def connect_subgraphs_by_spanning_trees(self):
        subgraphs = {}
        labels = graph_tool.label_components(self.g)[0].a

        for i in range(len(labels)):
            label = labels[i]

            if label in subgraphs:
                subgraphs[label] = [self.g.vertex(i)]

        vertices_idx_to_connect = []

        for l, s in tqdm(subgraphs.items()):
            # print(l)
            subgraph = graph_tool.GraphView(self.g,
                                            vfilt=labels == l,
            tree_edges = graph_tool.min_spanning_tree(subgraph)
            tree = graph_tool.GraphView(subgraph,
            sort = graph_tool.topological_sort(tree)

        self.v_root = self.g.add_vertex()

        for i in vertices_idx_to_connect:
            self.g.add_edge(self.v_root, i)
def extract_max_pg(ball_view, qgraph, w, S_w, d_Q):
    Extract the maximum perfect graph of qgraph in the ball.
    if valid_sim_w(S_w, w, qgraph) == False:
        return None
    vertex_matchset = set(v for u in qgraph.vertices() for v in S_w[u])
    # edge_matchset = set(e for e in ball_view.edges() for (u, v) in qgraph.edges() if e.source() in S_w[u] and in S_w[v])
    edge_matchset = set()
    for e in qgraph.edges():
        source = e.source()
        target =
        for sim_v1 in S_w[source]:
            for sim_v2 in S_w[target]:
                eg = ball_view.edge(sim_v1, sim_v2)
                if eg:
    pg_view = gt.GraphView(ball_view,
                           vfilt=lambda v: v in vertex_matchset,
                           efilt=lambda e: e in edge_matchset)
    dist = gt.shortest_distance(pg_view, w, None, None, None, None, False)
    maxPGC = gt.GraphView(pg_view, vfilt=lambda v: dist.a[int(v)] <= d_Q)
    for u in qgraph.vertices():
        S_w[u] = set(v for v in maxPGC.vertices() if v in S_w[u])
        if len(S_w[u]) == 0:
            maxPGC = None
    return maxPGC
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def loop(self):
        for m in range(1, self.seq_length+1):
            print ("begin step: ", m)
            tree_prop = self.update_edge_weights()
            tree_cost = self.cost_of_tree(tree_prop)
            self.current_tree = gt.GraphView(self.graph, efilt=tree_prop)

            # draw the best spanning tree yet found every 125 iterations
            if m % 125 == 0:
                position = self.graph_class.position
                self.graph_class.draw(self.best_tree, position)
            self.prev_degree =
   = self.current_tree.degree_property_map("total")
            vertex_sum = self.sum_of_vertex_weights()
            bound = tree_cost - 2*vertex_sum
            print("current best bound: ", self.bound)

            if m != self.seq_length:
                print( "new bound: ", bound)
                if bound > self.bound:
                    self.bound = bound
                    self.best_tree = self.current_tree
                self.step = self.next_step(m)
                print self.bound
                gt.graph_draw(gt.GraphView(self.graph, efilt=tree_prop), self.graph_class.position)
def connectivity_prune(ball, w, sim, d_Q, Qgraph):
    Use the matching relation sim to prune the ball
    #输出的结果是 以w为球心,d_Q为半径的球,满足数据图dual simulation约束的球
    #if write as follow then the result will be wrong
    # tmp = set(v for u in Qgraph.vertices() for v in sim[u] if v in ball.vertices())
    # view_1 = gt.GraphView(ball, vfilt = lambda v: v in tmp)
    vertex_matchset = set(v for u in Qgraph.vertices() for v in sim[u]
                          if v in ball.vertices())
    edge_matchset = set()
    for e in Qgraph.edges():
        source = e.source()
        target =
        for sim_v1 in sim[source]:
            for sim_v2 in sim[target]:
                eg = ball.edge(sim_v1, sim_v2)
                if eg:
    view_1 = gt.GraphView(ball,
                          vfilt=lambda v: v in vertex_matchset,
                          efilt=lambda e: e in edge_matchset)
    dist = gt.shortest_distance(view_1, w, None, None, None, None, False)
    view_2 = gt.GraphView(view_1, vfilt=lambda v: dist.a[int(v)] <= d_Q)
    return view_2
def graph_sequence(g, ibin, init_foot, fbin, init_step, max_iter, K):

