

    flag = False  # Whether the topology changes when power is reduced
    count_power = pw_list[cnt]

    if index < len(nei):  # Index points to the last link if temp > length of d
        if count_power < d[index]:
            MG[cid][(n[index])] = 0
            MG[(n[index])][cid] = 0
            flag = True

        k = graph.Connect(MG, Node.n, cid)  # judge the connect after close
        u = M * k - Simulator.dis_to_power(count_power)  # utility funciton

        if k > 0 and u > umax:
            power = count_power
            if flag:
                index += 1

    return power, index