Ejemplo n.º 1
def nearest_neighbors(graph, q, max_dist=10.0):
        Returns all the nearest roadmap vertices for a given configuration q that lie within max_dist units
        You may also want to return the corresponding distances 

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def find_path(q_start, q_goal, graph):
    path = []
    goalx = q_goal[0]
    startx = q_start[0]
    goaly = q_goal[1]
    starty = q_start[1]

    goal = (goalx, goaly)
    start = (startx, starty)

    UpdatedVerList = graph.getVertices()

    # A* algorithm:
    closed_set = OrderedSet()
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)

    h = distance(startVer, goalVer)
    g = 0
    f = g + h
    next = startVer
    open_set.put(next, Value(f=f, g=g))

    parent = {}
    check = []

    while len(open_set) > 0:
        next, value = open_set.pop()
        nextId = next.id
        gn = value.g

        #Print the path after it reaches the goal and traceback to the start point
        if nextId == goalId:
            while not nextId == startId:
                nextId = parent[nextId]
                ee = RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(UpdatedVerList[nextId])
                path.insert(0, ee)
            neighbour = RoadmapVertex.getEdges(next)
            for ji in range(len(neighbour)):
                piId = neighbour[ji].id
                if piId not in check:
                    parent.update({piId: nextId})
                    g = distance(next, UpdatedVerList[piId]) + gn
                    h = distance(UpdatedVerList[piId], goalVer)
                    f = g + h
                    if UpdatedVerList[piId] not in closed_set:
                        open_set.put(UpdatedVerList[piId], Value(f=f, g=g))
    return path
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_path(q_start, q_goal, graph):
    path = []
    trial = []

    # print('goal',q_goal)
    # print('start',q_start)
    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Use the PriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)
    grids = graph.getVertices()  # nodes/ vertices

    # Path
    f = 0
    g = 0
    h = 0
    for q in range(0, 1):
        h = sqrt((grids[0].q[0] - grids[1].q[0])**2 +
                 (grids[0].q[1] - grids[1].q[1])**2)

    f = g + h
    open_set.put(grids[0], Value(f=f, g=g))
    while len(open_set) > 0:
        parent, val = open_set.pop()
        new = (RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(parent))
        new1 = new[0]
        new2 = new[1]
        trial = [new1, new2]

        if parent == grids[1]:
            for child in grids:
                sssss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(parent, child.id)
                if sssss is not None:
                    if child not in closed_set:
                        g_val = distance(child, parent) + val.g
                        if child not in open_set or open_set.get(
                                child).g > g_val:
                            h_val = distance(parent, grids[1])
                            # print('The H value is:',h_val)
                            f_val = g_val + h_val
                            open_set.put(child, Value(f=f_val, g=g_val))
        # print('The trial is:', trial)
    return path
Ejemplo n.º 4
def find_path(q_start, q_goal, graph):
    path = []
    x1 = q_start[0]
    y1 = q_start[1]
    x2 = q_goal[0]
    y2 = q_goal[1]

    start_n = graph.addVertex([x1, y1])  #Adding start and end goal
    end_n = graph.addVertex([x2, y2])

    all = Roadmap.getVertices(graph)
    number = Roadmap.getNrVertices(graph)
    parent = ["" for i in range(len(all))]
    visited = [False] * len(all)

    distances = []
    distanceg = []

    for i in all:
        if i.id != start_n.id:
            distance_s = distance(
                i.q, start_n.q)  #For finding the neighbour for the start point

    min_index_s = np.argmin(distances)
    min_s = distances[min_index_s]

    for i in all:
        if i.id != end_n.id:
            distance_g = distance(i.q, end_n.q)

    min_index_g = np.argmin(distanceg)  #Index of nearest neighbour
    min_g = distanceg[min_index_g]  #Distance of nearest neighbour

    near_s = all[min_index_s]
    graph.addEdge(start_n, near_s,
                  min_s)  #Connecting start point to the nearest neighbour
    near_g = all[min_index_g]
    graph.addEdge(end_n, near_g,
                  min_g)  #Connecting end point to the nearest neighbour