    dist_array = np.array(g.ep.dist.a)
    filter_array = dist_array <= ibin
    gv = gt.GraphView(g, efilt=filter_array)
    ng = gt.Graph(gv, prune=True)
    pos = gt.sfdp_layout(ng, pos=ng.vp.pos, K=K)
    ng.vp.pos = pos
    graphs = [ng]

    cbin = ibin + init_foot
    # pos = gt.sfdp_layout(g, pos=pos, K=1.5)
    while cbin <= fbin:
        filter_array = dist_array <= cbin
        gv = gt.GraphView(g, efilt=filter_array)
        ng = gt.Graph(gv, prune=True)
        ng.copy_property(graphs[-1].vp.pos, tgt=ng.vp.pos)
        # print(ng.num_edges())
        ng.vp.pos = gt.sfdp_layout(
            ng, pos=ng.vp.pos, max_iter=max_iter, init_step=init_step, K=K

        cbin += init_foot
        # step += init_foot * 3
    return graphs
Ejemplo n.º 6
def split_graph(g, first=None, second=None):
    if first is None:
        first = get_first()
    if second is None:
        second = get_second()
    g_first = gt.GraphView(g, vfilt=first)
    g_second = gt.GraphView(g, vfilt=second)
    return g_first, g_second
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def strong_paraller(self, Qgraph, Dgraph):
        d_Q = self.cal_diameter_qgraph(Qgraph)
        self.dual_paraller(Qgraph, Dgraph)
        for u in Qgraph.vertices():
            for v in self.sim[int(u)]:
        self.sim_edge_set = self.sim_edge(Qgraph, Dgraph, self.sim)
        dual_graph = gt.GraphView(Dgraph,
                                  vfilt=lambda v: v in self.sim_node_set,
                                  efilt=lambda e: e in self.sim_edge_set)
        all_sim_node = set()
        all_result = None
        if gl.worker_id == 0:
            all_result = gl.comm.gather(self.sim_node_set, root=0)
            gl.comm.gather(self.sim_node_set, root=0)
        if gl.worker_id == 0:
            for node_set in all_result:
                all_sim_node |= node_set
        all_sim_node = gl.comm.bcast(
            all_sim_node if gl.worker_id == 0 else None, root=0)
        # print all_sim_node
        for v in all_sim_node:
            bfs_work = bfs.BfsWorker()
            bfs_work.bfs_paraller(Dgraph, v, d_Q)
            self.d_hop_node[v] = set(bfs_work.result_node & self.sim_node_set)
        all_strong_node = set()

        for node in all_sim_node:
            tmp_view = gt.GraphView(dual_graph,
                                    vfilt=lambda v: v in self.d_hop_node[node])
            dwork = dsp.DualWorker()
            dwork.dual_paraller(Qgraph, tmp_view)
            for u in Qgraph.vertices():
                all_strong_node |= dwork.sim[int(u)]
        all_paraller_strong_node = set()
        all_result = None
        if gl.worker_id == 0:
            all_result = gl.comm.gather(all_strong_node, root=0)
            gl.comm.gather(all_strong_node, root=0)
        if gl.worker_id == 0:
            for node_set in all_result:
                all_paraller_strong_node |= node_set
        if gl.worker_id == 0:
            direct_node_set = set()
            balllistsim = ss.strong_simulation_ball(Qgraph, Dgraph)
            for ball in balllistsim:
                for v in ball.vertices():
            print self.set_is_same_set(all_paraller_strong_node,
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    # The description about the data is available at
    # <>
    for name in ['karate', 'lesmis', 'football', 'dolphins', 'netscience']:
        g =[name]
        g = gt.GraphView(g, directed=False)

        if name == 'netscience':
            # Use only the largest component in the netscience data
            l = gt.label_largest_component(g)
            g = gt.Graph(gt.GraphView(g, vfilt=l), prune=True)

