Ejemplo n.º 1
def DFS (G, start = unspecified):
    This is a generator that yields vertices from the vertex set of graph
    $G$ in the order they are encountered in a depth-first search of $G$
    starting from the vertex \code{start} (if specified) or from some
    arbitrary vertex in \code {G.vertices} if \code {start} is not
    if start is unspecified:
        start = arbitraryElementOf (G.vertices)

    neighbors = graph.adjacencyLists (G)
    yield start
    visited = set ([start])
    stack = neighbors [start]
    while stack:
        w = stack.pop()
        if w not in visited:
            yield w
            visited.add (w)
            stack.extend (neighbors [w])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Prim (G, root = unspecified):
    Returns the edges of a minimum-weight spanning tree of $G$,
    starting from the vertex \code {root} (if specified).
    if root is unspecified:
        root = arbitraryElementOf(G.vertices)
    key = {}
    Pi = {}
    adj = graph.adjacencyLists(G)
    for u in G.vertices:
        key [u] = Infinity
        Pi [u] = None
    key [root] = 0
    Q = PriorityQueue (G.vertices)
    while Q:
        u = Q.extract_min()
        for v in adj[u]:
            if v in Q and G.weight ( (u, v) ) < key [v]:
                Pi [v] = u
                key[v] = G.weight ( (u, v) )
    return [(v, Pi[v]) for v in G.vertices if v is not root]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def BFS (G, start = unspecified):
    This is a generator that yields the vertices of $G$ in the order
    they are encountered during a breadth-first search of $G$ starting at the
    vertex \code {start} (if specified), or starting at some arbitrary vertex
    in \code {G.vertices} if not specified.
    if start is unspecified:
        start = arbitraryElementOf (G.vertices)

    neighbors = graph.adjacencyLists (G)

    reached = Queue([])
    searched = set ([])

    reached.add (start)
    while not reached.empty():
        v = reached.remove()
        yield v
        for w in neighbors [v]:
            if w not in searched and w not in reached:
                reached.add (w)
        searched.add (v)