Ejemplo n.º 1
 def TestDagShortestPathsModified(self):
     u = Vertex('u')
     v = Vertex('v')
     w = Vertex('w')
     z = Vertex('z')
     u.weight = 1
     v.weight = 2
     w.weight = 3
     z.weight = 4
     vertices = [u, v, w, z]
     edges = [(u, v), (v, w), (v, z)]
     G = Graph(vertices, edges)
     self.assertEqual(dag_shortest_paths_modified(G, u), [u, v, z])
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def TestDagShortestPathsModified(self):
     u = Vertex('u')
     v = Vertex('v')
     w = Vertex('w')
     z = Vertex('z')
     u.weight = 1
     v.weight = 2
     w.weight = 3
     z.weight = 4
     vertices = [u, v, w, z]
     edges = [(u, v), (v, w), (v, z)]
     G = Graph(vertices, edges)
     self.assertEquals(dag_shortest_paths_modified(G, u), [u, v, z])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def shift(vertex: Vertex, num_vertices: int) -> Vertex:
    Returns the Vertex that is the root for this tree
    :param vertex: the vertex we want to shift
    :param num_vertices: the number of vertices in the graph [invariant]

    # If no neighbour of u has weight > neighbour.weight/2, return u
    result = vertex
    for neighbour in vertex.neighbours:
        if neighbour.weight > num_vertices / 2:
            vertex.weight = vertex.weight - neighbour.weight
            neighbour.weight = vertex.weight + neighbour.weight
            result = shift(neighbour, num_vertices)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def set_weight(root: Vertex, parent: Vertex = None):
    Recursively assigns weights to the induced subgraphs starting with the root
    :param root: Vertex
    :param parent: The parent of the root, because those do not count in the weight of a subgraph

    if root.degree == 1 and root.neighbours[0] == parent:
        root.weight = 1
        return 1
        for neighbour in root.neighbours:
            if neighbour != parent:
                root.weight += set_weight(root=neighbour, parent=root)
        root.weight += 1
        return root.weight