        process(name, g)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def write_classes_hierarchical(filename, graph, state):
    levels = state.get_levels()
    b = levels[0].get_blocks()
    bcc = {}
    for i in np.unique(b.a):
        b_filter = (b.a == i)
        u = gt.GraphView(graph, vfilt=b_filter)
        comp, hist = gt.label_components(u)
        for v in u.vertices():
            bcc[int(v)] = str(i)+'_'+str(comp[v])
    f = open(filename, "w")
    header = "Name\tRealClass\tCComp\tBlockCC"
    for l in range(len(levels)):
        header = header + "\tBlock" + str(l)
    for v in graph.vertices():
        Name = str(graph.vp.Name[v])
        RealClass = str(graph.vp.RealClass[v])
        CComp = str(graph.vp.CComp[v])
        BlockCC = str(bcc[v])
        Block_list = list()
        r = v
        for l in range(len(levels)):
            r = levels[l].get_blocks()[r]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def graphml_to_json(network_dir):
    """Converts full GraphML file to JSON subgraph"""
    labels = []
    nodes_list = []
    edges_list = []
    full_graph = gt.load_graph(
                     os.path.basename(network_dir) + "_cytoscape.graphml"))
    components = gt.label_components(full_graph)[0].a
    subgraph = gt.GraphView(full_graph, vfilt=(components == components[-1]))
    subgraph = gt.Graph(subgraph, prune=True), "subgraph.graphml"))

    G = nx.read_graphml(os.path.join(network_dir, "subgraph.graphml"))
    for value in G.nodes.values():
    data = json_graph.node_link_data(G)

    for k, v in data.items():
        if k == "nodes":
            for node in range(len(v)):
                node_attr = v[node]
                node_attr['label'] = labels[node]
                nodes_list.append({'data': node_attr})
        elif k == "links":
            for edge in range(len(v)):
                edge_attr = v[edge]
                edges_list.append({'data': edge_attr})

    network_dict = {'elements': {'nodes': nodes_list, 'edges': edges_list}}

    return network_dict
Ejemplo n.º 11
def graph_view(g, vfilt=None, efilt=None):
    view = gt.GraphView(g, vfilt=vfilt, efilt=efilt)
    view.vertex_name = g.vertex_name
    view.vertex_taxid = g.vertex_taxid
    view.edge_in_taxonomy = g.edge_in_taxonomy
    view.vertex_in_taxonomy = g.vertex_in_taxonomy
    ## view.dubious = g.dubious
    view.incertae_sedis = g.incertae_sedis
    view.taxid_vertex = g.taxid_vertex
    view.hindex = g.hindex
    view.edge_strees = g.edge_strees
    view.vertex_snode = g.vertex_snode
    view.vertex_strees = g.vertex_strees
    view.vertex_stem_cdef = g.vertex_stem_cdef
    view.stem_cdef_vertex = g.stem_cdef_vertex
    r = [ x for x in view.vertices() if x.in_degree()==0 ]
    ## assert len(r)==1
    ## assert r
    if not r:
        print '!!! no root?'
    if len(r) > 1:
        print '!!! disconnected view'
    view.root = r[0]
    view.rootv = r
    return view
Ejemplo n.º 12
def block_annotation(graph, state):
    levels = state.get_levels()

    # Find the informative hierarchical levels (i.e. the non-redundant levels, those with non-equivalent block assignment)
    def check_level_redundancy(l):
        x = state.project_partition(l, 0).a
        y = state.project_partition(l + 1, 0).a
        return gt.partition_overlap(x, y, norm=True) == 1

    L = len(levels) - 1
    redundant_levels = [False] + list(
        map(check_level_redundancy, reversed(range(L))))
    nr_levels = [L - i for i, x in enumerate(redundant_levels) if not x]

    b = levels[0].get_blocks()
    bcc = graph.new_vertex_property('string')
    bcc4 = graph.new_vertex_property('string')
    for i in np.unique(b.a):
        b_filter = (b.a == i)
        u = gt.GraphView(graph, vfilt=b_filter)
        tmp = []
        r = u.get_vertices()[0]
        for l in range(len(levels)):
            r = levels[l].get_blocks()[r]
            if l in nr_levels:
        comp, hist = gt.label_components(u)
        for v in u.vertices():
            tag = '_'.join(tmp + [str(comp[v])])
            bcc[v] = tag
            bcc4[v] = tag if (hist[comp[int(v)]] >= 4) else '-'