    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Use the PriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)

    g = 0
    h = distance(start_n.q, end_n.q)
    f = g + h

    open_set.put(start_n, Value(f=f, g=g))

    while len(open_set) != 0:

        node, value = open_set.pop()
        visited[node.id] = True
        # g = value.g
        p_cost = value.g

        if node == end_n:
            last = end_n
            for i in range(len(closed_set)):
                if last != start_n:
                    prev_parent = parent[last.id]
                    last = prev_parent

            children = RoadmapVertex.getEdges(node)
            for child in children:
                if not visited[child.id]:
                    c_vert = all[child.id]
                    g = sqrt((node.q[0] - c_vert.q[0])**2 +
                             (node.q[1] - c_vert.q[1])**2) + p_cost
                    h = sqrt((end_n.q[0] - c_vert.q[0])**2 +
                             (end_n.q[1] - c_vert.q[1])**2)
                    f = g + h

                    if c_vert not in open_set or c_vert not in closed_set:

                        open_set.put(c_vert, Value(f=f, g=g))
                    elif open_set.has[
                            c_vert]:  #For backtracking of the nodes to plot the path
                        c_val = open_set.get(c_vert)
                        if c_val.g > g:
                            open_set.put(c_vert, Value(f=f, g=g))
                    parent[child.id] = node

    path = path[::-1]  #We have to reverse the path due to backtracking

    return path
Ejemplo n.º 5
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles):

    global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius

    obstacles = scene_obstacles  # setting the global obstacle variable
    x_limit = q_range[0]  # the range of x-positions for the robot
    y_limit = q_range[1]  # the range of y-positions for the robot
    theta_limit = q_range[
        2]  # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension)
    robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[
        1]  # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box

    robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2.
    # the roadmap
    graph = Roadmap()
    # scene1= Scene
    # qop = scene1.default_query()
    graph.addVertex((14.378, -4.328))  # Adding the start as the first vertex.
    graph.addVertex((-44.184, -26.821))  # Adding the goal as the last vertex.
        The below for loop is used to create samples (vertices) where the coordinate x will be spaced equally 
        of length 3 and y will be spaced equally of length 2.5 throughout the entire plot. Both the x and y coordinate
        will be having a random noise ranging from -0.5 to 0.5.
        All these samples are checked first whether they are on the collision free space or not, if they are then
        they get added as vertices. 
    for i in range(0, 33):
        x = -48 + 3 * i + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5))
        for j1 in range(0, 40):
            y = -48 + 2.5 * j1 + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5))
            coll = collision(x, y)
            if coll is True:
                graph.addVertex((x, y))
    Vertices = graph.getVertices(
    )  # A Vertices list is created with all the vertices being currently placed.
    max_dist = 5  # A maximum distance value is set to connect the vertices between them with a edge.
        The for loop below will add edge between the vertices which are spaced at a distance less than the max_dist 
        variable. Once the edge is added, the interpolate function will check if the edge is passing through the C 
        obstacle space or not. If it is, then the edge gets removed. 
        Once the edge gets removed, for each parent we shall create a list of children and to remove the edges among 
        them to reduce the number of unnecessary edges.  
    for i in Vertices:
        list_vertex = []
        for j in Vertices:
            dist = distance(i, j)
            if dist < max_dist and dist != 0:
                graph.addEdge(i, j, dist)
                some = interpolate(i, j, 0.5)
                if some is False:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
        if len(list_vertex) >= 2:
            for rem in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                for rem1 in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                    if rem != rem1:
                        ss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(list_vertex[rem],
                        if ss is not None:
    # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file
    # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt")

    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 6
def find_path(q_start, q_goal, graph):
    """The goal and the start values are initialized for our condition in the first step for performing A* star algorithm"""
    path = []
    goal0 = q_goal[0]
    goal1 = q_goal[1]
    start0 = q_start[0]
    start1 = q_start[1]

    goal = (goal0, goal1)
    start = (start0, start1)
    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Use the PriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)
    grids = graph.getVertices()  # nodes/ vertices
    """The parent list and the cost for the parent list are created for the A* star path likewise in the third assignment"""
    parent_list = [' '] * len(grids)
    node_cost = [1000] * len(grids)
    # Path
    f = 0
    g = 0
    h = 0
    """The h value is calculated using the euclidean distance calculation method"""
    for q in range(0, 1):
        h = sqrt((grids[0].q[0] - grids[1].q[0])**2 +
                 (grids[0].q[1] - grids[1].q[1])**2)

    f = g + h
    """Checking whether the collision happens while appending the path and if found any are removed
       Making sure that start and goal configurations are collision-free. Otherwise returning None 
       as mentioned in the comment provided by Dr.Karamouzas"""
    goal_coll = collision(goal0, goal1)
    start_coll = collision(start0, start1)
    if goal_coll and start_coll is True:
        graph.addVertex((goal0, goal1))
        graph.addVertex((start0, start1))
        print('Cannot produce path')
        return None

