Ejemplo n.º 1
import networkx as nx

from graph_measures.features_infra.feature_calculators import NodeFeatureCalculator, FeatureMeta

class LoadCentralityCalculator(NodeFeatureCalculator):
    def is_relevant(self):
        return True

    def _calculate(self, include: set, is_regression=False):
        self._features = nx.load_centrality(self._gnx)

feature_entry = {
    "load_centrality": FeatureMeta(LoadCentralityCalculator, {"load_c"}),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from graph_measures.measure_tests.specific_feature_test import test_specific_feature
    test_specific_feature(LoadCentralityCalculator, is_max_connected=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
               for node in self._gnx}
        max_b_u = float(max(b_u.values()))

        for node in self._gnx:
            # the delta determines whether this node is to be considered
            if (b_u[node] / max_b_u) <= self._threshold:
                self._features[node] = 0

            udists = undirected_dists[node]
            dists = directed_dists[node]

            # getting coordinated values from two dictionaries with the same keys
            # saving the data as np.array type
            num, denom = map(np.array, zip(*((udists[n], dists[n]) for n in dists)))

            num = num[denom != 0]
            denom = denom[denom != 0]

            self._features[node] = np.sum(num / denom) / float(b_u[node])

feature_entry = {
    "flow": FeatureMeta(FlowCalculator, {}),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from graph_measures.measure_tests.specific_feature_test import test_specific_feature
    test_specific_feature(FlowCalculator, is_max_connected=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
import networkx as nx

from graph_measures.features_infra.feature_calculators import NodeFeatureCalculator, FeatureMeta

class AverageNeighborDegreeCalculator(NodeFeatureCalculator):
    def is_relevant(self):
        return True

    def _calculate(self, include: set, is_regression=False):
        self._features = nx.average_neighbor_degree(self._gnx)

feature_entry = {
    FeatureMeta(AverageNeighborDegreeCalculator, {"avg_nd"}),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from graph_measures.measure_tests.specific_feature_test import test_specific_feature
Ejemplo n.º 4
import networkx as nx

from graph_measures.features_infra.feature_calculators import NodeFeatureCalculator, FeatureMeta

class PageRankCalculator(NodeFeatureCalculator):
    def __init__(self, *args, alpha=0.9, **kwargs):
        super(PageRankCalculator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._alpha = alpha

    def is_relevant(self):
        # Undirected graphs will be converted to a directed
        #       graph with two directed edges for each undirected edge.
        return True

    def _calculate(self, include: set, is_regression=False):
        self._features = nx.pagerank(self._gnx, alpha=self._alpha)

feature_entry = {
    "page_rank": FeatureMeta(PageRankCalculator, {"pr"}),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from graph_measures.measure_tests.specific_feature_test import test_specific_feature
    test_specific_feature(PageRankCalculator, is_max_connected=True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
from collections import Counter

import community

from graph_measures.features_infra.feature_calculators import NodeFeatureCalculator, FeatureMeta

class LouvainCalculator(NodeFeatureCalculator):
    def is_relevant(self):
        # relevant only for undirected graphs
        return not self._gnx.is_directed()

    def _calculate(self, include: set, is_regression=False):
        partition = community.best_partition(self._gnx)
        com_size_dict = Counter(partition.values())
        self._features = {node: com_size_dict[partition[node]] for node in self._gnx}

feature_entry = {
    "louvain": FeatureMeta(LouvainCalculator, {"lov"}),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from graph_measures.measure_tests.specific_feature_test import test_specific_feature
    test_specific_feature(LouvainCalculator, is_max_connected=True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class EccentricityCalculator(NodeFeatureCalculator):
    def _calculate(self, include: set, is_regression=False):
        dists = {
            src: neighbors
            for src, neighbors in nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(self._gnx)
        self._features = {
            node: max(neighbors.values())
            for node, neighbors in dists.items()

    def _calculate_dep(self, include: set):
        # Not using eccentricity to handle disconnected graphs. (If a graph has more than 1 connected components,
        # the eccentricty will raise an exception)
        self._features = {
            node: nx.eccentricity(self._gnx, node)
            for node in self._gnx

    def is_relevant(self):
        return True

feature_entry = {
    "eccentricity": FeatureMeta(EccentricityCalculator, {"ecc"}),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from graph_measures.measure_tests.specific_feature_test import test_specific_feature
    test_specific_feature(EccentricityCalculator, is_max_connected=True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class FiedlerVectorCalculator(NodeFeatureCalculator):
    def _calculate_dep(self, include: set):
        # Working on every connected component by itself
        self._features = dict(zip(self._gnx, alg_connectivity.fiedler_vector(self._gnx)))

    def _calculate(self, include: set, is_regression=False):
        self._features = {}

        for graph in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(self._gnx):
            if len(graph) < 2:
                self._features.update(zip(graph.nodes(), [0.] * len(graph)))
                self._features.update(zip(graph.nodes(), map(float, alg_connectivity.fiedler_vector(graph))))

    def is_relevant(self):
        # Fiedler vector also works only on connected undirected graphs
        # so if gnx is not connected we shall expect an exception: networkx.exception.NetworkXError
        # return (not self._gnx.is_directed()) and (nx.is_connected(self._gnx.to_undirected()))
        return not self._gnx.is_directed()

feature_entry = {
    "fiedler_vector": FeatureMeta(FiedlerVectorCalculator, {"fv"}),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from graph_measures.measure_tests.specific_feature_test import test_specific_feature
    test_specific_feature(FiedlerVectorCalculator, is_max_connected=True)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_all():
    for cls in FEATURE_CLASSES:
        test_specific_feature(cls, is_max_connected=True)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        d = r
        return laplacian, y, tol, r, d

    def _initialize_vars_from_laplacian_matrix1(g):
        # creating laplacian matrix
        w = g + g.T
        d = np.diag(sum(w))
        l = d - w
        _id = np.sum(g, 0)
        od = np.sum(g, 1)
        # initialize_vars
        b = np.subtract((np.array([od])).T, (np.array([_id])).T)
        tol = 0.001
        n = np.size(g, 1)
        y = np.random.rand(n, 1)
        y = np.subtract(y, (1 / n) * sum(y))
        k = np.dot(l, y)
        r = np.subtract(b, k)
        d = r
        return l, y, tol, r, d

feature_entry = {
    "hierarchy_energy": FeatureMeta(HierarchyEnergyCalculator, {"hierarchy"}),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from graph_measures.measure_tests.specific_feature_test import test_specific_feature
    test_specific_feature(HierarchyEnergyCalculator, is_max_connected=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
from graph_measures.features_infra.feature_calculators import NodeFeatureCalculator, FeatureMeta

class GeneralCalculator(NodeFeatureCalculator):
    def is_relevant(self):
        return True

    def _calculate(self, include: set, is_regression=False):
        if self._gnx.is_directed():
            self._features = {node: (in_deg, out_deg) for
                              (node, out_deg), (_, in_deg) in zip(self._gnx.out_degree(), self._gnx.in_degree())}
            self._features = {node: deg for node, deg in self._gnx.degree()}

feature_entry = {
    "general": FeatureMeta(GeneralCalculator, {"gen"}),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from graph_measures.measure_tests.specific_feature_test import test_specific_feature
    test_specific_feature(GeneralCalculator, is_max_connected=True)