    return ((b, bcc, bcc4))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_related_plasmids(graph, vfilt):
    ref = []
    new = []
    ref_index = {}
    new_index = {}

    u = gt.GraphView(graph, vfilt=vfilt)
    for v in u.vertices():
        if u.vp.AccessionVersion[v] == qry_acc:
            # As the query is not present in the reference network, we get rid of it to calculate the fit of both partitions
        if u.vp.sHSBMRef2[v] not in ref_index:
            if len(list(ref_index.values())) > 0:
                ref_index[u.vp.sHSBMRef2[v]] = np.max(list(
                    ref_index.values())) + 1
                ref_index[u.vp.sHSBMRef2[v]] = 0
        if u.vp.sHSBM2[v] not in new_index:
            if len(list(new_index.values())) > 0:
                new_index[u.vp.sHSBM2[v]] = np.max(list(
                    new_index.values())) + 1
                new_index[u.vp.sHSBM2[v]] = 0

    return (ref, new)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def cost_of_tree(self, tree_prop):
     tree = gt.GraphView(self.graph, efilt=tree_prop)
     tree_cost = 0
     for e in tree.edges():
         tree_cost += self.costs[e]
     return tree_cost
Ejemplo n.º 15
def write_classes_hierarchical(filename, graph, state):
    levels = state.get_levels()
    b = levels[0].get_blocks()
    bcc = {}
    for i in np.unique(b.a):
        b_filter = (b.a == i)
        u = gt.GraphView(graph, vfilt=b_filter)
        comp, hist = gt.label_components(u)
        for v in u.vertices():
            bcc[int(v)] = str(i) + '_' + str(comp[v])
    f = open(filename, "w")
    header = "AccessionVersion\tPTU\tCComp\tBlockCC"
    for l in range(len(levels)):
        header = header + "\tBlock" + str(l)
    f.write(header + "\n")
    for v in graph.vertices():
        AccVer = graph.vp.AccessionVersion[v]
        PtuManual = graph.vp.PtuManual[v]
        CComp = str(graph.vp.CComp[v])
        BlockCC = bcc[v]
        Block_list = list()
        r = v
        for l in range(len(levels)):
            r = levels[l].get_blocks()[
                r]  # The tutorial seems to be wrong here
        f.write(AccVer + "\t" + PtuManual + "\t" + CComp + "\t" + BlockCC +
                "\t" + "\t".join(Block_list) + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_blocksCC(graph, blocks):
    v_Bcc = graph.new_vertex_property("string")
    for i in np.unique(blocks.a):
        b_filter = (blocks.a == i)
        u = gt.GraphView(graph, vfilt=b_filter)
        comp, hist = gt.label_components(u)
        for v in u.vertices():
            v_Bcc[v] = str(i)+'_'+str(comp[v])
    return v_Bcc
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _refinement(graph, threshold):
    vertex_betweenness_value = gt.betweenness(graph)[0].get_array()

    d = np.abs(vertex_betweenness_value - np.median(vertex_betweenness_value))
    mdev = np.median(d)
    s = d / mdev if mdev else np.zeros_like(d)
    vfilt = s < threshold

    graph = gt.GraphView(graph, vfilt=vfilt)
    comp, hist = gt.label_components(graph)
    temp = []
    for i in range(len(hist)):
        if hist[i] > 1:
                gt.Graph(gt.GraphView(graph, vfilt=(comp.a == i)),
    return temp
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def produce_answer(self, entry, prune):
        qc_fltr = self.graph.new_vertex_property("bool")
        qc_fltr = self.make_filter(entry.qc, qc_fltr)
        qg = gtall.GraphView(self.graph, qc_fltr)
        qg = gtall.Graph(qg, prune=prune)