    open_set.put(grids[0], Value(f=f, g=g))
    while len(open_set) > 0:
        parent, val = open_set.pop()  #parent is the current node here
        children = []
        xlo = RoadmapVertex.getEdges(parent)
        path = []
        """The children list is appended finding the IDs between the two nodes at any instant.
           They represent the destination points between the two points and the values are finally updated."""
        for child1 in xlo:
            cg = child1.getDestination()
            cg_object = grids[cg]
            if cg_object not in closed_set:

        if parent == grids[1]:
            current_node = parent
            while current_node != grids[0]:
                parent_node = parent_list[
                    id]  #Updating the current node with respect to the ID in the parent list that is created
                            )  #Finally updating the correct nodes to the path
                current_node = parent_node
            return path


        for child in children:
            """The cost calculation is done by using the euclidean distance calculated g, from the start to the current node
               and h, from the current node to the end node. The resulting f value which is the sum of both g and h are taken."""
            g_val = distance(child, parent) + val.g
            h_val = distance(parent, grids[1])
            f_val = g_val + h_val
            cost_child = f_val
            child_new = g_val
            if child not in open_set or closed_set:
                open_set.put(child, Value(f=cost_child, g=child_new))

            if child in open_set:
                cost_need = open_set.get(child)
                cost_f = cost_need.f
                if cost_child < cost_f:
                    open_set.put(child, Value(f=cost_child, g=child_new))
            """Backtracking the parent list with respect to the cost value from the goal node to form the optimal path"""
            if node_cost[child.id] > cost_child:
                node_cost[child.id] = cost_child
                parent_list[child.id] = parent
    return path
Ejemplo n.º 7
def find_path(q_start, q_goal, graph):
        In the following code, we are checking the goal and start coordinates which are generated from random or
        default buttons. We then add these vertices and check their nearest neighbors to add edges between them.
        Once the edges are added, they are checked using the interpolate function to see if any edge is passing through
        the obstacles or not.

        Also, if the start or goal is falling on the obstacle space when a random query is generated, we shall not
        generate path.
    path = []
    goal0 = q_goal[0]
    goal1 = q_goal[1]
    start0 = q_start[0]
    start1 = q_start[1]
    goal = (goal0, goal1)
    start = (start0, start1)

    start_vett = graph.addVertex(start)
    goal_vert = graph.addVertex(goal)
    start_id = RoadmapVertex.getId(start_vett)
    goal_id = RoadmapVertex.getId(goal_vert)
    grids1 = graph.getVertices()  # nodes/ vertices

    for grid in grids1:
        if distance(grid, start_vett) < 5:
            graph.addEdge(grid, start_vett, distance(grid, start_vett))
            some = interpolate(grid, start_vett, 0.5)
            if some is False:
                graph.removeEdge(grid, start_vett)
        if distance(grid, goal_vert) < 5:
            graph.addEdge(grid, goal_vert, distance(grid, goal_vert))
            some = interpolate(grid, goal_vert, 0.5)
            if some is False:
                graph.removeEdge(grid, goal_vert)
    grids = graph.getVertices()

    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Use the PriorityQueue for the open list

    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)
    """The parent list and the cost for the parent list are created for the A* star path likewise in the third assignment"""
    parent_list = [' '] * len(grids)
    node_cost = [1000] * len(grids)
    # Path
    f = 0
    g = 0
    h = 0
    """The h value is calculated using the euclidean distance calculation method"""
    for q in range(0, 1):
        h = sqrt((grids[start_id].q[0] - grids[goal_id].q[0])**2 +
                 (grids[start_id].q[1] - grids[goal_id].q[1])**2)
    f = g + h
    Checking whether the collision happens while appending the path and if found any are removed
       Making sure that start and goal configurations are collision-free. Otherwise returning None 
       as mentioned in the comment provided by Dr.Karamouzas
    goal_coll = collision(goal0, goal1)
    start_coll = collision(start0, start1)
    if goal_coll and start_coll is True:
        graph.addVertex((goal0, goal1))
        graph.addVertex((start0, start1))
        print('Cannot produce path')
        return None

    open_set.put(grids[start_id], Value(f=f, g=g))
    while len(open_set) > 0:
        parent, val = open_set.pop()  #parent is the current node here
        children = []
        xlo = RoadmapVertex.getEdges(parent)
        path = []
        The children list is appended finding the IDs between the two nodes at any instant.
           They represent the destination points between the two points and the values are finally updated.
        for child1 in xlo:
            cg = child1.getDestination()
            cg_object = grids[cg]
            if cg_object not in closed_set:

        if parent == grids[goal_id]:
            current_node = parent
            while current_node != grids[start_id]:
                parent_node = parent_list[
                    id]  #Updating the current node with respect to the ID in the parent list that is created
                            )  #Finally updating the correct nodes to the path
                current_node = parent_node
            return path


        for child in children:
            The cost calculation is done by using the euclidean distance calculated g, from the start to the current node
               and h, from the current node to the end node. The resulting f value which is the sum of both g and h are taken.
            g_val = distance(child, parent) + val.g
            h_val = distance(parent, grids[goal_id])
            f_val = g_val + h_val
            cost_child = f_val
            child_new = g_val
            if child not in open_set or closed_set:
                open_set.put(child, Value(f=cost_child, g=child_new))

            if child in open_set:
                cost_need = open_set.get(child)
                cost_f = cost_need.f
                if cost_child < cost_f:
                    open_set.put(child, Value(f=cost_child, g=child_new))
            Backtracking the parent list with respect to the cost value from the goal node to form the optimal path
            if node_cost[child.id] > cost_child:
                node_cost[child.id] = cost_child
                parent_list[child.id] = parent

    return path
Ejemplo n.º 8
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles):

    global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius

    obstacles = scene_obstacles  # setting the global obstacle variable
    x_limit = q_range[0]  # the range of x-positions for the robot
    y_limit = q_range[1]  # the range of y-positions for the robot
    theta_limit = q_range[
        2]  # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension)
    robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[
        1]  # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box

    robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2.
    A = np.zeros((1000, 2))
    # the roadmap
    graph = Roadmap()
    list_app = []
    vertices_app = []
    scene1 = Scene
    # qop = scene1.default_query()
    goof = graph.addVertex((14.378, -4.328))
    goof1 = graph.addVertex((-44.184, -26.821))

    for i in range(0, 33):
        # x = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50))
        # y = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50))
        x = -44 + 3 * i + (random.uniform(-0.5, 1))
        for j1 in range(0, 33):
            y = -44 + 3 * j1 + (random.uniform(-0.5, 1))
            coll = collision(x, y)
            if coll is True:
                graph.addVertex((x, y))
    Vertices = graph.getVertices()
    max_dist = 5
    for i in Vertices:
        list_vertex = []
        for j in Vertices:
            dist = distance(i, j)
            # print('in loop dist', dist)
            if dist < max_dist and dist != 0:
                edge_check = graph.addEdge(i, j, dist)
                some = interpolate(i, j, 0.5)
                # print('some',some)
                if some is False:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
                list_a_x = i.id
                list_a_y = j.id
                list_a = (list_a_x, list_a_y)
                list_b = (list_a_y, list_a_x)
                if list_b not in list_app:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
        if len(list_vertex) >= 2:
            for rem in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                for rem1 in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                    if rem != rem1:
                        ss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(list_vertex[rem],
                        if ss is not None:
    # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file
    # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt")

    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 9
def find_path(q_start, q_goal, graph):
    path = []
    trial = []
    goal0 = q_goal[0]
    goal1 = q_goal[1]
    start0 = q_start[0]
    start1 = q_start[1]
    goal = (goal0, goal1)
    start = (start0, start1)
    # print('The goal is:', goal)
    # print('The start is:', start)
    # goof = graph.addVertex(goal)
    # goof1 = graph.addVertex(start)
    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()
    goal_coll = collision(goal0, goal1)
    start_coll = collision(start0, start1)
    if goal_coll and start_coll is True:
        aa = graph.addVertex((goal0, goal1))
        sas = graph.addVertex((start0, start1))
        # print(RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(sas))
        # print(ss)
        return None
    # Use the PriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)
    grids = graph.getVertices()  # nodes/ vertices
    # print(grids)
    # print(len(grids))
    val_app = []
    # Path
    f = 0
    g = 0
    h = 0
    for q in range(0, 1):
        # h = sqrt((start0 - goal0) ** 2 + (start1 - goal1) ** 2)

        h = sqrt((grids[0].q[0] - grids[1].q[0])**2 +
                 (grids[0].q[1] - grids[1].q[1])**2)