        best_score = 0.0
        answer = -1
        for i, ac in enumerate(
            ac_fltr = self.graph.new_vertex_property("bool")
            ac_fltr = None  # make_filter(g, ac, ac_fltr)
            ag = gtall.GraphView(self.graph, ac_fltr)
            ag = gtall.Graph(ag, prune=prune)
            score = self.reason_over_paths(qg, ag)
            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                answer = i
            del ac_fltr
        del qc_fltr
        return answer
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def least_edges(self):
     v0 = self.graph.vertex(0)
     subgraph = gt.GraphView(self.graph, efilt=self.neighborhoods[0])
     sorted_edges = sorted(subgraph.edges(), key=lambda e: self.costs[e])
     e1 = sorted_edges[0]
     e2 = sorted_edges[1]
     s1 = e1.source()
     s2 = e2.source()
     t1 =
     t2 =
     return (s1,t1),(s2,t2)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def initialize_step(self):
     tree_prop = gt.min_spanning_tree(self.graph, weights = self.e_weights)
     tree = gt.GraphView(self.graph, efilt=tree_prop)
     gt.graph_draw(tree, self.graph_class.position)
     self.best_tree = tree
     tree_cost = 0
     for e in tree.edges():
         tree_cost += self.e_weights[e]
     t = (1/(2.0*self.graph_class.size)) * tree_cost
     return t
def create_ball_view(w, d_Q, Dgraph):
    Create a ball [w, d_Q] view on top of data graph
    #global Dgraph
    dist = gt.shortest_distance(Dgraph, w, None, None, None, None, False)
    ball_view = gt.GraphView(Dgraph, vfilt=lambda v: dist.a[int(v)] <= d_Q)
    # print "ball------------------------->"
    # for e in ball_view.edges():
    #     print ball_view.vertex_properties["label"][e.source()],"-->",ball_view.vertex_properties["label"][]

    return ball_view
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def worker(Graph, current_count):

        U = gt.GraphView(Graph,
                         vfilt=lambda v: Graph.vertex_properties['alive'][v])

                      output=frame_path + 'taxi%06d.png' % count,
                      bg_color=(1, 1, 1, 1),
Ejemplo n.º 23
def need_data_b(received, g, hir):
    re = received.keys()
    need = set()
    for i in re:
        need = need.union(hir[i])
    fil = []
    vfilt = g.new_vertex_property("bool")
    for v in g.vertices():
        if v_userid[v]['userid'] in need:
            vfilt[v] = True
    u = gt.GraphView(g, vfilt)
    u = gt.Graph(u)
    return (u)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def subgraph_source2target(self, sources, targets):
    # Below code is copied from
#         H, S, T = self.multiple2single_st(sources, targets)

#         subgraph_vertices = nx.descendants(H, S) & nx.(H, T)
#         def vertex_filter(v):
#             return v in subgraph_vertices

        G = gt.GraphView(H, vfilt=vertex_filter, directed=True)

        G = H.subgraph(nx.descendants(H, S) & nx.ancestors(H, T))
        return self.__class__(G)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def output_step_data(self,dgraph,path):
     vmatch_set = set()
     for key in self.sim.keys():
         for v in self.sim[key]:
     gtview = gt.GraphView(dgraph, vfilt = lambda v: v in vmatch_set)
     gtview.vertex_properties["show"] = gtview.new_vertex_property("string")
     for v in gtview.vertices():
         if v in self.border_node:
             tmpstr = "o"+str(v)+gtview.vertex_properties["label"][v]
             tmpstr = str(v)+gtview.vertex_properties["label"][v]
         gtview.vertex_properties["show"][v] =tmpstr
     gt.graph_draw(gtview, vertex_text = gtview.vertex_properties["show"],output_size=(800, 800),output = path)
     del gtview.vertex_properties["show"]
Ejemplo n.º 26
def mapping_2_util_vec_general(groups, network):
    num_people = len(network.get_vertices())
    G = [[False for i in range(num_people)] for j in range(len(groups))]
    for i,group in enumerate(groups):
        for person in group:
            G[i][person] = True
    Group_graphs = [gt.GraphView(network, G[i]) for i in range(len(G))]
    util = [util_func_vec(g) for g in Group_graphs]
    ret = []
    for person in range(num_people):
        p = network.vertex(person)
        #for i in range(len(G)):
        #    print(network.vp["pref"][p][i])
        p_util = [util[i][p] + network.vp.pref[p][i] for i in range(len(G))]
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def removeUnimportantResources(self, unimportant, resources):
        unimportant_vertices = list()
        for u in reversed(sorted(unimportant)):
            #Never delete grandmother and grandfather, even if they become insignificant
            if u > 1:
        gv = gt.GraphView(self.stateGraph,
                          vfilt=lambda x: x not in unimportant_vertices)
        #stateGraph = gt.Graph(gv,prune=True)

        #for u in unimportant_vertices:
        #    stateGraph.remove_vertex(u)

        #print (stateGraph.vertex(0))
        #print (stateGraph.vertex(1))
        return gv
def all_license_subgraphs(g, licenses, quota=1, proportion=0):
    """Takes a graph and returns the subgraphs induced by different 
    licenses types.
    g: either a gt.Graph or a nx.Graph
    licenses: list of keys to be used for the return dict
    quota: an int for the minimum number of licenses of a given type to appear
        in that licenses subgraph
    proportion: a float for the proportion of licenses on the domain that should
        be the given license type
    a dict mapping string license names to subgraphs
    if isinstance(g, gt.Graph):
        subgraph_by_license = dict()
        for license in licenses:
            nodes = g.new_vp('bool')
            for v in g.vertices():
                cc_licenses = g.vp['cc_licenses'][v]
                if isinstance(cc_licenses, dict):
                    total_licenses = sum(cc_licenses.values())
                    if (license in cc_licenses and
                            cc_licenses[license] >= proportion * total_licenses
                            and cc_licenses[license] >= quota):
                        nodes[v] = True
                    nodes[v] = False
            subgraph_by_license[license] = gt.GraphView(g, vfilt=nodes)
        return subgraph_by_license
    elif isinstance(g, nx.Graph):
        subgraph_by_license = dict()
        for license in licenses:
            nodes = set()
            for v, data in g.nodes(data=True):
                cc_licenses = data['cc_licenses']
                if isinstance(cc_licenses, dict):
                    total_licenses = sum(cc_licenses.values())
                    if (license in cc_licenses and
                            cc_licenses[license] >= proportion * total_licenses
                            and cc_licenses[license] >= quota):
            subgraph_by_license[license] = nx.induced_subgraph(g, nodes)
        return subgraph_by_license
        raise TypeError('graph format not recognized, must be nx or gt')
Ejemplo n.º 29
def plot_initialize():
    color = G.new_vertex_property('vector<double>')
    shape = G.new_vertex_property('string')
    alive = G.new_vertex_property('bool')

    for v in G.vertices():
        color[v] = [254. / 255, 238. / 255, 107. / 255, 1]
        shape[v] = 'circle'
        alive[v] = True

    G.vertex_properties['fillcolor'] = color
    G.vertex_properties['shape'] = shape
    G.vertex_properties['alive'] = alive

    global G_no_moving
    G_no_moving = gt.GraphView(
        G, vfilt=lambda v: G.vertex_properties['shape'] == 'circle')
Ejemplo n.º 30
def adaptivethresh(in_mat, thr, mlib, N, use_gt=False):
    Counts number of motifs with a given absolute threshold.

    in_mat : ndarray
        M x M Connectivity matrix
    thr : float
        Absolute threshold [0, 1].
    mlib : list
        List of motif classes.

    mf : ndarray
        1D vector listing the total motifs of size N for each
        class of mlib.

    .. [1] Battiston, F., Nicosia, V., Chavez, M., & Latora, V. (2017).
      Multilayer motif analysis of brain networks. Chaos.


    if use_gt is True:
            import graph_tool.all as gt
            from pynets.stats.netstats import np2gt

            g = np2gt((in_mat > thr).astype(int))
            mlib, mf = gt.motifs(gt.GraphView(g, directed=False), k=N)
        except ImportError as e:
            print(e, "graph_tool not installed!")
        from pynets.stats.netmotifs import countmotifs
        mf = countmotifs((in_mat > thr).astype(int), N=N)

        mf = np.array([mf[k] for k in mlib])
    except BaseException:
        print('0 motifs...')
        mf = np.zeros(len(mlib))
    return mf