    f = g + h
    # open_set.put(sas, Value(f=f, g=g))
    open_set.put(grids[0], Value(f=f, g=g))
    while len(open_set) > 0:
        parent, val = open_set.pop()
        # print('f', val_app)
        # print('inside',len(open_set))
        new = (RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(parent))
        new1 = new[0]
        new2 = new[1]
        trial = [new1, new2]
        # if parent == aa:
        if parent == grids[1]:
            for child in grids:
                sssss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(parent, child.id)
                if sssss is not None:
                    if child not in closed_set:
                        g_val = distance(child, parent) + val.g
                        # g_val = distance(child, parent) + val.g
                        if child not in open_set or open_set.get(
                                child).g > g_val:
                            # h_val = distance(parent, aa)
                            h_val = distance(parent, grids[1])
                            # print('The g value of child is:',g_val)
                            f_val = g_val + h_val
                            # print('The f value of child is:', f_val)
                            open_set.put(child, Value(f=f_val, g=g_val))
                        if val.g > g_val:
        # print('The trial is:', trial)
    # for alpha in grids:
    #     pare = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(parent,alpha.id)
    #     if pare is not None:
    #         print('pare', RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(alpha))
    # parent = [[[' ' for row in range(len(grids[0]))] for col in range(len(grids))],
    #           [[' ' for row in range(len(grids[0]))] for col in range(len(grids))],
    #           [[' ' for row in range(len(grids[0]))] for col in range(len(grids))],
    #           [[' ' for row in range(len(grids[0]))] for col in range(len(grids))]]
    # print(parent)
    for i in range(len(val_app)):
        for j in range(len(val_app)):
            if i != j:
                if val_app[i] > val_app[j]:
                    # np.remove(val_app[i])
    return path
Ejemplo n.º 10
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles):

    global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius

    obstacles = scene_obstacles  # setting the global obstacle variable
    x_limit = q_range[0]  # the range of x-positions for the robot
    y_limit = q_range[1]  # the range of y-positions for the robot
    theta_limit = q_range[
        2]  # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension)
    robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[
        1]  # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box

    robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2.
    A = np.zeros((1000, 2))
    # the roadmap
    graph = Roadmap()
    list_app = []
    list_app = []
    vertices_app = []

    goof = graph.addVertex((14.378, -4.328))
    goof1 = graph.addVertex((-44.184, -26.821))
    for i in range(0, 33):
        # x = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50))
        # y = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50))
        x = -45 + 3 * i + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5))
        for j1 in range(0, 33):
            y = -45 + 3 * j1 + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5))
            A[i][0] = x
            A[i][1] = y
            for j in range(0, 26):
                xs = []
                ys = []
                for point in obstacles[j].points:
                    count = 0
                    x_min = min(xs) - 2
                    x_max = max(xs) + 2
                    y_min = min(ys) - 2
                    y_max = max(ys) + 2
                if x_min <= x <= x_max and y_min <= y <= y_max:
                    count = 1
            if count != 1:
                graph.addVertex((x, y))
    # for qq in range(len(A)):

    Vertices = graph.getVertices()

    max_dist = 5
    for i in Vertices:
        list_vertex = []
        for j in Vertices:
            dist = distance(i, j)
            # print('in loop dist', dist)
            if dist < max_dist and dist != 0:
                edge_check = graph.addEdge(i, j, dist)
                some = interpolate(i, j, 0.5)
                # print('some',some)
                if some is False:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
                list_a_x = i.id
                list_a_y = j.id
                list_a = (list_a_x, list_a_y)
                list_b = (list_a_y, list_a_x)
                if list_b not in list_app:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
        if len(list_vertex) >= 2:
            for rem in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                for rem1 in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                    if rem != rem1:
                        ss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(list_vertex[rem],
                        if ss is not None:
    # p_neighbour = []
    # c_neighbour = []
    # for x in range(len(Vertices)):
    #     p_neighbour.clear()
    #     for z in range(len(Vertices)):
    #         if not x == z:
    #             parent = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(Vertices[x], Vertices[z].id)
    #             if not parent is None:
    #                 p_neighbour.append(Vertices[z])
    #         c_neighbour.clear()
    #         for u in range(len(p_neighbour)):
    #             for h in range(len(Vertices)):
    #                 if not u == h:
    #                     children = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(p_neighbour[u], Vertices[h].id)
    #                     if not children is None:
    #                         c_neighbour.append(Vertices[h])
    #             for r in range(len(p_neighbour)):
    #                 for m in range(len(c_neighbour)):
    #                     if p_neighbour[r] == c_neighbour[m]:
    #                         graph.removeEdge(Vertices[x], Vertices[z])
    #                         break
    aa = RoadmapVertex.getEdges(goof1)
    # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file
    # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt")

    return graph